bornofrose · 2 years
Gyess’ wandering had taken her to many strange places. Rarely did she spend time in what was her assigned abode, preferring the outdoors and wilderness to strange interiors. Of course, these ‘strange places’ were merely strange due to the fact that there was very little that was familiar. One such place was framed at the base of a mountain. Many people were entering the space chatting among themselves excited about whatever was in store.
Gyess watched the people pass at a distance, taking shelter behind some bushes as she curiously observed the passersby. She wasn’t sure where they were going or why so many of them had gathered in a single place. It did not appear to be a feast of any kind, nor did it seem it was a meeting. There was an energy in the air that Gyess longed to understand but was too nervous to approach.
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‘What was this place?’ ‘What are these people doing?’ ‘Am I allowed to see what they’re doing?’ ‘Is is safe?’ All of these questions and more raced through her mind in an endless swirl, becoming increasingly unaware of what or who was around her. And so she stays, hiding in the bushes as she waits for the answers to her many questions.
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tenebriism · 1 year
@sterrenlied ;; Beta Editor Switch! ( X )
His subtle chivalry does not go unnoticed by the woman who placed VALUE in tradition. Indeed, she is powerful, RESPECTED throughout all of Castle Town and, to some degree, a few territories beyond, but there is comfort in noting the way he'd taken up post just slightly behind them. The town was NOT without its threats, and the winding roads, with all their crooks and nannies, offered much in the way of potential ambush points. A man like Siebren, ever observant and logical, would certainly ensure her safety.
And, with all her fluffiness, she would need to ensure his COMFORT all the same. The brisk chill of the night air hardly bothered her, her sizable body a reliable source of heat for the snow white feline that stopped, in increments, to wait up for them, and it's as Siebren speaks UP that Telma slows to his pace. " Can't have you getting SICK now, Siebren ! " She teases, chuckles like cinnamon and honey falling from her lips as she nuzzles up close to him. Arms wrap around one of his own, hoping to provide SOME level of warmth in their short trek back, and her head settles, gently, against his bicep.
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" Nothing like a little natural BODY HEAT to stave off the bite of Winter, hmm ? ~ "
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bulletcoutures · 2 years
@sterrenlied​ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑!
where moonlight begets the soft simmering seams swept away with the salt of churning seas so too does each near silent crash 'pon golden grained shores beckon the umbra. softened by way of familiarity perhaps when even the most unlikely child born by wickedness && vow of the most forbidden could never so soon forget their roots most ingrained. 'twas hardly a mother's long lost love that brings her out on such an evening && if not for such silly reminisce perhaps she would have remained indoors, serene sandy setting aside. while the beach itself is not so much a getaway as it was a place to simply linger, she can't help but notice the presence of another. ah, had she intruded? a fold of arms to tuck almost daintily so 'gainst her chest, head canting ever so faintly in wonder. he seems preoccupied at best although it is the fact he remains animate above ground that captures her fancy with naught more but the dawning of amused simper pulling at rosen lips.
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❝ doing a little stargazing, are we? the atmosphere is a touch unsettling; something of your powers i presume? you must forgive a witch, my kind can never be too curious. ❞
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blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
@sterrenlied​ started following you
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“Aren’t you suppose t’be locked up...”
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kujoutengu · 3 years
Waka put on a smile as he approached his roommate, two tickets in hand.
“Bonjour~ I was wondering if you would like to attend a flower viewing party with me?~ The talent agency is hosting it, and they gave me some tickets to hand out~” And who better to ask than his roommate who had the patience of a literal saint?
“I believe you can also get food and drink for free with this invite~”
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avalata · 3 years
@sterrenlied said: “The Universe is too big for that.”
( ☀ ) ─  "You say that it is, yet it isn't." Gelebor pauses mid-prayer, losing track on the weak child's arrow he clutched between careful fingers, and set it aside with a shake of his head. No doubt he'll have to start over, cleansing and reapplying blessing with painstaking focus. Frustrating, it was, that such blessings seem to flicker away overnight, taking more prayers to find Auri-El's power on them once again.
