#solo 2020 mimi
fymoonbyul · 2 months
[ARTICLE] Moon Byul hopes to be more than just the rapper of MAMAMOO
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Moon Byul spent the first decade of her career as the rapper of girl group Mamamoo. She now plans to break that frame as an all-rounder artist with her first full-length solo album, “Starlit of Muse,” featuring band music, brass music and more.
“I’ve spent the last 10 years as the rapper of Mamamoo, but I didn’t want to lock myself under that title. I didn’t want to be afraid of taking new challenges,” Moon Byul said during a group interview ahead of the release of “Starlit of Muse” on Tuesday.
The group interview was held at Space Sophora, the art gallery in Jung District, central Seoul where Moon Byul also hosted her special exhibition before the release.
“This is why I started my own battle to break that frame in 2022, joining competition shows and releasing new solo albums. I think I can pack that final punch with my full-length album,” she said.
“I needed all 12 tracks in my album to fully express myself.”
The album's 12 songs come in a variety of styles and genres, including “Touchin&Movin,” the lead track featuring funky brass tunes, “Memories,” a song featuring live instrumentals and “Gold,” the artist's first English B-side.
“All the genres that I’ve tried before in my past solo lead tracks are included in ‘Starlit of Muse’,” Moon Byul said. “There’s a song similar to ‘Lunatic’ (2022), ‘C.I.T.T.’ (2022), I have a powerful song just like ‘Eclipse’ (2020) and much more.”
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Moon Byul joined and took victory in JTBC’s competition show “The Second World” (2022), which saw girl group rappers such as Oh My Girl’s Mimi, WJSN’s EXY and Billlie’s Moon Sua competing.
But Moon Byul, despite her history as a singer-songwriter who has written lyrics for both her own and Mamamoo's music, is only credited as a producer on two of the album's tracks — “Like a Fool” and “After Sunset,” which Moon Byul wrote three years ago, but has been saving for her full-length release.
“I’ve only decided to put two of my own songs in the album because I wanted to be open to different perspectives — I didn’t want my album to be limited by my vocabulary and the language I use. I wanted to sing songs of love, youth and other different stories seen in different perspectives.”
Nevertheless, Moon Byul clarified that she was at the center of the album's production process, thinking of ideas and making decisions to craft an album that she, herself, would want to buy.
“When I was in a group of four, the agency gave us the big picture and we didn’t have much input in the album. When I was in a duo in Mamamoo+, I could put half of my input into the album. With a solo release, I can have all my input in the album,” Moon Byul said. “Everyone can release a bland album, so I wanted to make a fun and exciting album.”
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Out of the many songs in the album, “Memories,” featuring RBW’s boy band Onewe, was Moon Byul’s favorite B-side track.
“'The Second World’ really taught me that I like band music and made me realize that I’m quite good at it,” she said. “'Memories’ is a song that fits just right in that category. It revolves around the theme of refreshing youth, and I think it will be best performed live.”
“I’m so glad and thankful to have Onewe as instrumental performers in the song, because imitating band music using synthesizers just didn’t feel lively,” Moon Byul said. “Listening to Onewe’s live performances, I could feel the liveliness, and I could sense how the band communicates with the listeners.”
But despite praising her collaborators, Moon Byul remained humble and cautious about debuting her own band.
“You know, as much as I want to start my own band, I’m very much well aware that people around me would have to suffer [in helping me],” Moon Byul said with a laugh. “I also can’t play any instruments. I think I’ll have to be ready first.”
Moon Byul hopes that fans will enjoy the merchandise she's prepared to accompany the album, including a limited-edition tote bag made out of demo and various “unique and fun” photocards.
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But the most important thing, the artist said, is that she, herself, is happy with her work.
“I never felt the feelings of satisfaction as I released my previous albums, but I was truly satisfied with everything with my album as I produced it,” Moon Byul said. “So regardless of how other people judge me, I’ll be happy with my album.”
But, she emphasized, “I hope my fans will listen to the album and be proud of their favorite singer.” She added, “I hope it turns out to be an album I’m not ashamed of and one that’s worthy of Mamamoo’s name.”
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El 8 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer, un día dedicado a la lucha por la igualdad, la participación y el empoderamiento de la mujer en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad.En este artículo te vamos a explicar por qué se celebra y el origen de esta fecha tan importante. Además te hablaremos de mujeres inspiradoras y te daremos ideas de cómo puedes celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer 2024.
¿Por qué se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer?
Si hay algún colectivo que sabe de lucha son las mujeres. Solo hay que echar la vista atrás para ver lo que ha conseguido la mujer en solo 100 años, lo que se ha avanzado. Pero aún queda mucho camino por recorrer.
El movimiento del 8M se hace cada año más fuerte y poderoso, como cada una de las mujeres que lo componen. Diversos grupos, asociaciones, fundaciones, ONGs y mujeres siguen luchando de manera permanente por acabar con los acosos, asesinatos, violencia de género, brecha salarial y las desigualdades en todas sus formas.
También se unen muchos hombres a la causa, porque la igualdad de género beneficia a toda la sociedad. Porque el destino de los hombres y las mujeres está unido.Hasta que no se consiga una igualdad de género efectiva, se seguirá celebrando el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Día Internacional de la Mujer. Lema 2024
Según la ONU, el tema o lema del Día Internacional de la Mujer para 2024 es "Invertir en las mujeres: acelerar el progreso". Se trata de reflexionar a cerca de la evidente falta de financiación para lograr la igualdad de género para 2030. Se estima que hay un déficit de 360 millones de dólares anuales que serían necesarios para apoyar proyectos que garanticen los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas en todos los ámbitos. Desde aquí, te animamos a apoyar la causa y una manera de hacerlo es compartir información en redes sociales con el hastag #InvertirEnMujeres.
Movimiento Mundial del 8M
El Día Internacional de la Mujer se identifica con el moviemiento 8M. Pero, ¿sabes qué es y de dónde surje el 8M? El Paro Internacional de Mujeres (PIM) o International Women´s Strike (IWS), también conocido como Movimiento 8M, fue creado en el año 2016, conformado por más de 50 organizaciones de mujeres de todo el mundo.Su principal finalidad es visibilizar las diversas formas y expresiones de la violencia machista que sufren las mujeres en todo el mundo. Esta huelga internacional de mujeres se efectúa en el marco de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, el 8 de marzo.
¿Cómo podemos celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer en 2024?
Te invitamos a que celebres el Día Internacional de la Mujer, seas mujer u hombre, para lograr una sociedad más justa, más pacífica y más sostenible.
Hay muchas formas de participar en este día tan especial. Únete al desafío del Día de la Mujer, comparte en redes sociales el nombre de una calle de tu ciudad que lleve el nombre de una mujer, o visibiliza la historia de alguna mujer que haya logrado un reto importante. Celébralo y comparte tus ideas y experiencias con los hashtags #DíaDeLaMujer #díainternacionaldelamujer #InvertirEnMujeres #8M #8M2024 #DíaDeLaMujer2024
¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!
Filmografía sobre Mujeres Inspiradoras
A continuación mostramos algunos títulos de series y películas inspiradoras y motivadoras sobre historias de mujeres empoderadas, para compartir y reflexionar en familia:
Una Mujer Hecha a si Misma (EEUU. Directora: Kasi Lemmons. Año 2020): miniserie biográfica para tv acerca de la empresaria C.J. Walker. Levantó un imperio de productos para el cabello, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer afroamericana millonaria.
Una Cuestión de Género (EEUU. Directora: Mimi Leder. Año 2019): película biográfica inspirada en la historia de la jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg, una abogada de 85 años nombrada magistrada de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos. Se convirtió en una heroína popular, debido a su incansable lucha por la igualdad de género.
El Escándalo (EEUU. Director: Jay Roach. Año 2019): en esta película basada en hechos reales tres presentadoras de televisión se atrevieron a denunciar el acoso sexual en el sector, ocasionando la caída del CEO de la cadena Fox News, Roger Ailes.
Certain Women: Vidas de Mujer (EEUU. Directora: Kelly Reichardt. Año 2015): tres mujeres intentarán abrirse camino en un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos, cruzando irremediablemente sus vidas.
La Dama de Oro (Reino Unido. Director: Simon Curtis. Año 2015): María Altmann es una mujer judía que huyó de Viena en la II Guerra Mundial. Luego de 60 años regresa a recuperar las propiedades de la familia confiscadas por los nazis, enfrentando duros recuerdos del pasado. Basado en una historia real.
