#sonic the hedgehoh
sortanonymous · 4 months
You know that Sonic "marathon"(?) I mentioned recently about having no clue how to play through?
Well, wouldn't you guess, I can't even get through Labyrinth Zone of Sonic 1 before already having to add something I didn't know about. I mentioned that I was iffy on whether to play the 8-bit and other obscure handheld games (Pocket Adventure, Advance trilogy, Rush games, Colors DS, Generations 3DS), but then I came across NoahNCopeland's incredible 16-bit remake of Triple Trouble (ironically the only Game Gear platformer to not get a Master System port free of screen crunch) and... uh, yeah, I am not letting that one get ignored. I might play it as soon as after Sonic 3 & Knuckles (which itself I feel tempted to play before CD due to CD being kind of the oddball of the Genesis games)!
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takato1993 · 1 year
Do Knuckles and Shadow ever really interact I can't think of a significant interaction between the two?
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kitstenk · 1 month
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Aurath belongs to @/Hydrotropicguy
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Poll 21, Round 1.
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About Tom: (by @shadowandsonic96) Tom was made just like shadow in a test tube but eggman made him. made to distract Sonic and Shadow. so if Sonic and Shadow had something to take care of he'd be able to destroy the world and Tom would go against them later on. sadly that wasn't the outcome and Tom fought against him with his DNA parents . later on sonic and Shadow died in an explosion that happened when they were both trying to save people from a bomb that was strapped to a little girl unfortunately everybody involved past.. Tom was heartbroken.. he then meets a girl named Cindy the Hedgehog 22 year old and Tom being 18. Cindy's parents offered to take him in and Cindy now being his big sister. Tom still looks at pictures of his DNA parents as he called them. he still smiles to the picture of them from time to time wishing he could spend a little more time with them before they passed. anytime he entered an ultimate universe he doesn't dare call a Sonic or a shadow dad.
About Splotch: (by @thefakehedgehogaroundhere) Splotch is a berry-loving gremlin who ended up with Sonic's speed and Shadow's teleportation- making her a hassle to keep track of. The first time she teleported, she somehow ended up with Sticks, who practically begged Sonic and Shadow to call her "Auntie Sticks" around Splotch.
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dykeseesgod · 2 years
please please pleaseplease please please draw sonic the hedgehoh on aggie thanks
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ok! btw sorry for the other art in the screenshot, it was done by basil basilbytes who is in the aggie and also on call with me right now.
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hothbricks · 1 month
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Nouveautés LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog d'août 2024 : les visuels officiels sont disponibles https://www.hothbricks.com/nouveautes-lego-sonic-the-hedgehoh-daout-2024-les-visuels-officiels-sont-disponibles/
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trytofic · 8 months
Can you please tag your fic's fandoms (like the ShadowAmy)
Of course! I didnt even think about it!
So anything will be the fandom followed by fanfiction. So sonic the hedgehoh fanfiction and undertale fanfiction.
That way I don't clog up the main sonic the hedgehog tag and all the ships are properly tagged as well! <3
I hope this is what you meant!
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skull001 · 5 years
About the Sonic movie.
Why does Hollywood have this very idiotic and frankly, stupid mentality where they see the whimsical oddities of the source material from a franchise such as Sonic, like his cartoony design (which I might add is one of the most iconic and timeless videogame character designs) as if it where some kind of obstacle that HAS TO BE overcome and which needs to be replaced with ugly and bland?
However, as much as Paramount fucked this, I also got to question the involvement of Sega, who once more treated the Sonic brand as if it where some kind of cheap whore they can give to just about anyone to fuck up in exchange of a quick buck. It’s almost as if they were just awfully short-sighted (if not blind) and oblivious of how this below mediocre film will further damage the image of their main brand the very moment it tries to recover (again).
Why couldn’t they just have given this project to more talented people who actually loves the franchise (in a sincere and honest way, not the fucking “where fans too” PR bullshit that has been parroted before so many times) like Tyson Hesse? Just imagine how this very talented animator, with the right team , could create something that could give a run for it’s money to the Sonic OVA, if not even surpass it.
But nah, apparently, making the right choice is something forbidden by a bunch of monkeys on a suit that run Sega.
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pidifer · 6 years
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I’ve been meaning to sketch Tangle for the longest time. Whipped this up inbetween classes.
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rustybottlecap · 5 years
Sonic: HAHA Is that all you’ve got?!
Carrey’s Eggman: No, but thank you for asking.
*new robot shows up*
This part of the trailer legit makes me want to watch the movie the most. I can totally buy Jim Carrey having an intense rivalry with a cartoon hedgehog that pushes his scientific genious to the limit.
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l7h7demonicxx · 3 years
Laila new drawing !!
