#steb steb
ghestie-nun · 1 year
plushia definitely steals the cereal boxes to make little costumes out of them
OH DEFINITELY, but he's not allowed to cut the boxes though. So one of the papa's or siblings of sin would do it for him. His fav one is Count Chocula !
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kimaratomoya · 9 months
*Casually Materialises*
Ok so. Someone did ask for this this time.
Random Fazbear Frights characters I hate for really oddly specific reasons that I cannot explain without going on a side rant.
So. Spoilers for Fazbear Frights if you haven't read the books lol.
Enjoy my brain going brrr
1. Matt - In the Flesh
Not only do I hate this book
I hate this man
Why the fuck was he such a little prick
Mmmmmmm i hate him
He has so many issues I don't want to begin
Matt literally gave me anger management issues
2. Joel - Kid's at Play
This mf
I hate him
I hope he knows the Kids At Play signs were in the right
And I know the rebellious phase is normal, but your parents were being more than generous
Fucking bitch
3. Angel - Gumdrop Angel
Before I get the whole
bUt YoU lIkE tObY aNd ThEy WeRe BoTh TrEaTeD bAdLy
This is my opinion.
And she was basically just the hated child trope
And I despise that trope
2018 gacha nostalgia I guess
Except she became candy
4. Oswald, Sarah, Millie - Into the Pit (Book)
I don't hate them.
I just hate how overused their stories are
Because everyone reads it
And then are like "omg they are so cool"
When they are actually pretty basic compared to some of the other characters
5. Dirk - Felix the Shark
What the fuck was he on
Some drugs
Bro really was breaking and entering
And he was so cocky abt it too
And then he died
In the dumbest way possible
Like bro???
How did you not know???
Also that water was NASTY
6. Andrew - The New Kid, The Man in Room 1280, and Epilogues
He was basically just Cassidy
Which is fine ig
But like
He just seemed a bit too much
Also I'm like 90% sure he killed Kelsey
So that's kinda rude
And then used his soul as a fucking lure???
Like bro
Also those poor doctors and nurses.
They were legit trying to kill william
Let them
I just didn't like him
Also apparently he possessed Fetch but I didn't put Fetch as the book BC idk if he was in Fetch when it attacked Greg.
But yeah.
I don't like him.
7. Eleanor
This fucking bitch
8. Parker
He has no right to be that fucking mean
And he was just
Going too far
He seems like the type of person to think he's above the law
Like stfu
Ur a bitch
So yeah.
I'll probably think of more later.
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14106 · 4 months
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valentines day is for the loud lovers but also the ppl who love u quietly (but unconditionally) with actions more than words (like filling reports for u)
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spindlewoed · 1 year
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Wirrâl night at the capeside apartments. nobody ask
further thoughts on the matter at hand (up for interpretation)
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peachie5000 · 9 months
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some more SU stuff
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puppypuppypuppypuppy · 11 months
ur human jevil is what i wan t to look like when im an old gay man ;-;
this is quite likely one of the best asks ive ever received on this website, thank you. I wish you luck!
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gay old man
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perkwunos · 3 months
It seemed to Berkeley that the metaphysics of Descartes and Newton resulted in the description of a ‘real world ’ that had all the properties of the sensible world except the vital property of being seeable. … But the pure mathematician cannot take note of colour. Hence, under the influence of the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and of the rapidly developing science of optics, Berkeley’s contemporaries looked to the principles of optics to account for the seeahility of things. It is Berkeley’s merit to have realized that the Cartesian-Newtonian philosophers, seeking to account for a seeahle world, succeeded only in substituting a world that could in no sense be seen. He realized that they had substituted a theory of optics for a theory of visual perception. The outcome of this mistake is a duplication of worlds—the Image-World, sensibly perceived by men, the Real-World apprehended only by God. … Berkeley saw the absurdity of this duplication ; he failed to realize that it was rendered necessary only by the confusion of the theory of optics with the theory of vision. He saw that the question—How is perception possible ?—is devoid of sense ; he saw that it is no less absurd to look to physics for an answer to the question. … The achievement of Newton in the theory of Optics was that by his discovery of differently refrangible rays he discovered measurable correlates of colour; he thereby made the use of quantitative methods possible in a domain which would otherwise be excluded from the scope of physics. His extremely confused metaphysics is the result of his refusal to admit that there is anything in the perceived world except the measurable correlates, which ought, accordingly, to be regarded as the correlates of nothing. … … Sensible qualities [according to Newton] have no place in the world; they are nothing but ‘dispositions to propagate this or that motion into the Sensorium.’ There they undergo a transformation, not in the mathematical sense of that word, but a strange transformation indeed—a metamorphosis of ‘the external world of physics’ into ‘a world of familiar acquaintance in human consciousness.’ The transformation remains inexplicable. … We shall find that the problem of perception, in this form, arose only because we have allowed the physicists to speak of a ‘real world’ that does not contain any of the qualities relevant to perception. To adopt the striking phrase of Professor E. A. Burtt, we have allowed the physicists ‘to make a metaphysic out of a method’. In so doing they have forgotten, and philosophers do not seem to remember, that their method has been designed to facilitate investigations originating from a study of ‘the furniture of the earth’.
