#sorry for the late responce aaa
monsterfloofs · 1 month
What is your favorite food and your least favorite food?
Oh gosh I am so sorry I missed this! >-< )
Favorite foods.. I really enjoy making a faux homemade pizza, it's made with slices of bread, your topings of choice and put into the oven. ^^ ) I have heard a couple names for it, Pizza Toast, Hobo Pizza, I call it Poor Man's Pizza myself! It's funny how something simple like this can look fancy depending on what you add. >:3 And it's a fun and versatile thing to make if you don't have a lot on hand.
Least favorite food hands down is celery?? I can't stand how bitter it can get! And normally I have a track record of eating it when it's at it's oldest, most bitter state. In things like soup it tastes okay but on it's own? *shudders*
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makeouts-abandoned · 4 years
hi sunnie !! omg your theme is just,,, so amazing. i love it it's so creative <33 how are u ??
waa thank you babe<3 i’m honestly..not too great but i’m ...around aa. i’ve been kinda on a hiatus recently so i’m sorry for the late responce, life has been rough recently. on the bright side i dyed my hair black, it’s a vibe! but aaa i’m sick (its not corona, just a cold,,, i think .hopefully.,)  but aa thank you so much! i worked really hard on thinking of a theme and trying to find the exact image i wanted! i love you hon how are you doing dear?
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