#steve hair-ington
link-sans-specs · 8 months
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Testing Discontinued Toys From the '60s
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bit-odd-innit · 1 year
“Sometimes,” Gareth drawls. He’s sitting behind his kit, twirling a drumstick in his fingers, thoughtful. “Sometimes I think this town really is cursed.” “Dude.” Jeff warns. “Let me finish. I think this town is cursed, and Eddie’s a part of it—” “Dude!” “Let me finish! Town’s cursed, Eddie’s involved, but he’s not the source. He’s a victim.”
Jeff and Francis exchange a look. ”And the true source.” He rises, getting on a roll. “The true source is hiding in plain sight, something—”
He cuts his eyes at them. “—or someone no one would expect. The true source...” He whirls his drumstick with a dramatic flourish then snaps his arm to its full extension and points outward, into the wild blue yonder that is the world beyond his parents’ garage. “...is Him.”
Him, being: Steve Harrington, parked at the end of the driveway. Steve Harrington, opening the passenger side door of his rich boy Beemer. Steve Harrington, who drove Eddie to band practice. Who’s shouldering Eddie’s gig bag. Who’s helping Eddie out of the car. 
Jeff and Francis watch for a moment in silence, then turn back to Gareth in sync.
”An interesting theory.” ”Elaborate.”
“Consider the facts, boys!” He holds his drumstick to his mouth to pantomime smoking a pipe. It doesn’t really work but he’s committed to it now. “Prior to The Unfortunate Occurences Which Shan’t Be Named...”
Francis crosses himself backwards. Jeff looks down, shielding his eyes and murmuring, “That Which Shan’t Be Named.” It’s the only way they can cope with what happened last spring. It’s that or face the reality that their friend almost died horribly; that he was hunted for sport by a town that still looks at him sideways, still has not acknowledged any wrongdoing; that there’s a gap in Eddie’s retelling of What Really Happened he can’t or won’t explain, and in that gap Eddie was almost destroyed, was so brutalized he was hospitalized for a month and semi-comatose for half of it. That Eddie is different now. Wounded. Skittish. Not small, never small. But smaller.
That’s too much, man. So they make it a Bit.
“...Our darling Edward would have never associated with the likes of that.”
(That is currently smoothing down the collar of Eddie’s new battle jacket, nose wrinkling as the stubborn curl of the denim refuses to lay flat.)
”A jock? Hah! A jock and a yuppie? Hah and hah a-gain! But now, in the hereafter of...” He falters. “Certain Events...he has emerged unscathed—” “He is not unscathed,” Jeff corrects. “He is extremely scathed,” Francis adds. “Mentally, physically and emotionally scathed.”
“He’s scathed to shit dude.” “He has emerged unscathed,” Gareth barrels on, shooting them a look that says this is supposed to be a monologue.  “But for one critical difference. Not only does he tolerate this...interloper’s existence, but he actively seeks out his company! I daresay he enjoys it! Thrives on it! Our jester is holding court in the empty kingdom of a fallen king!”
Francis laughs but Jeff frowns. “That’s a little mean.”
“Ah, but is it untrue?”
“Fine, sorry, jeez.”
(The fallen king is now holding the jester’s collar down with one hand and furiously rubbing at it with his fist, scowling like the fabric personally offended him. “You should have let me iron this,” he huffs, and the way Eddie watches Steve is so cartoonishly fond Gareth half expects a menagerie of woodland creatures to scamper out of the brush and sing a song about it.)
Satisfied, Jeff gets back on board. He hums, his mouth a grim line, voice dropping to the bottom of his register. “And you suspect the Dark Arts?”
“What other explanation could there be?” Gareth lifts his steepled fingers  to his mouth, forgetting he is still holding the drumstick, and tips it forward so it doesn’t go right up his nose. He glowers in the pair’s general direction. “What do we truly know about this Hair-ington? What secrets does that follicle fortress hold? What Black Magic does this strapping sorcerer wield that has so bewitched our beloved bro?” Francis snorts. “The black magic is that Steve’s hot, and Eddie wants to kiss him.”
Gareth and Jeff stare at him, slack-jawed. Francis shrugs.
“Look I’m not into the guy but let’s call a spade a spade.” 
Gareth shifts his weight to one leg, his theatrics flushing out of him. “I’m running out of steam on this, can we just talk about Eddie’s stupid crush on Steve Harrington?”
“Oh my god PLEASE.” “I have been WAITING for someone to bring it up” “I’ve never seen him like this. He is gone. He is smitten.”
“I’d go so far as to say he is straight up besotted my dude!” “Cupid’s arrow flew true and it got him right between the fucking eyes.”
It’s not the first time Eddie’s had a crush, or the most embarrassing. It’s not even that the guys are worried about what would happen if they roasted Eddie to his face—Eddie can dish it out as well as he can take it, mostly. But whatever Eddie has with Steve feels…untouchable. The first time Steve dropped him off Gareth tested the waters with something light, something along the lines of, “you think he’s gonna give you his letterman jacket?” Instead of laughing it off, Eddie dimmed, and he answered, quietly, “Steve’s just a friend.” The subject hasn’t been broached since.
But perhaps Eddie just can’t see the forest for the trees. Because from the band’s perspective…
“Oh my God are you KIDDING me?”
“Steve just did The Move!”
“What move?”
“THE Move! You know.” Gareth presses together his palms, one slightly higher so he can curl his fingers over the ones on his opposite hand. He affects a bright, breathy voice and coos: “Hee hee oh wow your hands are soooo small compared to mine. Hee hee hoo my hands are so big and strong just like me, I could do a billion push ups, probably, and ohhhh wow! Now we’re holding hands! How did that happen! Hee hee hoo hoo ha ha ha!”
Francis chuckles knowingly. “Total Hot Guy Move.”
“A classic!”
“Is that what you think Steve Harrington sounds like?” Jeff asks.
As if on cue, Steve shifts his hand so his fingers fill the spaces between Eddie’s, and then those fingers are folding over, and then the two of them are just…holding hands, in the middle of the street. Staring at each other. Smiling.
Henderson seems just as fed up with this song and dance as the rest of them because he launches from his post in Steve’s back seat, halves himself over the center console and absolutely lays on the horn.
(That’s the other thing they don’t talk about, how clingy Dustin’s gotten. How he trails Eddie like a little shadow, like he’s been stitched to the sole of Eddie’s shoe. Like if he doesn’t have eyes on Eddie at all times he’s going to disappear.)
It snaps them out of their spell because then Steve is barking for him to, “quit it, this is a residential neighborhood!!!” and Henderson is punching out the tune to “Ride of the Valkyries” and Eddie is laughing, really laughing, his head thrown back and his eyes closed as he loses himself to a debilitating, full body cackle and for one brief, horrible moment Gareth thinks he might start crying.
Because there had been a time—Mayish, Juneish—when they didn’t know if they would get Eddie back. That part of him, the core of him, the writhing nucleus of his Eddie-ness, had been tamped down for good. And then Steve showed up. And then Steve kept showing up. And then slowly, surely, Eddie came back. Eddie’s here. Eddie’s late to band practice.
Gareth’s driveway has an incline so it takes Eddie a minute to reach them (Eddie’s working with a physical therapist to build up his quad strength Eddie’s missing sections of his internal organs Eddie almost died and he didn’t and they will never know how or why and Gareth swallows down another knot of emotion lodged at the base of his throat). When he’s at the top he bobs his chin at them and pumps his eyebrows, sheepish but unapologetic.  He glances over his shoulder, flicks a salute at Henderson and Steve, beams when Steve answers with a fluttery trill of his fingers. He turns, moves to set up.
“Hey, Munson!” 
Steve’s halfway in the car, forearm draped over the open driver’s side door, one foot propped on the seat. For a beat he doesn’t move, the corner of his lower lip pinched beneath the top row of his teeth. Then his tongue falls out of his mouth, he makes a little “Bleh!” noise like a B-movie vampire, and he throws the horns.
He does it wrong. He sticks his thumb out instead of tucking it beneath his middle and ring fingers. He isn’t saying rock on, he’s saying something else, cause Gareth knows a little ASL and in ASL that sign means—
Later Eddie will say his knee gave out, that he’s still figuring out how to maneuver his “busted ass body.” They let him have it, but Gareth and Jeff and Francis know the truth. Steve Harrington told Eddie Munson he loves him, and Eddie swooned.  “You fellas ready to rock?” Eddie asks as he hooks up to his amp. Gareth gets behind his drum kit, counts them in, and the band plays on.   
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Eddie has a standing appointment where he goes to bridge club with his ‘ladies’. The 75+ year olds from Hawkins. He learned how to play from his granny and Wayne and he misses it. He didn’t have hellfire when he first moved to hawkins so Wayne encouraged him to join, actually went with him in the beginning but eventually work just couldn’t give him the time off.
