#sorry my opinion is the only one that matters 😎
papa-evershed · 1 year
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Rob James-Collier | Coronation Street
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout characters with plus size s/o!
(Swf)(also by s/o I mean main character😈)(they them pronouns)
(Funfact:back in the days(midage) plus-size people were seen as richer, better taken care of, because it meant that they didnt have to work they ass of And could affort food. And I feel like it would be similar in apocalipse world😈)(and in ancient rome chubby girls were seen as top tier wife materials) (those are my honest thought about characters and how they really would react, so if one of them seems mean, im sorry)
Butch- okay we all know he is an asshole, he would bully them with his super mega cool gang. BUT when they save his mom he will respect them madly, and feel guilt. Sadly there was no time for apologising because s/o was busy looking for their dad. Oh I forgot to mension, he is great example of this cringy prompt "he bullies you because he loves you"🙄 But after s/o came back to valut he went😳 specialy if s/o got some cool scars/piercings/shaved heas/tattoos. Also He will bully Amanda for kicking them from valut. And then probably leave too, its boring without them. And he finds strech Marks hot (they are super hot for him) (when they meet in wastelands he will apologise and simp)
Charon- bruh he simply doesnt care, about their looks. Fuck when they met he didnt even care about their peronality. It was simple they point he shoots. But later after long time and work Charon finally starts to belive them that he isnt just another tool, another weapon. For them he was a person with his own history and opinions and thats what got him in love, not their looks. Of course it took a long time for him to get use to the idea of being his own free person But he slowly warms up to it. Also no matter how much they weigh he can pick them up easly. He sucks at any kind of comunication but Hes trying
Fallout new vegas
Raul-just like charon- He doenst care about their looks. He seen all types of people, before and after bombs.
Boone- this guy judges everyone, doesnt matter if u are top1 skinnies person ever or the most musuclar ever, he will judge you at first. Later he turns into smol bean that needs comforting and hugs. He is this Type of person to never talk about his emotions but He will open up later. He will Just hug them from behind and say some unholy stuff🙄men🙄
Benny-tbh he feels like guy Who would be more into plus-size people than skinny. Also He would spoil them with complements. He has No opinon about strech marks,they are Just there thats all. If any of his chairman would even Look at them in wrong way... guess Who lost job today😎. He would love cuddles and BENNY THE SMOL SPOON🤯
Vuples-this bitch, this little crazy furry. He would say a lot of mean coments. But if his future s/o proves that they are as strong(and even stronger) than average person He will stop. He Just tried to intimidate them, and tried to find easy spot. He wont apologise but wont do it ever again. And deeper into relationship He would love to hug them and say good stuff about their looks (not complements more like honest good words idk how to explain)
Arcade-finds it cute, specialy if s/o has big tights. At first he wont comment on it(he is raised well, he know that its rude to coment someones body) but if they get along he will let them know that they look stunning🥰 Just imagine him resting his head on their legs and reading random book then falling asleep.
Joshua Grahm- he is a chirstian boi he would neve-😳lourd have mercy😳😳 he thought the only women he needs in his life is holy mary but oh my. He is lucky that he has whole body covered in bangades. If he could, he would blush. Bonus points if s/o belives in the same God as him. He will invite them to prays together, if they arent religious he will still invite them in hopes that they will join him🤯 he is in love with their chubby arms and/or legs. And hes the last one to judge their strech marks(his skin care is worse than my math grade i dont think he cares about their ether) (also strech marks arent caused by bad skin care that was a joke please dont cancel me)
Ulysses- he knew them for years, he doesnt care and will bomb anyone mean to them. Imagine romantic afternoon, firecamp, s/o sitting On ground fixing their gun/Reading magazines and ulysses Just laying On their lap or stomach and telling stories. He been thrue alot, most of it may be scary but there were some good parts and thats what he is focusing on at this point of his life.
I will make seperate one for fallout 4 characters later. Its just a lot of them and im sleepy.
And by s/o dont mean nesecary romantic relationship, i just didnt know what to call it? Because theres no way in hell im putting y/n in this (unless somone request)
Also if u got offended im so sorry(im not jokin i really apoligise) and im not skinny aswell so some of those ideas i got from my own expirience and life🥰 its 2am btw
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Don’t worry child...
For the talented @colossalcriminal​ 😎
Hope you’ll enjoy this story!
TW: Mentions of blood, wounds, attempt of sexual assault
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Sitting in his office, Gareth Mallory looked out at the gloomy London sky. The sun was not about to come out. 
This thought made him think of his son, Anthony. At the moment, the teenager was spending his holidays with friends in Spain. The MI6 boss smiled to himself as he pictured his son lying in the bright sunshine, enjoying a soda with his mates.
He preferred to see Anthony with a smile rather than a sad expression. 
Ever since his wife died in a car accident when his son was still a little boy, Anthony was the person who meant the most to him. Gareth wanted to protect him at all costs from the dangers of life, but at the same time, Anthony had to enjoy his youth.
So when his friends offered him a dream week in Madrid, the teenager begged his father to let him go. 
Of course, Gareth agreed, but not without giving him a list of safety tips and other recommendations that parents of teenage travellers make.
Suddenly, the phone in his office started ringing. 
He picked it up:
He heard the operator's voice answer:
"Mr Mallory, a young man named Gavin Fitzgerald wishes to speak to you urgently! Shall I put him on?"
Gavin? He was one of Anthony's friends! Why was he calling him? Has something terrible happened?
Keeping his cool, he replied:
"I know this young man. You can put him on, miss."
"At once, sir."
A few seconds later, he heard Gavin's voice shaking on the other side of the receiver.
"Hello, Mr Mallory?"
"Gavin? Why are you calling me?"