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Laila the hedgehoh (sonic adventure style)
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the-cooler-king · 4 years
Im high and heres my thoughts on nnt: why did they make zeldris look like sonic for a minute there lmao what a punk. Why can't monspeet and derieri live together in a chill way forever, why do i have to know everyone is gonna die.... GLOXINIA.... DROLE WITH HIS BEAUTIFUL EYES.... SONIC THE HEDGEHOH ZELDRIS.....
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pancakeke · 5 years
sonic the hedgehOH GOD
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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We’ve seen how the US made Evil Sonic, now let’s see what the UK delivers...
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Before we check out the UK, let’s talk about Scourge the Speed Demon. With permission from Penders, RUSH Comics were going to make a four part mini-series about Scourge, rewritten to lose his Sonic aspects. I was hoping to see how this compares to the others, but issues happened. Get the full summary about it here, it is a very interesting read. 
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Now for those who don’t know, you’re wondering what’s the deal with Super Sonic in Fleetway. Normally the Super Sonic form is just Sonic stronger and faster. But in the Fleetway comics, its more akin to a Hulk form. Thanks to absorbing too many Mobus Rings (that’s what Tails said), whenever he gets pushed too far he turns into Super Sonic. 
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But unlike Hulk who desires to be alone, Super Sonic wants destruction. While it could be directed, those caught in the crossfire are likely to get hurt. The Wiki mentions the following: “In Sonic the Comic, the Golden Rings had been used as a means of channeling evil energy into the Chaos Emeralds by Doctor Ovi Kintobor's ROCC.” Though if you ask me, the brief bits of Fleetway Sonic kind of makes him sound like a jerk a good number of times and Super Sonic is a result of that going too far.
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See Issue 80 where he wants to check up on Porker yet don’t want to hear his “boring stories”. But it is this comic that sets up how truly threatening Super Sonic is. For what happens when his focus is towards a friend? What if you left them because of an argument and that was the last thing he thought of? Because when he fell into the Chaos Well by accident, Super Sonic had one thought in mind: KILL AMY ROSE! And we see the full Super Sonic action in 81.
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Amy apparently is pretty fast in Fleetway because she dodges a Super Sonic tackle. Either that or he wanted to destroy everything she cares for like the Caravan I presume she lived in. And he continues to chase Amy, Tails and a Rabbit named Johnny. While wildly attacking them, he crashed himself into a mountain. He survived, but it makes me think he’s more like a wild animal than a villainous threat.
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They seemingly try to escape via a plane, but Super Sonic shoots them down, caushing them to crash. Just in time too as Sonic returns back to normal to see the chaos he caused. Yeah, one thing I have to crticize about their comics is their stories are short. They try to make it up by having three other stories, but I think two longer stories would have been better. Heck, I talked less about this issue than the events leading up to it. So what happens next?
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Sonic went into an exile, thinking he killed his friends, but they’re alive and got a device that drained Sonic out of his Super Sonic form. But the Star Post actually seperated the two, meaning Super Sonic was now his own thing. In Issue 85 we even see Super Sonic taking on Sonic. Omni-Viewer, a Time Viewing TV, tried to keep him imprisoned in 86 but by the end despite it controlling time and space Super Sonic continues to move.
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After escaping via Hot as the Sun Asteroid to Mobius, Super Sonic was suddenly changing. He couldn’t store energy anymore like he could use to. So by the next time we see him, he’s just a golden hedgehoh who is having bad dreams, not even remembering his actions as Super Sonic. He’s even looking for a job despite not knowing his own name. Problem is the bar is with magic people and one of them has a Mind Link ability to help his memories.
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Luckily despite that, he does not want to go on a rampage despite having his powers back. He just can’t unleash it or else he’ll go demonic. So he got a job and promises to be good. But during the Sonic Adventure Arc, he was dying. She hoped that if Super Sonic absorbed the Chaos Energy Chaos was stealing would save him, but it unleashed the demon once more. But thanks to Super Sonic’s friend, he is back within Sonic. And the series ends there since the rest of the series are reprints.
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While there are fan continuations of Fleetway Sonic, I want to higlight Archie Sonic #126, where Sonic using Six Red Chaos Emeralds created Super Sonic as a seperate being. It is like a nod to Fleetway Super Sonic since this Super is only Power, and power uncontrolled can cause destruction. Luckily like Super Sonic proper, it only lasts a short while.
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So who is the best Evil Sonic? Eh... I can’t really say. Both Reverse Sonic and Super Sonic don’t have much of anything to be a good evil foil. Scourge is all flash no substance. And Surge is still new and probably going to be made less of an Evil Sonic and more her own character with her own desires. Maybe those beyond “I wanna beat Sonic.” Maybe if Zamasu took over his body...
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zebruh · 5 years
angry mickey mouse looks like sonic the hedgehoh
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rustybottlecap · 5 years
I think I’ll pass on judging Sonic’s movie design until I see it in motion.
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