tiptapricot · 2 years
As a fandom we’ve done some good exploring on marcfrenchie and jakefrenchie and now I think it’s time for stevenfrenchie to shine, but speCIFICALLY Mackay run Steven, because I cannot get the dynamic of stern but proud businessman who cares about his suits and his hair and his alcohol, and kind, down to earth, queer fighter and pilot with rough knuckles and a big smirk out of my head
Update: made some hcs 😳
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tiptapricock · 8 months
An alternate answer to this ask, featuring MacKay!Steven (and some Steven/MK sys x Frenchie)
Jean-Paul had left them a gift again.
Steven smiled softly as he entered his office, setting his work bag down near the door and approaching the small wrapped box sitting on his desk. There was a note scrawled in the corner when he picked it up—“To diversify your portfolio”—and he smirked.
It wasn’t a box after all, when he opened it, but instead a stack of French erotica, the volumes ranging from beat up pulp novels to thick, glossy, hardbacks. There were various colored bookmarks inserted between the pages, and Steven huffed to himself at the key that slipped out from the packaging.
Yellow—I have thoughts on the plot here
Red—A good section to get off to
Pink—Not possible, but I wish it was
Steven skimmed over the titles on the spines briefly, before setting the stack to the side and selecting a coverless addition from the top of the pile. Then he settled back in his chair to read, the crisp leather creaking against his back. Work could wait for a moment. He was curious, and hadn’t indulged in pleasure reading in a while.
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know.”
Steven rolled his eyes, trying to shove Jake gently away from front. The intent passed right through him, making him burst apart in a flurry of hearty laughter that rounded right back to the space behind their eyes.
“Just sayin’. Out in the open? Thought you cared about your reputation. And your clothes.”
Steven huffed good-naturedly, adjusting his posture as he unzipped the front of his pants. “I can handle myself just fine, Lockley. People here actually announce when they’re going to enter a room. Usually well ahead of time over the intercom. We’re not in the barracks anymore, it should be fine.”
Besides, Steven wasn’t a big fan of messes anyway. No matter how good their dry cleaning was for getting red out of white, he would prefer not to have to clean his suit at all. This type of thing usually needed their current partner to get him anywhere beyond light arousal, anyway. Alone it was much more… passively pleasurable and intellectual than anything stimulating.
“Alright, alright. Aish,” Jake mumbled. “Far gelt bakumt men alts, nor keyn sechel nit…”
Steven shoved back against him gently again, receiving a flash of teeth beneath facial hair in return.
“Leave any good ones on our nightstand. Marc really needs to unwind.”
There was an internal shake, and then as quickly as he came Jake was gone again. Steven sighed, opening the book and allowing his hand to fall down and begin to palm himself.
He was quite looking forward to that first green slip, actually.
Send me a character, kink, or prompt and I’ll do a short nsfw prose thing!
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pizzee · 2 years
if anyone wants to send in drawing requests or asks ab anything pls do. I’m bored as hell and this is my last resort before I start rewatching asylum
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antstarion · 2 years
🌠 ohohoho I had to scroll down to see what this was lol
bill and ted💅
apricots (or is it a peach👀)
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tiptapricot · 2 years
I have other stuff I was gonna do first but the ideas are a bit out of control so… have some mackay!steven/frenchie hcs :-)
They overlap a lot, but in different fonts (similar tastes, but Frenchie is more down to earth, and Steven more corporate)
At first it causes friction, a weird out of synch-ness that makes them bristle at each other
Frenchie is Marc’s friend, he’s a pilot and a mercenary with a history, and Steven is a businessman, a public face
Steven tries to get along with Frenchie anyway, tries to connect with Marc’s friends, with that piece of his life, and slowly things click
And then eventually, Frenchie brings his walls down, allows him to let loose, gives him a confidant. Steven sees him how Marc sees him, trustworthy and capable and funny and witty beyond reason
And Frenchie starts seeing Steven for more than money and stocks, more than Marc’s impulse control. As @pizzee put it, “[he sees] Steven who listens to brown noise, and Steven who owns too many AirPods because he buys them whenever he loses them, and Steven who’s scared of heights and airplanes but somehow never gets anxious when Frenchie’s at the wheel…”
It’s an easy kind of thing, natural and fun
They have a lot of tension to their relationship, a feeling of constant energy barely held back
They both know how to flirt, and push it in different ways. It becomes like a game, to make it as obvious as possible while still keeping plausible deniability, matching the sparkle in the other person’s eye
Steven knows how to work a room, and he knows how to work people, and Frenchie’s had years in mercenary work to master the art of subtlety, of giving just enough for recognition if that’s what the other person is there for, but not enough to get caught
It’s knowing jokes across the office when they’re planning, thoughtful gifts, lingering touches in just the right places
It’s no secret, but pretending that it is makes it more fun, doesn’t it?
