oddogoblino · 4 months
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Doodled Vega getting beaten the fuck up by Shadow for attempting to get away with the chaos emerald
Saving your home is hard work when it inconveniences everyone.
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kittygamer2888 · 4 months
Jumpscares @oddogoblino with gift art
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      Taro didn’t show himself to the public often. Matter of fact- In his two thousand years of life- A total of nine had gotten the pleasure of laying eyes upon the blessed protector. 
     Now ? He hadn’t a choice, really. The island was in distress. It was hurting. Falling apart. It upset the spirit. Causing him not only worry, but sadness.
     He sat crouched beside a dieing plant. A hand reaching out to delicately comb the leaves. The palm of his hand glowing a bright white and what seemed like small blue stars to swirl in sync. His voice hummed a healing tune. Beautiful in nature. Brown leaves beginning to fade back into a healthy green. 
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     He stopped then. Standing from his crouched position, head turning to match the gaze he felt upon his back. His mask was a frozen smile, but beneath.. His face remained relaxed. Awaiting the individuals first step, word, or action.
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starcruiserbowie · 6 years
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sinsays · 9 years
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Solar Eclipse
StarPrancer filly that maintains Equestria’s sun and looks after the moon.
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oddogoblino · 4 months
I uh can't draw for shit rn so uh
Have- doodles- very bad- yeah
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Click for full images or smth i dont- idk ehaaeaa...can't...frustrated aa..sonadow and goblin are from rn, Vega in a cloak is from days ago
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oddogoblino · 5 months
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Behold, an oc that's been in my head for a while now-
Vega the Starprancer
A hedgehog born with the ability to walk/run wherever he chooses just as long as he's barefoot, making platforms only he can walk on with each step. He can travel long distances like this since he doesn't need bridges or anything. He can summon projectiles, a staff, and a shield with his paws aswell though ofc only one at a time with both hands.
His necklace holds some sand from his home, having left it to search for the chaos emeralds. He's the nephew of the queen who sent him in search of the chaos emeralds to begin with to try and finally defeat/defend against a rival kingdom.
He struggles to express his feelings, often speaking in a monotone way. His favorite snack is orange slices and dark chocolate ☆
Reblogs would be appreciated thank u ^^
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oddogoblino · 4 months
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Doodle I ended up working too hard on but just had fun with overall
Vega wouldn't be very high on Sonic's friend list considering he's after the chaos emeralds and won't tell him why. Then again, it wouldn't usually be his business but when you have an evil mad doctor after them, yeah-
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated ^^☆
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oddogoblino · 4 months
Random sleeping facts abt my (main?) sonic ocs
Stickers has a tent, he has a sleeping bag, he even has extra pillows is he needs them. What does he do? He sleeps sitting up against something...outside...even if it's raining. He's funky like that. He kinda goes "pff-burburbbur.." in his sleep too for some reason.
Cauli curls up into a little ball and sleeps face down. He uses his own wool as a pillow of sorts. He shakes/shivers every now and then in his sleep. On occasion he's talked and summoned things in his sleep, oopsies.
Vega hugs himself when he sleeps, it's the only time you can see him comfortably express emotions too....They're not usually happy ones but it's something. Due to him hugging himself, he can sometimes be in the coffin position in his sleep, it depends on the position. He also sometimes falls asleep standing up- his star platforms automatically just hold him up in those cases.
Geode, in his teen+ years, tends to need body pillows and heated blankets to sleep since he grew up always having someone there with him when he slept. It's when he feels safest. Its...cold sleeping alone. He misses it.
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oddogoblino · 5 months
oooh share your oc list? :D
Oo ooo okay!! ^^ Sorry I don't have images at the ready but I'll give basic summary of them tho. Sorry long post
Fnaf OCs:
The Galactical Prince (or just Prince for short), drawn him a few times, he's my theater oc. He's a comet with old poet and prince themed clothes & wears a star mask. Has never met anyone other than staff that don't want to talk before, legs are buggy from being unable to move often. Abandoned animatronic but happy to talk when he can.
My Stars- Spica, Tauri, and Orion. They're like Helpy but...for daycare training specifically. Spica represents the entitled, tantrum throwing, spiteful kinda bully kids. Tauri represents the more rambunctious, hard-to-keep-track-of, loud, kind of a wild child kid. Orion represents the more sensitive, easily overwhelmed, quick to spook/cry, kind of shy kid.
Dennis Drake, haven't posted them before but they're the arcade animatronic! They're a wingless dragon and talk like uh...Fresh from Undertale AUs to paint a picture of that. They watch over kids and make sure no one gets lost & confused or left without smth to do.
Sergio Hernandez- my nightguard oc, they're not necessarily lazy but he's always sleeping on the job bc he hardly ever gives himself a break. He's got a rough family but no real traumas, his only reason for working himself to exhaustion & avoiding home is so he can save up enough money for an apartment. Reason? Their last girlfriend told him no one wants to date a guy who lives with their family still. He's pretty chill overall, Monty, Moon, and Roxy find him annoying tho.
Sonic OCs:
Stickers the mountain goat , my just normal/general sonic oc, a background character hehe, very chill and kind of awkward but he likes wandering.
Cauli the Occult Lamb , a sonic boom oc so you can kinda get an idea of how he is. He's not mean but he's not nice either. He's a mute kid and ofc practices the dark arts.
Geode the Hedgehog, my sonadow tube child, very curious and a bit excitable. He just kinda wants company, but overall a surpsingly calm hedgehog considering his parents. He's named Geode for a reason and it's because his quills are funky colored under the dark quills.
Vega The Starprancer , a powerful hedgehog from a kingdom far out in mobius. He's the nephew of a powerful queen (in their region at least) who currently has sent him out on a quest to gather all the chaos emeralds and bring them home to finally defeat a rival kingdom that's gone too far. He doesn't talk much, he doesn't emote much, but he cares about his home and family more than anything and nothing will stop him from saving them. He has the ability to summon weapons and shields with his bare hands (one item at a time) and makes platforms to walk on with his paws.
Camp Camp OCs:
Nyx , Nocturnal camp kid who just seriously can't win at life but he's not losing completely either.
Mortimer, Taxidermy camp kid who has the perfect homelife yet is comedically, deeply into death and other dark things.
Callum, my camp counselor who is just kinda chilling there for the money, he's alright with kids but doesn't care much. He cares so little that he doesn't even react to many things tbh.
Griffin, my camp counselor who is way too proud of himself and only working there to prove he really is good at absolutely anything thrown at him. He likes to pick on David and Harrison especially...
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oddogoblino · 4 months
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oddogoblino · 26 days
can you tell us about your pfp
Oh!!! It's my artwork of my oc Vega The Starprancer/Hedgehog!!!
He's the nephew of a unknowingly cruel queen and comes from an island that's magically been hidden away for centuries, even being forgotten by history even though it has been alluded to in legends.
He's a defense/offense character that makes platforms for himself through direct contact with the air around him. He's got star based powers wahooo
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sinsays · 9 years
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StarPrancer Adopt!
She is $5
I’m only accepting Paypal.
Send me a message in my inbox if you want to adopt her. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the StarPrancers before trying to adopt her. If you get her, remember to credit me for the design and species. You can name her and give her a cutiemark after you get her.
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