So this is how Eddie Munson is adopted by a group of old ladies who knit and crotchet him black gloves, hats and scarves. They send him home with enough food to feed an army. He’s tried to stop them but they wouldn’t have it. Says that he pays them back by ‘keeping them young’. It’s actually because every one of them, including Eddie, is a gossip and Eddie keeps them up to date on all the drama he can get his hands on.
The ladies prod at him when he turns up one day with a dopey smile and gooey eyes. They’ve not seen this look in a long time so they know something is up. And that something is a Big. Fat. Crush. After a series of careful questions, one of the ladies, ‘big Sue’ just outright asks ‘alright honey enough pussyfooting, WHO has our boy goofier than a Disney cartoon?’ She’s met with a short burst of protests from the rest of the group before they all just stare at Eddie with expectation.
Eddie blushes hard enough to boil an egg. They’ve been through his crushes before, they know what he likes, who he likes. Actually talked him through it. One of them, Emmie, told him ‘boy you didn’t invent being gay! Give me some credit here!’ So he sighs and he mumbles ‘..ve..ington’
‘Honey we are OLD you got to speak UP’
‘I hate you guys. Fine! Steve harrington! Okay? Steve harrington and his stupid hair and his stupid smile and his stupid face!’
The room erupts with shouts, all making fun ‘ooooh Eddie harrington has a ring to it!’
‘Ali he doesn’t have to take the boys name! Munson sounds better anyway’
‘girls who is giving Eddie away at the altar? I can’t walk that far with my hip’
Eddie sits there, pulling his hair in front of his face but laughing so hard he can’t breathe. Bridge club was only ever an excuse, these are friends for life.
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bookloover35 · 6 months
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Steve Harrington x fem plus size reader- Late night driving.
Yns Pov:
Evening drives in the car and with my boyfriend Steve are truly one of the best things I know.
Just the two of us in a car and screaming to our favorite songs.
Steve truly the best boyfriend I have ever had.
Other guys I've dated have just been pigs to me, they've always told me I need to lose weight.
But not him, I still can't believe that Steve the Hair ington is my boyfriend.
I mean we are so different he is tall and has muscles.
Whereas I'm short and a little chubby.
I look nothing like all the other girls Steve used to date.
But he always tells me he doesn't care he likes me for me.
I'll never forget that Valentine's Day three years ago when he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend.
My thoughts were interrupted by Steve placing his hand on my thigh.
I used to get very uncomfortable but when he touches me I feel warm and safe.
I felt that he had stopped the car and turned it off.
Steve: What's going through your pretty little head?
He said as he simultaneously ran his hand back and forth on my thigh.
Yn: Steve why did you fall for me?
Steve: How could I not.
You are absolutely amazing, you are funny, smart, and so very beautiful.
And I've been in love today since the first time Robin introduced you.
Yn: But I'm not skinny.
Steve: And I don't care I love your body.
I love how your thighs are touching, and your stomach is so soft and the perfect pillow.
All of you are wonderful and I love you.
He loves me, he loves me.
This is the first time he has said that.
I leaned forward and kissed him at first he was shocked but quickly kissed me back.
When we pulled away, I answered him.
Steve: I love you too.
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burgundybmw · 2 years
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Part Two of Fast Times at Family Video
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,367
Warnings: Brief mention of period typical homophobia (references to part one, once again this is super fluffy!), A little bit of Catholic guilt.
Summary: There’s this girl that comes in once a week to rent Fast Times at Ridgemont High. She always peruses the shelves, sometimes grabbing other films, but Fast Times is always in the stack.
In other words, Robin has a crush, Steve plays wingman, and the pretty girl in the fruit themed sundresses might pick up something more than a cheesy high school movie.
Author’s Note: Needed some fluff after the angst fest I did for Munson’s Mixtape. Hope you enjoy!
Robin swore time was moving slower than usual this week, each hour dragging on longer than the one before it. School was torture, all the students were counting down the days until Spring break at the end of the month. Robin was counting down the minutes until her date on Friday. It was currently Wednesday, so she had 50 hours and 47 seven minutes left until Y/N picked her up at 7 o’clock. She had half a mind to call up the Byers household in California, see if Joyce sensed anything wrong with the space time continuum. There was no possible way time was moving at the same rate it was last week.
Steve was acting more of a mother hen than usual, giving her advice on how to woo Y/N. Robin told him repeatedly that his advice was garbage, but he didn’t listen. Right now he was monologuing about the best method to wrap an arm around a girl.
“Okay so most guys try to do the old yawn and reach. It works, but it’s so played out. If you’re with a girl who’s more bold, when she’s holding your hand she’ll lift your arm up and wrap it around her herself, but there’s no guarantee she’s gonna do that. My method, which I coined the Hair-ington method, is to use the arm that’s on the same side as her to reach around and move a piece of hair out of her face. That way you just gently place it down over her shoulder, after that you’re golden.” He’s been doing this ever since she walked through the door of Family Video. Wednesdays are another dead day at the store, and Steve was here alone until she got out of school. It was probably the first conversation he had all day, if you think constant one sided rambling could be considered a conversation.
“I’m not going to do that Steve.” Robin was actually trying to do work this shift. It was cleaning day, and that meant all of VHS cases had to be wiped down and dusted. There were snacks to reorganize, rugs to vacuum, windows to wash. Steve got maybe 30% of the work done while he was here, saving the rest for when Robin clocked in. The little shit.
“Why not? It’s fool proof. I’ve had a success rate of over 97% with the Hair-ington method.” Steve was following her around with the feather duster, lazily wiping the shelves. Robin would probably have to do it over again.
“You totally made that statistic up.” She grabbed the duster out of Steve’s hands, and handed him the cleaning spray and paper towels. The VHS tapes weren’t that dirty, but the shelves definitely needed a good dusting. She remembered that the last time they had to do this Steve was the one to dust, it was probably why they were so bad now.
“82% of all statistics are made up.” Robin rolled her eyes.
“No wonder you barely passed Mrs. Clark’s class.” They were finished the right section of shelves, the back and the left hand side still needed to be done. As Robin walked towards the back Steve followed, back facing the wall and front facing her.
“Mrs. Clark had it out to get me. You flirt with her daughter one time and all of the sudden you’re blacklisted.” He did more than just flirt with her, but Robin wasn’t about to correct him.
“But hey, stop drying to distract me from the point. The Hair-ington method is flawless, why won’t you give it a shot? You’re already going on a date, there’s no doubt that she likes you.” Robin sighed, she really didn’t want to have this conversation right now, but Steve was relentless when he had something to prove. So she might as well rip the bandaid off now.
“Steve. Where are Y/N and I going on Friday?” He looked at her like she suddenly got amnesia.
“The movies, at 7:35, to go see Pretty in Pink. You’re welcome for that by the way!”
“Right, and what are the movies?” He was really confused now. Not sure where she was going with this.
“A theater to watch movies? Robin where are you going with this?”
“Okay. Now what is different about going to the movies, versus watching a movie at home?”
“It’s public.”
“Right! So do you see the problem?”
“…No.” Spoon feeding it is.
“Y/N and I are going on a date, in a public place. Two girls, alone.”
“Duh Robs, that’s the entire point of a date.” He seriously wasn’t getting it. It was sort of endearing, that Steve saw nothing wrong with two girls going on a date together at the movies. Like it was a totally normal thing to do at 18. But Robin wasn’t a normal 18 year old girl, she was a gay 18 year old girl, and there were different rules with that.
“Steve, I don’t know how to tell you this. But most people aren’t like you.” Steve laughed.
“Of course not Robin, I’m one of a kind.” He wasn’t that far off base, he was one of a kind, but not in the way he was thinking.
“No, they aren’t like you. You see nothing wrong with two girls going on a date. Most people, especially in Hawkins, aren’t like that. If someone saw me put my arm around Y/N, they could tell everyone I was gay. Didn’t you hear about Terry Johnson?” Steve’s face shifted then, it was finally beginning to sink in.
“Robin I-”
“There were only rumors that she was caught with another girl in Hawkins, and that was at an old gas station near the edge of town. Hardly anyone goes out there. What do you think would happen if someone saw me, saw us, at The Hawk Theater together like that? Ever since the mall shut down it’s the only theater in town, and it’s a Friday night! It’ll be like super packed! If they saw me having any public displays of affection with her we could get into serious trouble. Y/N goes to St. Rose Steve, they could kick her out. I would be the next Terry Johnson at Hawkins High. And that’s if no one decided to harass us in public, which there’s no guarantee they wouldn’t. So no, I won’t test out the Hair-ington method. Guess it’ll remain at a 97% success rate.” Robin hated the kicked puppy dog look Steve had on his face. But this was just a fact of her reality. Before last week, Robin never even dreamed she’d find another gay girl in Hawkins, especially one that was her age. And now that she did, she didn’t want to risk anything that could possibly ruin this for her.