Sufragistas (Reino Unido. Directora: Sarah Gavron . Año 2015): refleja el movimiento sufragista surgido en Inglaterra durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, en donde la mayoría de las sufragistas son obreras. Lograron reivindicar la dignidad de las mujeres.
Siempre Alice (EEUU. Director: Richard Glatzer. Año 2014): una afamada profesora de lingüística de la Universidad de Harward ha sido diagnosticada con Alzheimer, cambiando radicalmente su vida. Deberá luchar contra esta dura enfermedad degenerativa.
Historias Cruzadas (EEUU. Director: Tate Taylor. Año 2011): en los años sesenta una joven escritora sureña regresa a su natal Mississipi. Decide entrevistar a mujeres afroamericanas que trabajan en casas de familia para escribir un libro, ocasionando un gran revuelo.
Desafío Sobre Olas (EEUU. Director: Sean McNamara. Año 2011): una adolescente surfista perdió uno de sus brazos, debido al ataque de un tiburón. Esto no le impidió luchar para convertirse en campeona del surfismo, siendo una gran inspiración para otras personas. Basado en una historia real.
La Sonrisa de Mona Lisa (EEUU. Director: Mike Newell. Año 2003): una profesora se traslada a Nueva Inglaterra en 1953 para enseñar historia del arte. Intentará cambiar la mentalidad de sus estudiantes, para que tengan un futuro más allá de convertirse en esposas y amas de casa.
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¿Desde cuando se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer? Origen y cronología
El Día Internacional de la Mujer fue promulgado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en el año 1975, pero realmente se ha celebrado desde mucho antes.
Anteriormente las mujeres reclamaban derechos básicos, tales como ejercer el derecho al voto en las elecciones, el derecho a ocupar posiciones de responsabilidad en política y en la sociedad en general, derecho al trabajo y al estudio.
En la actualidad, el Día Internacional de la Mujer es una fecha significativa para reivindicar sus derechos básicos y fundamentales.
A continuación mostramos la cronología y antecedentes del Día Internacional de la Mujer en el mundo, una lucha imparable de mas de cien años de historia:
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1909: Se celebra en Estados Unidos el Día Nacional de la Mujer, y se sigue celebrando hasta 1913, coincidiendo con el último domingo de febrero.
1910: La Internacional Socialista se reúne en Copenhague y proclama el Día Internacional de la Mujer, para ayudar a conseguir el sufragio femenino universal y otros avances. A propuesta de Clara Zetkin, se estableció la fecha del 8 de marzo para celebrar este día por primera vez, aunque no se estableció cuando se empezaría a celebrar.
También en España, a partir del 8 de marzo de 1910, la mujer pudo acceder a las Enseñanzas Superiores, en igualdad de condiciones con el hombre.
1911: Como consecuencia de la reunión de Copenhague del año anterior, el 19 de marzo se celebró por primera vez el Día Internacional de la Mujer en algunos países de Europa: Alemania, Austria, Suiza y Dinamarca. Se exigió el derecho de voto, el derecho a ocupar cargos públicos por parte de las mujeres, a la formación profesional y al trabajo. En definitiva, mejoras básicas.
El 25 de marzo de 1911 se produjo un trágico incendio en la fábrica Triangle Shirtwaist de Nueva York, donde murieron 123 mujeres y 23 hombres por no poder salir del edificio. Este hecho tuvo mucha repercusión en la legislación laboral americana y en celebraciones posteriores del Día Internacional de la Mujer.
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1913 y 1914: Las mujeres rusas celebraron por primera vez el Día Internacional de la Mujer a finales de febrero de 1913, como un movimiento en pro de la paz, justo antes de que estallara la Primera Guerra Mundial. En Europa se celebró por primera vez el 8 de marzo de 1914 el Día Internacional de la Mujer, con mitines en contra de la guerra.
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1917: Más de dos millones de soldados rusos habían muerto en la guerra. Hubo una gran hambruna, y las mujeres rusas volvieron a manifestarse el último domingo de febrero, para pedir "pan y paz". Estas manifestaciones de mujeres formaron parte de las revueltas que terminarían con la monarquía en Rusia. El zar abdicó y el gobierno provisional concedió a las mujeres el derecho a voto en un domingo histórico.
1975: Año Internacional de la Mujer. La ONU promulgó el 8 de marzo como el Día Internacional de la Mujer y lo celebró por primera vez a nivel oficial.
1994: Aunque el Día Internacional de la Mujer se celebraba ya en todo el mundo, no era así en Estados Unidos. En 1994 la actriz polaca Beata Pozniak solicitó al Congreso de Estados Unidos el reconocimiento del Día Internacional de la Mujer.
1995: Se firmó la Declaración de Beijing por parte de 189 gobiernos, una hoja de ruta para conseguir los derechos de la mujer.
2011: El Día Internacional de la Mujer cumple 100 años. Entra en funcionamiento ONU Mujeres, una entidad de la ONU para la Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de la Mujer.
2015: Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Objetivo número 5: Lograr la igualdad entre los géneros y empoderar a todas las mujeres y niñas.
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femmefatalefm · 5 months
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❝ dul, seht — give into the temptation, annyeonghaseyo we are femme fatale ! ❞
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FEMME FATALE is a five-member girl group formed and later debuted under ADORE entertainment in 2020 with their debut mini-album DULCE PERICULUM with the title track AMBROSIA.
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famously, the group is known as park eunji's ( founder and ceo of adore ) passion project, thus creating a lot of buzz around the group prior to their debut. the hype only continued to grow as each member released solo tracks followed by a group pre-debut track, all containing a video with an insight of their lore.
to fans and netizens alike, it is apparent of the favoritism given to the girls — from quality in music production, music videos, to more creative liberty given to the members, solo activities, etcetera — it has given the group backlash and public scrutiny from the fans of the senior sister group SERAPHIC and brother group ETERNITY ( both under adore ) as said netizens deem the two groups lacking / deserving of more. with their perfect image of professionalism and clear track record with no scandals to date, it can only keep netizens from trying to tear them apart for so long. rumor has it that the hate is causing a strain amongst the girls.
despite that, femme fatale continues to chart successfully thanks to both their domestic and international fanbase.
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୨୧ . pre-debut track release order & positions ⸻ videos linked are not canon to lore / are listed to give original artists credit !
DAIYU ⸻ CENTER, LEAD VOCALIST ╱ SOLO TRACK : ' MAGICIAN ' ( video contains flashing & fake blood )
AINE ⸻ FACE OF THE GROUP, MAIN DANCER, SUB-VOCALIST ╱ SOLO TRACK : ' DEMONS ' ( video contains fake blood & fake bruising )
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OFFICIAL COLORS . MIMI PINK ( f9d4d9 ) & SEASHELL ( fff5ee )
DEBUT ALBUM . DULCE PERICULUM ( translation : danger is sweet )
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୨୧ . group concept ⸻ entails fallen angels that lure corrupt people in like sirens tangled in nightmares disguised as pleasant daydreams / dreams to their victims. if they don't trap them within their own world ( similar to purgatory / limbo ) then the girls are terrorizing / haunting them in the real world. contains themes similar to that of ' alice in borderland ', ' girl from nowhere ', and more.
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members in order from left to right ( not in age order, oops ) !