Perhaps it was easier to work these meditations alone, anyway. "The sun is there. It's not so far away that an arrow cannot pierce it. If the arrow is shot from a deserving bow, that is, and there is none more deserving than that of a bow once held by Auri-El himself." Or maybe, he reminds himself with a hesitant pause, the man's homeworld had a universe skyscape far different than that of what he's familiar with. "If our captives return the bow, then I will prove to you its might."
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scrapfragger · 3 years
@sterrenlied​ || STARTERS 3/3
    THERE it was again. That itch. The strange, aggravating sensation that he’d forgotten some vital memories. Painted nails dig into his dirtied scalp, trying desperately to scrounge up everything he could recall. He’s been here before - he’s seen this man as well. But when? Where? Or had it all been some strange and unfortunate coincidence? A dream, perhaps? A story Roadhog had shared that had only just now registered in his mess of a mind?
     Whatever the case may be, he’s beyond irritated. Left harboring a minor headache thanks to his frantic attempts at recollecting his thoughts, stumbling forward, quick to cast an accusatory finger and matched with an antagonizing tone towards the “source” of it all.
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“ You... ” There’s a moment where he half expects a rough, large hand to press down firmly against his shoulder, holding him back. Urging him to not act out of sheer impulsion. “ ...Th’ hell are you? I’ve got the strangest feeling like we’ve met before. ” ...Wait. 
     Did he rob this guy? 
    He’s definitely mugged this guy somewhere before.
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haarlequinade · 4 years
To find herself back in this weird city was one thing (she wondered what celestial being was punishing her this time) but to find someone she recognised, so soon too... perhaps she wasn’t as unlucky as she first thought. Though there was the chance he wouldn’t recognise her, she took a breath and put on her best smile and approached the man she’d bonded with at a Halloween party just over a year ago.
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“Doctor de Kuiper, right?” Despite the confidence in her words, she did feel slightly anxious-- she hoped he’d remember her. “It’s been a while, huh?”
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uncovereliminate · 4 years
Small reminder that  (even though I’m not coming back to the Tumblr RPC)  that doesn’t mean that I don’t still think of and care about y’all.  Hope every single one of you is doing alright!
(Shout out to the people who’ve been sticking around despite me leaving.)
@cerisetheai  //  @svperposition  //  @realprojectalice  //  @atonings / @rexerrat / @sterrenlied  //  @timerotted  //  @irishparasite
in particular!
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ariatorule · 4 years
@sterrenlied || Closed starter
This kind of breakdown, it’s not uncommon. The kind that drive him to the quietest spots in a public space, the kind that steals breath and voice, forcing tears from his eyes and blood to his face. One that isn’t powered by the careful way he navigates life, just from too much at once. Even a place like a theatre, which houses such a strong passion, cannot offer a safe space from the effects of isolation. 
Hence, he finds himself standing outside the Theatre of Calliope, vision distorted by the last of tears trying to find their way down his already stained face. Dismay sinks in as he finds that, in his rush to exit, the light he carried has slipped from his pocket, leaving him clutching a half empty pack of cigarettes. Still, in desperation for calm, he grabs one and puts it to his mouth as though it were already lit, and waits patiently for a passerby. The need to clear the cloud of dread building up in his mind is so strong that he doesn’t notice just how peculiar the man he ends up approaching is.
                          “Excuse me, do you have a lighter?” 
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lyrafallen · 4 years
@sterrenlied​ ( event starter call! )
Sometimes, mostly during the day when she could properly see these things, Stella liked to go to one of the two calmer islands to simply collect things. It wasn’t every day that she was able to go to a deserted island, so she was trying her best to enjoy the positives that came from all this! Although there was a little bit of anxiousness about being sent to these islands by glitches or by choice... that seemed a little too convenient, didn’t it? Regardless, she doubted she’d find anything meaningful in terms of information on Nommin, so she would continue with collecting things on the beach.
After all, she had already collected things from around the trees! Now she was mostly looking for shells that had washed ashore or anything else... she was even keeping an eye out for people that might’ve washed onto the beach as well. It became quite apparent that people could just travel between the islands without the need of using their phones, something that was a little more natural for her. But for sake of conserving her energy, she chose to teleport to every island she went to.
...She told herself, as she was simply floating across the beach with her assortment of items being supported by her arms for the time being.
