#《 canon muse. 》ㅤㅤ / kazutora hanemiya
wisteriaorchids · 5 months
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ㅤㅤ “ — i don't want to know what's going on. ” best to stay out of it.
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wisteriaorchids · 5 months
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ㅤㅤ “ pfft. i knew she wouldn't be able to do it. ” he's still chuckling though.
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wisteriaorchids · 5 months
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@soulsballad sent a message ...
having tora out was great! it was nice to be able to hold his hand, hug him, and just snuggle up on the couch with him. he fit in perfectly at her home, there was plenty of space for him. but being able to touch him had her worrying about a few things, and, naturally, aimi vented to some friends, who brought up an old article in a magazine they used to read as girls. 'the shoe to redacted ratio'. aimi remembers reading it as a teenager and getting all shy and embarrassed, but as she's reminded of it now, she reacts the same way. all day she's been off, getting shy about the smallest of things, overstimulated any time kazutora touched her. it was even so bad she was checking all his shoes to see their size. eventually, after it all boils up in her head, she scurries into the room looking like a stray cat, holding one of his shoes in hand. ❝ tora- ❞ the pinkette begins, free hand gesturing silently to his groin. ❝ i- i need you to drop your pants right now. ❞
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being out of prison was great ... better than great, actually. it was amazing. he didn't realize just how much he had missed the freedom, how much he missed the little things in life, even if he was helping chifuyu with things like investigating kisaki and toman in general. but what he loved the most was being around aimi — holding hands, being in her space, and even just living with her was more than enough. of course, kazutora hadn't had the thoughts aimi might have been having, since he was just happy to live with and be a great boyfriend.
so, colored him surprised when his girlfriend comes in, obviously with something on her mind, and asks him to drop his pants. he's sitting on the couch, his brain slowly processing her words before realizing what that meant. eh? ehh?? already??? have we hit that milestone already?! he's blinking, a nervous smile stretching on his lips as pink colors the tips of his ears. the tiger has read his fair share of dirty magazines as a teen, but ... already? so soon? he couldn't even keep a straight face whenever they held hands in public or kissed!
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ㅤㅤ “ i - uh ... ” honeyed gaze moves down to his own pants, a little more than just anxious as he stares for a good minute or two, before looking back at the pinkette with a confused look, “ i'm ... not exactly hard right now, aimi. why ... i mean, i don't mind but ... ” wasn't there supposed to at least be foreplay involved?!
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