#spigelia for neuralgia
rightaidhomeopathy · 10 months
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USE FOR: Tension headaches, limb pain, migraine, sensitivity to changes in the weather, and congestive neuralgic headache.
Drops of ADEL-1(apo-DOLOR) are very successful in treating migraines, as well as headaches brought on by anxiety, emotional distress, or problems with internal balance, such as stomach and intestinal dysbiosis. Additionally, this treatment eases joint and muscle discomfort, especially in the neck, lumbar area, body, and legs.
A conitum napellus 12 times, Bryonia cretica 3 times, Gelsemium sempervirens 4 times, Menyanthes trifoliata 3 times, Piper methysticum 8 times, Schoenocaulon officinale 3 times, Semecarpus anacardium 6 times, and Spigelia anthelmia 3 times make up the composition.
Aconitum napellus is a traditional remedy for headaches that include stabbing, burning, formication, and paraesthesia sensations. Additionally, hypersensitivity to light and noise as well as restlessness, panic, and anxiety symptoms can be treated.
Bryonia cretica treats digestive issues as well as burst headaches as one of its therapeutic modalities. Movement makes the pain worse and prevents restful, good sleep.
Gelsemium sempervirens treats hemianopia or persistent chronic headaches. It lessens headaches brought on by sinus infections, eye strain, and congestive headaches. Furthermore, it soothes heart inflammation.
Trigeminal neuralgia and pressing and drawing headaches are both lessened by Menyanthes trifoliata. In addition to reducing heat regulation issues and cramping in ligaments and organs, it aids in the treatment of pains that are relieved by applying intense pressure.
Piper methysticum primarily combats aches brought on by stress or anxiety. It improves emotional mood in a manner akin to an allopathic tranquilizer. but improved and more fluid
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drsauravarora · 3 years
Neuralgia - Pointers to the Remedies of Repute
Neuralgia – Pointers to the Remedies of Repute
In today’s materia medica tip, we shall discuss few important remedies of neuralgias. Few days back I asked my fellow colleagues, about the preferred remedy of choice when a symptom is there – Severe neuralgia in temporal region, recurring daily at same hour. The options provided were: A) Spigelia B) Kali cyanatum C) Hypericum D) Cedron The respondents pointed out every remedy but majority opted…
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Why do I Have Pain in my Cheekbones?
There are several reasons you could develop facial pain or pain in your cheek bones. The exact type of pain would depend on the causative factor and could range from a dull throbbing ache to a sharp stabbing one. Sometimes pain could radiate from the head or ears to your face.
It is very important to understand the root cause of the pain since an incorrect course of treatment will only aggravate your condition and potentially end in irreversible damage.
Facial pain as a result of any condition is very agonizing and difficult to bear. A lot of patients have reported that the pain becomes so unbearable that it hinders daily activities and people end up severally compromising their quality of living. Some even find it difficult to perform mundane actions like brushing, eating, drinking, shaving, washing the face etc.
Painkillers such as NSAIDS and opioids are often the first line of treatment to subside the pain. Sometimes antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs are also given to address nerve pain. However, these at best provide temporary relief since the root cause is not addressed and moreover, they are known to cause a host of unpleasant side effects.
On the other hand, numerous natural ingredients like Harpagophytum procumbens, Hypericum perforatum, Symplocos racemosus, Aegle marmelos, Apis Mellifica , Spigelia, Thymus vulgaris, Ginkgo biloba, Glycyrrihiza glabra, etc have been clinically tested for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties. These remarkable ingredients have also been studied for conditions like trigeminal neuralgia, sinusitis, gingivitis, tinnitus etc.
In fact, with growing awareness and research, many doctors have started prescribing natural ingredients for their numerous versatile and beneficial properties. Biogetica, an ardent follower of natural medicine, undertakes relentless efforts to highlight the indigenous properties of plants, herbs and other natural ingredients. We’ve conducted copious amount of research and have several published patents in the field. Our protocols are formulated to balance the physical, energetic and informational spectra of your life and include evidence based ingredients from 3 distinct healing methodologies – ayurvedic herbs, homeopathic attenuations and cutting edge nutraceuticals. Together, these components work synergistically to help promote freedom and wellbeing to our patient community. To know more about our groundbreaking, natural and multi-disciplinary kits, visit www.biogetica.com.
