enchantrcs · 6 years
Amora’s ‘work’, as it was, consisted mainly of menial tasks that she completed in a matter of hours, leaving the rest of her day to do whatever it is she wanted, which often fell into the category of self-glorification. At the current time, she was on the phone with some media outlet or another, hoping to set up an interview with the Mayor. Of course, Amora would much prefer to see her own face on television than somebody else’s, but this was part of the job. 
“He’s very busy at the moment-” She explained, stepping out of her car and sliding sunglasses over her eyes. “I’ll have to let you know.” She finished, before unceremoniously ending the conversation with the push of a button. She started down the footpath, colliding head on with someone as soon as she looked up from the screen. “God-” She muttered, “You would do well to watch where you’re going.”
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ohmystarl0rd-blog · 6 years
Pizza hit man [open]
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“Hey. Hey. Did you order a pizza? It says on the paper you did.” He looked at the person in front of him.Pizza box in hand. “You ordered some weird toppings, but I don’t judge. You do you. That’ll be like 25 dollars though.”
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Writer’s Block (Starter)
This was turning into a never ending cycle as a pen splattered its content’s over a crisp white page. Hands gripped at short brown locks in frustration as Eddie sighed as the splattered page seemed to be mocking him with its’ display. Even the scattered ink droplets seemed to be more appealing than the mush of words his mind was producing. It was almost tempting to dip into that sealed bottle of absthine hidden away in the back of his suitcase, just to put into any other state than his current block. Although knowing his other experiences with the Green Fairy, it be New York all over again.
So the Mayor hadn’t exactly appreciated the rumors that speculated that a few scandals of his personal life had been a possible muse for the author. Although that line was crossed after Eddie had stumbled into his office requesting an interview of sorts, blitzed out of his mind on a combination of mixtures. Unceremoniously tossed out of said establishment as his editor laid down the fine terms and conditions from the publishing house if he ever wanted to sell another novel again. Leave New York, ‘sober’ up and try to lay low for a little bit. So..here he was..in the devoid of culture small town, were the most exciting thing that seemed to happen from the view of his rented room was a traffic stop. Nothing like his nightly wanderings in the gritty alleyways of New York, the characters he would meet and speak to. The genuine excitement of their faces as he let drop a possible inspiration on behalf of their muses, even the most downtrodden seemed to find it a brilliant compliment.
Even as his phone flashed the time of 11 pm, sleep wouldn’t come..not until the words began flowing again. Stretching from his seat at his desk as joints popped satisfied with the mere act.  Maybe a walk would do him some good as  he slipped on grey sweats and baggy sweater checking his pockets to make sure his cigarettes were still tucked away. Smoking wasn’t wise, but it seemed to jog his thinking as the nicotine flowed into his bloodstream..at least the plaza was empty as he sprawled onto the bench, smoking wisping from a lit cigarette. “Is justice dead and gone..? Is Man afraid to admit it?” Eddie muttered around the lit stick. His current, albeit stalling current plot was of a hardened detective facing the monsters of the world..that seemed to be crawling out all at once. The victims of crimes suffering for his lack of success..
A wry smile curled on his face as he thought of his own past “Justice is dead. That’s that..”.  
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blackwidcwsbite · 6 years
"Okay, you caught me. Or you at least think you have given that this party themed bag could have literally anything in it," she stressed despite the fact that the tell-tale rainbow tips of party streamers were peaking out the top. Nat had to act now, start stock piling the supplies she needed in advance before Nick would even start to suspect she had something planned. She'd been sneakily fighting with him over celebrating his birthday her whole life. Smarts won. And streamers.
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"Saying that, I just want to take this opportunity to remind you that if you forget what you may or may not have seen today, it'll be worth your while. I have an in with the guy who bakes literally everything around here. And if that's not doing it for ya... I also want you to know that I can kill a man with my pinky." With a pause, a teasing smile tugged onto her lips. "Or so the rumour will go."
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peggys-value · 6 years
“I don’t suppose you could answer a quick question for me, could you?” But of course she carried on to ask anyway. “In your experience, what turns the brain from work mode to non-work mode faster: kitten videos or ‘vines that cared for me when no one else did’?
