#sorry to the joffgirls who have to see my bjork opinions. theyre important<3
daenystheedreamer · 9 months
Do you think Joffrey was born evil as an result of incest or was made that way? favorite bjork song?
i dont think anyone is born evil. for the purposes of the narrative you could say he was doomed to be evil like there was really no other path for him. insane codependant mother + deadbeat POS father was a recipe for disaster lol. ignoring them who else was there? jaime was in the trenches and didnt gaf and tywin is THEE worst candidate to raise a crown prince.
and i dont think the incest is what made him evil. i think cersei's emotional incest with joffrey and jaime's general deadbeat deal are seminal to how joffrey turned out. the incest didnt help but i dont think hes evil BECAUSE of the incest otherwise wayyyy more targs should be aerioning their way through westeros.
fave bjork songs cos i cant pick just one 💀: unison, venus as a boy, joga, pagan poetry, bachelorette, ancestress, lionsong, stonemilker, the dull flame of desire
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