Get a Free Consult with One of Our Homeopathic or Ayurvedic Specialists Here!
Medical Conditions That Lead to Cheekbone Pain
Trigeminal neuralgia: This painful condition involving the trigeminal nerve of the face causes unbearable agony and distress. A person afflicted with Trigeminal neuralgia may experience sharp, short and unpredictable attacks lasting from a few seconds to minutes. This disease is a common cause of cheek bone pain and rehabilitation is a very arduous process, since, none of the conventional treatments have been able to provide complete relief. In contrast, a research study reported that trigeminal neuralgia patients obtained an overall reduction of more than 60% in pain intensity and attack frequency using natural remedies.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome: This is a disorder of the TMJ joint that connects your jaw and skull. Injury to this joint can lead to localized pain. The arising pain is dull and often radiates to the ear and side of the head. Biogetica’s Neuralease possesses a potent combination of herbs including Bacopa monnieri, Pluchea lanceolata, Pheonix farinifera, Vitis vinnifera, and Glycyrrihiza glabra that may provide support to the joint and rejuvenate it for optimal functioning.
Physical trauma: Injuries due to accidents, surgical complications, etc can also cause pain in the cheekbones. A fracture to the cheekbone may lead to severe pain and discomfort. Biogetica’s homeopathic combinations including sarcodes of bodily tissues and other nutritional ingredients may strengthen the bones, promote regeneration and provide nutrients for a healthy musculoskeletal system.
Sinusitis:  Inflammed paranasal sinuses are a common cause for cheek bone pain as inflammation of the mucous membrane results in fluid build-up blocking the sinus cavity and disturbing normal drainage of the mucous.
Apart from the above causes, pain in your cheekbones may be attributed to any of the following causes:
Tooth infection
Impacted tooth
Tooth abscess
Otitis media, otitis externa (ear infection)
If facial pain is ignored, it could lead to further damage and degeneration of the affected region. Chronic pain can also adversely affect the quality of your life and result in several other health problems such as depression, weight loss, insomnia, fatigue and isolation. It is therefore important to address cheekbone pain promptly to avoid further complications and live a pain free life.
In order to follow the right course of treatment, it is very important to evaluate the definite cause of facial pain. Biogetica’s experienced panel of Ayurvedic and Homeopathic practitioners are available for free consultations round the clock and can assist you in diagnosing your condition and recommending protocols best suited for you based on the cause and severity of your condition. Speak to one of them now for more information, assessment of your health condition, answers to any of your health related concerns and personalized recommendations.
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rajashekarpmc-blog · 4 years
DR. RECKEWEG R78 Eye care - Drops for drinking INDICATIONS Chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, hordeolum, catarrhal conjunctivitis, eyestrain, opacity of vitreum, diplopia, incipient cataract. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: Aconitum: Analgesic. Apis mellifica: Stabbing pain, epidemic conjunctivitis. Belladonna: Conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Euphorbia cyparissias: Irritation of the mucous membrane. Euphorbium: Watering eyes, catarrh conjunctivitis. Euphrasia: Eyestrain, photophobia, high intraocular pressure, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, blepharitis, ciliaris, ulcus cornea. Hamamelis: Vitreous haemorrhage, eyestrain. Kalium carbonicum: Oedema of the upper eyelids with strong swelling. Mercurius bijodatus: Blepharitis, ciliaris, iritis, ciliary, neuralgia (left side). Rhus toxicodendron: Conjunctivitis, swelling of eyelids with mattery discharge. Ruta: Dysopia caused by eyestrain. Scrophularia nodosa: Scrofulous eye diseases, hordeolum. Spigelia: Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Staphisagria: Hordeolum chalazion. Sulfur: Red eyelids with tendency to purulent inflammation, hordeolum. DOSAGE - 3 times daily 20 drops in some water. Use under medical supervision.
