#spirou and fantasio two of a kind
kimjimagery · 8 months
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Zorgman Zanta is back and apart of the comic drive! At lest a few pages.
Special Thanks to the supporters who made this page possible. Koba Troy Lucarndragneel Strangest Letter
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sharky857 · 7 months
fic author Never Have I Ever:
For 'there was only one bed' trope ;D
Believe it or not, you unlocked an oldass memory here.
Yes, I wrote one (1) fic with this trope. Just, back then I didn't even know it was a trope. Also: it has never been uplaoded anywhere, because it was some kind of silly fic just for shish & giggles with canons characters and me + friend as self-inserts.
I still remember the bit with the specific trope, though. I'm not gonna use mine nor friend's names, btw. Back then we used to do so because those were like "private fics" we would exchange over MSN Messenger (yes, that's how ancient the unlocked memory is, gsdhjksdfh).
Also, fair warning: back in those ancient times, me and friend were extremely neck deep into the obscure rabbit hole known as "Spirou et Fantasio". 🙈
That being said, that bit of fic went on like this:
The four friends stepped in the hotel room they had booked for their stay. There was a bunk bed and a double bed. "Top bed's mine!" R. exclaimed as she sprang to claim her possession.
"Well, guess the bottom one's mine." G. shrugged lightly. She didn't really mind which bed she would've slept on, as long as it was comfortable.
This left Spirou and Fantasio with only one option. As soon as realisation struck them, the latter paled.
"D-Does anyone want to trade, by any chance?" Fantasio tried to negotiate.
"No way!" R. pouted, clutching the mattress of her just-claimed bed like a gremlin.
G. merely shook her head in a negative response.
Spirou placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, before he could even try and protest.
"Well, can't really blame them." The redhead said. "Sharing a bed with someone we barely know would be even more awkward."
"Why can't they just trade beds altogether, then? We could get the bunks and they could keep the double."
"I'm not giving up my beloved bunk bed!" R. shook her head again. "I can sleep only on elevated places, you know."
Fantasio turned to cast a glare at R.
"So must I suppose that all the beds on your house are of the bunk type?" He scoffed.
"They might be." The woman hummed.
The other was about to snap back, when he felt the gentle hand on his shoulder clenching the grip likewise gently. Fantasio just turned to cast a glare at his best friend, who shook his head ever so slightly.
Even though he was trying to not let it on, even Spirou was quite uncomfortable with that situation. Still, he saw no point in arguing with the other two over a mere bed. Sharing a bed wouldn't have been the end of the world, not to mention it would've been only for that single night.
Fantasio got the silent message. "i suppose we don't really have much choice, huh?" He snorted. "Just... try not to trash around much."
"Will do." The other smiled sheepishly.
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sheepinthebigcity · 1 year
H, I, S, C, A, R
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Cartoons and western animation absolutely. I love cartoons I want to talk about cartoons all the time but no one recognizes how cartoon oriented I am. I love the weird obscure shit and I don't give a shit about most popular cartoons. Truly hell
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
YES. but if we are to limit it to fandoms i was actually in... Tumblr Donaldist fandom kind of made me dislike Disney Ducks, though it wasn't the final nail in the coffin. Honestly I think twitter makes me more upset about fandoms...
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Headcanons.... god I've been in OC hell so long...
I think my favorite headcanon at the moment is that Elena was inspired by Ivy in terms of Esteban's initial punishment.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
My lord there are so many of these I am nothing if I am not a HUGE HATER. But lets leave gross ships and ships that make me personally uncomfortable alone for a bit.
FIREAFY BATTLE FOR DREAM ISLAND. The two don't really have like. Any romantic chemistry, and most of their friend chemistry is only seen in the initial BFDI run. I find their relationship boring at best and frustrating at worst.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I've been in II shipping hell for some ungodly reason, so I really enjoy Balloon x Nickel, Cabby x Silver Spoon (x Candle if she also wants), and Cabby x Test Tube.
I'm always up for my Spirou ships as well, Pacome x Zorglub and Prunelle x Fantasio are very good
Dead End Paranormal Park also has me VERY set on the Norma x Badyah train. I don't care that Badyah is straight. She's like 16. I didn't realize I wasn't straight til I was 20.
I also have a few other rarepairs that are a little too cringe to admit. :-P
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I'm usually one for familial relationships but let me actually think hard about this and do friends.