hwang ' SENA ' nabi ( 1999 ) . . . amano ' AI ' kokoro ( 1998 ) . . . choi ' AINE ' aeji ( 2001 ) . . . esmee ari ' ESTELLE ' de voss / song ari ( 2001 ) . . . hao ' DAIYU ' chenguang ( 2000 )
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classicalmusicdaily · 7 months
During his studies, he was awarded with the Rector’s Award in 2010 (for new project “DuLuM”), as well as with the Dean’s Award in 2012 (as an assistant conductor in the production of Bizet’s opera Carmen). In 2013 he conducted a performance of Stravinsky’s opera Le rossingol. He continue to collaborate with the Academy of Music in Zagreb from 2016 on, as an Assistant professor (Conducting studies and Sight reading), as well as a conductor of the new production of Massenet’s opera Cendrillon in March 2020. Since 2013 he was a member of the team at Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, firstly as a Répétiteur, later as a Studienleiter. As an assistant conductor, he made 10 productions for the theater: Les vêpres siciliennes, Don Carlo, Madama Butterfly, Turandot and Gurre-Lieder, just to name a few. He conducted performances of operas such as Don Pasquale, Mimi and Equinox. From September 2019, he is a member of Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich, where he had his german debut in March 2021. He is a conductor and an artistic director for three ensembles: Vocal baroque ensemble Projekt Lazarus (with concerts in Rome, Vienna, Venice, Varaždin, Zadar and many more), Chamber opera company “Opera bb” (with two premieres: Die Lustige Witwe in 2017 and Die Fledermaus in 2019) and Chamber ensemble “Col legno” (with contemporary repertoire performed at many festivals in Zagreb, Cres and Rovinj). Hello, dear Darijan and welcome in our Conductors of the future rubric! We are very happy to have the chance to get to know you better and to talk with you about your path & the beautiful world of opera. First of all, please, tell us about how everything started for you, about your musical journey. Dear OperaCharm Team, it is a great pleasure having this opportunity to talk with you all present myself and my work to a wider audience. I’ve been living with music since very early age. My older sister is a concert pianist and I had often been present while she’d practiced at home and my father always mention that I’ve been humming with her and sometimes even correcting some mistakes even before I started to play piano myself – so, there was a conductor somewhere inside even then I’ve started to work with my first piano teacher around my 7th birthday in my small hometown Novska (Croatia) and piano is always near me and I think it will be my whole life the basis of my musicianship, but with time I’ve realized that I like to make music with my friends and colleagues more and more… In that sense, I’ve gathered a few friends and started my own choir during my high school. After graduation in both piano and music theory, I moved to Zagreb, where I studied conducting and eventually got my MA Diploma in 2014. In 2011 you started your professional career as an assistant conductor in the production of Bizet’s Carmen, how was it for you? What is it like to have the chance, as a young conductor, to assist & be a part of the musical creation process? Except for living with classical music, mostly repertoire for piano solo in my youth, I’ve always been interested in wide range of music, going from arrangements for all kinds of ensembles (from chamber choir to symphonic orchestra) to even playing pop music in a few different groups. Somehow, opera as a form got to my attention quite late, i.e. during my studies in Zagreb. That was really the so-called “A-ha moment” when I felt really like I got “infused” with some kind of a drug I could never get rid of. All joking aside, that was really a great pleasure to assist my professor at the time and get the chance to be included in all stops on the way of making an opera production – from the very first coaching and lessons, learning the roles with singers to conducting staging rehearsals with soloists and full chorus. That experience was and still is crucial for all projects that came later. I’ve had an opportunity to find a way of giving my best working patiently with singers on all needed skills within a goal of
performing his/her best, from mastering most of languages of operatic repertoire to sing other parts, that still makes me happy to this very day. reposted from https://opera-charm.com/
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linlin-98 · 1 year
Hoy 12 de diciembre a puertas de que se cumpla el segundo mes del fin de nuestra relación, Bernabet me dijo que eso es todo, que estoy curada, que por fin estoy sana y me encuentro bien, sus ultimas palabras fueron CREETELO. 
Quizá lo dijo porque a veces creo que no lo estoy y que por momentos algunos de nuestros recuerdos me perturban, pero eso es normal al fin y al cabo no me pidas que olvide dos años en menos de dos meses. Me siento orgullosa y feliz por mi misma, no ha sido fácil pero tampoco lo hice difícil, en otras palabras no me auto sabotee, increíblemente pensé en mi y a pesar de muchas cosas entre ellas la curiosidad, no me deje ganar ni vencer y pude continuar con el PROCESO.    
Me quiero despedir de toda esta mierda hablando de la historia de amor, nuestra historia y aunque tuvo su fin, vale la pena escribir el comienzo y todo lo bueno que tuvo. esta vez no hablare de tus errores, esta vez hablare de la magia y el verdadero amor que hubo. 
siempre creí que lo nuestro fue destino, ¿ por qué? de pronto un amigo en común, nuestro querido Luchito, vivía en tu casa, pasabas tiempo con él y viste un estado en su celular, curiosamente el mío, que tan loco es el destino que te hizo preguntar por mi y pedir mi número.
yo no sabia de tu existencia, de pronto un numero desconocido me habla por wtsp, tú. Comenzaste con un hola, lucho me dio tu número y bueno te seguí la conversación, por cosas de la vida fluimos tan pero tan bien que no éramos amigos, en si nunca tuvimos ese termino, tu y yo afanamos desde ese primer hola, recuerdo que alguna vez te dije amix jajajaja me dijiste que no te diga así porque no podrías ser amigo de la persona que te gusta y a pesar de que muchas veces dejamos de hablar y parecía que lo nuestro nunca iba a suceder jamás dejaste que te dijera amigo. 
después de casi dos años de hablarnos y de ya habernos visto en varias oportunidades, nuestra historia comienza en octubre 2020, volvernos a ver en un cebichería y aunque creí un buen tiempo que fue casualidad, terminaste confesándome que sabias que estaría ahí y fuiste con la intensión de al menos robarme un beso, bueno ese día no me robaste un beso, sino todo lo contrario, terminamos en tu cama desnudos, ¿Cómo llegue ahí? yo estaba tan segura que no iba a pasar nada como las otras veces, pero el señor me quería enseñar a bailar jajajaja pusiste encima una bachata (carita de inocente) y en pleno “baile” todo tomo camino y terminamos ahí en tu cama. Pensé que solo era sexo casual, de una sola vez, pero no se sintió como sexo, realmente había mucha conexión, lo mejor de todo no solo lo sentí yo sino tu también y desde aquel día no nos dejamos de ver ni de hablar, desde ese día empezamos todo.
Te me declaras en pleno año nuevo de 2021, te tenias que ir a la playa pero según tu te quedaste por mí. viniste a donde yo estaba, te quedaste conmigo y después de las 12 y en casa de Joel me dijiste para estar, te dije que sí pero creí que al día siguiente te olvidarías, me equivoque, no fue así, no te olvidaste. Y aunque al principio los dos cuidábamos nuestros sentimientos, después del tercer mes todo cambio, realmente fui muy feliz contigo, me sentí completa, me sentí viva y con muchas ganas de vivir, éramos una pareja admirable por los que aun siguen juntos a pesar de sus problemas, sin embargo a pesar de ser el ejemplo tu y yo ya no existimos.
Después del tercer mes nos entregamos mas y mas y mas ambos, aprendimos, crecimos juntos, hicimos muchas cosas, a pesar de que yo me había dicho que contigo solo viviría el día a día y no quería ni promesas ni planes a futuro, me deje llevar, hablamos de nuestros hijos, de nuestra boda, de nuestra casa, DE NUESTRA CABRA! ptmr que locasos éramos que queríamos una cabra tan loca como nosotros, teníamos los mejores apodos que jamás nadie tendrá MONINO, MONINA, LOS MIMIS. Nuestras pulseras, la ropa siempre combinada cuando íbamos a salir alguna fiesta, nuestras borracheras en tu cuarto, escuchando agua marina o armonía 10 o lo que sea, siempre hablando de todo lo bueno, nuestros vinos, nuestras chelas, eras mi half drink. UNOS ALCOHOLICOS eso éramos! y bueno hacíamos el amor todooooos los dias jajajaja que rico csmr, nos hicimos muy felices, reíamos todo el tiempo, es obvio que hubieron cosas muy malas pero esto no es para hablar de ello, es para llevarme lo mejor de toda esa historia, de ese amor que me hizo entregar el corazón y perder el orgullo, para poder decir adiós de la mejor manera posible, me encantaría seguir escribiendo de todos los tantos momentos que tenemos pero no creo que acabe o me demoraría muchas horas.
Solo se con certeza al día de hoy que supe amar, que nos amamos, tu a tu manera y yo de las mejores formas que pueden existir en esta vida, y no es por ser presumida pero tu en el fondo sabes a lo que me refiero, y aunque ahora se que tocas otra piel y haces las cosas que hacías conmigo con alguien más y otra u otras están en tu cama, quiero decirte que te deseo lo mejor de la vida, que a pesar de todo lo malo y cuanto daño hayas causado en mi, deseo que cumplas con todas tus metas, realmente  quisiera volver a saber de ti porque tu nombre sea conocido, porque me digan que eres un representante de un artista, futbolista ya que ese era tu sueño y si no es así, pues que seas el mejor administrador o empresario de este puto país, que si te vuelves a enamorar de verdad, hayas aprendido de todo esto y no cometas los mismos errores, que realmente la hagas muy feliz, mucho mas feliz que a mi.