Y/N and Robin had been talking on the phone every night before bed since Sunday, not wanting to wait until Friday to speak to each other again. Every day Robin fell harder for her, and she hoped Y/N felt the same. They never brought up the date, not since Robin called her Sunday evening to tell her the address to her house. They just talked about other things. Robin learned that Y/N made all over her fruit dresses by hand, her great aunt taught her how to sew and knit when she was little. Robin had asked her if she wanted to be a fashion designer when she got older, but she said that making her hobby a full time job would suck the fun out of it.
Y/N had applied to Hawkins University for college, and Robin did the same. Both of them haven’t gotten any acceptance letters yet, but they hoped they’d find out soon. It would be better if they both stayed local for school, if they’re relationship progressed that far. Robin wouldn’t have cared if Y/N moved away for college, she’d could handle long distance. For the first time in her life she was going on a date with a girl she liked, and she wasn’t gonna let something as small as distance potentially ruin that.
“It’s such bullshit. You should be able to go on a date with your girlfriend just like anybody else.”
“She’s not my girlfriend yet Steve, but I like your optimism. Now come on, we still have 60% of the store to clean up.” Steve grumbled to himself, dragging his feet alongside her.
“Now who’s the one making up statistics…”
Y/N was going to be here in 22 minutes, and she still hasn’t found a good outfit to wear. Robin suddenly hates every article of clothing she owns, and she’s really starting to freak out. The black sherpa jacket she usually wears has a mustard stain on it, so that’s out. She could wear the blue denim one, but she’s currently wearing blue jeans, and she hates the denim on denim look. She could wear the short sleeved button up open with her white t-shirt underneath, but that seems too casual.
That’s it, she’s gonna call Steve.
Robin dials the familiar number to Family Video, it rings once before someone picks it up.
“Family Video this is Keith speaking, how can I help you today?” Keith? Why was Keith working right now? Steve was supposed to be there with the new guy Jared.
“Hey Keith, it’s Robin. Is Steve there?” Keith groaned in the receiver, it came out loud and pitchy on her end.
“How many times do I have to tell you two, no personal phone calls on the store phone.”
“But Keith-”
“No buts! Stop holding up the line for customers!” He hung up on her, god he was such an ass.
Robin tried calling Steve’s home phone. Maybe he called in sick? But, he seemed fine yesterday. The dial tone rang, and rang, and rang, but nobody picked up. Steve’s parents were out of town again, so he’s either on death’s door and can’t reach the phone or not at home.
“Damn it Steve, now is not the time to go AWOL.” Robin only had 9 minutes left, and she still had to put on some mascara so she didn’t look like a corpse. She rummaged through her closet, digging for anything that could possibly work. All of the sudden she heard the doorbell ring downstairs.
Robin ran to her window and saw Y/N’s Subaru parked out front. She was early, and Robin was completely screwed. She rushed to put on some mascara, and just grabbed the first thing she could find on top of the mountain of clothes on her bed. It was a red corduroy jacket with a green collar she found at a thrift store, and it would have to do.
Robin rushed down the stairs to the front door and opened it. Y/N was standing there in a green corduroy dress, little apples embroidered onto the fabric in red. As usual, she wore little apple earrings to match her dress. They both looked at each other for a moment, shocked that they matched each other on accident, before Y/N broke the silence with a fit of giggles.
“Oh my god! We’re matching! Are you psychic or something?” She said in between laughs, Robin couldn’t help herself and started laughing too.
“No, I’m not that cool. I did know a 13 year old who could move things with her mind, but that’s about it.” God. Damn. It.
“Oh is she like a junior magician or something?” Y/N asked.
“Yea! Magician! Totally! She’s really into magic. Can pull a rabbit out of a hat and everything.” Saved it. The last thing Robin wanted was the CIA knocking on her door threatening to throw her into jail for exposing their super secret spy program.
“Should I go change? Is it weird that we’re matching?I don’t think it’s weird, but it might be like, objectively weird? I should go change.” Robin was about to turn back around before she felt Y/N’s hand on her arm.
“No, don’t! It’s cute. I like that we’re matching. Now come on let’s go, I want to get snacks at the movies and the lines are gonna get long soon, and I hate missing the previews.” Robin hates the previews, but if Y/N wanted to see them she'd just learn to love them.
She didn't let go of Robin's arm until she walked to her car, she opened the door for her and then got in on other side. Robin could feel her palms beginning to sweat. She was about to go on her first date. With a girl. In Hawkins, Indiana. She looked at the crystal rosary Y/N had hanging on the rearview mirror, the crucifix swinging in the air. She felt like it was staring at her, like tiny gold plated Jesus knew she was gay and was going on a date with another girl in his presence. Robin was never very religious, she never asked if Y/N was. It seemed obvious now, she did go to a Catholic school.
"Are you alright?" Y/N asked, voice like an angel sitting next a metallic replication of the Lord and savior.
"Do you believe in God?" Robin blurted out. She was hopeless.
"Wow, getting into the deep stuff early huh?" Robin refused to look at her face, she just stared at the road as Y/N drove. From the corner of her eye she saw her look between the rearview mirror and Robin, was she thinking about kicking her out of the car already?
"Oh! Are you freaked out by the rosary?" Robin nodded, not trusting her mouth to not say something stupid.
"Well, the rosary was a gift from my grandmother. She got it for me on my 16th birthday when I got my learners permit, wanted me to keep it in my car to keep me safe while I drove. It weirded me out a bit at first too, but it felt rude to refuse the gift so I hung it there. But to answer your question, sort of? Like maybe there is a God, but not like the Bible's God. I don't believe I'm gonna burn in hell because I like girls that's for sure." Robin was in awe of her. She seemed so comfortable with herself, and it was no nice to hear it out loud, that she liked girls too.
The rest of the drive went smoothly from there, easy conversation flowing between them. Before Robin knew it they were parking in front of The Hawk. Both girls went to the ticket booth, Y/N paid for their tickets, and then walked into the theater. The lines for the snack bar wasn't too bad, only a couple of people at each register. They decided to split a popcorn and soda, Y/N bought a box of Lemonheads for herself. She offered to share with Robin, but she wasn't too much of a fan of Lemonheads.
When they walked inside the theater Y/N pulled Robin to the center spot, closer to the back but kept a few rows of space between them and the projector. She said it was the best spot in the whole theater. The previews had just started, they made it in perfect time. Robin was settling into her seat when she heard a too familiar voice a few rows behind her. She turned her head around to find Steve Harrington, standing in the back corner, apologizing to some random couple for bumping into them. They made eye contact, and Steve froze.
"Hey, I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick."
"Okay, don't be too long the movie is about to start." Y/N popped another Lemonhead in her mouth after she said it. Robin nodded and turned to face Steve.
"Outside. Now." She mouthed, and Steve knew he was caught. Robin walked outside of the theater door, Steve following closely behind. As soon as the door shut she turned to face him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" That's why Keith answered the phone earlier. Steve wasn't sick, he was here at the 7:35 showing of Pretty in Pink. She didn't see a girl with him, so he must have been here for her.
"What a guy can't go see Pretty in Pink alone on a Friday without an interrogation?" Robin wasn't in the mood for this. Y/N was inside waiting for her, and Steve was wasting her time.
"You and I both know that's bullshit. Why are you here?" Steve looked around them, seeing if anyone was around. He grabbed Robin and pulled her to the garbage cans, out of sight from anyone walking down the hallway.
"Look what you said the other day freaked me out alright? I didn't think going out on this date could be dangerous for you, and I was worried. You weren't supposed to see me. I was just going to sit in the back, make sure nobody bothered you two. I may not win too many fights, but I can certainly take a punch."
It was in that moment that Robin realized she didn't think she could ever live without Steve. She loved him, in the most platonic way possible. She doesn't know how he convinced Keith to give him the time off, but he took whatever bullshit he knew would come with it to make sure Robin was safe. He always said how much he hated being the babysitter, but he was so good at it. Whether it was the kids or her, Steve always made sure everybody was safe and sound. Robin pulled him into a tight hug, he'll never really know how much this means to her, but she'll do everything within her power to show him how much she appreciated him. She felt brave, knowing he was there.
"Alright, alright, I know I'm the best. Now go back in there Tiger your date's waiting for you."
The movie was good, in the way all John Hughes movies were good. Y/N started crying during the prom scene, and Robin reached for her hand underneath the bucket of popcorn. The theater was dark enough, no one would see. Y/N grabbed it, soft hand in hers. It wasn't the Hair-ington method, but it was enough.
As they walked to Y/N's car, a safe distance between them, Robin couldn't stop thinking about how much she didn't want this night to end. There was a comfortable silence between them, and much to Robin's dislike, Y/N pulled up to her house in no time at all. Her parents car wasn't in the drive way, they were staying at her Aunts house in Indianapolis. Her older cousin was pregnant and the shower was this weekend. Robin couldn't go because of school and work, but she wasn't too upset about it.
"Your parents aren't home?" Y/N asked, noticing the lack of life in the house.
"No, they don't come back till Sunday. Indianapolis for a baby shower." Y/N hummed, a tentative look on her face.