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motherfu-ry · 6 years
“I swear if I see one more person toss their trash all over the place, I’m gonna have to bring out some mother-earth type vengeance. I’ll shut this whole town if I have too. Pick up your trash, people!”
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thunderous-thor · 6 years
Thor didn't quite realize how grave an error he'd made in just throwing himself into the rift until he'd been on the other side for a while.  At first he thought the strange weakness he felt was just the fact that he'd traveled through time and space, which honestly...would take a lot out of anyone, he was sure.  But that feeling hadn't faded. Sure, he was still stronger than anyone had any right to be, but his true strength was gone.  As desperately as he tried to call up lightning or swing his axe and use it's Bifrost powers, nothing happened.  He was just a man now.  A man and a simple axe.  
He had felt this way once before, when his father had banished him, but even that was better than this.  There he had friends, and here...this was a barren wasteland mockery of his Midgardian home, strewn with bodies of dead aliens, with the horrid orange glow everywhere.  Thor could not keep back his bellow of rage and he slammed the hammer end of his axe against the nearest building, damaging the brick but not as much as it ought to have.  "I swear by the old gods and the new, by my father Odin and my mother Frigga, by the ashes of Asgard, I will find my power again and I will slay whoever is responsible for this!"
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clairetemple-rn · 6 years
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“Motherfucking-shit-fuck-Jesus-Christ,” Claire wanted to say that this had to be some kind of cosmic joke, but that felt a little too on the nose, given the circumstance. “Are you kidding me?” she yelled, to no one in particular. Maybe god, actually. “I have work in six hours, asshole!”
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Rhodey’s hips hurt. It was a truth he was loathe to admit even to himself, but since the battle at the rift, his alignment felt a little off. Something in his supports must’ve been knocked out of place during the fight - he knew he ought to call Tony to fix it, but at the time he figured his friend had enough to deal with.
Now, halfway through a walk through Central Park and nowhere near somewhere accessible by Uber, he deeply regretted this assessment.
“Fuck,” he sighed, stumbling a bit and sinking down onto a nearby bench. He was embarrassed at his own display and resolutely avoided eye contact with the people around him, wondering if he was imagining the grating sense of pity he felt being directed towards him. He forced a smile. “I know. Denzel and I are practically twins. I get it all the time, but unfortunately there’s no relation and I’m closed for autographs anyways. Please move along, folks.”
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jeanxgrcy-blog · 6 years
|| Office Hours ||
Deerfield Community College
Department of Psychology
Early afternoon
The windows at the rear of Jean’s office creaked and tapped against their frames, in protest of the current weather outside. Little spurts of wind buffeted against the frames, before breaking themselves on the firm wood, and dispersing. Jean barely noticed the din; instead the ever-studious Dr. Jean Grey’s trusty red pen glided just over the pages of a report, diligently marking mistakes, her neat, looping script leaving advice in the margins. Then a particularly strong gust of cool wind snapped open the windows; leaves rustled against the screen as the air forced itself through, spilling against her back, through her long, curled hair, and across her desk, scattering the relative mountain of papers Jean had been working on most of the afternoon.
“Shit,” Jean hissed out, clawing in the air after her papers; nails scraped against paper, emitting a dry, raspy sound, before they ultimately slipped out of her grasp. Jean’s chest heaved with a sigh as she trudged over to where her papers were scattered, knelt and and began to gather them in a heap next to her.
The stack was nearly finished, when the door to her office swung open with another rush of air, and once again the papers flew out of Jean’s grasp. Biting back a curse, Jean reached to gather her papers with as much speed as possible, to spare herself being in this embarrassing position any longer, while murmuring a perfunctory, and a bit sheepish, “Can I help you?”
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The sun was shining, Deerfield was pleasantly sleepy, and the soothing tones of the Mamma Mia soundtrack were filtering out of Wanda’s speakers. Steve Rogers was presently crouched down behind the register, in pursuit of a little gold leaf to brush over the top of his newly finished prinzregententorte. He couldn’t wait until Miss Mosakowski came to pick it up that afternoon - he could only imagine the look of sheer glee that would come over her face as she took in its intricate decoration.
