leadxxr · 24 days
🌹: What are weird things they start to do once they’ve developed a crush?
@stalkcd | ACCEPTING !!
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When Dweet is crushin' on someone, he fidgets a LOT more than his normal generalized anxiety makes him. He's got a LOT of tells.... He plays with his hoodie sleeve, bites at his nails much more frequently, absently chews on his bottom lip, his generally tame stutter gets worse, he fumbles over his words, rubs the back of his neck a lot, and is always swallowing a lump in his throat. Ironically, he also generally makes a habit of keeping as much distance as possible between them. He's a nervous bean who doesn't want to come across as creepy in any respect so he usually just keeps it to himself because Dwight genuinely doesn't ever expect feelings to be requited. In fact, he automatically assumes that they aren't.
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devourcr · 30 days
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( @stalkcd asked: ❛  i'm gonna get there someday. i'll get out of here for sure.  ❜ (hello! Hope this is ok!) // 𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑻𝑬𝑫 𝑨𝑾𝑨𝒀 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. // always accepting !! )
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someday. hope and determination is what makes them survivors, isn't it? the stronger it is, he thinks, the more satiated the entity is. then again, the fall from hope is also more catastrophic when you're ripped so aggressively from it. listening, armand's eyes fall to the dirt he's dug into idly with the broken branch in his hand. he, too, sometimes clings to the same hope. and while doubt is easy, he wants to believe her.
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amber gaze lifts from the ground to watch laurie in the campfire's light instead. ❝ if you did, would you tell people what you've seen? ❞ at times, he fears the blurry time that's passed in the fog carved itself too deeply in him. how did he fit back home? was there a home? time and place had never felt more like a myth. he fears that one day he'll think himself shaped and created by the fog, a perpetual survivor with no history, no name, only blood, bone, and nails, clawing for survival. no rhyme. no reason.
❝ what does life look like after all this? ❞
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ferociium · 15 days
« file name: strode, laurie » @stalkcd
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Danny was nothing but attentive when it came to his research, ever so careful to make sure he got even the most obscure details, the ones people tried to keep hidden away, locked somewhere safe, be their minds or inside a safe.  Nothing passed undiscovered when he had his sight on something, even all those personal documents hidden away in Dr. Loomis' house were rather easy to gather, there were just a couple of missing pieces, or rather details.  And then again hearing something from one directly involved was always interesting, except this one seemed to enjoy being elusive, not that it came as a surprise.
Her words almost earning a chuckle from him, however he found himself giving a shake of his head, even if the gesture was impossible to be seen through the phone.  " Jed Olsen.  But Jed is just fine. "  Ah, his trusted alias, the life he lived according to everyone he had ever met.  The fingers of his free hand drumming against his thigh when he leaned back against his armchair.
" That's the thing, "  A short pause, considering his own next words.  " Papers tend to take quite the few liberties with their narratives, most of the times they just go after something for the shock value it holds or. . . for morbid curiosity. "  Well, he knew a thing or two about the latter but she didn't need to know that.  " And I've become wary of trusting anything written in magazines or papers even if it might seem a little hypocritical given how I'm a journalist myself, albeit a freelance one.  So there isn't anyone dictating what I write other than the ones involved, especially when I know how it feels like. "  He grew silent then, letting his last words hang in the air.
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 1 month
"What are you afraid of?"
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“What are you Afraid of?” and my muse will be forced to confess one fear of theirs.
"There's gonna be a day when I fuck up enough that it gets me trapped, or maimed, or wounded so badly I won't be able to just walk it off.
Just hoping it's not after falling down a mine shaft or something. I'd rather not die in the dark."
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send "❓" to know what's the first word that crosses my muse's head when they think of yours!
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stopthecarrrr · 20 days
@stalkcd gets a cooperative starter!