"Can I use your bathroom? I forgot to go at the theater." Robin nodded, and both girls got out of the car to walk up the front steps. Robin finally unlocked the door, struggling for a moment in the dark.
"The bathroom's upstairs first door on your left." Robin shut the door behind her, locking the deadbolt in place. Y/N gently grabbed Robin's hands, turning her to face her.
"I don't have to use the bathroom."
"Oh, do you not have to go anymore? Sometimes that happens to me too. Like you have to go so bad and then all of the sudden it goes away? It's the worst because like did you really have to go in the first place? Or-" Y/N giggled, grabbing both sides of Robbin's face.
"Please stop talking."
"Okay." And then Y/N kissed her. She kissed her and Robin felt like everything was falling into place. She could have this, have her. Y/N could have Robin too. They kissed at the front door of her house. Just like any other first date an 18 year old girl would go on.
Robin could still taste the Lemonheads Y/N had eaten in the theater.
It was her new favorite candy.
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honeyoru · 7 months
resonance (steve harrington x superpower! reader) chap. nine TEASER
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a/n: tysm to all the lovlies who are so patient with me. since i've been trying to write longer chapters, i don't have an estimate of when chap. 9 will be posted. until then, enjoy this tidbit to see what's coming next.
ALSO i've finally started a taglist, so if you'd like to be notified when I update, please comment and let me know!
You had never felt more useless than you did sulking on the Byers’ couch, listening to Steve and Dustin bicker as they attempted to shove a dead Demodog into Joyce’s fridge. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s a biohazard,” Max called to them from her spot next to you, a faint look of disgust crossing her face at the squelching noises you could hear. 
“That’s what I said!” Steve’s muffled voice yelled back, cursing when something fell out of the fridge and crashed onto the floor. 
“Like you even know what a biohazard is Hair-ington,” Dustin yelled back.
“Sticking a monster corpse in the fridge next to Joyce’s casserole,” Lucas snarked from where he sat against the living room wall. “Definitely the best way to preserve your ‘scientific discovery,’” you rolled your eyes, unable to fight a smile. He snickered when he saw you and Max were both amused, the slingshot on his leg bouncing with every move. 
The soft jostling of the fridge rang out every now and then as the boys continued to push the monster inside. “Get the door, man!”
“What do you think I’m doing!”
Your eyes shot to the ceiling. This is what Hopper would rather have you do than kick monster ass.
“Ew, Jesus,” You heard Steve finally breathe as the slam of the door echoed through the house. 
“I wanted to make another sandwich,” you lamented dryly when they strolled back into the living room, Dustin looking pleased as punch, Steve… not so much.
He sent you a worried look before glaring at the kid, perching on the edge of the couch arm. “Your ‘scientific discovery’ is gonna be the reason we die if our superhero here has no energy, dipshit.” 
“Then go make her a sandwich!” Dustin bit back, crossing his arms. “You can still reach most of the stuff in the fridge.”
Mike groaned, interrupting Steve’s insistence that Upside Down germs surely would have contaminated everything inside the fridge by now. Mini-Wheeler had been pacing anxiously nearly the whole time they were preserving the dog. “This is so stupid!”
“Mike, would you just stop already?” Lucas said, letting his head fall back against the wall.
“You weren't in there, okay, Lucas?” the lanky boy shook his head. “That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.”
“She’ll be fine,” you ignored Dustin, entirely unconvinced of the whole situation but steadfast in trusting the girl. “El’s strong.”
“See!” Lucas nodded, pointing at you. “Nightcrawler killed a ton of them anyway, El will be fine. The chief will take care of her.” 
You squinted at the nickname and were just about to respond when Mike scoffed loudly. 
“Like El needs protection. But it should’ve been you to go instead of her,” he spat towards you. “It's too dangerous.”
You hardly reacted to the boy apart from your eyebrows raising, a sharp contrast to the other occupants in the room, who held their breath at his aggression. 
It did nothing but make you pity him, however. You pitied all of them, really, for having to deal with this. 
Outwardly, however, you refrained from showing it, choosing instead to appear wholly unfazed by his tantrum. “First of all, take the bass out of your voice, Baby Wheeler,” you said sweetly with a deadly smile, crossing your arms. “You said it yourself, she doesn’t need protection. It’s not like I wanted to stay here, but I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t believe in her.” 
He turned bright red, unable to mask the fear that was still in his eyes. You felt your heart sting in sympathy. “Yeah right,” he seethed, arms flailing around dramatically. “You barely even argued to go!” He continued after clocking the way your left eye just barely twitched. “It’s not like you care about them. You’d probably rather have them die than you, you… you cowardly—”
The air was still all of a sudden, with your hand gripping his collar from where you had teleported (unnecessarily) the few feet in front of you, choosing to lean down in his face while the rest of the group gasped at what he had said. 
taglist: @afraidofshrimp
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frostfairysteve · 8 months
what nicknames do you think gareth uses for steve?
amazing question
to be cute: teev or tv
to be dismissive (affectionate): hair-ington
to be a menace: scoops
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florianniss · 11 months
Trouble with Angels
It works. They believe him. Makes his dad’s lame ass excuse of working late instead of going to his game and his mom’s sudden migraine totally worth it.
Steve gets into the car on Saturday morning and drives to town. He walks into the video rental place feeling confident he’s going to nail it. He does, of course, and the manager gets him set on the schedule working weekends.
It sucks kinda, because he’s losing his only free days. But, like Robin said, at least he isn’t stuck at home with his parents.
Steve notices the initials ‘RB’ on most of the weekends he’s assigned to, which he sincerely hopes means he’ll be working with her. He knows shit about movies, never has time to go to the theater. He’s always at practice, or a game, or –
That’s when he’s slammed sideways with a scathingly brilliant idea, one Hayley Mills would be proud of.
He hasn’t thought it through, not really. But he’s here now and there’s no going back, because he’s made his decision. The parking lot is full, providing good cover as Steve plots the best way to break in.
Kids come and go through two entrances, the front, and the side. The doors don’t seem to be locked, which is a good thing. All he has to do it just pretend he lives there and –
Someone comes out, alone, and Steve has this moment of absolute kismet as he recognizes who it is.
“Dustin!” he calls out, plan tucked safely under his arm, heart pounding wildly in his chest.
The seventh grader looks over as Steve strides across the lot, breaks into the biggest shit-eating grin, and opens his arms wide.
“Hair-ington,” and Steve just knows how he’s spelling it. They do their fist bump, baseball bat greeting, and then Dustin hugs the literal stuffing out of him,
“How are you, buddy?” Steve wheezes, thinking the kid has grown in both height and strength.
“Better now that you’ve stopped being a dickhead.”
Steve steps back, nods his head in agreement. “Yeah, I know. I just haven’t had time to say hi yet.”
“Whatever,” and Dustin is already over it. “Man, that was a good game, huh? I didn’t see the whole thing, but I heard all about it!”
Steve thinks Dustin hasn’t changed much after all from that kid he used to babysit during the summer. He kinda misses his nerdy jokes and brainy games. But there’s no time for that; Steve is on a mission.
“Hey, can you get me inside? There’s someone I need to –” What does Steve need to do, really?
“What?” Dustin laughs. “Get you inside? Dude, the doors aren’t guarded by some Sentinel of Doom. Just go in.”
Steve blinks and wonders if maybe Eddie was telling him a tale, and then reality sinks its fist into his gut. They’re only not allowing Eddie visitors.
“Cool,” Steve says, covering it up with a smile. “Can you do me a favor and show me where Eddie Munson’s room is?”
Dustin’s face morphs from one of surprised happiness to utter awe. “You know Eddie Munson? ”
“Uh, yeah?”
Dustin tackles him with yet another hug. “Can you get me his autograph?”
Steve’s this close to losing it, laughing and making the kid who worships him feel like garbage. But he drops the videos and both spill out of their protective cases onto the sidewalk.
“Hey!” Dustin shouts, like a hamster on a wheel, and changes the subject. “I wanted to see Space Camp! But my mom wouldn’t let us go to anything PG this summer.”
Steve just picked whatever off the shelf, hadn’t even paid attention. He looks at the rating on the other movie and gets this spine-tingling idea.
He takes the case and hands the other one over; it’s rated PG-13. “Here. Use this to hide it. Don’t let them catch you watching it, though. I need that back on Monday morning, or I’ll lose the job I just got at the Video store. You hear me?”
Dustin takes it like he’s being handed the Holy Grail. “Thanks! I will, I promise.”
Steve follows him inside the unlocked side entrance and feels his knees go a little funny, exciting. All this breaking the law is strangely exhilarating.
Dustin stops outside a closed door and presses his ear to it. “He’s definitely in there. Thanks for the movie! See you later.” And he turns and hauls ass, presumably to his room where he’ll be hunkering down to revel in his treasure.
Steve takes a deep breath and prepares to knock, but the music coming from inside is loud and he wonders if Eddie will even hear it.
He turns the knob and slowly opens the door.
