#soulsballad ⪼ sano emma
wisteriaorchids · 5 months
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ㅤㅤ “ pfft. i knew she wouldn't be able to do it. ” he's still chuckling though.
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healingscars · 5 months
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@soulsballad sent a message ...
one of the many things emma enjoyed doing when coming back from a shopping spree was showing off her clothes and items. when she nears the end of her showing, emma pulls out this large, extremely large, furry blanket she bought on sale. ❝ look how big it is! it makes me wanna be swaddled! ❞ once she finishes speaking, a grin spreads across her lips and she moves to lay the brand new blanket out across the rug on the floor, spreading it out and moving to lay down in the middle, ushering her lover over with an excited giggle. ❝ come swaddle me! ❞
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seeing the absolute joy and excitement that emma had on her face every time she got back from a shopping trip made the other feel kind of jealous, but only because they can’t always go with her.  to their surprise, the next item to be brought out is a rather large and fluffy pillow, their eyes widening just a bit as they sit up and look at it.  they saw something similar when they had went out to the mall, but had been in a rush so couldn’t go into the store to look at it.
it makes me wanna be swaddled!
and right on cue, emma lies down directly in the middle of the blanket, asking them to swaddle her.  a soft, endearing laugh comes from them as they slip off the couch and next to her, already moving the blanket so that it wraps her on each side.  it’s not izumi’s BEST work, but it’s enough to possibly keep the blonde warm and comfortable without suffocating her,  “ you’re so silly. ”  they hum softly, moving to press an endearing kiss against the top of her forehead before helping her up so that she could lean against them … while still swaddled, of course.
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ㅤㅤ “ we’ll put the blanket on our bed, unless you want it on the couch? ”  they hum, keeping her close to them before ruffling her hair,  “ it really is fluffy.  you think you could swaddle me next? ”  it’s more of a joke, but emma might take them seriously.
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deathfavor · 5 months
@soulsballad said: ❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜ from emma, for hanma!
soft & sweet sentence starters
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Blood slowly drips from the reaper's head, yet he seems to pay it no heed. It wasn't common for Hanma to get injured these days, nor had it been for a long time prior to meeting Draken, but it wasn't impossible. Even if it was more frequent, it likely wouldn't change anything. Hanma doesn't bother to do much for his injuries. He's simply sat on the edge of a fountain, idly reading through a few messages on his phone with no care towards tending his wounds.
Emma's appearance in his periphery comes as a surprise, and Hanma lifts his head to properly acknowledge her. " Yo. " He greets with a slight nod, before letting his gaze fall back down towards the phone in hand. She'd looked to be headed somewhere specific, he wasn't expecting her to stop. Then again, Hanma was wildly out of touch with how most people would react to someone they knew being bloodied and doing nothing for it. What teen boys did and what common sense said did not often align.
" Huh? " Hanma lifts his head in surprise when she speaks, just in time to feel something cold and wet pressed to the side of his head. " What the- " For all his shock though he at least doesn't lash out or try to escape. It's more so because he's too stunned than any other reason. Who the hell would see Hanma and decide to play doctor?
Emma Sano, apparently.
He turns his head just enough to see that she'd apparently fished out a disinfectant wipe to help get rid of the blood and dirt. He should protest. But Hanma's never had to protest before. No one's bothered or tried to clean up a bloodied reaper. Well damn. Mikey would lose his damn mind if he ever saw this. He opens his mouth and then shuts it after a moment before giving a chuckle.
" Either that didn't sting or I've lost the ability to feel pain. " He jokes before lifting a hand before she jumps the gun on taking further measures. " I'm kidding. " Mostly. Some might argue there's something to be said for the pain with how easily he gets up after a hit. " Uh. Thanks. " He adds, an afterthought of a scenario he's never experienced before. " Was it that bad? " He hadn't bothered to look.
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ofsavior · 4 months
A  VALENTINE’S  APPLICATION. ( for chifuyu! )
your  name: sano emma
your age:  *gestures to the many ages bc the timeline*
your perfect date:  well, i really enjoy dates that are in public settings. so like cafes, coffee shops, milkshakes and dessert dates. i like showing off that i'm on one... but i think going to the beach during the evening with a picnic would be super cute too!
make out in private or in public?:  uh... probably in private... i'd die if my brothers saw me. i wouldn't mind public if it wasn't in a busy setting though!
do you like to cuddle?:  yes! i love cuddles!
tell me something about you: mm... well i really like fortune-telling! stuff like astrology and tarot cards! i also really like cosmetics and reading magazines.
why do you want to be my valentine?: uhm... well... ( because she thinks you're cute and definitely has a crush on you. )
valentine's application. || @soulsballad
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Is Emma... asking him on a date? Amazing.
“ Yes! ” He answers, almost going as far as standing at attention. Abruptly clearing his throat, Chifuyu forces the cool back in his posture. Still, there's an eagerness to his nod as he cants his head to her. “ Yea, we can totally go out somewhere on Valentine's Day! ” Cue the enthusiastic smile. “ I'll pick you up after school! ”
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healingscars · 5 months
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@soulsballad sent a message ...
emma has spent the afternoon napping, having attended a doctor's appointment earlier that morning and came home and crashed back out on her and izumi's shared bed. when she finally emerges around three in the afternoon, she drags her tired self from the bedroom and into the living room, where izumi seems to be sitting comfortably on the couch, watching something on the tv. upon seeing them, her mood brightens, although she's clearly still very sleepy. ❝ hi baby! ❞ shuffling over, she leans down and wraps her arms around them from behind, nuzzling her face against theirs as she plants kisses on their cheek. ❝ hi babe, ❞ kiss, ❝ babe, ❞ kiss, ❝ babe, ❞ kiss, ❝ baby. ❞ finally, she plants one long, last kiss on their cheek before moving to whisper into their ear. ❝ i love you. ❞ and with that, she retracts herself entirely from her lover and toddles off to curl up on the opposite end of the sofa.
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the apartment was quiet whenever emma slept –  izumi always made sure to keep the volume down on the tv or their phone whenever she was sleeping, even when they were playing games on their game console or computer.  and as much as they would have loved to cuddle and kiss on her while she slept, they wanted to let her get proper rest after the doctor’s visit.  they hear the door open at around three in the afternoon, turning slightly to regard the sleepy blonde with a soft smile.  however, the kisses she plants on their cheek has them instantly turning red, especially with how sleepy she sounded and kept calling them babe and baby.  hi babe, a kiss, babe, another kiss … they had to stop themself from letting out pleased sighs, but the sounds escaped them the last few times before she finally pulled away.  it was unfair, just how cute their girlfriend was, and they had her all to themself.
ㅤㅤ “ good afternoon to you too, emma. ”  they hum, their cheek obviously burning from the affection.  izumi would never be able to get used to her sweet affections and they really didn’t want to try either.  soft gaze follows as she situates herself on the opposite end, but not before they can wrap their arms around her middle and drag her closer to them to pepper her face with their own sweet, little kisses.  “ i’m guessing you slept well, baby? ”  they hum, kissing the tip of emma’s nose before pulling away.
it was so unfair.  she was just too sweet.
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