I think thinking about it, Cornelius Fillmore and Ingrid Third have one of my favorite friendships. It's a kind of odd one, with them both having a checkered past, but they understand each other and have some really silly back and forth.
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i can’t believe i can’t watch this one fucking show because it wasn’t pirated off Netflix the 1 year it was on there, and just
i went 3 pages deep on google and it’s not there, i’m getting so mad, because i could just go watch the show in fumking, German or French on youtube, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO NOT HAVE TO READ WHILE WATCHING
and the one goddamn English version has another audio track on top OTL
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Scanlation: The Solar-Powered Fantacopter
By Nic Broca
Been a while. I’ve been busy and unmotivated, but this is my 100th post! I wanted to do a comic for it! I was looking through Spirou hors-series stuff and I found this little comic by Nic. I don’t know if any of his comics with Raoul Cauvin are in English but I’m also not sure how much you’re missing. It’s a three comic arc, and they couldn’t use many of the characters I like if I’m not mistaken (notably Zorglub)
Maybe my thoughts on this would change if Spirou and the Diskies was finished hahaha!
This comic is short, but it was hard to translate. I have no idea what the mayor is saying ever. It sounds like nonsense to me. Like it’s real words I understand, but it’s political word salad! I tried my best!
The comic contains references to a few Franquin creations as well, including the Fantacopter, an invention Fantasio created in Spirou et les heriters/Spirou and the Heirs, and the Metamol/Metalsoft, a solution created by Count de Champignac in Le dictateur et le champignon/The Dictator and the Mushroom. I know the Fantacopter is used in other media (including Two of a Kind if you have seen that), but idk if the Metalsoft is.
I’ve updated my FAQ also. Please check it before you send any questions!
Anyway, please enjoy!
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edwardashley · 4 years
I’m watching S&F: Two of a Kind and generally i don’t mind the character designs but Seccotine upsets me so much like that’s not my girl!!! i think its the eyes b/c the women all have these like ~generic sexy animated lady eyes~ and she does this half lidded thing a lot like just give her big expressive round eye like the boys do!!! let her show emotions!!! also even if you keep the almond shape just make them larger and more flexible. her face is so FLAT compared to Spirou and Fantasios..... also..... i wish her face was Round but thye gave her a Generic Heart Shaped face too.........which i can sometimes accept on modern seccotine if they get the eyes right but all around a failure for me :( :( :(
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ja-khajay · 4 years
Sotha Sil. Killua. Hhhhmmmm..... either Spirou from Spirou & Fantasio or Lucky Luke
that is very kind but if i am one of the two it’s absolutely Fantasio. Spirou and Luke? They’re the cool hero. Fantasio is messy but terribly creative and given time and ressources I would absolutely have become a failed inventor/goofy sidekick
KINSIGN : REJECTED but i do kinda look like spirou out of being a twiggy ginger with a dumb haircut 
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joonboree · 2 years
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I posted 168 times in 2021
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158 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 15.8 posts.
I added 226 tags in 2021
#fan art - 55 posts
#spirou et fantasio - 38 posts
#spirou - 29 posts
#fantasio - 27 posts
#comic - 16 posts
#spip - 14 posts
#yoohoo and friends - 13 posts
#text - 12 posts
#zantafio - 11 posts
#kimjimagery - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#ever since i drew this i keep looking at the brickwork on the windows and doors of all the georgian houses i pass by around dublin
My Top Posts in 2021
Everyone check out my sisters instagram, she draws funny comics!
5 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 20:23:16 GMT
Nice to see a fellow Yoohoo and Friends fan ! What're your thoughts on Sparkee the skunk?
Sparkee Sparkee Sparkee Sparkee Sparkee
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I like how he can bounce on his tail. He's so cute I did a picture! I love doing marker pictures of characters that have a lot of plain black colouring.
Sorry it took so long to answer I wasn't on his episode yet.
6 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 17:19:33 GMT
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I'm going to do one of these, give it at least a week or two I guess.
8 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 19:47:49 GMT
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The last time I did Cheewoo in her business suit I didn't do her Edna glasses so I wanted to give that a go.
One of the funniest episodes of the yoohoo dub to me was when Ms Cheewoo didn't want anyone to touch her car so much she built a parking lot in the middle of the jungle.
9 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 16:21:58 GMT
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I finally finished my 6 fanarts. Between here and instagram I ended up getting 4 requests: Linda Belcher from my sister, Jeanne from @mutalieju, Fantasio from @commetulevois and again from @milkuy so I added Prunelle as a second Fantasio because he kind of is?? I'm sure most Fantasio fans are also Prunelle fans.