Eddie’s there, all right, seated at the edge of a bed with his head hanging low. He’s wearing a ball cap with headphones on top, listening to something pretty heavy, as loud as it will go. There’s no indication he even notices Steve entering, but Steve sees there’s something wrong. And he doesn’t want to startle his friend.
With the door closed, Steve steals inside and sits cross-legged on the floor before Eddie. He’s rocking back and forth, drumming his fingers against his thighs. Like he’s trying to get lost in the music, like he’s trying to forget.
He notices Steve and stands with a jerk, tossing his headphones and Walkman onto the bed behind him, a look of horror on his face.
“What are you doing here?” he shouts, upset. Steve scrambles to his feet and regrets his life choices for a split second, until he realizes Eddie is hurting.
“Came to see you, dumbass. You didn’t show at the dance, and I was worried.”
The terror and pain completely deflate and Eddie bows his head. “Oh.”
Steve feels awkward now that he’s here. Eddie’s response to his surprise doesn’t feel right.
“I — I brought you —“
And that’s when Steve sees it, really sees it. “Oh, my god. The bastards did it!”
His hair. They cut his fucking hair. His beautiful, luxurious long hair.
Eddie pulls the cap low over his eyes and shrugs. “‘S no big deal.”
But Steve knows it is, rips the hat off Eddie’s head and feels eruptive anger building inside. “What the fuck, dude?”
It’s all one length to his chin, like they just took the knot at the back and chopped it off.
Eddie tries to take the hat back, but Steve won’t let him.  He’s pissed. “Fucking bastards!”
Eddie looks up and his eyes are — what are they? Not sad, definitely not angry. They’re meek and shy and, god damn, it’s Bambi standing in front of him.
Steve melts and all the disgust and hatred for the people who did this does too. He takes a deep breath and feels like the world’s biggest cad. “I – it’s not that bad.”
“Fuck you,” Eddie spits, without anger. The sides of his hair hide his face, almost the same length now as his bangs.
Something inside Steve hurts. “No, really. It just needs a little product.”
Eddie snorts. “And what, you can fix it?”
Steve gets another one of those twinges of regret, and he knows precisely what to do. “Sure do. You got anything?”
Eddie looks at him like he’s lost his fucking marbles, and then he realizes Steve isn’t playing around. “Serious?”
Steve nods fervently, looks around the bareness of the room. Sees the closet, slightly open, clothes spilling out. The dresser is in the same condition, heaped high with Eddie’s various jean jackets. There isn’t any bathroom, but there’s a towel slung over the only chair at a desk that clearly isn’t used for studying.
“Here,” Steve says, snatching the towel and slapping it around Eddie’s shoulders. “Go wash.”
Eddie blinks exactly like a deer in the headlights, and Steve pushes him toward the door. “Go.”
His friend moves hesitantly, looking back over his shoulder and gladly taking the cap as Steve hands it back. He moves slowly down the hallway, presumably to the showers, and Steve returns to the room to sit on the bed where Eddie had been.
The room is trashed, and not just in the usual way. It’s as if someone purposefully dumped everything out and threw it against the wall. Steve imagines Eddie, in a fit of rage over his haircut, taking it out on inanimate objects, and it makes him angry too.
Then he thinks of Eddie sitting in this very spot, consoling himself with music. Hiding from the world, from Steve; the real reason he didn’t show up at the dance. And Steve feels lousy.
Eddie returns with his head wrapped in the turban towel as he had done at the beach. He closes the door and avoids Steve’s eyes.
“Product?” Steve asks, his resolve wavering now that Eddie’s standing there, looking meek.
“Yeah,” he says and opens his closet. There’s stuff hanging up, so he didn’t completely gut the joint, and as he digs in the mess and comes up with a fucking bucket, Steve feels a surge of pride.
He’s got good stuff; Prell shampoo and some fancy conditioner, Dep hair gel and fucking Aqua Net hair spray. There’s a big-toothed comb and a black pick, and those little black scrunchies that Eddie uses so religiously.
Used religiously.
Eddie sits on the floor with his back to the bed, and Steve takes the towel off to get a good look at what’s left of Eddie’s hair.
It’s curly, curlier than normal. Freshly washed, smelling clean and looking good enough to fucking eat, Steve’s stomach does a little dance as he realizes he’s going to get to finally touch Eddie’s hair.
Steve goes for the big comb and contemplates where to begin when Eddie opens his mouth and blows Steve’s mind. “Don’t be gentle. I can take it.”
There’s a moment where he whites out and remembers a porno mag he saw once at a friend’s house. A guy, his hand fisted in some chick’s long, curly blonde hair, with his massive dick in her mouth and fucking her throat with what looked like reckless abandon. Her eyes were watering and she was drooling, and –
Fuck. Steve’s gone hard with Eddie sitting between his legs.
Steve’s gentle because he can’t help it; it’s a religious experience, combing Eddie’s hair. He starts at the top by his temple, leaning forward and not caring that his shirt is getting wet. That Eddie rests his elbows on Steve’s knees. That they’re in Eddie’s room and he shouldn’t be here, and they could get in a load of trouble.
The first time the teeth catch and Eddie’s neck snaps back, Steve feels a little closer to god. “Sorry.”
With the tangles sorted, Steve unscrews the lid of the gel and works its stickiness between his palms. He smooths the sides back, then runs his fingers through it. He reloads the gel and does the top, and then the back, scrunching up the curls and thinking he’s died and gone to heaven.
But when Eddie’s neck goes slack and he’s practically asleep in Steve’s lap, and he can’t use any more gel or it will get too heavy, but he doesn’t want to stop –
“OK. Done. And, uh, I brought a movie,” Steve tries, finishing by smoothing the stray hairs behind Eddie’s ears, being careful not to catch the earrings he’s never fucking noticed before now. “Haven’t seen it yet.”
“Oh?” Eddie’s answer is a little delayed, like he’s drunk, like he’s fucked out on MJ and can’t be bothered to care. “Which one?”
Steve’s painfully hard inside his jeans, and he so wants Eddie to lean back a little further and press into his zipper. “Uh, Big Trouble in Little China?”
“That’s a good one,” Eddie purrs, taking in a deep breath and relaxing even more into Steve’s lap. He’s literally millimeters from touching Steve’s dick.
“W - what? You’ve seen it?”
Eddie chuckles, actually chuckles. It vibrates up his back and Steve can feel it where his knees are digging into Eddie’s ribs.
“Yeah, I mean. All summer long I snuck into the movie theater, watched from behind the curtains. I think I saw everything that was worth seeing.”
Steve’s Big Plan suddenly isn’t as great as it seemed, and as Eddie leans forward to get to his feet, there’s a blank emptiness inside his chest.
“Be right back,” he says, striding across the room and throwing the closet wide. There’s a mirror, and Eddie turns his head so Steve can see his reflection too.
Damn, he’s fucking hot. Like Ralph Macchio hot.
“Shit,” Eddie rasps, admiring Steve’s handiwork with disbelief. “Not bad.”
Steve is having a full-on sexual crisis.
Eddie rummages through the closet again and comes out with a VCR hefted against his chest, cables dangling like massive spider legs. He turns with the world’s biggest smile and Steve’s heart does this fluttery thing.
“Stole this from the RA. They’ve been looking for it for weeks, haven’t figured out where it went.” Eddie laughs softly, evilly. “Nobody without a machine in their room can watch anything.”
He sets it on the desk that isn’t being used for anything but a small TV and snakes through the cords. Steve wipes the quickly drying gel from his hands on the still-wet towel to keep from imagining things by staring at Eddie’s ass.
“You stick it in, I’ll get the door.”
If Eddie hears Steve’s squeak, he doesn’t show it. He busies himself by dragging the bookshelf that looks like someone knocked over in front of the door. And Steve realizes something else.
“There’s no lock?”
“Nope,” Eddie straightens up and makes a move to flip his hair, realizes it is no longer there, and grabs the video off the floor. He tosses it to Steve like he didn’t just reveal the saddest damn thing in the world. “Don’t trust me not to lock myself in, I guess.”
Eddie sits on the floor again facing the TV and watches Steve struggle to get the tape out of the case. He keeps his mouth shut, though, doesn’t tease Steve when he fumbles and puts it in backward, waits quietly as Steve fast-forwards over the previews.
They sit side by side propped up against the bed, Steve on the closet side so he can hide inside if anyone comes.
Steve barely watches the movie. He’s too busy watching Eddie rub his thumb over his own knee, too invested in how Eddie smells, how his voice sounds when he tells Steve, “Oh, this is a good part.”
They take a pee break halfway through. Eddie makes sure the hallway is clear, the bathroom is empty. He waits outside while Steve does his best to not touch himself; it’s painful, so painful.
But Eddie is his friend, and Steve is not fucking this thing up.
Just as predicted, the RA shows up and knocks on Eddie’s door.
