#sold by Nestle in India
n7india · 1 month
'नेस्ले भारत में बेचे जाने वाले शिशु आहार में अधिक चीनी मिलाती है'
New Delhi : स्विस संगठन पब्लिक आई और इंटरनेशनल बेबी फूड एक्शन नेटवर्क (आईबीएफएएन) की एक जांच में दिग्गज नेस्ले के प्रोडक्ट (उत्पादों) को लेकर बड़ा खुलासा हुआ है। भारत में नेस्ले द्वारा बेचे जाने वाले बेबी-फूड ब्रांडों में अधिक मात्रा में चीनी होती है, जबकि यूनाइटेड किंगडम, जर्मनी, स्विट्जरलैंड और अन्य विकसित देशों में ऐसे प्रोडक्ट चीनी-मुक्त हैं। अध्ययन में खुलासा हुआ है कि भारत में, सभी सेरेलैक…
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Explore Rajasthan: 5 Must-Visit Destinations for an Unforgettable Journey
Rajasthan, the land of kings, is a treasure trove of history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes and so there are many places to visit in Rajasthan. From majestic palaces to golden deserts, this vibrant state in India offers a kaleidoscope of experiences for travelers. If you're planning a trip to Rajasthan and wondering where to go, here are five places that you absolutely shouldn't miss:
Jaipur - The Pink City: Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is known as the Pink City due to its distinct pink-hued buildings. It is the most popular destination among places to visit in Rajasthan. Steeped in history, Jaipur boasts magnificent forts, including the iconic Amber Fort and Jaigarh Fort, where you can immerse yourself in the grandeur of Rajput architecture. Don't forget to visit the City Palace, a splendid complex of palaces, courtyards, and museums that offer a glimpse into the royal heritage of Rajasthan. And no trip to Jaipur is complete without exploring the bustling markets of Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar, where you can shop for vibrant textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts.
Udaipur - The City of Lakes: Nestled amidst the Aravalli Hills, Udaipur is a picturesque city adorned with shimmering lakes and elegant palaces. Take a boat ride on the serene waters of Lake Pichola and visit the stunning Lake Palace, a marble marvel that seems to float on the lake's surface. Explore the majestic City Palace, stroll through the colorful lanes of the old city, and witness the mesmerizing sunset from the shores of Fateh Sagar Lake. Udaipur's romantic ambiance and timeless beauty make it a must-visit destination for couples and solo travelers alike.
Jodhpur – It is one of the beautiful city among the places to visit in Rajasthan. The Blue City: Dubbed the Blue City for its indigo-colored houses clustered around the towering Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur is a captivating blend of history and charm. Explore the labyrinthine streets of the old city, where every corner reveals a new story waiting to be discovered. Visit Mehrangarh Fort, one of the largest forts in India, and admire its intricate architecture and panoramic views of the city below. Don't miss the serene beauty of Jaswant Thada, a white marble memorial built in memory of Maharaja Jaswant Singh II. And for a taste of authentic Rajasthani cuisine, indulge in mouthwatering delicacies at the bustling markets and local eateries.
Jaisalmer -  It is the deserted place among places to visit in Rajasthan. Also called The Golden City: Set amidst the vast Thar Desert, Jaisalmer is a golden oasis that exudes an aura of mystique and romance. Marvel at the golden sandstone walls of Jaisalmer Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that rises majestically from the desert sands. Explore the narrow lanes of the fort's old town, where ancient havelis (mansions) adorned with intricate carvings transport you back in time. Experience the magic of a camel safari as you traverse the undulating dunes of the Sam Sand Dunes, and spend a night under the starlit sky at a traditional desert camp, where folk music and dance performances enchant visitors.
Pushkar - The Sacred City: Nestled beside the tranquil waters of Pushkar Lake, Pushkar is one of the oldest cities in India and a revered pilgrimage site for Hindus. Explore the colorful ghats (steps) that line the lake, where devotees gather to perform sacred rituals and take a holy dip in the waters. Visit the Brahma Temple, one of the few temples in the world dedicated to Lord Brahma, and witness the vibrant spectacle of the Pushkar Camel Fair, where thousands of camels and cattle are bought and sold amidst cultural performances and festivities.
In conclusion, Rajasthan is a land of unparalleled beauty and cultural richness, where every corner tells a story of valor, romance, and timeless traditions that is inherited in all the places to visit in Rajasthan . Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Jaipur, admiring the serene lakes of Udaipur, or getting lost in the golden sands of Jaisalmer, a journey through Rajasthan is sure to leave you spellbound and longing for more. So pack your bags, embark on an adventure, and let the magic of Rajasthan unfold before your eyes.