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pushmycartpmc · 4 years
Dr. Reckeweg R16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drop
Dr. Reckeweg R16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drop is use for Migraine, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head, indisposition due to continuous headaches frequently resulting from an insignificant chill.
Cimicifuga: Neuralgia as reflex symptom of ovarian disorders. 
Supraorbital pains, sensation of heat at top of head.
Gelsemium: Cerebral congestion, feeling of prostration, aversion to light, pain just above eyes.
Iris: Periodic migraine, intense headaches causing occasionally temporary blindness. Vomiting (bitter) at the climax of a headache.
Sanguinaria: Nervous irritability, headaches, alternating heat and shivering, intolerance to noise and light. Improvement on lying down.
Spigelia: Unilateral headache, rising and decreasing with the sun. Reference to the heart. 
It provide relief from Migraine and, nervous headaches.
It helps to prevent the aversion to light and noise.
It helps to overcome the feeling of prostration.
It helps to prevent temporary blindness due to intense headaches.
DOSAGE - According to the acuteness of the headaches, 3-6 times a day 10-15 drops in some water. Even after improvement, take 10 drops three times daily, for 2-3 days. Buy Dr. Reckeweg R16 Migraine and Headache Drops online from pushmycart.com.
Use under medical supervision.
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saltyloverrebel · 5 years
Wheezal WL 22 Migraine Drops, Headache, Dizziness Remedy
Wheezal WL 22 Migraine Drops, Headache, Dizziness Remedy
Wheezal WL 22 Migraine drops is a homeopathic drops for relief from migraine and nervous headaches. It is also useful for neuralgia of the head with indisposition due to continuous headache. Migraine is defined an unilateral headache occurring in the day, which begins to occur at the sunrise reaches it maximum noon and then becoming light gradual and ceases at the evening at sunset.
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rajatgarg79 · 5 years
Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Headache
Headache is a common condition characterized by pain in any region of the head or neck. On the basis of the cause and symptoms, headaches are classified into primary and secondary.
Primary headache: Primary headaches occur due to overactivity in the pain-sensitive structures of the head, including nerves, blood vessels and muscles of the head and neck. Alcohol, stress, change in sleep pattern or loss of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, certain food products and poor posture are factors that can trigger primary headaches. Primary headaches typically occur without any clear discernible cause. These include migraine, tension headache, cluster headache and sinus headache.
Secondary headache: Secondary headaches are caused by an underlying disease that triggers the pain-sensitive receptors of the head. Secondary headaches can arise due to conditions like sinusitis, ear infection, trigeminal neuralgia and certain life-threatening conditions which require emergency care like stroke, brain aneurysm, haemorrhage (bleeding) around the brain, venous thrombosis (clotting) within the brain, haematoma (collection of blood) in the brain, arteriovenous malformation, infections in the brain (meningitis and encephalitis), brain tumour, high blood pressure, acute hydrocephalus and temporal arteritis.
Homoeopathic treatment for headache relieves the acute pain rapidly and also help in the long-term treatment, reducing the frequency and intensity of subsequent attacks. These remedies consider individual characteristics including personality and physiology, providing a holistic and personalised treatment. Common remedies include glonoine, belladonna, gelsemium and spigelia. Dosage of a remedy is prescribed by the homoeopathic physician based on each individual case.
from myUpchar.com के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख via https://www.myupchar.com/en/disease/headache/homeopathy
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Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment
Having pain in the face may sound like a minor ailment but Trigeminal Neuralgia is not something mild. Although not life-threatening, it can be a very painful condition.T he pain can be so severe that at times it is like an electric shock.  Most of the cases that I have treated have been caused by tooth extraction and two Homeopathic medicines- Hekla Lava and Verbascum, have won me great laurels in treating many intractable cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
The trigeminal nerve is the largest among 12 pairs of cranial nerves. The trigeminal nerve transmits sensation from the brain to the face. It is also responsible for motor functions such as biting and chewing. There are two trigeminal nerves – right and left – and there are three branches named ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.