“Just a second,” he shouts, slamming the ball cap on his head, backward, while Steve scrambles up on the floor. He hides in the closet, bumping his knee on the doorframe. Eddie shoves a load of clothes on top to cover him up and closes the door.
Steve holds his breath against the sharp waves of pain as whoever it is talking in a muffled voice to Eddie, praying they don’t check inside. It strikes him as funny, hiding in the closet, a space that smells entirely like Eddie, a whirlwind of a tornado of Eddie’s possessions dumped on top of him. The metaphor for his life is fucking complete.
Eddie’s smiling as he helps Steve come out of the closet.
“I think I’ve found my new favorite thing to do,” he grins, yanking off his cap and tossing it to the floor. “Wanna come by tomorrow and do it again?”
Steve allows himself to be pulled from the space, collapses back on the floor next to Eddie. They’re a little closer this time, in proximity and in friendship. And Steve knows what he’s going to be doing every weekend after work for the rest of the year.
“Just make sure you bring a movie I haven’t seen next time, OK?”
Chapter 4 on AO3
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 11 months
WIP Weekend Challenge
Tagged by @justhere4thevibez to play this one, which may end up being slightly disappointing…
In a reblog (or new post w/rules attached), post up to five (5) file names of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the file name is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
I’m afraid y’all are gonna be bored here, because I currently have exactly one (1) WIP.
File name: the ballad of Eleverson
Here’s a snippet (teehee ‘snippet’ is such a funny looking word!)
“Oh, and speaking of,” Eddie continued, “what about Steve and Robin, is it cool if I bring them too?”
“Um, no?!” Gareth’s voice squeaked with indignation.
“Come on, man.”
“You come on! Get real. Robin would be fine, she’s cool.” Gareth had known Robin for years, from his marching band days. “But Steve Harrington? No way.”
Eddie giggled again. Jesus Christ. “Why not? I mean, they’re kind of a package deal, so…”
“Then neither of them can come,” Gareth snapped. “It was bad enough when Lucas brought Jason fucking Carver to my house, now you of all people wanna bring fucking Hair-ington over here? Tell you what, I’ll make it easy on you guys, I’ll just stick my own head in the toilet and give my own self a swirly.”
“Nah, dude, come on,” Eddie protested, “Stevie is totally not like that anymore.”
Had he really just insisted for a third time? “I don’t care. Stevie is still not invited.” Who was this guy, and what had he done with Eddie Munson?
Hope you enjoyed that, ‘cause it’s all I got!
I’m tagging @pipergirl17 @erythromanc3r @iwasateenagevirginiawoolf @rose-n-gunses @pearlypairings - apologies if anyone has already been tagged - and anyone else who wants to play, consider this me tagging you!
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fluffmonster31513 · 2 years
me and my dad are rewatching Stranger Things and are slowly giving all the characters Full Names+(TM)
Michael Wheeler-Michavellian Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler-Nancifer Wheeler
Johnathan Byers-Johnathonal Byers
William Byers-Wililiam Byers
Steve Harrington-Steveharrington Harrington
Steve Harrington’s Hair-Steveharrington Harrington’s Hair-(pause)-ington
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Stuffed animal #3 out of #???
Steve Bear-ington! Named after Steve Harrington from Stranger Things for his beautiful hair, I bought this bear in May 2021 at the Hotel Hershey in Hershey Pennsylvania.
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lukasagitta · 2 years
Wheeeeere is my woman with Steve harr/ington / Danny gon/zalez hair wheeeeeeere I want to pet your theoretical hair plsssssssss
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metalcursed · 1 year
steve said: ❛ well, how do i look? ❜
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eddie was currently gnawing at the corner of his nails when he'd heard to question, so he had to drop the finger from his mouth to appraise the other across from him. eyes formerly unfocused and innocent lit up with a sense of mischief as an accompanying smile spread over his face. "well, where to begin, huh? if you mean, appearances... of course, perfection as always, hair-ington. if you're talking about your odds and what the future holds," he hissed through a row of gleaming teeth. "that's a tough one."
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sucksahoy · 2 years
@thehairtm​​  continued  from  x
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               maybe  it’s  cruel  but  she  can’t  help  it .  she’d  watched  him  strike  out  every  shift  at  scoops  but  here ?  ugh ...  he’d  gotten  that  age  old  confidence  back  and  she  just  really  needed  one  day  without  some  dumb  blonde  hanging  on  the  counter  and  hanging  on  steve’s  every  word .  today  she  just  needs  to  not  be  the  only  one  who’s  miserable  and  alone .  and  she’s  pretty  sure  he’d  forgive  her  for  it ....  eventually .  hopefully .  maybe .  when  the  next  flavor  of  the  week  showed  up  at  least .
               she  could’ve  just  let  it  go .  could’ve  just  let  him  work  his  magic  on  the  girls  and  convince  them  to  rent  one  too  many  movies  and  they’d  have  a  good  shift  and  all  would  be  well .  but  she  didn’t  have  it  in  her .  not  today .  not  this  time .  it’s  been  a  long  day  of  wishing  and  dreaming  and  failing  to  talk  to  the  girl  she  couldn’t  get  her  mind  off  of  and  she  didn’t  want  to  watch  steve  win ...  again .
               it’s  selfish  and  she  knows  it .  she’ll  eventually  apologize .
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               brows  raise  as  he  tries  to  brush  of  the  accusation ,  arms  crossing  over  her  chest  as  lips  purse  into  a  forced  smile .  ❝ oh ,  don’t  lie  to  the  nice  ladies ,  stevie .  even  tom  cruise  has  to  use  hairspray  to  tame  that  perfect  pouf .  it’s  not  like  you  use  farrah  fawcett’s  hairspray  or  anything .  that  would  be  totally  coocoo  for  cocopuffs ,  wouldn’t  it ?  there’s  nothing  wrong  with  a  good  hair  routine ,  hair-ington . ❞  two  can  play  a  that  game .  she’s  being  perfectly  reasonable ,  perfectly  logical .  and  he’s  the  one  who  brought  the  names  out .  gloves  were  off  fair  and  square .
               a  saccharin  sweet  smile  pulls  to  her  lips  as  she  turns  to  the  girls ,  hand  reaching  for  a  stack  of  returned  movies .  she  barely  keeps  her  composure  when  they  turn  to  disappear  among  the  aisles ,  blue  eyes  dancing  with  amusement  when  she  turns  her  attention  to  steve .  ❝ oh  come  on .  none  of  them  have  the  initials  n .  w .  which  means  the  love  of  your  life  isn’t  turned  off  by  your  flammable  tresses .  gives  you  plenty  of  time  to  find  some  spray  that’s  immune  to  the  fires  of  love .  i  saved  you . ❞
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babysitter-problems · 3 years
Steve-ington Hair, happy pride month baebee!! B) <3
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the-weeping-author · 3 years
Crazy for you.
A/N: if detailed fics aren’t your thing than you’re in the wrong place. I love details and I’d rather be detailed and boring than have little details and have likes. I’m gonna stay true to myself as a writer. So please enjoy sorry I rambled. I haven’t been around in a while and I’m sorry.
Warnings: cussing, SMUT 18+, Teasing, oral (giving), unprotected sex, dirty talk. Slight Public play, spanking. Edging. (I think that’s it.)
Wordcount: 4,376
Tag list: @ahoy-stevieboy @thehair-ington @linkispink1995 @harringtown @gardeniasandwhiskey @lxvesickreality @bluebellbrooke @thenameishayley248 @pappydaddy @didyouputyournameinthegobi @lenassaviorsblog @wolphielautz
Please enjoy ☺️
Steve and I had a date tonight we were going to Benny’s diner to get a milkshake. Steve and I had our first date there. That was a year and two months ago, and of course we had to be in school. I knew as soon as I got my free period I had to do my homework. Well at least what I could do, and Steve did not make it easy for me and he knew it. He was a little shit head, but I loved him. I couldn’t help it. Call it young love but I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
My sister thinks I’m crazy but she doesn’t know our relationship like I do. Steve had saved my life when the demogorgons invaded Hawkins. But I had Saved Steve’s life apparently. We were drunk and at the lake, we were sitting on the hood of his BMW. just us and nature around us. Steve had drank that night, but so had I. I remember every detail of the night. The way our hands lightly grazed over each other’s, the way he bit his lip when he didn’t think I noticed.
My mind started to replay that night until a hand started to snap in front of my face. I quickly looked at who was currently in my personal space, I smiled warmly as I saw Steve. He returned that same smile, and slid down the wall to sit beside me. When he sat down he nudged me with his shoulder.
“Hey are you okay? I was calling your name for like five minutes?”
I looked at him, I blushed slightly putting my hand on his thigh. My eyes met his, he smiled at me leaning in pressing his lips to mine. I quickly kissed back, I pulled away. Nodding my head at him.
“Uhhh. Yeah I’m fine I just was thinking about the night at your parents cabin.”
A sly smirk came across his face, pulled me closer to him.
“Is that so?”
His hand slid along my thigh, I grabbed his hand stopping it.