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simpleekare1 · 24 days
Cerelac Baby Food: Stages, Nutritional Value & Feeding Tips
Cerelac baby food ( a trusted brand ) has been a go-to choice for parents worldwide. Recently, there’s been a buzz around Cerelac’s sugar content, with contrasting reports between countries. Here we provide a comprehensive overview for parents looking to understand more about Cerelac and make informed decisions about their baby’s diet. Let’s delve into the details to understand more about this popular baby food.
Cerelac baby food was introduced by Nestle in 1949 as the first infant cereal to provide a convenient and nutritionally balanced alternative to traditional porridge. Over the years, Cerelac has evolved to meet the changing nutritional needs of infants worldwide.
Cerelac’s Nutritional Value:
Cerelac is known for its balanced nutrition, containing essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients including iron, calcium, and zinc, to support healthy growth and development of a baby. It is also a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, necessary for the energy needs of growing infants. It is often the first solid food introduced to infants, offering a smooth transition from breast milk or formula.
Production Process:
Cerelac baby food is made from carefully selected grains, such as rice, wheat, or oats, which are finely ground and cooked to a smooth consistency. The cereal is then fortified with vitamins and minerals before being dried and packaged.
Feeding Tips:
When introducing Cerelac baby food to infants, it is recommended to
Start with small amounts mixed with breast milk, formula, or water to achieve a smooth consistency.
stir well until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency. This ensures that your baby can easily swallow the food.
Before feeding, always check the temperature of the prepared Cerelac to ensure it is not too hot for your baby’s delicate mouth. A lukewarm temperature is ideal.
Use a clean spoon to feed your baby to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs. Avoid feeding directly from the jar to prevent contamination.
Feed your baby in a calm and quiet environment to minimize distractions and encourage a peaceful feeding experience.
Discard any leftover Cerelac after the feeding session to prevent bacterial growth. Do not reheat or reuse any leftover food.
Observe your baby’s cues during feeding. Stop feeding if your baby shows signs of being full, such as turning away or closing their mouth.
As the baby grows, Cerelac baby food can be gradually thickened to match their developmental stage and feeding abilities.
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Cerelac baby food
Varieties According to Child’s Age:
Cerelac offers a variety of products tailored to different stages of a child’s development. For infants aged 6 months and above, there are Cerelac Rice and Cerelac Wheat variants, which are ideal for introducing solids to babies. As the baby grows, Cerelac also offers Stage 2 and Stage 3 variants, which contain additional nutrients suitable for older infants.
Multigrain, Fruits, and Vegetables:
Cerelac offers a range of flavours, including Multigrain, and variants with fruits (such as apple, banana, and mango) and vegetables (such as carrot and pumpkin). Introducing different flavours not only adds variety to your baby’s diet but also helps in developing their taste buds and acceptance of different food textures. This variety also ensures that your baby receives a wide range of nutrients essential for their growth and development.
Cerelac stands out among infant cereals for its nutritional content and ease of preparation. However, other brands are offering similar products, such as Gerber and Earth’s Best, which also provide a range of infant cereals fortified with essential nutrients.
Recent News:
Recent reports have highlighted regional variations in Cerelac baby products. While Nestle’s wheat-based Cerelac for six-month-old babies in the UK and Germany is sold without any added sugars, a study in India found that some Cerelac products contained added sugars. This has prompted the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to investigate the composition of Nestle’s Cerelac baby cereals to ensure compliance with local regulations. It’s important to note that the sugar content was declared on the packaging in India, ensuring transparency for parents.
Expert Opinion:
Pediatric doctors available on SimpleeKare‘s platform emphasize the importance of understanding the nutritional information on baby food labels. While Cerelac bab food provides essential nutrients, parents should be mindful of added sugars. Consulting with a pediatrician can help in making informed decisions about your baby’s diet.
FAQs for Cerelac Baby Food
Is Cerelac suitable for all babies?
Cerelac is generally suitable for most babies, but it’s always best to consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new food to your baby’s diet, especially if your baby has allergies or other dietary restrictions.
How do I know if my baby is ready for Cerelac?
Most babies are ready for solid foods, including Cerelac, when they can sit up with support, hold their head steady, and show an interest in food. It’s typically recommended to start solids around 6 months of age, but again, consult with your pediatrician for personalized advice.
Can Cerelac baby food be used as a replacement for breast milk or formula?
Cerelac is not a replacement for breast milk or formula, which should be the primary source of nutrition for infants under 1 year of age. Cerelac can be introduced as a complementary food to gradually transition your baby to solid foods.
Are there any preservatives or artificial ingredients in Cerelac?
Cerelac is made with carefully selected ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. However, it’s always a good idea to check the product label for specific information.
How should Cerelac be stored and prepared?