Y con esto termino, a ti que no te gustaba que te dijera amigo, te convertiste en ello, mi mejor amigo, a quien le contaba y le decía absolutamente todo, en quien mas confiaba hasta con mis pensamientos mas terribles que pude tener, fuiste mi marido ( aunque no nos casamos) mi enamorado, mi profesor, mi alumno, mi hermano, mi puto, pero sobre todo fuiste mi amor, mi “my darling”.
Gracias por absolutamente todo, estoy agradecida con el de arriba de haberte conocido y de haber aprendido todo esto aunque sea a la mala. 
atte: Con amor Lin Lin 
psdt: Dejo nuestra primera foto y la ultima.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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caps by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use)
Further original commentary under ‘read more’!
A golem, {in Jewish texts and Jewish folklore} is a clay creature that has been magically brought to life. The name comes from the Hebrew word “golem,” which means something incomplete or unfinished, like an embryo.
In popular legend, however, the golem became a kind of folk hero. Tales of mystical rabbis creating life from dust abounded, particularly in the Early Modern period, and inspired such tales as Frankenstein and “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.”  Sometimes the golem saves the Jewish community from persecution or death, enacting the kind of heroism or revenge unavailable to powerless Jews. Often, however, Jewish folktales about the golem tell what happens when things go awry — when the power of life-force goes astray, often with tragic results.
The classic narrative of the golem tells of how Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague (known as the Maharal; 1525-1609) creates a golem to defend the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks. But eventually, the golem grows fearsome and violent, and Rabbi Loew is forced to destroy it. (Legend tells that the golem remains in the attic of the Altneushul in Prague, ready to be reactivated if needed; this legend reappeared in Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay). Likewise in Paul Wegener’s expressionist film The Golem (1920), the golem is a brutish creature whose powers are all-too-easily turned to destructive ends.
This is, of course, a perfect encapsulation of the same anxiety that underlies so much of the mystical speculation about demons, dybbuks, ghosts, and golems: The power of life is so strong, that it brings both promise and terror.
- MyJewishLearning.com’s article on Golems {check out the full article at their website for full contexts with further reading and further reference links!}
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OPs commentary:
Before talking about in-depth or ‘reviewing’ this episode, I’d very much like if the fanbase could keep in mind not only the said folklore that blatantly inspired this Digimons’ design and canonical lores, but also be careful in their commentaries about this episode as a result.
They are a very specifically Jewish folklore, and within our storytelling tradition are pretty complex creatures created to protect, but with potential for destruction. Often golems are taken out of that context, by people who are not Jewish, to be used just as monsters.
For many folks that isn’t an issue, but for others (myself included) that feels a bit uncomfortable, as the (perhaps unintended) message can be seen as “creatures that protect Jewish people are really monsters.”
[Keeping this information] in mind and being AWARE of the history of the golem in our folklore will prevent issues relevant to handling this topic. {Especially if you are considering either commentating on the character itself, the story within the episode portrayed along with it, or using or referring to the character within future fanworks.}
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deathberi · 3 years
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Flake's "Des Tastenfickers podcast" 🎹 podcast - my takes (index)
Because it annoys me that half the time i can't find my old posts again (once again i'm looking at you Tumblr), this is a bit of a list of my takes on Flake podcast posts 🎹 still missing several i think, but i'll add them if i ever find them again..
abt 2020-03-18 Western (added 2022-09-03)
abt 2020-04-29 Railroad / Eisenbahn (added 2022-09-03)
abt 2020-04-29 Harmony in music / Harmonie in Musik (added 2022-09-09)
abt 2020-04-30 Berlin (added 2022-08-28)
abt 2020-05-13 Collaborations / Zusammenspiel (added 2022-09-18)
2020-05-27 Solo albums / Soloplatten
abt 2020-06-12 Books / Bücher (added 2022-10-01)
2020-06-24 Drugs / Drogen
abt 2020-07-08 Schoolbands / Schulbands (added 2022-10-01)
2020-07-22 Children / Kinder
2020-08-11 Remarkable bandnames / Bemerkenswerte Gruppennamen
2020-09-03 Girlnames / Mädchennamen (added 2022-10-16)
2020-09-16 Foreign bands who sing German / Ausländische bands die Deutsch singen (added 2022-10-06)
2020-10-14 Supergroups / Supergruppen
abt 2020-11-05 Animals / Tiere (added 2022-08-30)
abt 2020-11-11 Misunderstandings / Misverständnisse (added 2022-09-11)
2020-11-25 German bands who sing english / Deutsche bands die englisch singen
2020-12-09 King and queen / König und Königin
2020-12-23 Rocksongs with a piano /Rocklieder mit einem Klavier
2021-01-13 Dads / Väter
2021-01-27 Humor
2021-02-09 Youth / Jugend (with daughter Mimi)
2021-02-24 Radio
2021-03-10 Songs with spoken lyrics / Lieder in denen gesprochen wird
2021-03-24 Whistling songs / Pfeiflieder
2021-04-14 Africa / Afrika
2021-04-28 West bands who were more popular in the GDR than at home / Westbands die in der DDR beliebter waren als im Heimatland
2021-05-12 Bands named after cities / Bands die wie Städte heißen (with songlist)
2021-05-26 Instrumental songs / Instrumentals
2021-06-09 Certain harmonic sequences / Bestimmte harmonische Abfolgen
2021-06-23 Girl bands / Mädchenbands
2021-07-13 Streets / Straßen
2021-07-28 Classical music in rockmusic / Klassik in der Rockmusik
2021-08-11 Noises in music / Geräusche in der Musik
2021-08-25 Music in tv shows / Musik in Fernsehserien
2021-09-15 Running / Rennen
2021-09-29 Rivers / Flüsse
2021-10-13 Unmistakable songs / Unverwechselbare Lieder
2021-10-27 War - soldiers - peace / Krieg - soldaten - frieden
2021-11-10 Remarkable albumtitles / Bemerkenzwerte Plattentitel
2021-11-24 Cars / Autos
2021-12-15 Music about food / Musik über Essen
2021-12-29 Uncool bands / Uncoole Bands
2022-01-12 Chile
2022-01-26 Music about music / Musik über Musik
2022-02-09 Work / Arbeit
2022-02-23 Ships / Schiffe
2022-03-09 Lonely / Einsamkeit
2022-03-23 Kisses / Küsse
2022-04-13 Flying / Fliegen (with songlist)
2022-05-11 Time / Zeit
2022-06-14 Ill / Krank (with songlist)
2022-07-12 Rhythmic finesses / Rhythmische Finessen
2022-08-10 Sport
2022-09-13 Gay and Lesbian / Schwul und Lesbisch (with songlist)
2022-10-11 Goodbye / Abschied
2022-11-08 Blood / Blut (with songlist)
2022-12-13 Nach der Wende
2023-01-10 Stars / Sterne
2023-02-14 Mountains / Berge
2023-03-14 Hair / Haare
2023-04-11 Talking / Reden
2023-05-09 Crying / Weinen
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kpop-locks · 2 years
Oioi adms se não for encomodo pode me ajudar a conhecer mais o grupo OH MY GIRL
Desde já agradeço 💗💗💗
a gab nossa miracle de plantão ta sem tempo, então vou tentar ajudar um pouco com o tempo que fui fã delas! JIHO MEU AMOR TUDO POR VOCÊ!!