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"So...I feel dumb for asking again but how exactly is this little bunker space going to take down a masked killer with seemingly no weaknesses?" Steve inquired with a sheepish smile as he helped work on the renovations. From what he could tell of Laurie's schematics plan, it looked like this room was going to be a trap of sorts. They had spent nearly all day working on it but they were finally getting to the actual manual labor of it all. Maybe a lot of people wouldn't listen to what Laurie had to say, but Steve believed her completely. He knew the look of someone who had survived something horrible. And Laurie definitely had that haunted look. So why not help out however he could? Anything to make her feel a little more at ease. Plus, it was better than spending the day alone. The house always felt so big and quiet when it was just him. At least this way he didn't have to be alone, the house full of various sounds and occasional laughter. Part of him was dreading finishing the task because then she might not come around as much anymore. Well, unless trouble came knocking at the door and their newfound area was suddenly needed.
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coolrpblog · 1 month
“ that was for your own good. ” (Frank)
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"Bullshit that was!" Frank snapped at the blonde as he pulled the broken piece of glass from his shoulder. An annoyed growl leaving him. "You think I'm about to let you go off scot-free from that?"
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bamsidsuperbitch · 9 days
person on the train reading a book hot
you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
haha yes.
Tagged by: @hawkinshellraiser
Tagging: @leadxxr, @stopthecarrrr, @stalkcd, @chainsawcutiie, @dead-blondie and whoever wishes to do it!
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smugliar · 1 year
what jewel are your bones made of?
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well hello, beautiful. ✦ how does it feel to have their eyes on you all the time? ✦ do you like to perform? do you like the way their hands reach for you as you turn in the spotlight? ✦ do you wish they would stop? ✦ they won’t. they can’t help it. ✦ is that the reaction you wanted? you want them to laugh, to cry, to moan, to yell at you maybe. ✦ you only exist in the lines spreading across the faces of others, right? ✦ if nobody thinks of you, you aren’t. so you make yourself headline news and they won’t look away ✦ attention won’t solidify you when the sun comes up and love won’t fill that hole inside. ✦ you might want to install an alarm system. just because they want you, doesn’t mean you have to give yourself.
tagged by: @mslangermann ty <3 tagging: @celestieu, @somniaxperdita, @stalkcd, @demcnsinmymind
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leadxxr · 1 month
Ruler + Laurie 5'7"!
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endearingly shorter than him <3
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 25 days
[♣] - for a mistake/regret headcanon
[Honestly if he had the self-awareness of knowing how infamous it would end up getting HUNK would have shut down the whole "Grim Reaper" persona right at the starting gate.
One aspect of it that he finds particularly bitter is that it was born from him always being a lone survivor - he walked away from mission after mission being the one person who didn't end up dying horribly. I think people forget HUNK's whole persona is created with blood. So many people - who he probably knew well at least early on - had to die so he could get the credit of being the loner who was always emerging from the ashes.]
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"knife hand" ( imagined an attempt to smash a picked blade or shard on back of hand but miss-)
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He hisses almost out of instinct rather than from pain. Though his body tenses momentarily the sting never seems to happen anymore. He's been cut over and over so many times in this place that perhaps it's lost all meaning now. Save for the attention it draws onto the poor soul who dared to try and harm him.
Anger glows behind his dark shades - the redness of his gaze becoming more evident now.
"You are going to pay dearly for that."
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bamsidsuperbitch · 20 days
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the last one is @/stalkcd.
ne way pookie coded moots hiii.
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red-hemlock · 8 years
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“Hiding and creeping-about in the shadows won’t save you from whoever’s following you, dearie... Around these parts, those types tend to THRIVE best in the dark.”
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How long are you going to be mad at me?
Send “How long are you going to be mad at me?” for my muse’s reaction. 
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“I am not angry with you at all. How did you come to think that?”
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leadxxr · 2 months
6. Favourite killer to play against?
DBD Questions!
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👀👀👀 definitely not Danny “the ghostface” Johnson no sirreebub
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