Immediately he heard the teenager sobbing on the other side of the phone.
"I'm sorry, sir! I swear, there was nothing we could do!"
"What happened?"
"It's Anthony! They kidnapped him!"
At these words, Gareth thought the ground was crumbling beneath his feet. He had just heard what he feared most.
Trying to keep a cool head, he asked:
"Tell me what happened!"
"We were shopping in the suburbs of Madrid when a van stopped in front of us!"
"What colour was the van?"
"It was a black van, a Volkswagen. There were four men: the driver and three guys in the back. They grabbed Anthony and forced him to get in with them. I swear, we tried to stop them, but one of them pulled a gun on us!"
"Don't blame yourself: you did what you could. Could you describe these men to me?"
"Cassie had time to take a picture of them. But there's one thing that confuses me!"
"What's that?"
"One of the guys who kidnapped Anthony was wearing a cop uniform!"
This detail intrigued Mallory: what did a policeman has to do with this? He would deal with that later!
He asked:
"When did all this happen?"
"About an hour ago."
"Where are you now?"
"We're all at the embassy. The police escorted us out after we reported Anthony's kidnapping!"
"Well, at least you'll be safe!"
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to do what's necessary on my end. Thanks for calling me!"
"Good luck, sir!"
No sooner had he hung up than Gareth caught his head in his hands: he should never have let his son go on holiday! 
Determined to move heaven and earth, he phoned the Foreign Office to see if they could send a team to fetch Anthony.
To his horror, they told him that this would not be possible as diplomatic relations between Spain and the UK were not good. Besides, what would public opinion think if they sent a special team only for a teenager?
Realizing that he could not rely on the authorities, Mallory felt he was losing his mind.
At the moment, Eve MoneyPenny entered the office:
"Sir, I have the file you asked me for... Sir?"
Seeing her boss turn so pale, Eve knew something had happened:
"Sir, what's going on?"
Looking up at her, Mallory explained in a white voice:
"I just found out that my son got kidnapped in Spain in front of his friends!"
"My God! But why?"
"That's what I'd like to know! Now it's a matter of finding him in the next 48 hours, or something bad will happen!"
"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know. Right now, I feel like I'm running out of options!"
His secretary smiled mischievously.
"Are you sure about that? I think you can count on someone for that..."
"I know a certain agent who can find your son in time. Trust me!"
She picked up her mobile phone and called Bill Tanner:
"Tanner? Moneypenny's calling. Do you know where to find James Bond? We have a job for him!"
Meanwhile, in Spain.
Sitting on an old mattress, Anthony looked at the chains around his ankles. His captors were determined not to let him go.
The teenager wondered why he got kidnapped while leaning on the wall. Was it because of his money? He didn't remember waving cash around.
When he thought about it, the answer was simple. If he got abducted, it probably had something to do with his father. 
Anthony shook his head at the thought of his father: his poor dad who tried so hard to keep work and family life separate! It hadn't worked out well.
Suddenly the metal door opened, and one of his captors came in with a tray in his hand.
He walked over to him and placed the tray at his feet.
"Here, eat this! The boss wants you to keep fit!"
With a wry smile, Anthony replied:
"Sorry, but I'm not a fan of the rat poison-filled tortilla!"
His jailer scoffed.
"You think it's worth it? Think about it, you brat: if my boss wanted to kill you so badly, he would have done it already!"
"Oh yeah? Why go to all that trouble to keep me alive?"
"You can ask him if you want. In the meantime, you'd better have finished eating your plate by the time I get back. Otherwise, you know what you're in for..."
With that threatening word, the man turned and walked away, closing the door behind him.
Anthony knew that the man was not joking: the bruises on his chest and arms could testify to that.
Grabbing the plate and his wooden fork, the teenager began to eat his meal. As he tried to swallow his snack, he wondered if his father would be able to find him. He feared he would join the long list of British citizens missing abroad. And that, Gareth Mallory would never forgive himself...
In London.
"I know you have to do this on the spur of the moment, but this is an urgent situation!" explained Bill.
"I know, Tanner. How long has it been?" asked James as he headed for the Q department.
"About three hours since the phone call to M.  If the Foreign Office had been a little braver, you wouldn't have been asked to come!"
"Never mind! I needed to stretch my legs anyway."
Ever since he had entered the MI6 premises, 007 had immediately sensed the feverishness that had gripped the entire department. It seemed that the boss's anxiety had infected the rest of the Secret Service.
"What about Mallory? How is he?"
"Like a father trying to save his son, which is to say pissed off and anxious. If I were you, I'd steer clear of a witty note!"
"I think I've got it!"
They arrived in Q.'s laboratory, where he greeted them.
"Good morning, gentlemen. You're just in time: I've finished preparing Mr. Bond's equipment for his holiday in Spain!"
"Very amusing, dear Quartermaster. How about explaining what you have planned for me?"
"I was getting to that: first, a Walther PPK with palmprint recognition; second, a radio transmitter; sunglasses with infrared vision; a few explosives - you never know; and finally, the icing on the cake, this!"
And Q proudly holds up a tube of cream.
"Sunscreen? Are you afraid I'll get sunburnt?" quipped James.
"I wouldn't put that cream on your skin, Bond. Here, take this tube and pour the contents onto this piece of metal!"
Intrigued, James did so. No sooner had he finished than the metal began to melt in a matter of seconds.
"There you go! This tube of cream contains a material destroyer that acts as an acid. Nothing can resist it, not even the thickest of walls!"
"I'll admit it's pretty impressive!"
Eve entered the room.
"Ah, Bond! I was looking for you! I have your travel documents!"
"You were looking for me? That's very flattering!"