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hyojung: líder e main vocal, ta na subunit omg banhana (a da musica do macaquinho). ela tem o sorriso muito contagiante, ta sempre sorrindo nunca vi, ela é pitica e o apelidinho dela é candy!! (insta: @candyz_hyojung)
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mimi: A DONAAAAAAAAAAAA, o amor da vida da lara ela passa mal sabe. main rapper, main dancer e sub vocal pq ela faz TUDO. outra amaldiçoada com a franja do demonio, sinto pena. ela tem o arco do cupido muito bem definidinho, se quer diferenciar ela vai pela boca, o gummy smile dela tbm coisa mais linda. o espirito animal dela é um ursinho iti mamae, ela gosta de desenhar e não gosta de videos assustadores. ela se sente muito intimidada por paparazzi e cameras então deem espaço pra deusa. (inta: @mimmiiiya)
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yooa: main dancer, lead vocal e face do grupo. tem uma carinha pequena e redondinha, parece uma boneca e os labions redondinhos. ela era trainee da whent. ela é parte de um grupo chamado sunny girls, com outras idols de outros grupos! ela debutou solo em 2020 com bon voyage (algumas tretas de apropriação cultural junto) (insta: @yoo__sha)
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seunghee: a palhacinha do grupo, que serve gogó, vocais e vocais, main vocal. ela sabe tocar violão, o box smile fofissimo, tem o rostinho redondinho. ela é a que tem mais atividades fora do grupo eu acho, osts, alguns acting pequenos, participações em programas de variedades sozinha, etc, ela é fangirl da hwasa, gente como a gente, ela é muito amiga do tae e do jimin do bts (e sim, ja vi gente atacando ela por isso, assim como atacaram a jennie pelo tae seguir ela no insta, como se os meninos não pudessem ter amigas mulheres o auge). ela canta os background vocals na musica full moon da sunmi!! gostou demais do cabelo rosa, tava vendo a hora que ia vir o corte químico. (insta: @hyun_maxiang)
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jiho: A DONA DA MINHA VIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, kim jiho estou aqui pra servi-la. lead vocal, lead dancer e se não advinhou ainda olhando pra esse rostinho VISUAAALLLLL. o apelidinho dela é nyang pq ela parece um gatinho. ela é a endorfina do grupo e sabe tocar guitarra e imitar o pikachu! ela atuou no mv de 'sweet girl' do b1a4! em 2020 enla entrou em um hiatus por ansiedade e saúde mas a fadinha ja voltou pra nós!! (insta: @hyun_maxiang)
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binnie: (tbm conhecida como sósia do joshua do 17) é subvocal e tbm ta na subunit omg banhana! ela era uma criança prodígio, varios job de modela e atriz. ela é conhecida como a mina de cabelo curto do omg pq ela ta de cabelo curtinho desde sempre (mas ela pos uns aplique recentemente). ela ta na versão feminina do 97line group junto com a dami do dc (a deusa), a yuju, a jane, minkyeung e gyeongwon do hinapia e yebin do unit. (insta: @baeyu_b)
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arin: lead dancer, subvoacl e makner. a dupla infalivel junto com o soobin do txt (sim, da fancam de dolphin). tbm do omg banhana, o espirito animal dela é um coelhinho. ela é bem timida a princesa. elaé a que tav SEMPRE com cabelo preso no começo da carreira do omg, o reset cultural quando ela apareceu de cabelo solto pra uma performance. a arin é amiga a dayoung do wjsn e da yoojung do weme. e era classmate da mina do gugudan e do mark do nct (inta: @ye._.vely618)
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jippy-kandi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 51: The Mystery Hidden Within The Crests (Review)
Thoughts on the fifty-first episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
Well, after last week’s super climax episode . . . this episode was pretty chill.
It was nice to see the kids relaxing - and then being annoyed when Garbagemon disturbed their peace, lol. Kids being kids! Nice. :)
It was also nice to see Garbagemon again! And to meet the tiny Wisemon. He’s so cute. XD;
CRESTS! YAS! FINALLY! But we’re told very little about them, lol. I see, gotta learn about them as each Digimon Mega evolves . . .
Koushirou: “I’ve always wondered about it [the Crests]. Though I only thought of it as an icon that indicates the Digivice’s owner.” LOL. But that’s fair. And an entire generation of children wondered about what the symbols meant for 90% of the series, too . . .
OMG FLASHBACKS OF THE KIDS AS SUPER TINY KIDS!!! <3 The actual highlight of this episode for me, lol. But they flashed by so quickly I had to take screenshots of them manually. :c
So apparently Millenniumon was nothing (or is one part of something bigger), and the Chosen Children are here to stop the Great Catastrophe! Yamato: “What happens in the Great Catastrophe?” Wisemon: “. . . We do not know . . . is what we do know. This, too, brings joy to my knowledge.” LMAO. I really like Wisemon. :)
Oh, Fillermon eating RAM sighting! It’s Burpmon - who is essentially just Kirbymon. :D
There are a lot of weird Digimon cameos this episode, including one that looks like a pencil, lol.
I like how everyone just stood there and did nothing as Burpmon ate Mechanorimon, lol. Wisemon’s voice is just so riveting, I guess. Gotta let him finish speaking before attacking enemies. XD;
Well, Burpmon is a picky eater and doesn’t eat trash. Lucky for Garbagemon! XD; Burpmon was a fun and silly villain . . . but pretty pointless after Millenniumon, you know? You can’t beat that dude. But I found Burpmon cute. He should be a good Digimon instead. ^_^
Taichi’s speech about continuing his adventure because he likes Agumon and Digimon - and not because he’s a Chosen Child and it’s his mission - fell flat to me. It just felt forced and inserted out of nowhere, like the writers trying to convey the strength of the kids’ friendships with their Digimon through words, instead of action . . . it’s lazy writing.
But their stone Crests start glowing and their Digivices have arrows pointing them to “answers”, so, fine . . . except Taichi’s arrow is pointing everywhere because he is The One True Protagonist and sigh. I can see where this is going . . .
Jou taking Takeru and Hikari to the hot springs he was at earlier, just for Patamon and Tailmon to recover from their Mega evolutions exhausting them is . . . so bizarre. And WarGreymon went through a lot too, including holding unfathomable power in his hands . . . and yet he’s OK??? Please. :P
So the kids split up (again - they are barely friends in this series) into odd groups. Jou, Takeru and Hikari are together, then Taichi and Sora, while Yamato, Mimi and Koushirou go solo (Koushirou actually stays behind). Very odd. But I imagine that Taichi will actually hop from each group to the next (due to his spinning arrow), as the others reach their Mega evolutions . . . you know, because this series cannot handle an episode without The Bland Protagonist. orz
This was a decent episode, I guess. I liked the idea of the information tree - and visually it was cool to see. But this episode was pretty much just an information dump, and I do want the Crests to be explained - but they didn’t do much of that, lol. Instead, we’ll learn about each Crest in each new episode. Yay! :P
Next week: PHOENIXMON!!! Hell yeah. The other kids are getting Mega evolutions! Just shoehorned in towards the very end of the series in a super rush-job. \o/
Please let this Sora episode be just as great as her episode 40. Please, Toei. She deserves it. ;_;
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beyoncesdragon · 3 years
an introduction of VICTON♥︎༄
my favorite emo punk fairies of kpop, @aixy-hpsa bub buckle up.
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-`about victon´-
Victon actually means Voice to New World or some, and we, the cult-followers, are to be yelled at by the name of ALICE. They debuted 2016 and have so far produced a bunch of mindblowing, amazing, superior, beautiful, showstopping (...) bops:
-`studio albums´-
Voice : The Future is Now (2021) *scream*
-`mini albums´-
Voice To New World (2016)
Ready (2017)
Identity (2017)
From. VICTON (2017)
Nostalgia (2019)
Continuous (2020)
-`single albums´-
"Time of Sorrow" (2018)
"Mayday" (2020)
they are amaaaaazing oke. look here have my favorite songs of them. (Yes I’m forcing my love for them down your throat now I’m sorry)
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♥︎ 16. April 1995 ♥︎ 🐶 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
He became Victons leader after Seungwoo started participating in Produce X 101 and then officially became Victons leader when Seungwoo came back from X1.
This man is blessed with a set of insane vocal chords and we all love him for it.
congratulations to Victon for being the only group with Kang Seungsik
He’s the mom of the group :,)
Supa caring dude, cleans up the mess of OT6
Is “Health” in persona, which kinda fits doesn’t it.
Naturally gets bullied by the younger ones.
Also has dimples
Great leader and we should all respect him for it and give him never ending credits, victon wouldn’t be victon without him periodt.
♥︎ - HAN SEUNGWOO - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 24, 1994 ♥︎ 🦊 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocalist lead everything
Except Leader.
He gave that position up after he returned from X1 (where he by the way also was voted leader)
YOOO the members missed him so much they cried when he was gone
Oh boy that man...dangerous
He has the funniest laugh? Like u would never expect that laugh to be his???
He. Has. His. Own. EP. And I dare everyone to listen to „Sacrifice“. It’s a masterpiece.
Seunggu also has tattoos!! 3 in total.
This dude is ripped yet u will probably catch him imitating goats and pikachu...?
Will roast the maknae but with love
Hes so much more than just his face.
♥︎ - DO HANSE - ♥︎
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♥︎ 25. Sept. 1997 ♥︎ 🐱 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Hello you’re looking at the loml
Main rapper.
(Of victon and of Kpop ex.1 and ex.2)
Sese ♥︎
Puts the sweet in sweetheart and really, he only looks like he could kill
Semicolon on his wrist; cross on his left shoulder and chest (he church boi); roses on his arm: writings on his collar bone; so many more
bestest sense of fashion hands down
Iconic lip ring
His own solo EP is on the way!!!