I filled out the last two with random characters. I chose Chibita because I haven't drawn a decent fanart of him despite him being one of my favourite characters. I also chose Mother Nature because I was still on a bit of a Yoohoo and friends kick and I thought her design was interesting.
13 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 20:22:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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Wow Spip eats black licorice, nobody likes the stuff.
Spip you hardcore!
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sharky857 · 6 years
DISCLAIMER: I just kinda need to get this off my chest atm, so please ignore if you ain’t interested at all into any “Spirou & Fantasio“ series.
After watching the whole new series, having started to re-watch the old one for childhood nostalgia’s sake, learned about the existence of at least one movie, and found quite an amount of comics for sale on eBay and Amazon (goodbye, wallet) besides a very few scanlations online, I now have a mighty need.
I have a mighty need to see a screen adaption whatever based on the comics by Morvan & Munuera. And absolutely no watering a damn thing down for “it’s just for kids!” reasons! +.+
I happened to read only one of those comics so far (thanks to the scanlations in the site linked above); until now I was way too used to the “kids-friendly” version that are both the toons, so -by the time I reached the end of that comic- my brain was in a “holy shish bruh...!” kind of loop.
Said single comic was “L' Homme Qui Ne Voulait Pas Mourir“(“The Man Who Didn't Want To Die“), for the records.
In further details, I'd like a series where someone (lookin’ @ ya, Zantafio) may be overall the main villain, most preferably in his own comic version. The same version that, in those few, single and cropped picts I saw years ago in a google search, made me say “you effin’ sexy bastard sonofabinch”, instead of the more recent “aw, you silly-greedy dork! <3″ caused by the latest toon series.
I mean, the old series (according to what I rewatched so far) had two quite recurring villains: Cyanure and Vito Cortizone (MADONNA SANTISSIMA -quot.-).
The new series too had at least two recurring villains, albeit one was definitely more recurring than the other: Zorglub(who could also fall under in the “morally grey” area, because he didn’t seem 100% a villain to me) and Zantafio.
I have yet to find anything about the movie, but, by looking at that trailer, I guess they got Zorglub as the villain once again. In addition, it seems that, out of all the recurring villains, Zantafio seems to have been the least present in the comics. Which is why my mighty need includes him as at least the most recurring villain, this time.
Inb4: “lol good luck, there are literally four comics from Morvan & Munuera”
First things first: I never said that it should be something like another cartoon series. :3c All I said is that the whole thing could be based on those comics. Rather, some producers could choose one or two of those comics and make another movie out of it.
They could even do a small mash up with other comics, like grabbing issue #41 (aka:  “La vallée des bannis”,Valley of the Banished)   and issue #48 (the aforementioned “The man who didn’t want to die”) and mash them together for more epic action (and don’t you dare to tone the thing down, cowards!)
And even in case of a toon series, there could be no need to follow the comics strictly: it could be a series partially made up from scratch, while keeping those four comics as guidelines.
(tl;dr: watch me getting quite a huge craving for what’s my current hyperfixation.)
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P.S.: I’m less than 10 episodes into the old series and Don Vito Cortizone is being the death of me. I’ve been having a hard time trying not to faceplant on the keyboard to mask some laughters that sound like dying walrus noises.
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sheepinthebigcity · 4 years
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hello i'm the nostalgia critic! i remember it so you don't have to!
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i want a caveman to stick a club up my ass Two of a Kind Spirou and Fantasio Full Episodes Watch Cartoon
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kimjimagery · 2 years
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I couldn't help it these two are perfect for this meme!
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kimjimagery · 2 years
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New page is up.
That fist panel is a reference to the cancel Fantasio one of comic "Jeunesse héroïque de Fantasio (The Heroic Youth of Fantasio)"
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kimjimagery · 2 years
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This one took a while cause of fixing the dialog. Still can't believe I reach this far without a script. 
 Comic © KimJ 
Spirou 06 © Dupuis
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kimjimagery · 2 years
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More Spirou 06 version of the Album "Spirou et les héritiers" In case you're wondering what happened here, during the race Zantafio tried everything he could to prevent Fantasio from winning, his first attempt was to punch holes in the oil tanks for Fanta's race car but Spip spotted him and stopped him by biting him in the rear. This image is Zantafio’s second attempt to stop Fantasio but once again Spip stops him in the same method.
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