"Try as you might, your little flirtation game doesn't work with me! Here!"
She handed him a large envelope containing his passport, as well as his plane ticket.
"I almost forgot! M would like to see you!"
"All right!" replied James, as he headed for the exit when Eve held him back by the wrist.
"James, don't get him all riled up. It's a difficult situation for him."
"I think I get it." 
And Bond headed off in the direction of M's office. When he reached the door, he hesitated a little before knocking.
"Come in."
James entered, and the first thing that struck him was how pale his boss's face was. Usually, the latter was calm in all circumstances, but here, he wasn't even hiding his concern anymore. For this to happen, the situation had to affect him personally.
"Ah, Bond. I was coming to see you. I wanted to explain a few things about the mission!"
"I'm listening, sir."
Mallory sighed before replying:
"Firstly, I must inform you that this mission is somewhat illegal. Since I don't have the minister's approval, I have to go without."
"I don't mind." grinned Bond.
"Coming from you, I'm not surprised. Secondly, in the envelope Miss Moneypenny entrusted to you, there is all the information I received from the Spanish authorities, as well as the evidence Anthony's friends were able to recover. I am counting on you to find out who planned this kidnapping and why."
"Shall I bring you the person responsible alive?"
"You don't have to, 007. The only person I want alive is my son."
James nodded.
"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"
"That will be all, Bond. I'll let you go! Good luck!"
"Thank you."
James started to leave as he called out to his boss:
"One more thing, sir..."
"What is it?"
"I'm going to bring Anthony back alive. I promise you that!"
"Thank you, Bond," murmured Mallory.
Once the secret agent was out of the room, Mallory slumped in his seat, looking worried. Everything now rested on Bond's shoulders. Let's hope it goes well!
The following afternoon.
In the streets of Madrid, James tried to understand the course of the kidnapping. He worked from the evidence in the file to put pieces together. 
At times he felt like Sherlock Holmes investigating. The difference was that James Bond had no Doctor Watson to help him. But Sherlock Holmes doesn't have a licence to kill!
Meanwhile, Bond had a feeling that the whole thing was far more complex than it appeared. The street was inhabited, and yet no one seemed to have intervened to prevent the kidnapping.
The British spy had two options: either the people in the area were cowards, or someone acted as a deterrent to prevent them from doing anything.
At that moment, James remembered something: one of Anthony's friends had mentioned that one of the kidnappers was wearing a police uniform. 
If a policeman was involved in this story, it meant people in high places had something to do with the abduction. 
As he continued his research, he heard Q's voice in his earpiece:
"Well, Bond? Anything new?"
"Nothing yet. But I've got a hunch that this kidnapping thing is just an excuse to hit M!"
"What do you mean?"
"Where Anthony gets abducted was a busy street. The reason no one intervened to stop the kidnapping was that the kidnappers were quick, and one of them was wearing a cop's uniform!"
"You mean Anthony was the target?"
"Very likely. But I'll only have the answer if I run into one of the kidnappers!"
At that moment, Bond saw a man coming out of a shop. Intrigued, James said to Q:
"I think I just saw one of them. I'll check it out..."
"Oh, but I can do that for you. Are you wearing the sunglasses I gave you?"
"Very well: press the left arm of your pair of glasses and let me do it!"
James complied, and Q was able to see the street from James' point of view.
"Perfect! Now you are like my eyes, James. I'll run the facial recognition procedure from the photographs. As for you, try to follow him for as long as you can... discreetly, of course!"
"I'll do that."
At once, 007 followed the man's lead while maintaining a certain distance. 
Meanwhile, Q examined what he saw, hoping that this would be the correct lead. And when the result came in, he almost shouted with joy!
"Bond, we're in luck! It's one of the kidnappers!"
"And which one is it?"
"I'll tell you: it's the man who dressed like a policeman!"
Hearing this, James knew that this was the way to get to Anthony. After a few minutes of tailing, he saw the man riding a motorbike. To follow him, he hailed a taxi and ordered the driver to follow the bike. 
With a bit of luck, James would get to the bottom of the story...
In his makeshift prison, Anthony was moping when he heard voices from the other side of the door. Trying to figure out what was going on, he crept to the door. Then, he stuck his eye in a hole near the doorway.
From there, he could see three of his captors talking to a man in a suit. The latter was smoking his cigarette nonchalantly while one of the kidnappers shouted at him:
"You bastard! You promised us 12 million for the job we just did!"
"It wasn't me who promised you, but the boss. And he made it clear that he'll only pay after we get the kid, not before!" the latter replied calmly.
"You don't seem to understand that we need the money, Randall. So either you get the money now, or we break our agreement!"
The man named Randall took a drag from his cigarette before answering:
"It's up to you, Santiago. But if you refuse to hand over the boy, expect retaliation. My employer hates cowards!"
From the way he spoke, Anthony knew that Randall was a Briton. But for who was he working?
Wanting to know the whole story, he continued to listen to the conversation.
"There's something I don't understand. Why is your employer so keen to get the kid? What does he have against this kid?"
"It's not the boy my boss is interested in. The kid is just a way to get to his father. He's the real target!"
"And who is the kid's father?"
Randall smiled a toothy grin.
"That kid is none other than the son of the current head of MI6!"
"Wait a minute! Are you telling us that we've just declared war on the British Secret Service?"
"In a way, yes. But don't worry, gentlemen! They're not going to send any agents here. Given the tension between Spain and the UK, that would be a scandal!"
"You've thought of everything!"
"That's what we call anticipation, my dear. Now, as far as the payment of your mission is concerned, I can assure you of one thing. You will get paid in equal shares, and we will transfer the money directly to your respective accounts. But you won't have it until you hand the kid over to my employer."