Trigeminal neuralgia refers to episodes of severe, excruciating, shock-like pain in the face from the involvement of any of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve. The pain lasts for a few seconds and may carry on for a few minutes. In a majority of the cases, the facial pain is one-sided, but sometimes, it can be both sided. The exact cause of trigeminal neuralgia is not known. However, it is thought to arise from compression of the trigeminal nerve because of a blood vessel or tumor. Other causes include brain lesions, facial trauma, and multiple sclerosis. Triggers for trigeminal neuralgia include face washing, eating, touching the face, talking, and exposure to cold air.
Homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia is among the most effective alternative treatments. Homeopathic remedies for cases of nerve pain give excellent results. There are lots of homeopathic medicines that are useful in treating trigeminal neuralgia. The homeopathic mode offers a cure by following a holistic approach to trigeminal neuralgia. Prominent homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia include Spigelia, Magnesium Phos, and Verbascum Thapsus. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the intensity of pain and the frequency of attacks. After that, they help treat the chronic tendency of trigeminal neuralgia.
Top 4 Homeopathic Medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia
1. Spigelia – Homeopathic Medicine for Left Sided Trigeminal Neuralgia
Spigelia is a very effective homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia. Spigelia works wonders when trigeminal neuralgia occurs on the left side. In such cases, there is a pain on the left part of the face including the temple, the eye, the cheek, and the teeth. Usually, the facial pain can be described as tearing or burning. Touching the face worsens the pain. Sometimes, this pain lasts the entire day.
2. Magnesium Phos – Homeopathic Medicine for Right-Sided Trigeminal Neuralgia
Magnesium Phos is a very beneficial homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia which occurs on the right side. The person experiences shooting or lightning like pains. In some cases, application of warmth over the face may offer relief. Magnesium Phos should also be used when trigeminal neuralgia is triggered by the slightest touch on the face or by the washing of the face with cold water.
3. Verbascum Thapsus – Homeopathic Remedy for Trigeminal Neuralgia when the Time of Pain is the Same
Verbascum Thapsus is an effective homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia when the pain occurs at the same time every day. The pain is concentrated around the zygoma, the temporal maxillary joint, and the ear. Along with the pain, the eyes may also water. Verbascum is also indicated for trigeminal neuralgia where a change in temperature, movement or pressing teeth together triggers the pain.
4. Hecla Lava – Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia Arising after Dental Operation
Hecla Lava is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for treating trigeminal neuralgia arising after a dental operation. Trigeminal neuralgia after tooth extraction strongly points towards the use of Hecla Lava. Hecla Lava is also significant among homeopathic remedies for nerve pain in the face arising from a decayed tooth.
Homeopathic Remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia have a great role to play in the reducing the recurrence of attacks; Not only do they relieve the pain associated with this Nerve disorder but a well-prescribed homeopathic medicine also makes sure that the recurrence of the attacks also withers away slowly.
Other Homeopathic Medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia
  Hepar Sulph and Lachesis – Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Triggered by Touching the Face
Hepar Sulph and Lachesis are useful homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia when it is triggered by touching the face. Hepar Sulph is mostly used when neuralgia occurs on the right side. The pain extends from the right temple to the lip. It also works well for shooting pain in the jaw on opening the mouth. Lachesis is a suitable homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia when touching the face triggers it on the left side. Along with the pain, there may also be heat flushes in the face and a tearing pain in the jaw.
Mezereum – Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia Triggered by Eating or Drinking
Mezereum is an excellent homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia that is triggered by eating or drinking. In such cases, there is an extreme pain in the face and teeth which moves towards the ears. Application of something warm brings relief. Mezereum is also used when the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia aggravate at night.
Kreosotum – Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia Triggered by Talking
Kreosotum is excellent homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia triggered by talking. Along with facial pain, a burning sensation may also be felt in the face. The face is red and may be hot to touch. Lying down on the affected side of the face brings relief. Kreosotum works well in cases where exertion triggers trigeminal neuralgia.
