#songs/narratives. but songs about how the singer has shit and hopeless days and doesn't know what to do about that are... they resonate
leatherbookmark · 4 months
took a gander into the notes of this post and there's a short conversation between the op and someone who says learning to be loved is impossible when there's no one to love you, and op tries to argue, but it doesn't really work for me. see, the original post was great, but i feel like here op tried to be comforting to someone who needs it, and that sort of blurred the original message. when someone tells you they have no one, i don't think saying "that's not true" is going to help and/or endear them to you lmao.
you don't know their situation. someone who's alone, surrounded by abusive or simply uncaring people, is not going to feel supported by a stranger confidently saying there's a nebulous SOMEONE loving them. because where are they, then? why aren't they helping me if they love me so much? is it my fault for not seeing them and letting them love me? it just doesn't work.
and "you ARE loved" is different from "you WILL be loved" which is also different from "i hope you'll feel loved". two of them can sound obnoxiously confident and even uncaring to someone who feels abandoned and unloved, and one is... idk, i feel it's much kinder. at least it acknowledges the other person's feelings and situation instead of trying to smother them with positivity.
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