Upon hearing this, Anthony could not suppress a shiver of terror. He wondered what Randall's mysterious employer intended to do to him. But what intrigued the young man was who could hold a grudge against the MI6 boss.
His father was very keen that he should not know the details of his work. 
Anthony hoped that he would get out of here alive...
Meanwhile, James followed the man on the motorbike until he arrived at an abandoned industrial area. There, he continued to follow on foot, keeping a close eye on the man. 
The man entered a building, closing the door behind him. 
007 quietly walked between the ruined buildings and leaned against the wall. Discreetly, the British spy glanced out the window and watched the four men greet their accomplice.
"It's about time! Where have you been?"
"Buying your fags, asshole!"
"Were you followed?" asked Randall.
"No, I didn't see anyone."
"You idiot! Just because you didn't see anyone doesn't mean nobody followed you!"
"I'm telling you, I was paying attention. And frankly, who would think of looking for the kid here?"
"The cops?"
The newcomer snickered:
"But think about it: I'm a cop! I send the others to look elsewhere, and they don't ask questions!"
Randall chuckled.
"What I like about you, my dear Pedro is your pragmatism. And your Mr. know-it-all-ness. Well, now that the team is complete, I'd like us to discuss the terms of the transaction."
Immediately, the four thugs reached out, and Randall explained:
"First, you'll have to get the kid to the south side of Madrid by 10 pm sharp. Any minute late and you'll be subject to retaliation. You will go to the old prefecture. There you will meet my employer. You will hand over the kid personally. Once the transaction done, I'll pay you directly into your accounts."
Hearing this, James thought he had better act fast.
Suddenly, one of the men stood up and asked with an ominous smile:
"Hey, before we give the kid to your mysterious boss... Am I allowed to have a little fun with him?"
This question intrigued James, who glanced at the man's file. What he read made him sweat: the man's name was Alonso Iniego, and he had several convictions for sexual assault on minors. His file showed that he had a preference for young boys. 
He saw Randall hesitate before answering:
"You have five minutes. But I'm warning you: you'd better not mess it up!"
"Don't worry! I'll be careful!" laughed Alonso and walked to the back of the room.
James went around the building and found a broken window that gave access to the interior. The spy slipped discreetly through the opening and hid behind a corner of the wall, watching the four remaining men...
When he heard the door to his cell open, Anthony wondered what they wanted with him. The teenager thought he would faint when he saw Alonso coming. He didn't know why, but he had always felt something wrong coming from this man, even more than the other kidnappers.
By reflex, he pressed himself against the wall, hoping that Alonso would leave quickly. 
Instead, the man was walking towards him, whispering sinisterly:
"Well, English boy, have we been good? I see you ate what Santiago brought you. Good boy..."
"What do you want with me?" asked Anthony, trying to conceal his terror.
Alonso answered nothing, content to walk over to the teenager. Once he reached him, he ran his tattooed hand along Anthony's face and neck, making him shiver with terror.
"You know, tomorrow you're going on a long trip. So, I thought we could have a little fun, right?"
"Strangely enough, I don't feel like it," Anthony retorted.
At that moment, Alonso grabbed the young man violently by the collar and tackled him to the mattress before positioning himself on top of him.
"I don't care what you think. So behave yourself if you want it to happen quickly!"
Quickly figuring out what Alonso wanted to do to him, Anthony struggled as best he could, punching and scratching the man in the face. Unfortunately, his attacker was more muscular than he was and had no trouble resisting his blows. 
The teenager felt terror rise in him when he felt Alonso's calloused hand trying to undo his trousers while pinning him to the mattress. 
Suddenly, a hand grabbed Alonso by the collar and threw him away from Anthony, allowing him to see that he was safe. 
The teenager looked up and saw a muscular blond man standing before him, protecting him from Alonso.
The latter growled:
"Who are you, asshole?"
"Certainly not a thirteen-year-old," James quipped as he moved into an attack position.
Annoyed, Alonso rushed at the English spy and began to throw punches. But James was more agile, and he blocked each attack of his opponent before clasping his neck in his elbow.
Then, with a sudden gesture, he broke Alonso's neck. The latter fell to the ground like a disjointed puppet.
Stunned by what had just happened, Anthony stammered:
"But... who are you?"
"I am the one who is coming to save you."
Glancing at Alonso's corpse, the teenager replied:
"I see you're not just here to save me..."
"Let's just say I'm also good at twisting conventional wisdom. Well, now let's see how to remove these chains..."
Bond remembered the cream Q had made for him. Taking it from his jacket pocket, he approached Anthony and said:
"I'll put this on to destroy your shackles. Most importantly, you stay still and trust me!"
The teenager nodded, and James applied the cream to the chains around Anthony's wrists and ankles. In a split second, the chains melted like snow in the sun.
"I'm just doing my job. Come on."
James and Anthony stepped out of the cell, and the teenager soon understood that his mysterious saviour had eliminated the other kidnappers beforehand. 
Although, Randall and Pedro were still alive, strapped to their chairs, and severely bruised.
The young man turned to his saviour and asked:
"Did you do this by yourself?"
"Are you a professional killer?"
"Let's just say I'm in the service of Her Majesty. My name is Bond, James Bond."
The British spy pulled up a chair and sat down opposite the two men:
"Now that we made introductions, I'll give you ten seconds to tell me everything I want to know. If you cooperate, I will be lenient. If you don't, you'll regret it bitterly. Am I clear?"
Randall and Pedro remained silent, glaring at James.
"I'll take that as a yes. Well, let's get started: who told you that Anthony Mallory was coming here to Spain?"
"We don't know," replied Pedro.
"Really?" replied James, who grabbed his revolver and shot him in the knee, making him scream in pain.