“Steve i’m trying to do homework so we can go out tonight so if you want your girlfriend there I suggest you stop.”
He quickly pulled his hand back. I giggled before pecking his lips again. I went back to my history book, I felt Steve's hand go to my lower back. I tensed up when I felt his hand go under my shirt, his hand froze at my simple motion, I saw him smirking cheek to cheek out of my peripheral vision. I cleared my throat, turned my head to look at him. When our eyes met He smiled at me innocently.
“Keep studying Y/N i'm just gonna rub your back. I know it helps you relax.”
I looked at him suspiciously, and I narrowed my eyes at him. I shrugged the thought off, I went back to studying until I felt his fingers pull at the back of my bra. I whipped my head towards him, I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. His hand froze, and his eyes looked up.
“Miss Y/L/N, is mister Harrington bothering you?”
My heart immediately dropped, I turned towards my biology teacher smiling up at him.
“Uh yeah everything is good Mr. Jones I’m just doing some homework. Steve was just helping me finish up.”
I smile at him, I look down at my homework, quickly finishing the last question. I shut my text book while he walked away, I let out a breath as I saw his shoes disappearing. I stood up, I squatted down picking up my books. I kissed Steve on the lips, I smiled at him.
“I’ll see you at six o’clock Steve.”
He smiled, pecked my lips again letting his hands run up my sides. He pulled away, nodded his head.
“Okay Y/N, I’ll see you at six.”
I smiled, walked back to my locker, I put everything in my locker and closed it as the last bell of the day went off. I walked out the double doors, I talked to a few of my friends while I walked home. Steve always insisted on taking me home but I reassured him that I’d be fine, and that it was better for my health. Steve knew I was saving up for a car so it wasn’t like I wouldn’t have a car soon.
When I got to my street I looked both ways before crossing the road, I started towards my house. I didn’t see my parents home so I was guessing they had left early for their trip. I walked into the house, I quickly ran upstairs. Immediately taking my clothes off, I jumped into the shower. After I got out I walked back into my room, and I put on my underwear. I walked to my closet, I looked at the variety of blouses I had hanging. I put my hand on my chin, and I started tapping my foot against the carpet.
I slid a nice fitting white tank top on, I grabbed my black skirt over the bottom of my tank top. I grabbed my Jean jacket sliding it on, I walked over to my vanity grabbing my hair brush. I teased my hair until it had a little poof to it, I plugged in my curling iron letting it heat up. I walked to my dresser drawer, I grabbed a pair of pantyhose, I slid them up my legs. Once I was done I slipped on my shoes, I looked at the clock on my nightstand, and I cussed under my breath. It was five thirty Steve would be here in thirty minutes.
I curled my hair, I sprayed hairspray in my hair. I put some lip gloss on, before I even got halfway down the stairs I heard a knock at my door. I smiled widely, I bolted down the rest of my stairs swinging the front door open widely. I smiled seeing Steve he looked as handsome as ever. His chestnut brown hair was perfect and styled (like always) he wore a pair of light washed blue jeans, and a nice burgundy sweater.
He smelled of soap, laundry detergent, and spice. It was intoxicating, and I loved every second of breathing it in. I grabbed my keys, I walked out the door locking up. Steve pressed his soft lips to mine, I smiled into the kiss putting my hand on his cheek. When we pulled away I was a bit taken back, but not because he kissed me but he had never kissed me like that. It was a nervous but passionate kiss. He had something planned, but there was no use in asking because I knew he wouldn’t tell me.
He smiled at me, grabbed my hand giving me a twirl. My skirts ruffles lifted up a bit, I giggled as he walked me to his maroon Bmw. He stopped before we reached his car, he pulled me into him wrapping his arms around my waist loosely. He pressed his lips to the top of my head before pulling away smiling brightly at me.
“By the way Y/N you look stunning.”
I smiled at him, I stood on my tippy toes pecking his lips before pulling away.
“Thanks Stevie you look great too.”
He smiled, walked to the passenger side of the car, opened the door for me.
“Nice jacket by the way.”
He smiled at me, I blushed lightly as my fingers found a piece of hair. I started playing with it, I hated it more than I did anything else. (My ticks were another thing that hit after the upside down) I looked back up at him, I smiled shyly.
“Thank Steve. I saw it and thought of you so I decided to buy it, I hope t-that’s okay.”
His smile got even wider, I walked over to him sliding into the car. Before he shut the door he leaned down so I could see him, he put his hand on my thigh.
“It’s more than okay Y/N. It’s perfect just like you.”
Just that simple statement awoke the butterflies in my stomach. I shut the car door, I quickly got lost in thought. Every time I was with Steve it was euphoric. I was over the moon and nothing would bring me back to earth. Steve made me feel untouchable, and I made sure to tell him every chance I got. The sound of Steve closing the car door brought me back to him, I turned towards him, I leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around me, I kissed his lips passionately before we left my driveway. When I pulled away he pulled out the driveway, he glanced at me as he took off towards the diner.
“What was that for?”
I looked at him, I snuggled into his side.
“Nothing just for loving me.”
He let out a playful scoff, he winked at me.
“Well luckily for me you make that easy.”
I smiled, I listened to his heartbeat. The radio softly played in the background, I rubbed my finger on Steve’s chest looking up at him. I raised up, I started letting my finger slowly go down his chest to his stomach, and he told me to stop a few times. I didn’t want to after all he deserved it from earlier. Before I could get down to the waistband of his pants his hand grabbed my hand, and glanced at me.
“Aww what’s wrong Stevie can’t handle a little teasing.”
His face kinda went unreadable for a moment, eyes looked over at me, and casually let out a breath.
“You’re not allowed to cum tonight.”
My smirk dropped, and I grabbed his hand.
“B-but Steve I was only teas-.”
As he pulled into the parking lot, parked the car he looked at me, smirked at me.
“Well now it’s my turn.”
I gulped, I nodded my head. He turned the car off, got out of the car. He walked over to my side of the car door, and opened it like he did before. When I stepped out I “accidentally.” rubbed my ass against his crotch, his breath hitched. I kissed his lips, and then ducked under his arm walking to the restaurant’s doors. I looked over my shoulder and smiled innocently.
“Hey babe are you coming? I’m starving.”
He bit his bottom lip, ran a hand through his hair. He shut the car door, he walked into the diner with me. I walked with him to a booth, I slid into it. Steve sat across from me, the waitress walked over. Steve and I had both ordered a bacon burger with a chocolate milkshake. After she walked away Steve cleared his throat, and that’s when the nerves kicked. I could see it in his eyes that revenge was still very present.
“So uh Y/N it’s been a year and two months since we got together, and I it’s probably dumb to get you this but I uhm I hope you like.” I nodded, the waitress came over, put our plates in front of us. I noticed Steve’s plate and mine looked different. Hiswas on his burger and mine on my plate. I grabbed the tomato and put it on my burger, then I grabbed the lettuce putting it on top of my tomato. I picked up the bread, and I placed it on top of my burger. My attention went back to Steve, he looked at me smiling.
“I hope you like it Y/N.”
My eyebrows furrowed confusion so very evident on my face, and I saw his smile drop some.
“Uhm Y/N is everything okay?”
I smiled at him, I nodded my head.
“Uh yeah Steve but you hope I like what?”
I looked down, I watched him pick a small ring up. He smiled, slid it on my left ring finger.
“Y/N I know I’m not the best at -.”
“Steve shut up… t-this is perfect. I love you Steve.”
He smiled, reached across the table to hold my hand while his finger played with my new ring.
“It looks great on you baby.”
I smiled while leaning across the table, and Steve met me in the middle. Our lips pressed together, I sat there for a moment no matter how loud my lower back was screaming at me to get out of the position. When I remembered Steve was sitting like this I had leaned back into my side of the booth, next thing I knew Steve was slipping into my side of the booth.
His hand lingering on my thigh, just as soon as I looked at him the waitress came back to check in on us. Steve looked at me, and I shook my head at him. The waitress nodded, and she walked away back to whatever she was doing. As we say there I felt Steve’s hand start to slide up my thigh. When he reached my panties I froze immediately, and almost choked on the frie I had just swallowed. I took a sip of my chocolate shake while Steve looked at me as if nothing was going on.
He leaned into me whispering into my ear. His warm breath made goosebumps break out across my skin.
“Don’t make a nose princess, I mean unless you want everyone in the restaurant to know what we are doing.”
I looked around the restaurant, not too many people were there but it was empty either. I nodded my head, bit my lip and he started rubbing circles against my underwear. I gripped his arm giving it a firm squeeze, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse the waitress came walking back over. She put the check down on the table, and I looked up at her flashing her a smile.
After Steve had put the money on the table we left the restaurant, and I barely had time to pull my sort down. Steve basically pulled me out the restaurant, we got into the car making our way back to his place. His parents were out of town, it wasn’t unusual for me to spend the night at Steve’s. All I had to do was tell my parents I was at Nancy’s, I was most definitely grateful for her.