Somehow this man is also main dancer
Talented boy.
♥︎ - LIM SEJUN - ♥︎
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♥︎ May 4, 1996 ♥︎ 🍓 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
You are looking at an icon here
Most coziest-est VLives in history of Vlives
Easily scared (victon does enjoy that, naturally)
Very whiny but it’s oke
Lead Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group
Insane vocals too, here ex.1
Another member of kpops cucumbers-anti squad
He’s very much BTS fanboy (not as much as Wooyoung but that’s hard anyways)
Competitive eater (listen, the maknae said that and we will believe him)
Will never leave Subin do a Vlive in peace ever
Will Never leave Subin live in peace ever either
Clingy boy
Walking noise-machine, he goes “ouh? Oh? Eh?” Like 372892 times a day
So much love for the dimple-prince
♥︎ - HEO CHAN - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 14, 1995 ♥︎ 🦖 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
May I introduce...SUNSHINE OF VICTON ☀️
Mood maker of the group!
Mr Main Dancer and Vocalist also has dimples
And even tho he wanted to be a dance instructor, he somehow ended up becoming an idol
He even trained with TBZ mr leader sir Sangyeon
Mans can drive!!
Like Lee Know, he once was a backup dancer. For A-Pink tho, which is pretty cool
Hes considered the uncle in our lovely family dynamic
Expensive boi be collecting sHOES
And he said he polishes them from time to time and I do think that’s adorable
He’s also allergic to cats (unless it’s Hanse. That’s okay ig)
Cutest sunny boy, will take good care of your heart always☀️💛
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♥︎ November 12, 1997 ♥︎ 🐥 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Welcome to Victon where everyone has a mandatory crush on Byung
Like he doesn’t even have to enter your biasline
You will still have a crush on him because Byungchan
Softest biaswrecker i have ever had 112/10 would recommend
Tall boi. Like really tall and really broad👀
I keep forgetting he’s maknae line tbh
Prettiest Dimples ever.
Very active on his Instagram and we love him for it
Top tier bf material
Hes the softest boy and yet only one who isn’t scared of fucking bugs (victon scaredy cats)
Try not falling too hard for the mister
He knows so many girlfroup dances
He also shows them off quite always
He’s a bit tinie liddol but clumsy sometimes
Gosh I love him
♥︎ - JUNG SUBIN - ♥︎
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♥︎ April 5, 1999 ♥︎ 🐰 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Vocalist, Rapper, Heart-stealer, Actor...
Like I don’t know if any maknae ever received as many kisses as this one
Gets (rightfully) babied to the Max by every. Single. One. Of. Them.
He’s also a babie. Like yes he’s a grown man and he looks hella intimidating on stage but-
It’s Subin
He’s also the smolest in Victon (uwu)
At the same time, maknae on top, this man gets everything (except his own room lmao) he wants
Sometimes not so baby (ex.1)
Saiubin-bby was supposed to debut with Pentagon but he yeeted last minute (we thank)
The child himself has children too: dog Toto and 2 cats: Mimi and Jaws.
He’s close friends with my favourite, formerly pink-haired elf-twink Yeonjun of TXT
Chairman of Victon.
he has the BEST insta user: subsubey.
Best boi.
-`very valid victon-moments to begin with´-
- because its pride: 🌈
- general victon-feelsies: 🌸
- for bad mood: ☀️
- moments when you want to question their sanity: 🌻 🌼 🌺 🌹
- victon being talented on studio CHOOM
- victon being talented whilst covering kehlanis "Gangsta"
alright that was long. and yes they are exactly as loud and noisy and annoying and time consuming as they seem but they are also best boys who can bring very much happiness into ones life, so they are very much worth it
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mma3youf · 3 years
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FA222 ,principles of graphic design:
Instructor: mr.munwar mukhtar
@uob-funoon @mnwrzmn
Project 1 : design
Covering up the Cracks: The Return of Wallpaper
How artists from Édouard Vuillard to Dorothea Tanning and Kehinde Wiley used wallpaper in their work
Forget fragrant roses and honeysuckle. Forget soft-throated songbirds and sunflowers. I always see spiders in wallpaper. My eyes trace the patterns, searching them out, those crooked arachnids. The mere hint of one turns my stomach. Look: there’s one! Tarantula-black, wriggling through that ivy-blossom, crouching behind those camellias. See its distended abdomen, those unwieldy legs?
What this says about me, I don’t want to know, but spiders also spring to mind whenever I think of a certain painting by Édouard Vuillard. Interior, Mother and Sister of the Artist (1893) is a most peculiar work, wrought with invisible tensions. The manner in which Vuillard configures his mother and sister hints at a curious dynamic, one more commonly imagined between a spider and a fly. Here is Madame Vuillard, a throbbing black presence, legs set wide apart, hands placed defiantly on her knees in as dominant and sinister a pose as she can muster. To the left, Vuillard’s sister, Marie (or Mimi as she was known within the family), looks as if she is being engulfed by the wallpaper. Or is she already trapped? Can you hear the frantic buzzing as she struggles to escape? It’s almost unbearable. Marie is ensnared; it’s as if Madame Vuillard has forced her into a web. The awkward angle at which Vuillard composes his picture fosters this tension. Somehow, the artist seems to suggest, maman is driving her daughter into dangerous territory.
Or is she? Is Vuillard really attempting to convey that his mother is pushing his sister not only to the limits of physical space, but also of sanity? Although the narrative is not explicit, Vuillard painted several similar portraits of his mother and sister that imply domestic disharmony. In The Door Ajar (1891), for example, Marie appears alone, this time peering into a room as if she wants simultaneously to enter and retreat. Marie’s dress and the wallpaper are barely distinguishable from one another: the maggoty yellow pattern of the latter insidiously overlaps with the strange crescent moons of the former to suggest … what exactly? Is Marie, once again, being pushed in to the web of the wallpaper? Or is something else at play? Could Vuillard be trying to capture some deep-seated predisposition in his sister? Perhaps, psychologically speaking, Marie wants to entwine herself with the background of life. As in Interior, Mother and Sister of the Artist, rather than being pushed out of the room by maman, Marie is perhaps choosing to contort her body so as to escape? Whatever the case, for Vuillard, wallpaper is never simply decorative. Loaded with narratives, in the artist’s hands it becomes a metaphor for the divide between physical and psychological space, between inner and outer realities.
A little less than 100 years after Vuillard completed Interior, Mother and Sister of the Artist, a young woman on the east coast of America took a series of photographs, ‘Space2, Providence, Rhode Island’ (1976–77), one of which could stand as a companion piece to his painting. An eerie connection exists between the two works, a conversation of sorts across the decades. Here is the image of another young woman who appears to want to escape and who uses wallpaper as the means by which to do so. Unlike Marie, however, who is the subject of her brother’s narrative, the woman in this photograph is most definitely the author of her own disappearance. Using strips of paper to cover her face, breasts and legs, Francesca Woodman attempts to take herself out of the photographs she so carefully constructs. Like wallpaper itself, with its repeating patterns and shapes, the desire to remove herself from the picture occurs throughout Woodman’s work.
In other self-portraits, Woodman crouches beneath a tilted door, disappears through a wall, merges with mirrors, windows and fireplaces. She is a ghost light, a will-’o-the-wisp, a haze and a blur; present only in her absence, a non sequitur made physical. Indeed, looking every bit like Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland (1865), with her long blonde hair, floor-length skirts and black pumps, Woodman seems desperate to slip beyond the here and now, to use every available surface in order to vanish – not into Wonderland, but towards some other dimension. Ironically, much like the Cheshire Cat whose smile lingers long after the rest of his body has disappeared, by highlighting herself in the act of vanishing, Woodman’s spectral presence grows ever more compelling. Who is this beguiling figure dedicated to both evading and haunting? The answer is never clear. In fact, the nearest we come to it might be the manner of the photographer’s death. In 1981, at the age of 22, Woodman took her own life by jumping out of a window.