"Perhaps this will jog your memory... or loosen the tongue of your friend here."
Randall began to fear this individual who was holding him at gunpoint with his Walther. Trying to play the negotiation card, he replied:
"There's no need to get upset: I am sure we can work something out, Mr Bond."
"I don't think so, dear sir. Judging by your accent, I can safely say you are a British citizen. Am I right?"
"You are an intelligent man. So I can also safely say that you are a British spy, acting directly under the orders of the kid's father. I guess this rescue mission is purely illegal!"
"Honestly, you're not in the best position to talk to me about illegality, sir..."
"Knowing my name won't help you."
Suddenly, Anthony intervened in the conversation:
"His name is Randall. That's what the others call him, anyway."
"Randall... It's funny: I have often heard of a man named Randall Brooks. A businessman who acts as a go-between for high-ranking criminals and thugs willing to do the dirty work. And you fit the description perfectly: a weasel-faced weasel who brags about how he often travels around with people with guns. But when you're on your own, you're a lot less of a show-off!"
James aimed at Randall's crotch and said in a cold tone:
"I'm offering you the opportunity to prove you've got it in your trousers. Either you tell me everything you know, or I'll shoot and let you bleed to death. Try to make a decision quickly."
At that moment, Pedro spoke up:
"All I know is that this guy has a death wish for the kid's father. And since you're getting involved, he's not going to let go of you anytime soon until you die!"
"I'll get over it. But it still doesn't tell me who it is. By the way, I'm still waiting for your answer, Randall."
The latter sighed:
"All right, you win. I'll tell you everything, but promise to let me live!"
"I'm listening."
"First of all, the man who ordered the kidnapping of the boy is Rolf Larsen. But in the business, he's called The God of Death."
"What does that have to do with M?"
Randall sighed:
"If I remember correctly, your boss was once a member of the SAS. Larsen also happened to be a member of the SAS. That is until Lieutenant Colonel Mallory turned him in for his actions in the Middle East. Let's just say that Larsen took it very hard. Since then, he has been running a company of mercenaries and other people with special skills. If you didn't have me at gunpoint, I would have offered you a job with him."
Bond snarled.
"No thanks, very little for me. Now there's one thing I'd like to know: how did you know Anthony was coming here?"
"One of our hackers hacked into the online booking system and spotted Anthony's name among the travellers. We were able to plan the kidnapping before he arrived in Madrid. Then we waited two days before we went ahead."
Anthony stepped forward and asked:
"And what was the next part of the plan, to kill me? Or leave me in Alonso's dirty hands?"
Randall shook his head:
"Nah, the boss didn't plan to kill you. The original plan was to send a ransom note to your old man and set a trap to kidnap him. Once Mallory at his mercy, my boss was planning to kill him."
The man chuckled.
"When you think about it, that would be ironic. You'll be the only spy I know who'll see two of his bosses die. You have to admit: it's a laugh!"
"We don't have the same kind of humour. And unlike you, I learn from my mistakes."
Suddenly, a mobile phone rang. Anthony picked up the phone and saw on the screen Unknown number.
Showing the phone to Randall, he asked:
"It's your boss, right?"
The man remained silent.
"I think that means yes. Hand me the phone, please!"
The teenager gave it to him, and Bond picked it up.
He heard a male voice on the other side of the phone:
"Randall, you know I hate it when people don't pick up immediately when I call."
"I'm sorry, but Randall is not available at the moment. May I take a message?" replied James wryly.
There was a silence then he heard the man ask:
"Who am I speaking to?"
"Consider me the grain of sand in your gears."
"I see. Something tells me Mallory sent you to retrieve his offspring, is that it?"
"You have no idea what that jerk sent you into when he gave you this assignment. Because right now, I wouldn't let you leave Spain alive!"
"Very presumptuous of you to say that. But if it's any consolation, I wasn't going to let you leave Spain alive either if I ever met you. Which I may well do!"
He heard Larsen chuckling.
"You are quite right to prepare for that eventuality, Mr Killer. Enjoy the time you have left to live: it may be short!"
The conversation came to a screeching halt. James threw the phone into the corner of the room and said to Anthony:
"Go wait for me outside. I won't be long."
The teenager obeyed without waiting and headed outside the building. 
James turned to the two men and pointed his gun at them.
"Wait! You promised to leave us alive!"
"Small nuance: I didn't promise you anything. And then I already made a promise, and I intend to keep it!"
Without further ado, Bond executed the two criminals before joining Anthony outside.
"I don't suppose they'll be doing much of anything else?" the teenager asked.
"You guess right. Come on, let's go to my hotel. There, I'll see how we're going to get out of this!"
"Because you haven't planned anything?"
"Yes, but I'm adapting to the situation!" replied the spy as he took the car parked in front of the entrance and started the engine.
Rolling his eyes, Anthony sat in the passenger seat muttering:
"What's not to hear!"
"Stop complaining, young man, and buckle up!"
The car immediately headed for the exit and took the road towards the Spanish capital.
On the way, James watched from the corner of his eye as the teenager dozed off.
When they arrived at the front of the hotel, James and Anthony slipped quietly through the corridors, trying not to be spotted by the staff. 
They reached the bedroom, and Bond opened the door, letting the teenager in. Then he locked the door behind him before turning to the young man who sat on the bed, looking pensive.
James noticed the marks of the blow on the teenager's arms and face.
He asked:
"I don't suppose they made your detention pleasant!"
"No, and I didn't feel like behaving!"
James caught himself smiling: he wouldn't be surprised to learn that Anthony was a rebellious teenager. But this strong character was what kept him going.
The spy went to his suitcase and took out a first aid kit. 