Cerelac baby food should be stored in a cool, dry place and used before the expiration date. To prepare Cerelac, mix the desired amount with breast milk, formula, or water to achieve a smooth consistency. Always use a clean spoon to feed your baby and discard any leftover Cerelac after the feeding session.
Cerelac baby food remains a nutritious choice for infants, offering a convenient and balanced option for parents. However, it’s crucial to be aware of regional variations in product formulations, especially regarding added sugars. By staying informed and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, parents can make the best choices for their baby’s health and well-being.
Blog Resources : https://blog.simpleekare.com/cerelac-baby-food-stages-nutritional-value-feeding-tips/
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theshillongtimes · 1 month
Nestle adds sugar to baby food sold in India but not in Europe
New Delhi, April 19: The baby-food brands sold by global giant Nestle in India contain high levels of added sugar, while such products are sugar-free in the United Kingdom, Germany Switzerland, and other developed nations, an investigation by Public Eye, a Swiss organisation and the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) has revealed.
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allied1235 · 2 months
Unveiling the Enigmatic Plot in Ghaziabad: A Glimpse into AlliedDeveloper's Vision
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A Tapestry of Opportunities
Plot in Ghaziabad, nestled in the heart of Uttar Pradesh, has witnessed a remarkable transformation over the years. From being a mere satellite town to emerging as a pivotal real estate destination, its journey is nothing short of extraordinary. At the helm of this transformation is AlliedDeveloper, orchestrating a symphony of development that resonates with the aspirations of modern India.
Understanding the Essence of ‘Plot in Ghaziabad’
The allure of owning a piece of land is undeniable, especially in a city like Ghaziabad, where every plot tells a story of growth and prosperity. AlliedDeveloper recognizes this sentiment and channels it into its projects, offering plots that transcend mere real estate transactions. Each Plot in Ghaziabad is meticulously curated to reflect the ethos of Ghaziabad — its rich heritage, vibrant culture, and promising future.
Crafting Communities, Not Just Structures
For AlliedDeveloper, a plot is not just a patch of land; it’s a canvas waiting to be painted with dreams and aspirations. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, AlliedDeveloper goes beyond conventional boundaries, creating communities that thrive on inclusivity and sustainability. Every Plot in Ghaziabad by AlliedDeveloper is imbued with world-class amenities, green spaces, and a sense of belonging that fosters camaraderie among its residents.
Innovating for Tomorrow
In the realm of real estate, innovation is the cornerstone of success. AlliedDeveloper understands this axiom and embraces it wholeheartedly. From leveraging cutting-edge technology in construction to adopting sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact, AlliedDeveloper is at the forefront of innovation, setting new benchmarks for the industry.
Empowering Dreams, One Plot at a Time
At the core of AlliedDeveloper’s philosophy lies a simple yet profound belief — that everyone deserves a place to call their own. Whether it’s a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, AlliedDeveloper’s plots in Ghaziabad cater to a diverse range of aspirations and budgets. With flexible payment plans and transparent processes, AlliedDeveloper makes the journey of property ownership smooth and hassle-free.
Building Legacies, Brick by Brick
As the sun sets on another day in Ghaziabad, the legacy of AlliedDeveloper continues to unfold. With each plot sold, a new chapter begins — a chapter filled with hope, progress, and prosperity. From humble beginnings to towering achievements, AlliedDeveloper’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion.
In Conclusion
The ‘Plot in Ghaziabad’ saga is more than just a real estate venture; it’s a testament to the spirit of Ghaziabad — resilient, vibrant, and full of potential. And at the helm of this saga stands AlliedDeveloper, a beacon of excellence in an ever-evolving landscape. As Ghaziabad marches forward into the future, one thing is certain — with AlliedDeveloper, the best is yet to come.
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theaayuniwand · 8 months
Discover the Artistry at Aayuni's Etsy Shop
Welcome to Aayuni's Etsy shop, a haven for those who appreciate the beauty of handcrafted treasures. Nestled in the heart of creativity, Aayuni's store is a sanctuary of unique items that elevate your lifestyle.
Our collection is a testament to the artistry and dedication of skilled artisans. From elegant jewelry that sparkles with personality to home decor that breathes life into your spaces, every piece tells a story.
At Aayuni, we believe in celebrating individuality. Each creation is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to stand out in a world of mass production. When you purchase from us, you're not just buying a product; you're investing in artistry and tradition.
As a token of our appreciation, we offer a 20% discount on your first purchase. Simply use code "HTKJHK" at checkout.
Join our community of like-minded individuals who value craftsmanship and beauty. Share your stories, inspire others, and celebrate the uniqueness of Aayuni's creations.
Visit Aayuni's Etsy Shop today and embark on a journey of discovery, where artistry meets elegance. Elevate your style and embrace the extraordinary with Aayuni.
