sourlemonjuice · 10 months
Giggles Abt the danganronpa Au again… ANYWAYS RANCHERS!!!!!!!
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pixiemage · 7 months
If y’all let Ranchers lose in this poll, I’ll never let you live it down.
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Flocks & Pyres - An Excerpt ("Shovel Talk")
(...) At least [Tango] wasn’t the only one on the server who seemed to realize that he’d managed to find himself a gem of a soulmate, despite the Jimmy’s poor track record with the Life games. It was around two weeks into the game now and Tango and Jimmy had decided to make the rounds, resorting to begging and pulling the pity card as a means to get some extra resources. Tango had found his way to Scott’s base, and after he’d struck out a bit with Scott, Cleo, Ren, and Big B, Tango had been pulled aside by Scott to chat. Scott leaned back casually against his half-finished house, Tango trailing after him and cyan eyes tracking Ren and Big B’s path as they made their way back up to their box of a base. It was a moment before Scott spoke.
“How’s Jimmy?”
Tango blinked at him, the question coming a bit out of left field. To be fair, it was the same question Joel and Etho had asked almost a week ago when he and Jimmy were still barely recovering from their first death, but from Scott it seemed a bit odd…until he remembered that he and Jimmy had been partners during Third Life. More than that, even, if rumors were to be believed, though Tango hadn’t been close to anyone but the other Hermits back then so he hadn’t really kept up with the goings-on of the newcomers as well as he probably should have.
“Uh…good, I think,” Tango shrugged, joining Scott in leaning against the stone wall. “At least he was when I saw him this morning.”
“I meant,” Scott drawled, rolling his eyes, “how is he as a partner?”
“He - oh.” At that, Tango couldn’t help but grin. “Honestly? He’s been amazing. Don’t get me wrong, Team BEST was pretty great last game, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a teammate in this game who’s been so genuinely proud and excited every time we accomplish something. Even the small stuff. You’ve gotta know this already but I swear he’s like a walking ball of sunshine. And he’s more than pulling his weight too, I mean - the cows!” He pushed away from the wall, his eyes alight and his hands moving animatedly with his words. “I think half the server knows we’ve got ‘em by now, but - last week we had next to nothing. And then a few days ago? The guy shows up with an entire herd of cows trailing behind him, like - like - I dunno, some sort of cow whisperer! It was amazing! And the smile he got on his face when I told him so…”
Tango trailed off, realizing he was chattering a bit more than he intended to, but when he glanced in Scott’s direction the man was smiling knowingly at him.
“...what?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the other player. Scott simply tilted his head and tucked his hands into his pockets.
“So you’re getting along?” he asked without answering, his words carefully casual.
“Well - yeah, of course we are,” Tango nodded, puzzled. “Probably better than I would’ve with anyone else on the server, except maybe Impulse…” He squinted at Scott, suspicion mounting. “What’s this about?”
“You know, Jimmy’s got a bit of a curse hanging over his head,” Scott carried on as if he hadn’t heard him.
He cast his glance out over the ravine, where it was only now that Tango spotted Jimmy standing over the ravine on some sort of narrow bridge. He couldn’t quite tell from here but he thought he recognized Scar’s familiar brown jacket as well, and what looked like Joel along with him. Scott hummed thoughtfully, drawing Tango’s attention back to him.
“Or that’s what some people say,” he drawled, almost mocking. “That’s what Jimmy seems to think. The first to die in the last two games. It’s a bit of a pattern, isn’t it?”
Something about Scott’s tone set Tango on edge, his hair crackling and his core feeling a bit heated. He’s heard people tease Jimmy from a distance a few times by now, all playful banter and friendly mocking, but this felt different. This didn’t feel like a part of the game. This felt pointed, somehow, and he wasn’t sure what to think of it.
“What are you implying?” he asked sharply, his hands curling into fists at his sides.
“I’m implying,” Scott went on, finally pushing away from the wall to step up to Tango, getting close enough to stare him in the eye and not caring for boundaries, “that there’s a chance you’ve ended up tied to a losing horse. People might target him because they think he’s weak. There’s a chance you’ll get dragged down by that so-called curse of his. So the question is…” Scott grinned, a sharp and wicked thing that had Tango’s blood boiling. “...are you going to go down with a sinking vessel? Or are you planning on abandoning ship to save your own skin?”
Tango snarled, a sharp grip coming up to clutch at the front of Scott’s shirt, pinning the man to the wall behind him with a little more force than was strictly necessary.