He ordered the young man:
"Take off your shirt: I'll try to disinfect the wounds."
Hesitantly, Anthony obeyed anyway and took off his shirt. Agent 007 saw the many bruises and cuts on his chest. He understood that the teenager got beaten by his captors. 
James was outraged: how could they hurt him? He was just a kid!
But the spy knew that Anthony was not the real target. By doing this, these men were just trying to make M suffer, to make him understand that he couldn't protect his son.
As he bandaged the young man's wounds, James tried to start a conversation:
"Besides going on adventures, what do you do for a living?"
"I go to school."
"Which one?"
"Seven Kings High School."
"I know it. It's an excellent school with a good reputation."
"Yeah, sort of."
This answer amused James, who asked:
"Something tells me you don't think so."
"Yes, it's a good school. But let's just say I get bored quickly: the teachers are pretty boring, to be honest."
"Really? Am I to understand that you are a dissipated student?"
"No, I get good grades. I like sports, drama and technology. But what I like most is going out with my friends and partying!"
The man laughed.
"I was like that when I was your age. Every chance I got, I'd sneak out and go into town with my buddies and get into mischief."
Anthony laughed in turn.
"I suppose you used to get your ears pulled back every time!"
"Indeed! I've been in the headmaster's office more than once!"
"Your parents must have enjoyed it!"
At these words, James stopped laughing and replied:
"At that time, I had lost my parents. They died in an avalanche when I was eleven."
Anthony felt embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"Don't apologize. You couldn't have known..."
They remained silent before the teenager spoke again.
"I lost my mother too. She died in a car accident. I was eight years old at the time. We were on our way home from shopping when a driver cut us off and hit us head-on. When the firemen pulled us out, we were badly injured..."
A tear rolled down Anthony's cheek.
"She died an hour after we got to the hospital. Too much bleeding: there was nothing they could do."
"I imagine your father suffered a lot."
"You have no idea. For my dad, it was the biggest catastrophe of his life. He's been very protective of me ever since. It's almost suffocating! But since I'm the only person he has left..."
James nodded, understanding what the teenager meant.
"You have a part of your mother in you. That's why he wants to protect you at all costs. If anything were to happen to you, I think it would be like your mother dying a second time."
"The way you look at it, it sure would."
Anthony asked:
"And you, Monsieur Bond: do you have children?"
"Yes, I do."
"Do you? What are their names?"
"I have a son, who must be your age. His name is Seijuro. He is currently living in Japan with friends. He too has lost his mother, but it was because of cancer."
"And do you see him often?"
"No, not really. The farther Seijuro is from me, the better for him. People who are close to me tend to die suddenly."
The teenager did not get convinced.
"Maybe this isn't such a good idea. If anything, your son would like to see you more often."
James sketched an amused smile.
"You have an answer for everything, you. You're not Mallory's son for nothing."
"You're not bad yourself. I'm beginning to think you're this famous 007 agent my father tells me about from time to time."
"And what does he say about this Agent 007?"
"That he's brilliant, the best at what he does. But he's also insufferable and arrogant!"
"I'll keep that in mind. There, I finished cleaning your wounds."
"What do we do now?" asked the teenager.
"You rest: you've had your share of excitement. I'll prepare our way out without running into Larsen's men."
As Anthony went into bed, James picked up his secure mobile phone and called Eve Moneypenny to tell her of the latest events.
The latter was relieved to know that they were safe and sound before she gave him all the information he needed to help him get back to England. It was undoubtedly the most delicate stage, and everything rested on James Bond's shoulders...
The next day, the spy and the teenager left the hotel and took a car before hitting the road.
On the way, Anthony asked:
"What is your plan?"
"I had a chat with Moneypenny, your father's secretary. She and Q have found an airfield about half an hour from here. There, a small private plane will be waiting for us. From there, we fly direct to London, and that's it!"
"Hopefully, everything goes according to plan! But I have a feeling that nothing will go according to plan!" the teenager quipped.
"In that case, we'll adapt!" replied James.
The journey continued in silence, but Anthony's mind was not at ease. For a few minutes, he watched a black car in the rear-view mirror that seemed to be following them.
Although he told himself that it could be a coincidence, the teenager found it difficult to calm his anxiety.
The young man's worried look alerted James, who asked:
"Is something wrong?"
"Did you notice the car behind us? I think it's following us!"
Taking a quick look at the back, James made the same observation.
"Looks like it to me. Let's watch out!"
Suddenly, shots rang out, and bullet holes appeared in the rear windscreen.
"Shit! They've found us!" yelped Anthony.
"They must have spotted us! What a mess!"
"What do we do now?"
For all answers, James loaded his gun and ordered:
"Take the wheel! I'll drive them away!"
Without asking, the teenager jumped into the driver's seat and accelerated. James slid into the back seat and fired at their pursuers.
Anthony weaved between the cars, praying to get to the airfield as quickly as possible. He asked:
"James, which way to go?"
"Keep going straight until you see a sign for Cuatro Vientos Airport. There you turn off and follow the signs to the airport. I'm counting on you to get us there!"
"You have a knack for boosting morale!" quipped the teenager, his eyes fixed on the road.
James, for his part, was aiming at the tyres of the car that was chasing them. At the same time, he contacted the headquarters:
"Bond? What's going on?"
"Tanner, we're being chased!"
"Larsen is following you?"
"I don't know if he's in the other car, but he's behind this."
"He's going to go after Anthony any way he can. Try to get to the airfield as soon as possible!"
"That's what we're trying to do. How long do we have before we get there?"
Q typed on his computer before answering:
"Six minutes. You're almost there!"
At the same time, Anthony spotted the sign for Cuatro Vientos Airport.
"I see the sign. Hang on!"