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propertygroupcp · 8 months
A Haven of Well-Being in the Heart of Gurgaon: Central Park Flower Valley
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Investing in the best property in Gurgaonhas never been more promising. Nestled in the heart of Sector 33, Sohna, New Gurgaon, Central Park Flower Valley stands as a testament to opulence and modern living.  This luxury residential development, constructed by Central Park, one of India's best real estate developers.
Flower Valley in the South of Gurgaon is thebest property, and township offering a wide range of housing options, top-notch amenities for physical, spiritual, and social well-being, and a prime location along the main road. It's just a short drive from Golf Course Extension Road and other prominent destinations.
Flower Valley is not your typical township; it's a special haven of well-being tucked away from the noisy, polluted city. With over 9,000 trees and scenic pathways, it offers the refreshing, clean air that only nature can offer. The tranquility of lush greenery creates an environment conducive to various healthy activities: 
You can immerse yourself in the positivity of nature therapy and meditation, enjoy a leisurely jog or bike ride on well-designed trails, take a dip in the inviting pool, or simply unwind at the spa.  Apartments for sale in Gurgaon, particularly in this development, are not just residences; they're assets that appreciate over time. 
Your Dream Home Is Here
Looking for apartments for sale in New Gurgaon? Central Park Flower Valley offers the best property in Gurgaon, seamlessly blending modernity with nature. These apartments suit your needs, whether you want a peaceful place to live or an investment opportunity.
Choice of Cerise Suites, Fleur Villas, Flamingo Floors, The Room, Aqua Front Towers, and Mikasa Plots. The Room at Flower Valley, like The Room in Sector 48, Gurgaon, has been a smashing success and is completely sold out.
Boxing Academy, Lawn Tennis Academy, Cricket Academy, Floodlit Golf Academy, Fitness Academy, Acting Academy, Badminton Academy, Dance Academy, Swimming Academy are among the ten world-class academies.
Aquatic Gym, Jogging Tracks, Cycling, and More
Experience Cafe, Gazebos, Fine Dining Restaurants, Clubhouse, Juice Centre, Reading Room, and Banquet Hall
Meditation, Yoga, Gym, Steam, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Aroma Baths, Sun Baths, Herbal Parks, Organic Farming, Nature Walk are all available at the Wellness Sanctuary.
Flora's Green Sanctuary is a global community with 9000 trees and flower alleys.
Why Should You Choose to Invest in a Home at Central Park Flower Valley Gurgaon?
This apartment for sale in New Gurgaon is a secure gated township currently undergoing multiple projects across approximately 250 acres. These projects are at various stages of construction, with some already handed over to homeowners who are enjoying a wholesome lifestyle and premium services provided by Central Park.
Why Should You Consider it for Investment?
Here's why Central Park Flower Valley is a promising investment opportunity:
Excellent Road Connectivity: Well-connected roads ensure easy access to major destinations.
Abundant Greenery: The township's abundant greenery fosters a healthy and serene environment.
Hub for IT Companies: Proximity to IT hubs enhances its investment potential.
Built by a Renowned Builder: Central Park's reputation ensures quality and trust.
Updated Lifestyle: Modern amenities and a contemporary lifestyle are at your doorstep.
World-Class Amenities: An array of amenities enhances your quality of life.
Surrounded by Greenery: Over 100 acres of greenery envelop the township.
Proximity to Social Conveniences: Schools, hospitals, and shopping hubs are within reach.
Central Park Flower Valley comes as the ideal choice in your search for the best property in Gurgaon. These beautiful apartments for sale in New Gurgaon not only meet your aspirations of a perfect home, but they also serve as a safe investment for the future. At Central Park Flower Valley, where luxury living meets your goals, embrace the beautiful blend of nature and modernity.
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swaritadvisiors · 9 months
Demystifying Trademark Registration in Mizoram: A Comprehensive Guide
Mizoram, the charming state nestled in the northeastern part of India, is not only known for its lush green landscapes but also for its budding entrepreneurial spirit. As businesses in the region continue to grow, safeguarding your brand's identity becomes paramount. One of the fundamental steps in protecting your intellectual property is registering your trademark. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of trademark registration in Mizoram, its significance, and the step-by-step process involved.
Understanding Trademarks
Before we dive into the details of trademark registration in Mizoram, it's essential to grasp what a trademark is and why it holds significance.
A trademark is a distinctive symbol, logo, word, or combination thereof that sets your goods or services apart from those of others in the marketplace. It serves as an identifier of your brand, fostering trust and recognition among consumers. Trademarks can encompass logos, brand names, slogans, and even unique packaging.
