#soz anon but feel free to send me more HCs!
hayleysayshay · 1 year
Surprisingly every time there’s a spider Wu takes care of it as Mako stands as far away as humanly possible. Mako is absolutely terrified of bugs (cockroaches are Mako’s mortal enemy). Wu grew up being obsessed with bugs (he picked bugs up every time he saw one when he was little).
Jdhehs I’m sorry anon I don’t rly agree? Mako grew up on the streets, I feel like he’d be used to bugs. Mako has always struck me and a guy who just gets on with things. Sucks up any discomfort, fear, etc. he’d get rid of a bug.
I can totally see Wu having random interests though. I headcanon his life being rather sheltered and controlled before he got to Republic City so I don’t know if this interest was much beyond book reading.
I could see Wu being like ‘no no Mako, I’ll take care of the bug’ when there’s a bug in the house as a treat for Mako. I think it’s be funny if he does this whilst being afraid of bugs so it it’s Wu just yelping from the other room, but if Wu has an interest in bugs he might’ve interest in keeping them and Mako would have to remind him that it’s unhygienic because Wu has rich person brain.
Totally fine if you want to HC Mako as being afraid of bugs tho!
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