He swung the steering wheel hard and sped towards the exit, nearly knocking James out of the car.
"Oops, sorry!"
"Keep focused!"
Despite the imbalance, James held his ground and continued to fire on Larsen's henchmen.
Speaking of Larsen, he was in another car and was trying to catch up with the two Brits.
"Hurry up and get them for me, or you'll regret it!"
"Sir, they're heading for the airfield!"
"Tell Dru to warm up the plane's engine! We'll chase them in flight! And tell Flynn to stand by! You never know!"
Meanwhile, James and Anthony arrived at the airfield and rushed to the small private plane waiting for them. The British spy took the controls and got the plane airborne.
After a few minutes of flight, Anthony dropped into his seat:
"Finally! Now we can have some peace!"
"For the moment, we are. But let's stay alert!"
"If you say so. Well, I'm going to see if there's anything to nibble on. I haven't eaten in two days! Would you like anything in particular?"
"As long as it's edible, I'm fine with anything!"
The teenager got up from his seat and walked to the back of the plane.
As for James, he continued to fly when he heard a voice on the radio:
"So, Mr Bond, were we going to leave without saying goodbye? How rude!"
"Mr Larsen, you are not one to give up. And you were quick to learn my identity!"
"Let's say that some of my employees have worked for Blofeld. That name is not unfamiliar to you..."
"Hardly, indeed. But now, what do you intend to do?"
"Carry out my mission: to murder that bastard Mallory. I don't care if I can't kill him myself! Imagining him crying over his only son will be my consolation prize!"
"Just try it!"
Larsen's laughter intrigued him.
"Don't worry about it, Mr Bond. I'm a very resourceful man!"
A scream startled Bond, and he rushed to the back of the aircraft. He saw Anthony struggling with an assassin who was trying to stab him.
James rushed at the killer, and a struggle ensued between the two men. The assassin sent by Larsen was a formidable fighter, and Agent 007 found himself in a difficult position.
Fortunately for him, Anthony grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed the assailant's face with fire-fighting foam. 
The blinded assailant dropped his weapon, which benefited James, who grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into the carotid artery, killing his opponent.
Once the man dead, James rushed to Anthony and asked:
"Are you all right?"
"Yes," the teenager stammered, still in shock.
"Follow me: it's going to be a bumpy ride!"
The young man followed the spy to the cockpit.
"Larsen and his men are still chasing us. The only chance we have is to reach UK airspace!"
"Do we even have a chance of reaching it?"
"We do... but it's pretty slim!"
"I'd have been surprised if we hadn't!"
At the same time, they received a call from Q.
"Bond! Where are you?"
"We're in the air, but we've got company! We're still in international airspace! He could shoot us down at any moment!"
"Hold on!"
Standing next to Q were Eve, Tanner and Mallory. They all had their eyes glued to the large radar screen, which showed two red dots speeding across the sky.
Meanwhile, James manoeuvred the small plane to evade his pursuer's barrage of fire.
"It's getting worse! They want us dead!" yelped Anthony.
He turned to Bond.
"Tell me we've got guns on board!"
"Normally, yes. But for some reason, it won't engage!"
"Just my luck!"
Suddenly, they heard the sound of breaking glass in the back and the wind rushed through the cabin.
"Lock the door. We must prevent the aircraft from depressurizing!"
The teenager leapt from his seat and rushed to the cockpit door, which he double-locked. Then, he returned to his place and fastened his seat belt.
James remained focused on his flying, praying inwardly to get to the British sky as quickly as possible.
But as if to add to the anxiety, Larsen's voice came over the radio:
"No need to waste your energy, Bond. You are going to die, and it is inevitable!"
"We all die one day!" quipped James.
"But you, your death is near!"
James turned his head and met Anthony's gaze. But Anthony, instead of being worried, was smiling mischievously and pointing at the screen next to the dashboard.
The spy glanced at the screen and smiled triumphantly.
Amused, he replied:
"Tell me, Mr Larsen, aren't you too quick to claim victory?"
"One last bravado, Monsieur Bond?
"No, I wanted to welcome you?
Larsen's voice betrayed his surprise.
Anthony held back a laugh as James replied:
"I wanted to welcome you... to British airspace."
At this moment, Larsen turned pale: this was not possible!
"Tell me he's bluffing!"
His pilot replied:
"Sir... He's not bluffing!
And as if to confirm Bond's words, four British Army fighter planes circled the aircraft.
"This is a warning: you are now in British air territory. Surrender, or we will have to shoot you down!"
Furious, Larsen blasted into the aircraft:
Suddenly he heard the voice of his worst enemy, Gareth Mallory, on the radio:
"Checkmate, Larsen. Count on me to make sure you never come near my son again. And even if you try again, know that I'll always have a way to get in your way!"
For their part, James and Anthony were savouring their victory.
"We did it!" the teenager celebrated.
"So you say," smiled James, amused by the boy's infectious joy.
A few minutes later, they landed on a runway at Heathrow Airport, where a black car was waiting for them.
It was Tanner who greeted them:
"Well done, Bond. That was a neat trick."
"You can compliment Anthony: he showed courage!"
Tanner turned to the teenager and smiled:
"I don't doubt it. Come on, then: Mallory is looking forward to seeing you!"
The spy and the teenager settled into the car before heading for MI6. 
When they arrived at the headquarters of the British secret service, James and Anthony went to M's office. When M saw his son, he forgot all restraint and rushed over to hug him.
"Thank God! You're all right!"
At that moment, all the pressure he had built up over the last few days evaporated in one fell swoop, giving way to immense relief.
Loosening his embrace, he asked Anthony:
"Did they hurt you?"