Aconite and Magnesium Carb – Homeopathic Medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia Triggered by Exposure to Cold Air
Homeopathic medicines Aconite and Magnesium Carb work wonders in treating trigeminal neuralgia when exposure to the cold triggers it. In such cases, there is a pain in the face accompanied by a tingling sensation. Sometimes numbness may also be present. The affected side of the face may also feel heavy. Along with these symptoms, restlessness may be present. Magnesium Carb is a helpful homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia with pulsating facial pain or tearing and arises with exposure to cold air. In some cases, the facial pain may be digging or boring. Magnesium Carb works well for trigeminal neuralgia which worsens from rest and gets better by moving around.
Ferrum Met and Silicea – Homeopathic Remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia Triggered by Washing with Cold Water
Ferrum Met and Silicea are prominent homeopathy remedies for neuralgia involving the trigeminal nerve triggered by washing with cold water. In such cases, there is a facial pain, redness, and flushing of the face from cold washing. Silicea works well for throbbing or tearing facial pain. Silicea is also an effective homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia which worsens from exposure to cold, damp environment.
Homeopathic Medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia when Right Side of the Face is affected.
Magnesium phosphoricum is a very useful homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia of right side of the face. The main indicating symptom for its use is that the right side is affected, pain is better by applying warm applications and pressure. Kalium phoshphoricum is also for right-sided facial pains of trigeminal neuralgia. For this medicine to be used trigeminal neuralgia pains get better by cold applications.
Homeopathic Remedies Spigelia and Lachesis for left-sided Facial pain.
Spigelia is one of the most effective homeopathic remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia when facial pain is on the left side. The pain is very severe and is worse from touch. Another medicine for the left-sided condition is Lachesis when much heat in face and head are present along with the pain.
Homeopathic Remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia in which Facial pain is accompanied by Numbness.
Chamomilla is a wonderful medicine for facial pain with numbness. The person feels that one side of the face is red and hot other side being pale and cold. Another medicine for this condition is Verbascum Thapsus when the left side is involved. The condition gets worse by the slightest change in temperature. And if this complaint affects the right side of face then medicine Mezereum gives a very good result. The main indication towards this medicine being worse from eating.
Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in which Facial pain is accompanied by Twitchings:
Belladonna is very well indicated medicine for this condition when the face is very red hot and swollen. Another medicine.  Agaricus Muscarius is a medicine when there is the sensation of icy cold needles piercing through the face.
Homeopathic Medicines When Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by Injury
When Trigeminal neuralgia starts after an injury two medicines need special mention. First one is Allium cepa when the left side is affected; the Second one is Hypericum perforatum when trigeminal neuralgia on the right side.
Homeopathic Remedies When Trigeminal neuralgia is triggered by Emotions
If Trigeminal Neuralgia is triggered by emotional excitement, Coffea cruda is the best choice.
Homeopathic Medicines When Trigeminal neuralgia is triggered by exposure to cold air
If the complaint begins from cold exposure Two medicines  Aconitum napellus and Dulcamara can be used. The differentiating point between the above medicines is that the former is used after dry cold wind exposure and the latter after wet cold wind exposure.
Homeopathic Medicines When Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by Tooth Extraction
For Trigeminal Neuralgia arising after tooth extraction, homeopathic medicine Hekla lava is nearly specific in treating it.For neuralgias arising due to caries of teeth, medicine Plantago major works wonders. This medicine also works well if the condition occurs due to the middle ear infection.
    The post Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment appeared first on Homeopathy at DrHomeo.com.
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rightaidhomeopathy · 11 months
The ADEL 1 (apo- Sorrow) drops are mostly helpful in treating migraines, as well as headaches brought on by stress, emotional disorders, or problems with internal balance, such as stomach and intestinal dysbiosis. Additionally, this treatment eases generalized and muscular discomfort, especially in the neck, lumbar area, torso, and legs.
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 ADEL 1 (apo- Sorrow) drop recommendations
for sensitivity to variations in rainfall, branch pain, migraine, and congestive neuralgic headache.