The Importance of Trademark Registration
Trademark registration offers several advantages to businesses in Mizoram:
Legal Protection: Registering your trademark grants you exclusive rights to use it for your goods or services within Mizoram. This legal protection helps prevent others from using a similar mark, reducing the risk of brand confusion.
Brand Recognition: A registered trademark enhances your brand's credibility and visibility. Consumers are more likely to trust and choose products or services with a registered trademark.
Asset Value: A registered trademark can be a valuable asset for your business. It can be licensed, sold, or used as collateral for financing, adding tangible value to your company.
Nationwide Coverage: While trademark registration in Mizoram provides protection within the state, it also serves as a foundation for expanding your brand protection to other parts of India.
Trademark Registration Process in Mizoram
Now that we comprehend the importance of trademark registration, let's explore the step-by-step process to register your trademark in Mizoram:
Preliminary Search:
Before filing an application, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that your proposed trademark is unique and doesn't resemble existing trademarks. You can perform this search on the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM).
Determine the Trademark Class:
Identify the appropriate class or classes under which your goods or services fall. Trademarks are categorized into 45 different classes, and it's crucial to select the correct one to avoid complications later.
Create a Trademark Application:
Prepare the trademark application on Form TM-A, available on the CGPDTM website. Furnish all necessary details, including the name and address of the applicant, a representation of the trademark, and the class under which it falls.
Submit the Application:
Submit the completed application along with the prescribed fees to the Registrar of Trademarks. You can file the application online or physically at the regional trademark office in Mizoram.
Examination and Publication:
After filing, the trademark office will review your application for compliance. If it meets all requirements, your trademark will be published in the Trademarks Journal. There's a 4-month window during which anyone can raise objections to your trademark.
Opposition and Registration:
If no objections are raised or successfully defended, your trademark will be registered, and a Registration Certificate will be issued.
Maintenance and Renewal:
Trademark registration is initially valid for ten years, after which you can renew it indefinitely every ten years by paying the prescribed renewal fees.
Trademark registration in Mizoram is a critical step in protecting your brand and intellectual property. It ensures legal rights, brand recognition, and long-term value for your business. To navigate the process successfully, it's advisable to seek legal counsel or consult with trademark professionals who can provide guidance and assistance. With a registered trademark, your business in Mizoram can thrive while enjoying the benefits of enhanced brand protection.
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tourismirctc · 9 months
Escape into the Splendour of Kashmir with IRCTC Tourism
A trip to Kashmir is an ethereal journey into a realm often dubbed "heaven on earth." Nestled in the Himalayas, this mesmerising region of India is a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes, cultural richness, and serene beauty that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.
As you set foot in Kashmir, the first thing that captivates you is the sheer natural splendour. The majestic snow-capped peaks, like sentinels of the sky, surround you in a timeless embrace. The serene Dal Lake, adorned with colourful Shikaras and houseboats, exudes an otherworldly charm. Floating gardens and lotus blossoms add to the surreal experience, transporting you to a dreamlike oasis.
The valley's vibrant culture and warm hospitality further enrich your journey. Strolling through Srinagar's bustling markets, you'll encounter intricately designed handicrafts, exquisite Pashmina shawls, and traditional spices that awaken your senses. 
For the adventurous at heart, Kashmir presents a playground of activities. Trekking amidst the verdant meadows of Pahalgam, often adorned with a carpet of wildflowers or Gulmarg, famous for Gulmarg Gondola, one of the highest cable cars in the world, is a treat for nature enthusiasts. In the winter months, the powdery slopes of Gulmarg transform into a ski haven, inviting enthusiasts from around the world.
Yet, beyond the obvious allure, it's the intangible essence of Kashmir that truly makes it heaven on earth. The crisp mountain air carries whispers of legends and centuries-old stories, and the tranquil moments spent by the shimmering lakes or amidst the pristine landscapes create a sense of profound peace.
So, if you are tired of the mundane routine and want to spend some magical moments in the lap of nature. And don’t worry about the planning and booking. Simply leave everything to IRCTC Tourism! Get your hands on the Kashmir: Heaven on Earth Ex Bhubaneswar tour package, an all-inclusive tour that combines Gulmarg tour packages, Pahalgam tour package, Srinagar tour packages, Sonmarg tour package in one. Starting at Rs.  43,459/- per person, it is a 6 days and 5 nights all-inclusive tour package. Everything from air tickets to accommodation to meals to transfers is included in the package. Not only this, there’s a one night stay in a house boat too! So, if you want to experience the incredible beauty of Kashmir like never before, then book this dream vacation today. Tour departs on 29th Sept 23. So, hurry before it gets sold out. 