“I don’t know what kind of history you’ve got with Jimmy, and frankly I don’t care,” he said hotly, his tail lashing at the air behind him in his agitation. “Just because he’s gone out first the last two games doesn’t mean he will this time. There’s a hell of a lot more to him than people seem to think, and I’m getting a bit pissed off that one of his friends seems to be laughing at his expense. And even if we do manage to get eliminated before anyone else, I won’t even care! He’s my soulmate, my partner, and I’m not about to leave him behind just because of some stupid superstition. I’ve had enough betrayal in this game to last me a lifetime.” He leaned in closer, smoke curling past his teeth. “And it may just be a game, but I won’t hesitate to knock some heads together if people go out of their way to make his life difficult after we’ve stopped playing around for the day. Understood?”
For a moment, there was silence. Scott stared Tango down without any fear, without even an inkling of trepidation, something calculating in his eyes that was almost more infuriating than the silence. But then…then whatever animosity had been in his expression melted away and he smiled, a gentle and knowing thing that took Tango aback with how different it was from the smirk he’d seen only seconds before.
“Good,” Scott said brightly, managing to get an arm up to pat Tango on the shoulder. “Happy to hear it.”
“Sorry, by the way,” he went on, looking rightfully apologetic. “You’ll have to forgive me - when I found out we were going to have our lives tied to someone else this season, I felt the need to make sure Jimmy’s partner wouldn’t be the type to hurt him. He deserves someone he can rely on.”
Tango stared, gobsmacked, the fire and fight in him slowly petering out. His tail drooped against the grass.
“Why…why would I hurt him?” he asked, shaking his head slowly.
“Well you wouldn’t, clearly. That’s the point.”
“So…so this–” Tango gestured between them. “–this was, what, a test?”
“Precisely,” Scott smirked and winked. “And you passed with flying colors.”
“You can let me go now, Tango.”
What? Let him - oh. Right. Tango was quick to obey, instantly releasing Scott’s shirt and taking a step or two back, his cheeks tinged pink while he avoided Scott’s gaze. He cleared his throat.
“Uh...sorry man.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I riled you up on purpose,” Scott waved him off, straightening his clothes. He eyed Tango with a knowing sparkle in his eyes. “Though I have to say, that was a rather impressive display. You’re quite protective of him for it being so early in the game.”
At that, Tango flushed to the tips of his ears and swallowed, folding his arms over his chest and shrugging.
“Yeah, well, he’s my partner, isn’t he?” he muttered, ignoring the fact that his glowing hair was probably giving him away regardless of whatever tale he was trying to tell. “He’s got my back and I’ve got his.”
“Mhmmm…that’s all it is.”
Tango risked a glance in Scott’s direction and saw the way the other player was watching him, saw the smirk that danced across his face and the mirth in his eyes.
He knows, was all Tango could think, his pulse leaping and his jaw tensing. He has to. It wasn’t his fault he’d gained a bit of a crush on his sweetheart of a soulmate. Who wouldn’t? Jimmy was sunshine incarnate, and handsome to boot. Cute, even, when he smiled that million-glowstone smile. Could anyone blame him?
“Was there anything else?” he asked, aiming for nonchalant and missing by a mile. “Or, uh…or was it just the shovel talk from his ex-partner?”
“Ex-husband,” Scott corrected casually, as if that little revelation didn’t send Tango reeling with the implications of what exactly he was getting himself into here. “But no, that was it.” Scott cast a wayward lookout across the ravine and sighed. “...though you may want to go assist your soulmate. Scar and Joel might not be red but they seem to be pestering Jimmy a bit over on that bridge.”
“They what?” Tango’s head snapped around to the little one-block-wide path in the distance, where Jimmy was balancing precariously between a crouching Scar and Joel’s laughing form. Something hitched in his chest, something like concern, and he let out an aborted sort of sound as he started off around the ravine’s edge to reach them.
Tango stopped and turned back to find Scott smiling warmly after him.
“Jimmy’s had a bit of bad luck the last two games, but I think he could do well if given the chance.” He tilted his head in Tango’s direction. “You seem like a good match. You might just be able to turn his luck around.”
Tango was quiet, still, the words rolling over him and making some of the tension in his chest soften at the implications. He smiled back.
“I’ll certainly try,” he promised, before leaving Scott behind to find his way to Jimmy. (...)
= + = + = + =
(That moment when you're really proud of scene you wrote and you'd love to post it to your main blog, but you know full well it's from an AU that you're trying to keep slightly anonymous so you can't share it there, so you just have to resign yourself to your self-imposed anonymity so that others can enjoy the scene that's been living in your head for a week...)
