callabang · 6 months
Hi calla!!!!!!!!! Do u and chevalric still have plans to release the chatfic for spccb? I don't mean to come across as pushy sorry I'm just curious! I still have so much love for that au and would love to see anything u are willing to share with us!
hi friend! i don't know for sure! but probably one day!
i think that, because me and @chevalric have very different brains, i would probably be more interested in the task of Sorting Our Archives for Publication. we have a bunch of fic chat in google docs and that's half the battle; but it's still a big task for me to clean it up and organize it into coherent arcs.
that said, i know that from MY end, when i have turned a creator's little universe over and over in my mind i would have LOVED to get, oh, one hundred thousand extra words of fic chat from them. so even though i'm personally not in the throes of hockey or the catboy au anymore, knowing that people are interested and want to see it is still a motivator for me and makes me think that i will one day muster up the zest to get it up on ao3 :)
i do have a lot going on right now that have been taking up a moderate amount of my time and a huge amount of my brainspace, but i'm hoping to get creative again in 2024. so stay tuned!
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callabang · 2 years
as a totally anonymous catboy enthusiast I would like to know what is the catboy scene or line or concept that you are MOST proud of writing This Year xoxo
what a challenging question given that 80% of what we have written is HEAVILY redacted and also there's like three hundred thousand words lmaO
actually i dont know if pride is a major emotion i feel about catboy because it is mostly FUN COLLABORATION but what immediately comes to mind is writing [redacted] running away which was over the summer and which brought me full-body back to the euphoric tenterhooks about what was gonna happen plot-wise which i experienced throughout the whole first half of the project
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callabang · 2 years
Your fic chats are honestly just as delightful as your fully-written scenes! Are there any catboy fic chat snippets you can share with us?
that’s so sweet :) we’ve tentatively started thinking about writing the second installment but i sort of think that even if life intervenes we might still publish the fic chat?? somehow?? much to consider. ANyway, yes, here's something pretty recent!
[Fic chat under the cut, all warnings that apply for the main catboy fic apply here also!]
inspired by this tweet
calla: PERjury
chevalric: I can't decide who would earnestly argue this
calla: Oh Joel To Scotty
chevalric: oh my god Scotty would slightly believe Joel meant it
calla: Joel is like “I’ve never had a treat IN my life”
Scotty trying to protest he fed Joel lunch like two hours ago Joel "ever since I arrived here I have been STARVED"
calla: Joel: I’m like a STRING BEAN !!!
chevalric: Scott: "you came here that way!!!"
calla: Joel: I’m wasting awayyyyyyy
chevalric: Joel: "i was round as an ORANGE when i came here" Joel: "by the time raff comes to get me i won't be a stringbean i will be just One bean"
calla: The thing about Scott is that initial teasing he sometimes takes seriously So Joel is forced to Go Ham in order to get him to come out the other side
chevalric: joel has NO CHOICE but to be absolutely ridiculous he is so noble and sacrifices so much
calla: he can commit to the bit!! for scott!
chevalric: for scott!!! this does magically result in joel lying on the floor being fed pretzels funny how things work out that way
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callabang · 2 years
What’s Joel’s favourite clothing item
two way tie between sweatpants with a tail hole (helps his balance so much!) and the turquoise hoodie that laughts gets him with his NAME sewn in
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callabang · 2 years
What’s Kitty Joel’s bed time? Assuming he has one… does raff stay up later after putting Joel to sleep or is Joel too nervous to sleep alone
joel's bedtime is like 9pm, which means that he wakes up BRIGHT and early at 6:30, something raff would loveeeeee to avoid
typically this looks like lengthy bedtime routine with bath AND lotion AND book AND headrubs until joel is asleep, and then raff stays up for three more hours talking to scott or watching any movie too scary for joel >:)
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callabang · 2 years
Has Joel ever been genuinely scared of raff
the only time i can think of is when raff first tried to take care of his ears! joel was not expecting it to hurt, and he definitely wasn't expecting it from raff, so he got catapulted immediately into Panic. and there's lot of times after that when joel is scared, but never again OF raff, who he trusts so so so so much
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callabang · 2 years
do kitty carter and kitty joel meet? how would that go???? their in universe personalities are so very different, as are their situations....
actually i dont think that me and @chevalric ever discussed this!! i think that carter would actually be pretty mean to joel, who's not disciplined at ALL but who still gets all these treats and pets and attention?? unfair.
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callabang · 2 years
How are/have holidays been for Joel? Did they do anything for Christmas in the shelter? I assume it's very different with Raff. Also, Halloween! Does Joel get to dress up?!
i don't think the shelter did much of anything ! maybe sometimes a good samaritan would donate some holiday stuff but it's definitely not a Big Deal for joel. (and apparently it wasn't a big deal for me and @chevalric because we only talked about it ONCE:)
Joel: I was confused for a long time about the difference between me and Brucey, because Raff and Laughts treat him like a member of the family, too, you know? He was also getting his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed and he got presents for Christmas, too.
halloween IS a big deal in terms of picking out a costume and the first year joel goes as: brucey
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callabang · 2 years
Does kitty Joel steal raft’s clothes?
regularly although they are TOO too big. they smell so nice though :)
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callabang · 2 years
Kitty Joel likes making songs up, does he also like listening to music? What kind of music does he like? (Would you say he has different tastes to young Beezer? And what does Raff think about that lol)
somehow we had never before considered RAP MUSIC JOEL
oh my goodness loves to talk sooooo fast Maybe post-starting [regular] school Comes home glowing to show Raff his new music ! oh he's SO excited Raff is…glad He's excited this is Also Music that Scott likes 😵‍💫 Oh No joel and scott making their little playlists together <3 Raff purchases some Very nice noise cancelling headphones which has the added side effect of Joel discovering the benefits of good headphones !
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callabang · 2 years
how would a carter-joel first meeting go?? i feel like poor sweet joel would stress carter out So Bad but eventually help him learn to do things that bring him genuine joy.
answered here! i think down the line joel would be a good influence in terms of Relaxing a Little Bit but it would take a lot of growth from carter first!
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callabang · 2 years
For the catboy au you said Carter was not getting emotional support from his human. Was his human AV?
we never EXPLICITLY commited to it in fic chat but: yes
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callabang · 2 years
Who’s Joel’s favourite person other than raff (and Scotty)
I think it really varies day by day! He's so good-natured and easily won over, and as a result he has a LOT of favorites. brucey ranks up there as does Miss Michelle (actually have no idea if we've introduced her yet but she's a staff member at boy group joel ends up going to a few years down the line! all about integration and socialization and regulation)
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callabang · 2 years
do the cat boys have whiskers?
hmm i think no! at least not in the configuration that cats do — the face part of their faces are mostly human
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callabang · 2 years
getting ready to feed my cat and he keeps circling round trying to Look His Absolute Prettiest Please Feed Me I Am So Gorgeous And So Hungry Don't You Love Me and i just keep thinking about kitty joel
every time joel is Given a Snack he does a full two minute routine such as this. raff is consistently bemused but joel thinks it makes the food taste better!
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callabang · 2 years
What happened on the spa day!?!?!?!? I'm worried now :(
@chevalric has answered this one with some fic chat!! sorry for worrying you!!
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