As soon as Steve put his car in park we got out the car heading to his front door. After we got inside we decided to watch a movie. Steve had popped popcorn, and grabbed two drinks from the refrigerator. I took a few sips continuing to watch the movie. Steve grabbed my hand, I turned my attention towards him. He leaned into me kissing my lips, and the kiss was soft and sweet. After a second or so it changed.
What once was soft and sweet turned into hunger, passion. I straddled Steve’s lap, I wrapped my arms lazily around his neck while his hands roamed my body. My first item of clothing to go was my jacket. Followed by Steve’s sweater, Then my tank top his lips pressed down my chin to my neck. Once he got there his fingers dug into my sides, I moved my head to the side giving him better access to my neck. His lips latched themselves onto my sweet spot, I let out a small soft whimper grabbing on his shoulders to get better balance.
My hands ran down his chest to his pants, once my hands got there I started to unbutton his pants. He pulled away from my neck, smirked at me.
“In a hurry tonight are we princess?”
I bit my bottom lip feeling heat flush across my cheeks and up to my ears. I wrapped my arms around his neck, put my forehead against his.
“Sorry Stevie, I just want you so bad.”
I kissed his lips again, I made my way to his neck. When I got there I kissed all over it, not leaving a spot untouched. I sucked all over his neck, I felt his grip tighten against my waist. I knew there was going to be a bruise by morning, but I didn’t care. I just wanted every part of Steve, I need him now. The teasing was overbearing, but Steve and I made sure sex wasn’t a main priority in our relationship which made the sex Euphoric.
Steve’s hands tugged at my skirt, I got off of him quickly not breaking eye contact once. I started at the waistband of my skirt, and I didn’t stop until my skirt was at my ankles. When I stood back up Steve let out a groan, he motioned me to come back to him so I did. I got back in the position I was in again, Steve wasted no time to connect his lips with mine again. His fingers ran across the back of my thighs, he gave my ass a firm smack. I let out a Yelp against his mouth, he took my bra off discarding it on the floor.
Steve’s hands roughly ran up my body, once he got to my cheeks he let his hands glide down my body. Not leaving a single inch of my body untouched, he pulled my bottom lip between his teeth pulling away letting it go back in its place. Steve’s hand immediately found my panties, his fingers dipped under the fabric so he could start rubbing my clit.
My gasped fell into the empty house, I tilted my head back closing my eyes. I gripped Steve’s shoulders, I rolled my hips against his fingers letting out a bubbly moan fall out my mouth.
“Are you close baby girl?”
I bit my lip, I looked down at him nodding my head. As much as I didn’t want to admit it I was honestly close. I was so close to the high I was looking for, but when I was so colse Steve pulled his fingers away making a whimper leave my lips.
“Steve what the fuck?”
His hand quickly struck my ass sending a loud pop into the house. The small noise seemed so loud it echoed in my ears, and now my ass stung. I looked at Steve, I furrowed my eyebrows.
“What was that for?”
“Everything Y/N. The stunt you pulled in the car then in the parking lot. You’ve been a very bad girl today, and I think bad girls deserve to be punished.”
I licked my lips, and I put my hands on his chest. My fingers instantly found themselves playing on his chest. I looked down at him, he groaned.
“Y/N don’t look at me like that. You’ve misbehaved and now you need to be punished.”
I dropped my head, I looked back up at him smirking.
“Then Ruin me Steve.”
Those four words made something in Steve snap. One moment I was on his lap, and the next I’m over his shoulder getting carried to his room. Of course I giggled the whole way. Steve was a man on a mission, he looked determined. As he carried me up the stairs I started to nibble and kiss on his chest, when we got to his room he threw me on the bed. He tugged his pants down,and stepped out of them making me Moan at the sight.
His eyes were blown wide with lust, his lips were pink and swollen. He had his eyes glued to me, I wanted to hide. Steve was intimidating sometimes, and this was one of them.
“Get off the bed, and get on your knees.”
I nodded my head, I quickly did as I was told. I watched his bulge twitch at the simple action, I reached for his dick and I started stroking it through his boxers. He let it go on for a few minutes before he grabbed my hand, and stopped me.
“Baby aren’t you supposed to be doing something?”
I nodded my head, I pulled his boxers down letting his hard dick spring free. I lucked up the bottom of his shaft, his hands quickly made a temporary ponytail of my hair. I took his dick into my mouth, he let me set the pace before he took control. After a few soft bobs from me his grip tightened on my ponytail, he gave it a tug while he started thrusting in my mouth. My eyes shut some, and I gagged feeling his dick hit the back of my mouth.
He shook his head, and put his hand on my cheek. He Looked down at me, and titled his head back letting out a moan.
“Fuck princess you look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth. God I’m going to make you a mess tonight.”
I let out a moan around his shaft, I focused on breathing through my nose so I could take him fully into my mouth. Once I was confident I wasn’t going to gag I started deepthroating him. Grunts and praises came from him, and it encouraged me to go the extra mile. I let one hand slowly trail up his thigh, I swirled my tongue around the tip of his swollen dick. He let out a gasp, he pulled my head off his dick. He grabbed my arm, and pulled me to him.
As soon as I was sturdy Steve kissed me hard, he moaned into my mouth. He walked forward until his bed made my knees buckle, Steve hovered above me while our lips tangled together. Steve lined himself up with me, and he looked up at me. All I had to do was nod once, Steve was filling me up. I clenched around him, he threw his head back moaning.
“I- O-Oh fuck princess you feel so good around me, you always feel so good. L-like you were made for me.”
All I could respond with was a moan. Steve had more self control than I did. He could find words while I couldn’t find any at the moment. Steve always had this effect on me, and it was shocking. I always had some snarky comment to say but not now, Steve made me want to give him the best me and he wanted the same. That’s what made me fall in love with him.
“S-Stevie… p-please.. d-don’t stop.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, he leaned down to me kissing my lips hungrily. Before he pulled away he bit my bottom lip again.
“Don’t worry princess I don’t intend to.”
His hip’s slammed into me, and at that moment I was glad Steve’s parents weren’t home. Because the noises that were leaving their son’s room were something. My moans were one thing, Steve’s groans were another, but the sure thing that would have gotten us caught was our skin hitting against each other’s. The sound of that mixed with the headboard hitting the wall would have gotten us caught by anyone and I mean anyone.
I felt Steve hit my g-spot over and over, I didn’t know how much more I could honestly take. Steve and I could go for hours, but I didn’t wanna spend hours chasing something I could get now. Call me needy or impatient, but don’t get me wrong I loved foreplay but right now just wasn’t the time. I needed Steve to ravish me, so far he was doing a good job.
Before I knew it I was face down on his bed, and his hand grabbed my hair again making me let out a hiss. He slammed back into me, I closed my eyes letting my mouth fall open in a euphoric bliss. His hard dick ramming and rubbing my g-spot like it was a genie in a bottle eagerly waiting to pop out the bottle.
I clenched around him, I let out a scream into the sheets gripping them harshly. I gave them a firm tug, and before I could relax for a second Steve pulled me into him. He latched his mouth back onto my neck, and he started sucking harshly on it. His hand slipped around to my clit, he started rubbing quickly, I let out a squeal.
“B-Ba-Baby god please keep going. I’m so c-close please you’re making me feel so good please.”
He let out another “I know.” Chuckle, he thrusted harder into me. I let my eyes close, I felt the knot in my stomach quickly building to the point where it burst. Steve leaned next to my ear, and he started grunting in my ear while kissing it softly.
“G-Go ahead cum for me princess.”
That’s all I need to hear. I let out moans, gasps. Nothing could ever make me feel this good. Not the way Steve did. As I started riding out my orgasm Steve sloppily thrusted into me. Letting out his own grunts and groans into the room, but as soon as he came he let out a growl. After he rode out his orgasm he pulled out of me, and he went and got a rag cleaning myself and him off of each other. He laid next to me gasping for air then he pulled me Into him, kissing my lips softly.
Before anything else happened I looked up at him, I smiled cheekily before kissing his lips softly.
“Thank you for letting me cum Stevie.”
“You're welcome Y/N, I love you so much I’m so glad I pleased you.”
I let out a giggle, I opened my eyes to look at him.
“Stevie I love you too, and you don’t ever have to worry you’ll always please me baby.”
He smiled at me, he rubbed his nose against mine, a smile thing we did when others were around, especially the kids.
“Oh and Steve I know you were made for me too.”
He smiled, kissed my lips.
“Good now how about we take a nap and round two later on I was thinking out by the pool?”
I laughed at him, nodded.
“Why would I say no baby? I'm obviously crazy for you.”
He smiled and I laid my head on his chest drifting away to sleep but not before I heard his soft sweet voice.
“I’m crazy for you too.”
A/N: that’s a wrap for this fic, and I hoped y’all liked it. If you’d like to be on my tag list just message me. Oh if you want to request just let me know. More smuts are coming for sure and so are other things so keep a look out!
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