"I told them they better not. But then, Mister Bond didn't give them time to do anything!"
Mallory turned his attention back to James and said simply:
"Thank you, Bond."
The spy replied simply:
"I only did my duty!"
Eve suggested mischievously:
"Given the work 007 has done, I think it would be wise to give him a few days holiday. What do you think, sir?"
The MI6 boss nodded.
"It seems appropriate. If I grant you two weeks, do you agree?"
"I appreciate your generosity, sir. May I go?"
"You may go, Bond. And thank you again."
After thanking his superior, James turned on his heels and was about to leave when Anthony rushed towards him.
The spy stopped, and the teenager came up to him. He held out his hand:
"I wanted to say thanks for saving me up. I owe you a lot!"
Smiling, James shook the young man's hand.
"I was just doing my job, Anthony. Besides, if it wasn't for your courage, we might not have made it out of there. Stay as you are. Something tells me you'll do great things."
"I'll do my best... Ah, and before you go, do you want a little advice?"
"What's that?"
"For your holiday, I advise you to go to the Land of the Rising Sun. I hear Tokyo is beautiful this time of year."
This remark amused the spy, who laughed.
"I'll make a note of it."
He walked away and declared:
"Take care of yourself, Anthony!"
"See you next time, Monsieur Bond."
A few hours later, Anthony and Gareth Mallory were in their flat, trying to recover from their emotions. 
As they sat on the sofa, the teenager murmured:
"I have to admit to you that I had the fright of my life."
"That's normal. After all, you escaped a kidnapping. It'll take time for you to move on..."
"No, I misspoke. I mean that I was afraid for you!"
At these words, Gareth was speechless. 
"You were afraid for me? But why?"
"I heard them talking about what they would do to you if they got their hands on you. And I was hoping you wouldn't fall for it..."
He was interrupted by his father's reassuring embrace as he stroked his head.
"It's not your place to worry about me. It's my job to worry about you."
Their eyes met.
"Don't worry, son. I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
Anthony let himself go into his father's reassuring arms, happy to be home again. No more adventures until next time. For now, the teenager let the sound of the rain hitting the tiles lulling him, enjoying the warmth of his home.
Gareth smiled as he watched his son doze off: he may be sixteen, but Anthony would always be his little boy. A little boy for whom he would move heaven and earth...
In front of Daiwaza School, in Tokyo.
Sitting by his car, James watched the students' exit with some trepidation. He wondered if it was a good idea to come here.
He remembered Q's words:
"I warn you, 007: I hate to throw money out of the window. So make sure you get the most out of your trip to Japan!"
The school bell brought James out of his reverie, and he saw dozens of uniformed schoolchildren quietly exiting the school, chatting happily.
The British spy scanned each face, eagerly watching for his son's.
And as chance would have it, Seijuro appeared, surrounded by other classmates.
The sight of his son made the British spy's stomach knot: he could see how much the teenager had grown!
Yet his friend, Tiger Tanaka, the head of the Japanese secret service, had warned him not without malice:
"I might as well warn you, James: your little boy is becoming a man!"
As he watched Seijuro, the British spy noticed how much the teenager resembled his late mother, Kissy Suzuki. 
As the young man walked away from his friends to head home, James said:
"Jā, Seijūrō, otōsan ni aisatsu shimasen ka?" (Well, Seijuro, aren't you going to say hello to your father?)
The young man turned around and exclaimed:
"Otōsan?" (Dad?)
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Bond smiled at him in response. But deep down, he was terrified: what if his son rejected him? After all, they hadn't spent much time together. What if his son thought he didn't love him?
To his surprise, Seijuro rushed to him and took him in his arms, exclaiming happily:
"I was sure you would come!"
Relieved, James responded to his son's embrace. 
Then the young man asked:
"How did you manage to come here?"
"My boss gave me a few days holiday. So I thought I'd take the opportunity to spend some time with you."
"That's great!"
Bond felt a twinge of sadness: he saw in Seijuro's eyes total adoration and trust. He didn't know if he deserved it, but today it didn't matter.
"Come on, get in the car!"
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise!"
Father and son settled into the Aston Martin. As he started the car, James asked:
"Tell me, Seijuro: how would you like a little trip to London?"
For James Bond, his son's joy was priceless. And it suited him just fine...
Thanks for the reading!
Hope you’ll enjoy this (long) story!
Take care and see you soon! 😘🥰😍 
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clamityganon · 3 years
yeah about that,, from 1 to 12 plus 14, 19 and 27 about the DC fandom, but.. just the comics cause we all hate the cinematic universe. i hope it's not too much work 😐😐 also if it *is* just go for those five i actually wrote
i got 1 - 4 here 😎
5. has a fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
hmmm,,, i’m a little tired of robstar. don’t get me wrong, it’s very cute, but i don’t know i’m just kinda bored of seeing it everywhere? i wouldn’t say the fandom ruined it for me though.
6. has the fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
nope lmao i’m stubborn
7. is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
not really
8. have you ever received anon hate?
no, unless you count the “PAMELA ISELY” bot
9. most disliked characters?
the joker.
10. most dislike arc?
11. is there any unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t?
i don’t think the fandom dislikes her, but i liked shawn tsang from the 2016 nightwing run! she was pretty rad
12. is there an unpopular arc you like that the fandom doesn’t?
hm. i don’t think so?
14. unpopular opinion about your fandom?
ships don’t matter so people should stop arguing about them (unless they’re problematic, obviously)
19. what is the thing you hate the most about your fandom?
some people are kinda annoying about “reading the right comics.” just read what you want and enjoy what you want. it’s annoying to be elitist
27. least shippable character?
hal jordan i’m sorry hal but i can only think of like three ships off the top of my head rn
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