A trip to Kashmir isn't just a vacation; it's a soul-stirring encounter with nature's finest artistry and a spiritual connection to a land that has inspired poets and wanderers for generations. It's an immersion into a world where paradise isn't a distant dream but a tangible reality that ignites your senses and ignites your spirit. For more information on the tour package, inclusions, detailed itinerary, etc., you can visit the official website on www.irctctourism.com. 
Disclaimer: All information provided on this website is in good faith. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we suggest everyone refer to the official website www.irctctourism.com for updated packages and offers.
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nsebullcom · 1 year
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donveinot · 1 year
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businesknowlege · 1 year
FMCG Industry in India
FMCG Industry
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) are the fourth-largest business in India, and it has been expanding gradually over time as a result of rising disposable income, an aging population, and rising consumer brand awareness.
No FMCG business can afford to ignore India since it has a middle class that is larger than the whole population of the United States.
The FMCG industry in India is growing as more people start to move up the economic ladder and more people have access to the benefits of economic development.
More significantly, with a median age of just 27, India’s population is becoming more consumerist due to rising expectations.
This has also been made possible by government initiatives to increase financial inclusion and provide social safety nets.
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Top 3 FMCG Companies List in India
Hindustan Unilever
One of the best FMCG industries in India is HUL. It is a division of the British-Dutch business Unilever. The business was founded in 1933, and Mumbai serves as its corporate headquarters.
For 87 years and more than 2 billion clients have been served by HUL. HUL has around 35 brands spread throughout 20 categories, including toothpaste, skincare, cosmetics, skin care products, and soaps.
Famous brands including Surf, Excel, Dove, Lux, Lifebuoy, Clinic Plus, Wheel, Sunsilk, Knorr, and Axe are among those associated with the company.
Moreover, HUL successfully concluded the Rs 3,045 crore merger with GSKCH India in April 2020. Together with Horlicks, GSK Consumer includes the names Boost, Maltova, and Viva and is currently a part of HUL.
ITC Limited
With more than 110 years of success in the Indian markets, ITC Ltd. has a comprehensive grasp of the Indian Consumer. The ITC is renowned for ensuring a certain production and packaging standard.
In India, they have several distribution outlets. With several retail stores, they have been able to enter even the most remote locations thanks to this.
Bingo, Sunfeast, Aashirvaad, Fiama Di Wills, Vivel, Savlon soaps, and handwash, Papercraft, and Classmate are some of their brands.
Wills Navy Cut, Gold Flake Kings, Silk Cut, India Kings, Bristol, Gold Flake Super Star, Gold Flake Premium Lights, Classic Menthol, etc. are among the brands sold by ITC, which holds a market share of 77% of the Indian cigarette market.
Nestle India
Swiss-based Nestlé is a multinational food and beverage corporation. The firm has been active for more than 150 years on a global scale.
Nestlé first started doing business in India in 1912 under the name Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. They provide for the dietary and health needs of Indian customers.
Drinks, bottled water, milkshakes, morning cereals, quick meals, performance, health care nutrition, etc. are just a few of the numerous things that Nestle sells.
They presently possess 2000 brands, including Nescafe, Maggi, Milky Bar, Kit Kat, Bar One, Milkmaid, and Nestea.
Nevertheless, despite operating in a competitive market, Nestle Cerelac has an indisputable market share of 96.5% among babies 6 months and older who use it as a breast milk substitute.
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marketing123456789 · 1 year
Coconut Milk Products Market Globally Expected To Drive Growth through 2031
A result of their superior nutritional value and low calorie count, Coconut Milk ingredients are popular in the food and beverage industry. Products made from coconut milk, such as coconut milk powder and coconut cream powder, are used in a range of recipes because of their sweet and mild flavour. In the approaching years, there will probably be a spike in demand for products made from coconut milk due to the expansion of the food and beverage industries.
Other factors such as rapid urbanization, rising number of health-conscious consumers, increasing disposable income of consumers, and their changing lifestyles especially in developing countries are expected to be a major driver for the growth of the food processing industry. Coconut milk powder help in the formation of hemoglobin as they contain iron and also help in improving the health of patients suffering from anemia. Organic coconut milk powder also strengthen immune system against various microorganisms because they have various anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Increasing awareness about various health benefits of coconut milk ingredients and consumer preference for a vegetarian diet, will drive the market.
Get Sample of the Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-9164
The hectic lifestyle of people has increased the demand for ready to eat foods and processed food products. Increasing use of coconut milk powder for enhancing the functional and nutritional value, shelf life, and quality of the product will create growth opportunities in the market. According to the report, coconut milk powder accounts for over 80% of sales in the market.
Coconut milk ingredients are used in the preparation of nutritional foods and also used as a dietary supplement because of their high nutritional content. Increasing application in the food and beverages sector will continue driving sales.
