#spoiler: he is mentally ill it doesnt vanish . this is why he distorts ('well everythings fixed now why i still feel awful')
firebuug ยท 1 year
I AM SO SORRY FOR RBING AND NOT SENDING SOMETHING FML anyways ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท for the jumbo ask game!!!
HELLO HI this is an old ask but ITS OKIEEEEEEE sorry i just got to this im on my puter :3 here is the ask game. i will use eva just because he's the one most living in my mind rn. under da cut
๐Ÿ”ฅ Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
ooooo. ok well at first eva's like "i cant like blue that's too obvious my hair is blue my favorite abno is blue i am blue" but he likes blue. he likes blue. he also likes shades along the white and black spectrum they look nice. pleasing 2 the eyes. he likes cloudy cool weather bc it isnt too bright and glaring like the sun and it isnt rainy pouring bothersome mess. he was raised by rich minimalists so a lot of his likes and comforts revolve around classical music, minimalism, things being neat. he hates it when things r messy and disorganized but unfortunately he ends up living with someone who can be messy and disorganized and eventually he is also messy and disorganized because he is a tired professor with so many fucking paperworks
he likes very smootg textures like silk and polished marble. hates gooey sticky textures or rough textures that feel all jumbled like tv static. velvet is fine
๐ŸŒธ What does your OCโ€™s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
OURGH eva's voice is low, but not bass low he's a baritone. it's lower than julian's and lower than like buggy/skuggy's but still has the ability to go high. it's very. controlled and regulated in terms of volume and pitch and it can sound bored or blunt and impatient to others when just speaking normally but that's just how he speaks. he is a good singer because his parents wanted him 2 be good in both the arts and the core subjects because that way he'll be respected in richpeople land. if i weren't a coward he'd have a (not super heavy) german accent bc his family was german but alas. his laugh is mostly just like an exhale chuckle. he chuckles. but when he laughs unrestrained it starts out loud and tapers out to just giggles
๐ŸŒท In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
ideal look is a generic skinny tall white guy with short black hair and nondistrinct features in suit and tie with always a serious unchanging expression. ideal look is also a strikingly gorgeous man with long hair and bright eyes full of life with zero stains of capitalism or trauma to be seen within them and smooth skin and a good back. ideal look is also a macintosh computer. ideal look is a mirror reflection of himself scribbled out and ripped to shreds. his sense of self is nonexistent and inconsistent and he doesn't want anything to do with it
if he had the ability and unlimited access to totally free, risk-free, reversible body modification he would be swapping out his look every hour. this is why he distorts into a giant messy jumble of wires that never stays in one shape or color or form
without that fantastical ability i mean he probably just wants to get a nice haircut and a spa treatment and hide under a bedsheet forever
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