Appearance and disappearance. Repeating patterns and shapes. Integration and disintegration. A year before Vuillard completed Interior, Mother and Sister of the Artist, a novel was published in America that foreshadowed it. The Yellow Wallpaper (1892) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman takes as its subject the agonizing mental decline of an unnamed narrator who has just given birth. Confined by her husband to an upstairs nursery with bars at the window, the woman is advised to empty her mind and do nothing but rest. Instead, she begins to tell us about her predicament. Having been deprived of any mental stimulation, she begins to believe she has seen glimpses of a woman trapped behind the room’s sickly yellow wallpaper. As a metaphor for the morbidly restrictive society into which 19th-century, middle-class women were born, The Yellow Wallpaper is highly effective; on a psychological level, it is unsurpassed. As with the walls in Vuillard’s painting, the paper crawls with meaning; the narrator projects her fears onto its ‘bloated curves and flourishes’, its ‘sprawling flamboyant patterns’ and ‘wallowing seaweeds’ until, finally, they take on a life of their own and begin to seep through the paper in the shape of a deranged ‘other’. The wallpaper, in other words, has become a reproduction of what is playing out in the narrator’s misshapen psyche.
It is hard to think of Gilman’s work without being reminded of that doyen of the 19th-century British arts and crafts movement, William Morris. The intricate wallpapers and textile designs he created for Victorian homes could easily have graced the room in which Gilman’s narrator was incarcerated. This made American artist Kehinde Wiley’s first UK museum solo show, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, at William Morris Gallery in London earlier this year more than a little intriguing. ‘The Yellow Wallpaper is something that has haunted me for years,’ Wiley says of the novella in a short film about the making of this work. ‘The idea of being in a room and not being taken seriously.’ This is not something that can be said of the six black women and two children Wiley met on the streets of east London, whose strikingly beautiful portraits filled the exhibition. Whether sitting or standing, whether their faces turn away or directly look out, each sitter is centre stage. More than that, each is engaged in a serious dialogue with the background patterns from which they emerge. These patterns are based on Morris’s own wallpaper designs that would have papered the walls of mansions inhabited by, among others, former slave-traders and plantation owners. In doing so, Wiley’s work plays on the conflict between the sinister history embedded in the prettiest detailing and the self-possessed women who emerge from the patterns, who seem to defy anyone to repeat it.
Lindsey Mendick, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, 2020, installation detail, Eastside Projects,Birmingham. Courtesy: the artist and Eastside Projects; photograph: Stuart Whipps
Coincidentally, artist and sculptor Lindsey Mendick’s exhibition at Eastside Projects in Birmingham earlier this year was also titled ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’. Featuring untitled videos, ceramics and miniatures, the show pivots on a disturbing episode in the artist’s life when, during a nervous breakdown in 2006, Mendick glanced from her bedroom window to see six men dressed in black, walking up and down the street speaking into walkie-talkies. Mendick related the incident to her mother who, given her daughter’s vulnerable state of mind, found the story difficult to believe. A few days later, however, news broke that the former Russian spy, Alexander Litvinenko, had been poisoned; he was Mendick’s neighbour.
Unlike Gilman’s narrator, what Mendick had seen was real; however, in her exhibition she, too, played with the idea of wallpaper as a borderland between sanity and insanity. The show also included other domestic items as receptacles into or onto which all that was unendurable could be projected. A large teapot (with a hole in one side through which you could view the vessel’s interior) contained two small ceramic figures taking tea from a large teapot containing two ceramic figures taking tea from a teapot, in what felt like a claustrophobic dance to the death. Nor did the claustrophobia end there, for all the pieces in the small, over-lit gallery spoke of other confined and confining spaces – from the hollowed-out, ceramic head of Russian President Vladimir Putin, inside which the figure of a distraught woman (Mendick herself?) sits on a toilet within a cramped bathroom, to a 1960s-style bedside cabinet inside which reside Mendick’s family members, configured weirdly as Russian dolls. But, of all the dialogues taking place inside this room, the loudest is also the most hallucinatory: the one inside my own head between Gilman and Mendick. What is it they are saying? That yellow is an unfortunate colour with which to decorate a room? That the divide between sanity and insanity is paper-thin? Or that even the most innocuous of objects can pulsate with the unconscious?
This is a sentiment with which the surrealist artist, sculptor and writer Dorothea Tanning would surely have agreed. Writing in the catalogue for her 1979 exhibition at New York’s Gimpel-Wietzenhoffer Gallery, she declared of her hometown of Galesburg, in rural Illinois, that ‘nothing happened but the wallpaper’. Tanning’s Chambre 202, Hôtel du Pavot (1970–73) is a three-dimensional, life-sized room in which two grubby pink torsos, shaped as if carved from ham, poke through the dingy wallpaper while the chimney breast gives birth to three further mutations – although whether these are animal, vegetable or some other tumorous mash-up, it is impossible to say. The work was partly inspired by a song Tanning recalled from her childhood: ‘In Room 202’ (1919) composed by Dave Harris with lyrics by Edgar Leslie and Bert Kalmar, tells the story of Kitty Kane, a gangster’s moll who poisoned herself while staying at a hotel in Chicago.
In room two hundred and two The walls keep talkin’ to you I’ll never tell you what they said So turn out the light and come to bed.
But if the song suggests talking walls, Tanning pushes this idea to its very edge, wishing to create a space in which the wallpaper, as she once explained, would ‘tear with screams’ while maintaining ‘an odd banality’. The latter is captured by the dreary ordinariness of the installation’s wallpaper while the former is contained in the hotel’s name: pavot is French for poppy, the flower from which opium is derived. By conflating these disparate ideas, Tanning succeeds in heightening the room’s creepiness; this in turn precipitates a sense of impending doom. What springs to mind is a back-street abortionist’s or the lair of a serial killer such as John Christie who, over several months in the early 1950s, murdered (among others) Kathleen Maloney, Rita Nelson and Hectorina MacLennan, hiding their bodies in a kitchen alcove, which he subsequently wallpapered over as if it were a solid wall. The women’s bodies were only discovered after Christie moved out of the house and his landlord, wanting to redecorate, tapped on what he thought was the rear wall to the kitchen only to discover it was hollow. As Ludovic Kennedy wrote in Ten Rillington Place (1961), the landlord then ‘pulled away a small piece of paper and shone his torch inside. Whatever he expected to see, it could hardly have been what he did see: the naked seated body of Hectorina MacLennan.’ You can almost envisage the landlord stumbling backwards in horror, just as the chambermaid might have done when she pushed open the door to Chambre 202. This is a room that distils much of what the work of Mendick, Vuillard, Wiley and Woodman makes clear: that wallpaper does not so much cover the cracks, as serve to reveal them.
Main image: Lindsey Mendick, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, 2020, installation view, Eastside Projects, Birmingham. Courtesy: the artist and Eastside Projects; photograph: Stuart Whipps
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ashxketchum · 4 years
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I coloured the latest line art of Mimi and Palmon in the washing hands series being shared by the Digimon Adventure: staff!
I am so excited for her solo episode tomorrow, this was the perfect way to spend the night before the episode. 
And of course, I’m glad her towel is okay ☺️
Line Art / Apps Used: Autodesk Sketchbook and Photoshop 2020 
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teteismagic · 3 years
Este post es solo un poco de información sobre algunas cosas que quizás no sepas o entiendas cuando recién conoces a bts. Si me falta algo o me equivoco, comenten y lo agrego :)
disclaimer: personalmente no creo que se necesite saber nada para empezar a escucharlos ni hay una canción o album especifico por donde tengan que empezar. Es sólo escuchar, leer las letras e interpretar! (más abajos voy a poner cuentas y sitios con traducciones confiables)
Con respecto a la música 1) no toda la música de BTS está en spotify y sitios pagos de música, sino que tienen también música en soundcloud 2) los miembros de bts tienen canciones solistas! pero estas no es comercial ni promovida de la misma manera que la música de bts.
Iba a hacer una lista con la discografía pero la verdad que es mucho trabajo y este articulo tiene todo desde los álbumes oficiales,a mixtapes, lanzamientos de soundcloud y colaboraciones https://hypable.com/bts-song-album-list-complete-guide/… SoundCloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/bangtan
En Revista Magic Shop tenemos una pequeña guía para escucharlos también:
Pero si querés conocerlos más a fondo, stannearlos como dicen acá, probablemente esto te sirva. Si quieren estar al día con las noticias de información diaria de BTS pueden seguir a @bitiiez
o @BeyondTheSea613 pero les dejo esta lista con cuentas de información y actualización de BTS https://twitter.com/i/lists/780736666856194048
Algo que puede pasar es que te cueste reconocerlos especialmente si ves videos de diferentes épocas, cambiaron mucho desde que debutaron en 2013!! Algo que les puede servir es hacerse una imagen como esta
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Otra cosa que a mí me confundía un poco era ¿tienen varios nombres cada uno o qué? NO, como todas las personas tienen un nombre y un apodo, además del nombre artístico.
