#sorry for girlblogging but i need to record and ruminate on these thoughts
fucktrain ยท 2 years
okie i need to talk about my dream kitchen
genuine since i-could-stand cook. professionally done prep, line, baking, and even a teeny bit of recipe development, i have a lot to say
i need my kitchen to be a place where i get to talk to people as i cook, and those people are not cooking. not like open concept, i would want a separate living and dining room, but like if there was a party happening....... id want to be able to pull aside my besties..... wait idk maybe i do want open concept.
fuck. okay. idk how much of an audience i want as i cook but i know i want at least a close friend or two to be able to sit around and chat as im finishing off a meal for us.
idk why but i dont love breakfast bars? the stools are always a lil too high&swiveling to get into smoothly, and im a tall person who loves a spinny chair so it's weird that that bugs me. but i like a breakfast nook!! our kitchen growing up had a mid hight half moon table up against the wall opposite the main counter space, and since it was a small room and just about the same hight, that table was basically a big prep counter.
i cant live without a dishwasher. not worth elaborating.
spice rack should be visible!! it should be one row!! it should be massive!!! i want just like one wall to be covered in rows of 2in deep wooden shelves with a 1cm rounded lip to keep jars/other small things in place while being very visible. each row could be a little but further apart so that some rows are for short bottles and then some are for taller ones like olive oil. this would also be more visually fun than keeping the distance the same, and i naturally order my bottles by size anyways. size/type of bottles but also with regards to type of flavor! i keep all my warm spices in one clump, which is next to the spicy spice clump, leading into the earthy spice clump, and then the herbs. vanilla goes by the warm spices, olive oil and s&p are at the far right end after the herbs, and all my spice blends & wildcard types (msg &lemon pepper) are on the top shelf.
trash and recycling belong under the sink, in one of those smooth fancy pull out cabinets. for compost, (which, i dont compost currently but this is ny dream kitchen, i dream what i want) a large clear container on the counter so that i am more likely to empty it in my immediate cooking clean up. something sturdy& easy to clean but still pretty enough to leave out on the counter.
BIG WINDOWS. why would i want to look at a wall when i could look outside? put a window in the sightline of main work area.
i think for overall layout, having a big central island with a stove and sink might be what works best for me. not huge! wait lemme add a visual.
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cause honestly? if we're talking dream dream kitchen, its gunna have to be round. and if i said fuck it, no one can talk to me while im cooking, it would be a rounded triangle. i need to be able to get to everything quickly and see where everything is. baristas especially know that you want to set everything in a triangle cause then!! because then!!!!!! no matter where you are, the place you need to go to next, is right next to you. this is beautiful to me. and it should be slightly rounded because geometry/physics/bubbles has proven that a circle/sphere is the most efficient route around something, and being a line cook with adhd has means that i will basically drift race my way around a kitchen. i need my ideal routes!!! and i need to have sharp corners eliminated because i will run into them and i am tired of having bruises on my hips!!!
i know! i know! rounded room means rounded appliances, which don't exist. but my dream kitchen will not be limited by your farmhouse sink.
i'm not sure what kinda counter i'd want. i have a soft spot for granite, and it is heat safe, but my brain now links a nice stainless steel surface to the kitchen so hard that i think it'd feel odd at this point not to work with that as my backdrop.
gunna look at slabs now, brb!
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she's so sexy but she's so sexy it's distracting. great for the bathroom right off the kitchen, not for a counter where i need to focus on the knife in my hand.
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god i love tigers eye so much. again, its far too interesting for a work surface but i love how it feels like an aquarium?? and the way tigers eye glows, especially when you have blue and gold together like this, it feels like more of a window than a wall.
yeah the stainless is calling to me... i wish i could have a wood counter but i need her to be heat-safe and meat-safe.
hanging pots n pans rack i think. ideally i would have pot and pans that are so stunning (and have removable handles i guess?) that they can double as serving dishes too. there's these like camping kinda pans i think that have handles that clamp onto the main bit of the pan. i just really want some nicely shaped carbon steel cookware, and also a good dutch oven with a sweet design.
brooke sheilds has a little shelf above her stove, right below the range, stealing that idea which isnt even originally hers anyway. i used to have a stove that had a more flat wide top bump bit and we used that as a little salt pepper and oil shelf, its very handy.
idk maybe im just really missing the house i grew up in.
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