They’re a perfect undercover duo, and when Steven needs help gathering information in more dangerous circles, Frenchie tags along as his chauffeur/attendant/bodyguard
It’s always handy to have someone at your side who can drop everything to jump into a fight, or who you can stand a bit too close to to ward off distracting advances
(Not to mention the classic ‘about to get caught so we have to make out as cover’ excuse, though really it’s not an excuse, they’re just having fun)
They still both worry about each other, though
There’s the nice stuff, rich dates and similar movie tastes, firm fingers interlocking, sharing a bottle of something with a price tag Frenchie would usually steal for but that Steven got first hand, laughter and sly glances
And then there are the times when Frenchie visits Steven in the office, and compliments his suit, only to see him wince when he stands, feeling injuries from a fight he might not even have been a part of
Or the times Steven’s cool facade breaks into anger when Frenchie gets hurt on a job, a disheveled dress shirt rolled up to his forearms as he throws punches, his face tight and furious
“I told you I could handle it,” he’ll say, stern and frustrated in the aftermath (business assassins, honestly), the bandages winding around Frenchie’s shoulder in the dim light of his penthouse bathroom
Frenchie snarks something back in French, rolling his eyes, and Steven slaps him lightly, sparking a hiss that bleeds into laughter, before he leans forward and kisses him
Marc never hears the end of it, they both make sure of that
Frenchie has to go with Steven to an especially high class event one night, hoping to pull some strings on an informant Marc’s been watching, and as they’re getting ready Steven takes his jaw gently, and looks him over, and suggests he go to Steven’s personal groomer to get cleaned up for the evening
Marc is cocon and grumbles, and Steven just smiles slightly and pats Frenchie on the shoulder as he leaves
Steven turns back to his desk, straightening a few papers before sliding them back into his filing cabinet, and raises a brow
“You had your shot, you know.”
After fights, when it’s Steven in front, he always showers first thing, gets the dirt out of the body’s hair and lets their muscles relax and cleans their scratches. Frenchie always prefers to grab a drink first instead
He’ll wait outside the bathroom with a bottle of something strong, letting the pain ooze away, and then Steven will emerge in a fluffy bathrobe, long and silky, and sit across from him
Frenchie will set down his glass, and take Steven’s hands, and a little nail scraper, and methodically get the gunk out from under his nails, rubbing lotion over his cracked knuckles at the end, just how he likes it
Self care is a sensory thing for Steven, a structure and routine and something that makes things more bearable (autism WIN)
He gets Frenchie into it too, tries face masks with him and takes him to spas and massages his back
Frenchie makes some quip about steam baths once and Steven rolls his eyes
They swap pomade and hair gel and cologne, shave together and lounge around on slow days when they’re too tired to move, Steven in his robe, Frenchie in boxers and a pair of old slippers
Steven gets Frenchie a pair of AirPods for his birthday one year (idea from @scarabgrant), wrapped up nice and neat
They don’t really sit comfortably in his ears, so he never uses them, but he keeps the box in a compartment of his helicopter anyway
There’s a lot of reassurance there, between them
On one of their earlier jobs together, as Steven straightens Frenchie’s coat, patting off the shoulders and adjusting the buttons, Frenchie’s face twists a bit, uncomfortable
Being a queer man in the mercenary business has always brought certain freedoms and certain challenges
There’s the distance from society, and yet also a constant reminder of being right there in the middle of some of the most toxic parts of it. Fitting back into societal boxes, having expectations placed back on him of proper conduct, feels… strange
Steven assures him it’s just for show, reminds him he doesn’t have to listen to what anyone says that night, doesn’t have to pretend to be someone he’s not
“It’s just us, doing what we do best, and that doesn’t change. You don’t need to be anything in particular. You’re you and honestly that works in our favor no matter what. Gossip mills are just as important for cover as a fake identity.” Steven smirks, but there’s a tiredness to it, something softer. “We’ll give them a show, and they’ll be too stunned to care what they’re actually watching, but it’s still just us.” He smooths back Frenchie’s hair to put his hat on before they leave, hands lingering on the back of his neck
“For what it’s worth, you look exceptionally handsome right now, Mr. Duchamp. They won’t notice a thing.”
Frenchie chuckles. “You as well, Monsieur Grant.”
Steven’s eyes glint as he steps back, hands sliding into his pockets. “I know. I didn’t pay for this suit for nothing.”
(Already tagged for stuff, but ty to @pizzee and @scarabgrant for some great ideas w these two while we chatted a bit! And to Nate in particular for the spark for that last scene scenario ;-D)
Edit: read a short fic by Nate here!!
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tiptapricot · 2 years
I’ve fallen down the Mackay stevenfrenchie hole helppppp
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pizzee · 2 years
CONGRATS MY DUDEEE may your legacy continue to astound and inspire >:-) ILYY
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Fruit god I love you so much, this compilation of my legacy has moved me to near tears. You’ve captured my essence in the few months I’ve been on this site spectacularly. Sending u all the stevenfrenchie, LOSH, bill and Ted thoughts and love for centuries, millennia even. ❤️❤️��
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tiptapricot · 2 years
I gotta think ab stevenfrenchie again that hc post wasn’t enough. They’re still up there.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
W the stevenfrenchie hc post earlier today I’m gonna try to actually start adding MK stuff to my HC masterpost so WahOO!! Hc requests r still open so check pinned stuff for that but :-) It’s exciting. Might add some metas to that post too? Not sure yet tho, will see what things feel like they fit there for me
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antstarion · 2 years
ILY2 OMG. I am SO glad you liked it I was so nervous posting it but ahhh this and your tags have made me so happy!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORDS. it was the product of your brain thoughts really <33
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tiptapricot · 2 years
Was gonna try to do some posts today (the jakesteven n stevenfrenchie hcs, the Mackay 15 meta finally) but stuffs gonna have to b pushed off again cause it’s turning out to be a funky day again. Soon! We shall see
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