ADEL 1 (apo- Sorrow) Drop ingredients
Piper methysticum 8X, Aconitum napellus 4X, Bryonia cretica 6X, Gelsemium sempervirens 4X, Menyanthes trifoliata 6X, Schoenocaulon Officinale 4X, Semecarpus Anacardium 6X, and Spigelia anthemia 6X.
 Aconitum napellus causes a sensation of "running ants" (formication) and impassiveness that reduces scorching and pecking symptoms. Additionally, it lessens sensitivity to light, noise, and even the slightest breeze of wind, which relieves the restlessness brought on by emotional stress.
For bursting, unyoking headaches, and pecking pains in the branches linked to gastrointestinal tract issues that are indicative of systemic insufficiency, Bryonia cretica is beneficial. It also helps with joint problems that are made worse by movement and that can interfere with restful, healthful sleep.
Congestive headaches of the migraine variety brought on by emotional ecstasy, as well as headaches brought on by sinus infections and eye strain or dysfunction, respond favourably to the use of gelsemium sempervirens. Additionally, it aids with heart conditions that can cause collapse.
 Trigeminus neuralgias and pressure headaches can both be relieved by Menyanthes trifoliate. Additionally, this substance treats fever attacks, abnormalities in how the body regulates its temperature, and organ and joint pains.
 Having an effect on the limbic system can help maintain emotional balance.
In cases of neuralgias brought on by anxiety and panic, peppermint is helpful. People who are psychologically strained and worn out are prone to developing these diseases.
Sabadilla treats vertigo and brain fog, as well as issues with the central nervous system and the control of heart rate. In addition, it eases pathogenic rheumatic and nervous system diseases and supports healthy stomach function.
 Semecarpus Anacardium alleviates nervous prostration brought on by internal strain and treats headaches, eye pressure, and ringing or humming in the head.
 Spigelia anthemia predominantly treats the left-sided trigeminal neuralgia pain that affects the area around the eyes and nose and is frequently at its worst in the middle of the day. It is beneficial in situations of agitation and pain in the heart's muscles, which usually accompany this illness.
 Lozenge RECOMMENDED (Unless Otherwise Specified)
 15–20 drops for adults, 7–10 drops for children, three times daily in 1/4 cup of water.
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saltyloverrebel · 5 years
Spigelia Anthelmia Mother Tincture from Reckeweg, Sbl, Schwabe
Spigelia Anthelmia Mother Tincture from Reckeweg, Sbl, Schwabe
Spigelia Anthelmia (Pinkroot) Mother Tincture is an important remedy in pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane enclosing the heart) and other diseases of the heart. Also treats the left sided pain of trigeminal neuralgia that further affects nose and eye area, heart muscle pain.
3-6 drops in half cup of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician. Note: Dosage of mother tinctures…
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saltyloverrebel · 6 years
Adel 1 Apo DOLOR Drops, Homeopathy for Headaches
Adel 1 Apo DOLOR Drops, German Homeopathy for Headaches is a proprietary blend of several homeopathic ingredients like aconitum napellus, bryonia cretica, gelsemium sempervirens etc. selected for their ability to address all types of headaches, pain in legs and other parts of the body.   Clinical indications of Adel 1 Apo DOLOR Drops Headaches Migraine Neuralgia Body Pain   Composition of Adel 1…
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Dr.Reckeweg R78 Drops, Homeopathy Medicine for Eye Problems
Dr.Reckeweg R78 Drops, Homeopathy Medicine for Eye Problems treats different types of eye diseases through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs. Its key Ingredients like aconitum, apis mellifica etc that acts on chronic conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid), hordeolum (infection of the sebaceous glands at the base of the…
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Dr.Reckeweg R16 Drops, Migraine Headache Treatment in Homeopathy
Dr.Reckeweg R16 Drops, Migraine Headache Treatment in Homeopathy
Dr.Reckeweg R16 drops, medicine for headaches are a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs like Cimicifuga, gelsemium etc selected for their ability to address nervous headaches, migraine, intense pain along the course of nerve (neuralgia) of head, mild illness.   Clinical indication of R16 Drops Dr.Reckeweg R16 Drops, Migraine Headache Treatment in Homeopathy is indicated for Migraine,…
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