Susan Stebbing, Philosophy and the Physicists
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contremineur · 9 months
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engraving from Henry Stebbing, The Christian Graces in Olden Times: a series of female portraits, with poetical illustrations by H. Stebbing (1852)
from here
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frozzrossross · 2 months
hey mcog hivemind can i interest you in hell
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we were doing character turnarounds in class today and I entered adhd zoomies mode and. yeah i started sketching this.
Yes of course i will be trying to finish this and no I cannot draw, especially not Tao. Stay tuned for when I finish this in like 15 years
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gogmstuff · 8 months
Afternoon dresses of 1909 -
Left 1909 (1 January issue) Les Modes robe d'aprés midi by Ney Soeurs. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop .1024X144.
Right 1909 (1 January issue) Les Modes robe d'aprés midi by Zimmerman. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1446.
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Left 1909 (1 Febuary issue) Les Modes Mlle. Fonteney in toilette d'apr´s midi by Redfern; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop. From gallica.bnf.fr 1024X1427.
Right 1909 (1 Febuary issue) Les Modes Mme Andrée Mégard in costume tailleur by Redfern. From gallica.bnf.fr 1024X1422.
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Left 1909 (1 March issue) Les Modes Mlle Nelly Martyl in robe d'aprés midi by Green & Co photo-Reutlinger. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1412,
Right 1909 (1 March issue) Les Modes Mlle Sylvie in robe d'aprés midi by Paquin. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1413.
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Left 1909 (1 March issue) Les Modes Robe d'après-midi by Leony Tafaré photo-Stebbing. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1407.
Right 1909 (1 March issue) Les Modes robe d'aprés-midi by Zimmerman. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1404.
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Left 1909 (1 April issue) Les Modes Robe d'après-midi by Perdoux photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1404.
Right 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Mlle Delza in robe d'aprés-midi by Dukes & Joire photo-Reutlinger. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1408.
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Left 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Mlle Dermoz in costume pour l'aprés-midi by Linker & Co. photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1405.
Right 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Mlle Andrée Marly in robe d'aprés-midi by Green & Co. photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1411.
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Left 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Mme Marie Faurens in robe d'aprés-midi photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1406.
Right 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Robe d'aprés-midi by Bechoff-David photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1407.
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Left 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Robe d'aprés-midi by Beer photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1409.
Right 1909 (1 May issue) Les Modes Robe d'aprés-midi by Morin-Blossier photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1412.
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Left 1909 (1 June issue) Les Modes Afternoon dress by Bernard - photo by Reutlinger. From les-modes.tumblr.com/page/26 806X1920.
Right 1909 (1 June issue) Les Modes robe d'après-midi by Chary. photo-Henri Manuel. From gallica.bnf.fr 1024X1403.
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Left 1909 (1 August issue) Les Modes robe d'après-midi photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots in margins w Pshop 1024X1408.
Right 1909 (1 September issue) Les Modes Mlle Dherblay in robe d'après-midi by Paquin photo - Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1408.
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Left 1909 (Sept. issue) La Mode illustrée Costume élégant pour la ville. Modèle de Mlle Louise Piret. From tumblr.com/chic-a-gigot/728904471068000256/la-mode-illustr%C3%A9e-no-38-19-septembre-1909?; fixed spots & crease w Pshop 1870X3072.