Steve had been singing under his breath as he searched - I believe in angels, something good in everything I see - but was startled out of the moment by the sight of a pair of shoes just adjacent to the shelves. “Oh, god, sorry! I hope you haven’t been standing there for long - we took the bell off the door because it kept freaking out the cat.” He popped up from behind the register, putting on a soft, welcoming smile. “Anyways, welcome to Sarah’s. How can I help you this morning?”
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Oh my god... Are we--- Ha. We’re back, bitches!
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jchnnytorch-blog · 6 years
This sucked. Sure, Johnny had been stranded in otherworldly places— all the time, in fact. It kinda came with the territory of being part of the Fantastic Four, who’s mission statement may as well be ‘We explore the weird places you can only imagine in your wildest, drug induced dreams!’  Of course the first time had been slightly frightening and all, but soon it became a regular occurrence in his teenage life. No big deal.
This time was different.
For one, he didn’t have his powers. That was new. Usually he could flame on and feel relatively safe, no matter the circumstances. Now? He struggled to ignite a flame the size of a lighter’s. Second: it never took so long for his family to save him. Usually it only took Reed and his huge brain a couple hours to pinpoint his location before swooping in to the rescue alongside his sister and Ben. Not this time. Johnny had lost track of how long he had been within the confines of the erie shadow version of New York. And if he was being completely honest, he was beginning to feel a tad worried. If Reed, assuming he wasn’t also there, couldn’t fix this...who could? But he still had hope, refusing to fly wild with grief. So, may as well make the most of it.
Sitting atop a tree branch within the park, Johnny absently flipped through an out of place looking magazine he had found laying around. Basking in the ever present rays, the heat didn’t seem to bother him like it seemed to affect others in the limbo. Maybe it was an echo of his former powers, or maybe the heat simply reminded him of them, like an old friend. Either way, it felt comforting if anything. Noting a sound from beneath his tree branch, he peeked over with a cheeky grin. “Sorry, this trees already taken.” 
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mays-larb-blog · 6 years
‘One thing is clear- whatever is happening at the Baxter Building is dangerous, and the people we trust to protect us are keeping mum.’
Whatever was happening, whatever crap was happening right now, May knew that following its ever destructive trail was her best bet. It seemed like things fell from the sky every other day after New York's real life Mars Attack way back when but this was different. Everything that had happened since Peter hadn't come home from that school trip had been different. Being worried sick wasn't a new feeling for her, it wasn't but while she was trying to keep what was left of her deteriorating cool... Well, her barista had quite literally gone and turned himself into a big old pile of dust in front of her. Weird and undeniably unfortunate, like, mutant power it was not. Especially when he wasn't the only one and while May stood gripping onto a chai latte she wasn't even entirely sure she wanted, all she could think- the only, only thing- was 'where's Peter'. That thought had propelled her into waking up every day since. After all, for every day that she didn't find Peter, it meant that Peter might still be alive. That was all that mattered. She wouldn't even be mad, she wouldn't, if it turned out he'd just been bunking off this whole time or getting himself into some kinda trouble (probably aided and abetted by Tony Stark's internship). The alternative... That was unthinkable. She wouldn't. “Oh my god,” what had she just stood in?
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If that was some sort of gross alien goo then she was so suing the city, she swore--- “Hey! Hey- C'mere. Hey. Have you seen this boy? My kid. Have you seen him? Here-,” at this point she'd been dolling out her phone like candy, “Take a closer look.”
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prcfessionalpctts · 6 years
Being the CEO of Stark Industries meant that Pepper was exposed to a lot of truly awful behavior from the men around her. She’d been catcalled, talked down to, mansplained at, and even one forced to file an HR complaint against one employee stroking her arm and calling her sweetheart. But the worst offense by far was one she found herself facing in her own home. Sort-of temporary home while Tony cleaned up the pieces of the broken world. “Who the HELL keeps finishing the coffee and then not rinsing out the pot?” She asked loudly, waving the offending object around by the handle. “You KNOW it has to be rinsed out immediately, or it all congeals in the bottom and the pot has to be soaked.” She was a busy woman, she didn’t have time to waste doing dishes seven times a day. Which, really, might be too much coffee for one person to consume every day, but that was not a train of thought she wanted to jump aboard at that particular moment.
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peggys-value · 6 years
“---Does anyone have some semblance of a status report then? Or, at the least, a caramel latte which I must say was an excellent call.”
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