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One day Tango is just hanging around Tumble Town and finds Jimmy’s long and detailed plots on how to kill a god and falls even more in love
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hels-ren · 2 months
i'm in solideritek hell
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bluiex · 1 year
can you mark all the solideritek posts? i wanna took at them but i dont think you’ve tagged them yet
I tagged them as something- imma have to go back an look an figure out what ill add solidaritek to as many as I can
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bidoofenergy · 4 months
74 and 50 for the ship ask meme? and maybe some Ranchers while you're at it? 👀
74. Huddling for Warmth and 50. Arranged Marriage
empires season 1 x hermitcraft crossover meets a generic fantasy AU where the hermits are a guild of powerful mages?? (wizards and warriors and weirdos) spread across the world. jimmy wants to establish himself and pull out from the shadow of lizzie. tango is living the good life, constantly traveling and finding work all over through his redstone expertise.
something something hermitcraft and the ocean empire are looking for a solid tie. an easy way to do that is a political marriage. something something tango is found to be the best fit (the ocean empire wants a redstoner? grian shenanigans? soulmate potential?) but he decides a condition of their engagement is that, since he's gonna live within the ocean empire for probably the rest of his life, jimmy has to travel with him for [one year? a few years? up to 5] and see what his life is like.
cue jimmy struggling with the traveling and the camping on the road and the constantly moving but simultaneously relishing in being his own person, not being introduced as lizzie's but as tango's, and getting to see the world in a way he never has before. and one night in rivendell, whoops there's only one bed and wow it's really cold and tango's basically a space heater so they might as well sleep together...
featuring: seablings feelings, an elaborate engagement ceremony, city boy jimmy, a desperate drive to Be Someone, and joel and grian fighting to be jimmy's best man—without letting him know they want it.
(fanfic trope mashup)
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bidoofenergy · 2 years
UM UM 14. bruised / kissed with solidaritek if u Want
sometimes i think about how tango summoned a warden to fuck with everyone else and lose my mind a little.. enjoy
prompt list
(445 words)
After all the excitement—the running, the thrill of the others’ fear, the warden falling, Scar and Grian nearly dying—Jimmy takes one look at Tango swaying on his feet and decides it’s time for them to go inside. He pushes Tango gently towards their finished ranch and then herds everyone else off their property. The drama is done for the day and, since they can’t interrogate Tango for the details of his madness, they all leave easily.
When Jimmy enters their house, Tango is slumped against the furnace, eating a piece of steak with his eyes half-closed. Still, he visibly brightens when Jimmy enters. Jimmy feels a rush of fondness for this man, pressed against the crackling furnace to absorb as much of its heat as he can. He’s got one boot off and Jimmy kneels down to unlace the other.
“No, you don’t gotta—” Tango starts, his mouth still full, but Jimmy waves him off. He knows Tango did something to his leg underground. His own ankle twinges as he loosens Tango’s boot. Jimmy gently slides the boot off and is relieved to see nothing swollen. Tango slowly rotates his foot one way and then the other before offering Jimmy a thumbs up. “Nothing’s broken,” he says with a tired smile. He’s finished the steak now and moves away from the furnace to peel off his dusty outer layers. Jimmy sits on his heels and watches quietly.
Tango collapses on their bed, undressed, still within arms reach of Jimmy. “Are you hurt?” Jimmy asks, like he can’t feel every ache in Tango’s body, every scrape and bruise. Tango shrugs. Jimmy shuffles forwards on his knees. He gently takes Tango’s hands, the body part he felt get hurt the most throughout the day, and inspects them. Tango’s knuckles are scraped up. A callus on one of his fingers has ripped, from his pickaxe. There’s a bruise blooming on his wrist. Jimmy presses a kiss to it, before he can think better of it. Then, for good measure, he kisses Tango’s other wrist. “Thank you,” he says, holding eye contact with Tango who suddenly looks more awake, face flushed and flame-hair crackling.
“Thank you,” Jimmy repeats. “What you did with the warden—you’re incredible.”
“He didn’t get to kill anyone.” Tango mutters bitterly. “Not a super helpful use of my time, really.”
Jimmy shakes his head. “Still, that was incredible. You’re amazing.” He presses another kiss to the bruise on Tango’s wrist.
Tango looks unmoored. He clutches Jimmy’s hands tighter, like they’re his only anchor. “It was for you,” he says hoarsely. “You have to—you’ve gotta get it: it was all for you.”
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Writing some lemon into a fic for the first time in a long time, and of course it’s for Solideritek. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that the block men have taken over my brain but - damn. Who’d’ve thunk it?
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