#sometimes i look at bearach and i think
resonatingfern · 4 years
Bearach and Finnas for the ship asks please ?
  (I hope I got Finnas down okay!)
who hogs the duvet I’m gonna say Bearach just because he’s so much bigger than FInnas, he just ends up pulling the covers away without realizing it.
   who texts/rings to check how their day is going Finnas. Bearach gets very busy during the day and sometimes forgets to do things like eat or take care of himself
   who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts I’ll say Finnas again. Bearach… isn’t good with that type of thing.
   who gets up first in the morning Bearach is up with the sun, making rounds and getting to work before it all piles up.
   who suggests new things in bed I really have no idea. Maybe Finnas? Again, Bearach has spent his whole life hyper focused on other things and sex is often the farthest thing from his mind.
   who cries at movies Probably Finnas, since Bearach has never once (?) cried.
   who gives unprompted massages Bearach. He knows Finnas has to put a lot of strain on his shoulders and arms while using his bow, so he likes to make sure he works out all the knots and tension he gets.
   who fusses over the other when they’re sick Maybe Finnas? I think Bearch tries to hide the fact that he’s sick, so Finnas might fuss to try and actually get him to rest for once
   who gets jealous easiest Bearach. He’s not using to having feelings for anyone, so he’s a little insecure about how well he’ll be able to keep Finnas interested
   who has the most embarrassing taste in music Bearach doesn’t listen to music, so not him!
   who collects something unusual Also not Bearach, since he doesn’t collect anything.
   who takes the longest to get ready Bearach usually has a bit of armor to strap on, or formal clothes to wear for special political events, so probably him!
   who is the most tidy and organised Bearach for sure. A place for everything and everything in its place is one of his mottoes.
   who gets most excited about the holidays Finnas, though Bearach slowly starts to get excited about them too once he and Finnas are together.
   who is the big spoon/little spoon Big spoon Bearach! Arms wrapped around Finnas, resting his chin on his head, holding him very tight because he’s the only thing in the world that he’s allowed to be selfish about.
   who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports Probably Bearach. He’s uhhh very used to winning things.
   who starts the most arguments Bearach. Sometimes he shifts into Commander-mode when he shouldn’t.
   who suggests that they buy a pet Both of them. They’re both rangers… they both love their pets… why not have a few more.
   what couple traditions they have None yet!
   what tv shows they watch together I don’t think Bearach would like television!
   what other couple they hang out with In the very limited spare time they have together they’re probably see other couples that Finnas knows. Or Bearach would take Finnas along on a double date with Kas and Jory.
   how they spend time together as a couple Long walks outside, probably with their pets, too. Just going somewhere they can be alone would be perfect for Bearach.
   who made the first move Bearach
   who brings flowers home Finnas? I can see him trying to brighten up Bearach’s office a bit.
   who is the best cook Bearach can make camp rations and the most plain, nutritionally adequate meal. So hopefully Finnas can cook a little better than that!
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duskroots · 4 years
Some musings of Ardwyn about his dad because I was thinking about this the other day and I wanted to write it down. 
Dad is @resonatingfern‘s Bearach, paps is Finnas in case it wasn’t obvious. I don’t think he’d actually call either of them “father” so that works for me.
Anyway this is short and not very fleshed out but I still decided to post it because I still lke it. Here goes!
Growing up as the son of the famous commander, Ardwyn had heard the stories about his dad's many many deeds from a young age on.
About how he had slewn dragons and had brought a god to his knees, how he had commanded armies, had started and ended entire wars with the strike of his blade. 
How his dearheart had been by his side, not through all but through most and the worst of it, weapon ever at the ready to strike, and to go wherever his lover went.
It was always other people who told these stories, he had noticed. His fathers hardly ever talked about what used to be, and looking at both of his fathers as they were now many years later, after they had settled down in a small home tucked away in a quiet part of the Grove, he didn't find the stories still hard to believe sometimes, but not entirely impossible.
Among all the fantastic tales people told about Commander Bearach those Ardwyn did find impossible to believe, however, were those recalling the way his dad used to be before he met Ardwyn's paps.
How he used to be a cold and distant person who wouldn't let anyone close to him, not a single smile ever crossing his face, no laughter that ever escaped his lips.
How there was no warmth, no comfort, in anything he did.
Ardwyn found it hard to imagine his dad this way.
One of Ardwyn's earliest memories was of him, his strong arms lifting Ardwyn's tiny body up and holding him against his chest, a solid warm refuge to lean against as the small sprout was crying bitterly.
He had scraped his knee when he fell chasing after Posy, his fern pup, and Ardwyn could still hear his dad's deep, soothing voice as he tried to console him. Not a single harsh word, not a hint of reprimand in his voice. Just concern, and so much love.
Ardwyn couldn't even begin to picture how that other version of his dad might have reacted back then. This stranger that he had heard of in stories, who had locked away all of his emotions for reasons he could only guess.
He was raised on love and laughter, on warmth and on comfort, both his fathers had made sure of that and he loved them for it as much as they loved him.
So thinking about this sad, lonely version of his dad, cold and distant as he had been, Ardwyn was thankful that this was a thing of the past, and he thanked Ventari that he would never have to meet him.
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