Key Takeaways from the Coconut Milk Products Market Study
 Increasing focus on health and wellness will push coconut milk product sales at 7.6% between 2021 and 2031 
As a result of rising cases of obesity and diabetes, the U.S. is exhibiting high demand for plant-based food and beverages. It will account for over 88% of coconut milk products sold in North America in 2021 
Expansion of the food sector, especially growth in confectionaries and bakeries will drive sales in the U.K. at above 7% in 2021 
Indonesia and India will emerge as key markets for coconut milk powder in South Asia. Increasing coconut production will seal Indonesia’s dominance
China will account for maximum coconut milk product sales in East Asia. Increasing demand for plant-based food items will drive sales in the country 
“The increasing demand for food with high nutritional value and longer shelf life has been a key factor pushing application of coconut milk products in the food processing industry. With focus on health expected to rise, the market for coconut milk products will exhibit impressive growth in the coming years,” said a lead analyst at FMI
Vegan Food Popularity a Blessing for Coconut Milk Products Market
Vegan food is gaining popularity among consumers as a result of environmentally sustainable plant cultivation. Despite the fact that vegan food is an expensive commodity, consumers are willing to pay more for it because they want to follow safe and healthy eating habits and care about the environment. Vegan food products are becoming more common in developed and developing countries as consumers have become more aware of food safety and quality. This will have a positive impact on coconut milk products market, driving sales as a sought-after dairy alternative.
Who is winning?
Some of the leading companies involved in coconut milk products are Thai Coconut Public Company Limited, Nestle S.A., The Sambu Group, Pacific Foods of Oregon, Celebs Coconut Corporation, Grace Kennedy Limited, Asiatic Agro-Industry, Monty and Totco Corporation Limited, McCormick & Company Incorporation, Primex Coco Products Incorporation and others.
Product launches remain a chief strategy among market players. For instance, Nestlé S.A launched Nespray Coco-Up in Sri Lanka in 2018.
Get Valuable Insights into Coconut Milk Products Market
Future Market Insights, in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the coconut milk product market, presenting historical demand data (2016-2020) and forecast statistics for the period from (2021-2031). The study divulges compelling insights on the coconut milk products market based on By Product Type (Coconut Milk Powder and Coconut Cream Powder), By Nature (Organic and Conventional), By End-Use (Food and Beverage Processing, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements, Foodservice/HoReCa and Household), by distribution channel (Direct Sales/B2B, Indirect Sales- Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Mass Grocery Retailers, Specialty Stores and Online Retailing) across seven major regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, MEA and Oceania).
Key Segments
By Product Type
 Coconut Milk Powder Coconut Cream Powder 
By Nature
 Organic Conventional 
By End-Use
Food and Beverage Processing 
Bakery and Confectionery 
Ice-creams and Desserts 
Breakfast Solutions 
Curries, Sauces and Soups 
Juices, Milkshakes and Cocktails 
Other Food and Beverage Processing 
Personal Care and Cosmetics 
Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements 
Foodservice/HoReCa (Hotels/Restaurants/Cafe) 
By Distribution Channel
 Direct Sales/B2B 
Indirect Sales 
Convenience Stores 
Mass Grocery Retailers 
Speciality Stores 
Online Retailing 
By Region
 North America 
Latin America 
East Asia 
South Asia 
View Full Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/coconut-milk-products-market
About Future Market Insights (FMI)
Future Market Insights, Inc. is an ESOMAR-certified business consulting & market research firm, a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and is headquartered in Delaware, USA. A recipient of Clutch Leaders Award 2022 on account of high client score (4.9/5), we have been collaborating with global enterprises in their business transformation journey and helping them deliver on their business ambitions. 80% of the largest Forbes 1000 enterprises are our clients. We serve global clients across all leading & niche market segments across all major industries.
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mollisarts · 1 year
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sapanaonline2 · 1 year
Sapana Carpet- Mats since 1984
It is always heartwarming for us to see our Chatai Mats decorating your home and providing you with the comfort and rest they are designed for. We at Sapana Carpet-Mats are proud to share with you our journey over 4 decades as Chatai Mat Manufacturer; how we’ve evolved, transformed and expanded our product range into making Rugs and Carpets, as well as being merchants to stylish Door Mats.
Our Vision and Mission have always been about having a strong zeal for innovation, a penchant for ethical and green business, and a social responsibility that runs deep in the organisation, so that when you choose products from our variegated collections, you bring home world-class products driven with a deep conscience.
History of the Company:
Sapana Carpet-Mats, is currently India’s leading Polypropylene mat manufacturing company and our signature product is the ‘Chatai’. Our oldest manufacturing facility is nestled in Aurangabad, Maharashtra and incorporates neoteric technology to produce well-weaved, long-lasting and highly durable Chatai Mats and Carpets.