Kim Seokjin = Jin
Min Yoongi = Suga/ Agust D (es el único que tiene 2 nombres artísticos)
Jung Hoseok (Hobi) = J-hope
Kim Namjoon = RM (antes Rap Monster)
Park Jimin (Mimi) = Jimin Kim Taehyung (Tae, Taetae) = V
Jeon Jeongguk (JK) = Jungkook
REDES SOCIALES: Los miembros de BTS NO TIENEN REDES SOCIALES PERSONALES, las únicas cuentas oficiales son las que aparecen en las descripciones de los videos músicales:
bighitcorp.com​ https://twitter.com/BTS_bighit​ https://twitter.com/BTS_twt​ https://facebook.com/ibighit/​ http://facebook.com/bangtan.official…​ http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial…​ http://weibo.com/BTSbighit
Pero la única que manejan personalmente es @bts_twt, las demás son manejadas por el staff de Big Hit
el youtube oficial de bts es Bangtantv, aunque los videos musicales están en el canal de Big Hit Labels, en bangtantv hay logs, bangtan bombs (videos cortos de bts haciendo algo), bts episodes (videos largos de alguna fecha o evento especial) y canciones y videos no oficiales. https://youtube.com/channel/UCLkAepWjdylmXSltofFvsYQ
Perooo si querés escribirles un mensaje en donde puedan verlo y haya aunque sea una mínima posibilidad de que cotesten el lugar es WEVERSE
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Weverse es una plataforma para artistas y fans desarrollada por Big Hit a través de una compañía subsidiaria: WEVERSE COMPANY (ex Benx), ahí los artistas de diferentes grupos (cada vez se van sumando más) publican, fotos, videos, textos o momentos y los fans pueden contestar además de hacer sus propias publicaciones. Además Weverse tiene la Weverse Magazine donde hacen artículos y entrevistas muy buenos! la pueden leer en magazine.weverse.io También pueden encontrar contenido gratuito como Learn Korean with BTS!, Run BTS!, logs, videos musicales, GCF, etc; y contenido pago como Bon Voyage, In The Soop y las diferentes docuseries y documentales en la seccion “Media”, en resumen es como un gran archivo de contenido oficial
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Algo muy importante para la cultura ARMY (?) es Run BTS! es nuestra serotonina semanal y sale todos los martes a las 9 am (ARG), 9 pm (KST) y además de en weverse pueden verlo en el canal oficial de VLIVE de BTS Run BTS es el programa de variedades de bts donde hacen juegos, desafíos y demás. es muy divertido, tiene subtítulos en inglés y autogenerados en español.
¿qué es vlive? es un servicio de transmisión de video en vivo surcoreano que permite a las celebridades con sede en el país transmitir vídeos en vivo por Internet.
Está disponible como aplicación para smartphone y como página online,desde acá también muchas veces bts hace transmisiones en vivo sorpresa así que está bueno tenerla instalada para enterarte al toque!
En cuanto a las transmisiones en vivo, obviamente ellos van a hablar en coreano y los subtítulos van a estar disponibles recién horas después así que les recomiendo seguir cuentas que hagan traducciones, en español estan @BangBangtanEsp_
y @minsugacheonye. pero les dejo mi lista de traductores/as https://twitter.com/i/lists/1260823338999582720 También a la hora de leer letras de canciones lean a traductores y no en Genius porque ahí están traducidas textualmente y muchas veces no tienen sentido, dos blogs que me gustan mucho y traducen al inglés son los de @doolsetbangtan y @doyoubangtan
En la traduccion de contenido @bts_trans están traduciendo desde 2013 y está todo en su página https://www.bangtansubs.com/
Con respecto al contenido, es muchísimo pero @index_bts lo tiene organizado cronologicamente en https://contentindex.bangtanbase.com
Otra página que tiene compilado todo el contenido de bangtan es Road Map https://landonmark.net/roadmap qué es completísima, una masterlist de todo el contenido de BTS.
Algunos contenidos y cosas que probablemente escuchen nombrar y no sepan qué es
Bon Voyage: es la serie de bts donde se van de viaje a diferentes lugares y recorren y hacen actividades como turistas, a diferencia de normalmente que viajan en tour.(bueno hora no por la pandemia)
Season’s greetings: es basicamente un paquete merch que sale a fin de año con fotos, un dvd y otras cosas El summer package es parecido al season greetings pero sale a mediados de año
Memories BTS: es un libro de fotos y dvd con recuerdos del año anterior inédito, por ejemplo este año saldría el memories de 2020 en junio o julio.
Festa: es el evento en el que BTS celebra el aniversario de su debut, comienza en los primeros días de junio con la ceremonia de apertura y termina el 13 de junio con la fiesta de cumpleaños y ceremonia de cierre. Durante todos los días que dura bts le regala a army diferentes cosas como videos, canciones, fotos, etc.
Muster: son eventos que son fanmeeting y concierto a la vez, las fans hablan y juegan con BTS mientras que ellos a la vez presentan canciones.
Los programas de música de Corea del Sur son programas de música que se transmiten semanalmente en la televisión de Corea del Sur, todos en días distintos, en los que diferentes artistas de diversos géneros musicales, principalmente de k-pop, realizan presentaciones para promocionar su música y competir por el primer lugar en cada edición (win), en base a un sistema de calificación que considera votaciones populares, listas musicales (charts), ventas digitales, ventas físicas, streamings, difusión en redes sociales, etc.
Las compañías de transmisión más grandes de Corea del Sur tienen cada una su propio programa, que se transmiten en diferentes canales. Estos son Inkigayo de SBS, Music Bank de KBS 2TV, Show! Music Core de MBC, M! Countdown de Mnet, Show Champion de MBC Music y The Show de SBS MTV. Probablemente vean hashtags como #nombredecancion1stwin esto es porque ganó el 1° lugar en uno de estos programas!
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para ganar (win)? https://soompi.com/es/article/406543wpp/guia-para-ganar-en-programas-de-musica-lo-que-necesitas-saber… https://twitter.com/i/events/997010772898201601
una forma de ayudar a ganar wins es votando en las aplicaciones de los diferentes programas de música, también suele haber votaciones por premios y durante los cumpleaños para saber cuáles son las votaciones vigentes pueden seguir cuentas como @bitiiezvotes
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BTS Universe o BU: que también pueden encontrar como hyyh series ya que comenzó en la era de The most beautiful moment in life (hwa Yang yeon hwa) es un universo ficticio creado por Big Hit con personajes basados en los miembros de BTS pero que no tienen relación con ellos ni su vida real. Consiste videos musicales, cortos, libros y un webtoon, entre otras.
una explicación sobre el BU porque es un montón y bastante complicado https://twitter.com/army_society/status/1251256939859894273… un indice del contenido y la linea temporal http://bucontentgui.de y http://thebtseffect.com
algunos términos que quizás no entiendan
hyung: es la manera en la que un varón llama a un varón mayor que él y con el que es cercano, la traducción sería 'hermano mayor'
oppa: es lo mismo pero de una mujer a un hombre mayor, sería 'hermano mayor' también
noona: es la manera en la que un hombre llama a una mujer mayor que él
maknae se le llama al menor de un grupo, significa 'hermano menor'
hyung line: Jin, Yoongi, Hobi y Namjoon
maknae line: Jimin, Taehyung y Jungkook
daesang: son las categorías más importantes en los premios de música de fin de año (MMA, MAMA, AAA, etc) por lo general son 'cancion del año', 'album del año' y 'artista del año'
bonsang: es como el daesang pero no tan importante ya que puede haber hasta 10 o 12 ganadores
diccionario kpop
Cuentas individuales de Spotify: Jhope:https://bit.ly/JHOPE_SPOTIFYRM:https://bit.ly/RM_SPOTIFYV:https://bit.ly/V_SPOTIFYAgust D:https://bit.ly/AGUSTD_SPOTIFYSUGA: https://bit.ly/SUGA_SPOTIFYJin:https://bit.ly/JIN_SPOTIFY *Jimin y JK aún no tienen cuentas oficiales
Consejos: 1) en #armyrookieday van a encontrar muchas consejos y etc para baby armys 2) no crean todo lo que leen, hay muchos rumores y hay mucha gente que desvirtúa todo 3) BTS tiene muchxs antis, no les den bola, denuncien, bloqueen y sigan con su vida
Si quieren estar al día con el cronograma de BTS para no perderse nada este calendario de @BTSdailyinfo es una buena opción, para añadirlo tienen que tener Google calendar
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