Eventually, she had come across a particularly coloured seashell that she knew she just had to had! Floating her way over to it, her gaze had been entirely focused on it as she then proceeded to lean down and pick it up, simply admiring it for the time being... before her gaze then fell on someone that was quite close by. Oh no. Did she just take something of theirs?
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Gaze quickly turned towards them, eyes widening in slight shock before very quickly putting the shell back onto the ground. She needed to put her item pile onto the ground as well - making sure it was separated from the lovely seashell - before being able to reach her notepad that was also used as support for them, quickly writing something down and turning it to face the stranger.
I’m sorry! I didn’t realised I walked over this far... is that shell yours? Don’t want to steal it if it is.
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tenebriism · 1 year
@sterrenlied ;; BETA EDITOR SWITCH ( X )
She'll remember that for the FUTURE, then, not that the interruption of her OWN meal would have upset her any, had the vendor chosen to approach mid-forkful, but for those who NEEDED such sustenance to survive, she could see WHY it would be an inopportune encounter. Besides, NOBODY liked cold food, nor would she have APPRECIATED her time with Siebren being INTERRUPTED.
This was different. THIS, she had control over ( with gentle guidance from the scientist behind her ). Siebren's approval earns both him AND the kind lady a wide grin, and, perhaps predictably, Miku wastes NO time taking the pen from her owner's hand to begin drafting out her masterpiece. " What is your son's name ? I will make him the beeeeest autograph ever ! " As if there needed to be any sort of doubt, but she does, indeed, pull through. The moment she receives the requested information, she's SPEEDILY drawing a custom work of art on the spare order pad she'd been given, with her signature making for a FLASHY finisher at the bottom of the page, hearts and all.
" ♥ Toooooo . . . Cam, frooooom . . . Miku ! ~ Happy, happy birthday ! ♥ " She holds up her work to be admired to both the vendor and Siebren. " How does it look ? Will this earn a strawberry cake !? "
MORE than that, it seems, if the hastiness at which the vendor begins boxing up treats just behind them says anything.
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rhythmortem · 4 years
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Well, this was confusing, to put simply. I’d just had one of those candies without much thinking, a fairly lazy attempt for a pirate costume on at the time- and without even realizing it, stuff had... changed, to put it simply. Which was why I’d found myself down at the marina, on a boat I definitely did not own, trying to figure out how to work it.
“Oh C’mon, ya stupid thing. It’s time to get moving.”
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nyctern · 4 years
☽☾ ⋯ The pain in her skull struck deep. Yet, not as deep as the soft pillow against her cheek, dulling the hangover even if only a little. The curtains drawn and drowning out the blinding sun, a blanket laid across her shoulders, the delicate precision of it all hardly befit her drunken night before. So...?
A form stands across the room, muzzy and silhouetted against the dimlight and the pounding behind her eyes. “Who...?” She mumbles, a grumbling sound as she presses her elbows against the couch she lay on. “Hmm... where am I?”
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kujoutengu · 4 years
Perched high up atop the nearest tree, the prophet looked down to the crowded streets below. The sight of so many different people and beings was interesting; a stark contrast to his own people, and the people he had met while living in Nippon. Whereas everyone was similar in the places he had been, here it was the exact opposite.
It was refreshing, and it made him oddly at ease. 
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“This place truly is magnifique, non?~” he asked aloud, a smile on his lips as he watched a figure approach the tree.
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avalata · 3 years
( ☀ ) ─ Though the nightfall had taught him wariness, stepping around the corner to a myriad of glistening lights and floating rocks caught the breath in his throat, and Gelebor stared in awe at the garden of celestial delights. Below them sat patrons amongst the grass, in little groups enjoying the show close above. And, he hadn't even hesitated in buying a small cup of tea to sit and join them off the pathways, in a quiet space set aside to watch the stars dancing above. 
"How have they done this?" he asks no-one in particular, sipping at the tea as a meteor-like object lazily swoops on by. Not the best tea he'd had, but amidst the distraction and tiredness, he found it didn't really matter. Turning lightly, he addresses the only stranger that sits near him, for terrible drinks were better shared with good company. "It must be the work of magic, one beyond comprehension. It's beautiful."
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