Right 1909 Journal des Demoiselles, Supplément au Toilettes de Mmes Forcillon by anonymous (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site3218X4644
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Left 1909 (1 October issue) Les Modes Robe d'après-midi by Jeanne Lanvin photo - Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1404.
Right 1909 1909 (1 October issue) Les Modes Mlle Madeleine Dolley in robe d'après-midi by Beer photo - Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots and flaws w Pshop 1024X1407.
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Left 1909 (1 November issue) Les Modes Long vetement brodé et robe d'après-midi by Rondeau photo-Chéri-Rousseay & Glauth. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1409.
Right 1909 (1 November issue) Les Modes Mme Andrée Mégard in robe d'après-midi by Redfern photo-Félix. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1401.
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1909 (1 November issue) Les Modes Robe d'après-midi by Margaine-Lacroix photo-Henri Manuel. From gallica.bnf.fr; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1024X1411.
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There was no December issue.
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murdochfantasies · 1 year
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you're walking down the road and you see these three bad asses loitering and not minding their own business; what do you do
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
I did not asked to receive emotional damage from s
Solo Leveling Ragnarok thank you very much.
Spoilers in the tags.
#Like how could they do thsi to me#ALL the other shadows were freaking normal in solo leveling#Igris Beru Tank Kaisel— yeah like literally they were wither beast of bad people like Iron#but no Suho this boy#i tell you if this brat knew KNEW who he was bringing back to like I-jabskan#first shadow soldiers that he gets are the goblins which#im freaking sad to know that shadow soldiers can expirience pain yet still cant go against the orders of their master#how do i keep on living with this information!??!?!?! Its not like they even explore it or something#they just give it to me and im supposed to be okay for this!??!?! MENTALLY?!?!?#and then there is the first shadow soldier he saves which is like Lee Minsung– Quay– number one wanted villain#i liked his arc but damn did this guy fuk up and then ad a shaodw he decided to reedem himself and now im just like... bro that got me#i was not expecting a bee to have emotions today#not when you stebbed your best friend literally and also you almost got turned into a worker by Queen Bee#like now i really like you as a shadow but damn. i didnt expect sympathy from you.#and then there is Kang tae shik as the new shaodw and im just like absolutely bawling he DID NOT need to die that freaking quickly#i liked the guy. pre rewind and now as a villain bounty hunter this guy was just a freaking gold star among the poor characters in SL#and poorer villains in SL. he was cool. he was fun to read about. -slams table- How the F u c k am i supposed to function after this man#just suddenly dropped us with the most tragic backstory. like bitch i even forgive your ass bc your ass was fine in killing your dad.#legit didnt kill anyone else u til woo jin chul told him so. and now im just thinking pre the rewinf timeline the only reason kang tae shi#wasnt stopped by jin chul was probably bc jin chul let him kill those criminals#woo jin chul became so much brutal in this series i swear#like i love him so much for it but damn#still sexy smexy somehow#but damn
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annavere · 4 months
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Have some Markus Alexander. This is from season two, when he had good hair.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Cinthie‘s remix of For Your Love by NZCA LINES from the EP Pure Luxury Remixes
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benoitblanc · 9 months
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lifethroughlenss · 1 year
Be yorself with confidence.
Here are some motivational quotes I collected for you all. “Self worth Is so vital to your happiness if you don’t feel good about yourself,it’s hard to feel good about anything.”_Sandy Hale
“Wanting to be someone else Is a waste of the person you are”_Marilyn Monroe
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” _Ralph Waldo Emerson
“To many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are”_Malcolm S. Forbes
“There are so many more important things to worry about than how you’re perceive by strangers”_ Dennis Lehane
                                          Confident week challenge
Tip: For a whole week wear your favorite outfit even if you got comments on it being unattractive or weird.
Tip: Do three safe things that scare you for a week.
Tip: Do something silly ,but appropriate in public each day you go out for a week.
Thanks so much for reading come back soon.If you would like a youtube video on this subject i will be more than happy to share it with you,also if you would like to shop my products please let me know in the comments below, I do photography and sell prints on clocks,journals,bedding,cat and dog bowls,canvas.bags and much more1
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