These manufacturing plants cover an area of more than 180,000 square feet, constructed in alliance with the latest best industry practices. Every conceptualised pattern is unique to each product and originates from our in-house design team to suit customers and their needs.
Our Visibility:
Apart from the robust supply network of Sapana Carpet-mats, our goods sold within India as well as the exports personify premium standards for style, form and functionality. Along with a whopping 10,000+ stores spread across India, we also boast a list of best-selling products in E-Commerce czars like Amazon, Google Merchant Centre and Pepperfry.
Part of our proud trophy case is the much sought-after PLEXCONCIL award for the Top Mat Exporter for 13 years in a row. When it comes to crossing the seven seas, our lightweight Chatai Mats have sailed and soared in sales across 25+ countries and have graced retail stores such as Target, Lowe’s, B&Q, Crate and Barrel, Pier1, Cost Plus World Market, Urban Outfitters among many others. Our products have passed the REACH testing protocols for Europe and all applicable testing protocols for North America.
Our Sustainability Journey:
Being a Polypropylene Mats manufacturer, we understand the importance of ensuring the well-being of our environment. Our Chatai Mats are weaved using 70% Virgin and 30% Recycled PP straws, thus maintaining durability, and suppleness as well as doing our duty towards reducing plastic waste. That said, we hone our talents and technology towards making the world more sustainable through the production of GRS-certified products, SMETA/BSCI audited plants and OEKO-TEX-certified textiles.
The Sapana Carpet-Mats’ carbon footprints are slowly diminishing, as we have undertaken initiatives like recycling 30,000 kgs. of plastic, running our manufacturing units on Solar generated energy, installing light-enhancing and heat-reducing ventilators at our plants and most importantly, calibrating long-lasting and highly durable Chatai Mats, Rugs and Carpets, and Doormats so you as our dear customer and we as a brand help nature through the reduction of solid waste.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
In line with our obligations towards the environment, we have maintained our ESG record through various CSR activities, including the certification of our manufacturing plants for Fair Working Conditions.
We have been and still are proud supporters of the Navjeevan Society in Aurangabad which has dedicated itself to helping specially-abled people. Here, our company employs a select group of people from the Navjeevan Society to work with us, and the products made are then mailed through our outlets in Aurangabad. We also work with Lotus Petal Foundation, Gurugram which has been providing education to children of economically backward backgrounds.
Sapana Carpet-Mats is ardently reinventing itself to make way for revolutionary home decor products whose functionality makes no compromises. In hindsight, the challenges we encountered and the hurdles we had to overcome have been earmarked as knots that knit together a carpet of opulence and success which has been specially rolled down for Sapana-Carpet Mats to walk on! We are glad to be the most cherished and remembered brand for Chatai Mats, Rugs and Doormats.
To know more: https://sapanacarpetmats.com/blogs/news/sapana-carpet-mats-since-1984
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market Expectation Surges with Rising Demand and Changing Trends
Latest study released by AMA Research on Global Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market research focuses on latest market trend, opportunities and various future aspects so you can get a variety of ways to maximize your profits. Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market predicted until 2027*. Historically, population growth and gains in consumer spending have increased. FMCG here plays a vital role in the changing in consumer need and habits are changing. Fast moving consumer goods also known as consumer packaged goods, refers to those products that are sold quickly and consumed on regular basis. The most common things in the list are toilet soaps, detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, shaving products, shoe polish, packaged foodstuff and household accessories. The term even extends to certain electronic goods. These items are meant for daily or frequent consumption.
The FMCG industry primarily engaged in the production, distribution and marketing of consumer packaged goods. It includes companies which include food production, packaged goods, beverages, clothes, automobile and electronics. Fast –moving consumer goods (FMCG) are sold out quickly and a proper strategic approach has to be followed in manufacturing, advertising and logistics to gain a competitive advantage
Some of Key Players included in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market are Colgate –Palmolive (United States),Johnson & Johnson (United States),Procter & Gamble (United States),Pepsi (United States),Coca Cola (United States),Nestle (Switzerland),AB InBev (Belgium),JBS S.A. (Brazil),HUL (India),ITC Ltd. (India),Parle Agro (India),Britannia Industries Limited (India),Marico Limited (India),Godrej Group (India),Amul (India)
Market Trends: Change in Lifestyle and Increasing disposable income in developing economies
Healthy junk food is emerging as a snack food trend
Drivers: Shifting Economic Power
Growing popularity of FMCG product
Challenges: Poor Economic situation globally
Intensifying competition in FMCG sector
Opportunities: Untapped rural Market
Export Potential
Various Product enhancement in FMCG
High consumer goods spending
The titled segments and Market Data are Break Down by Type (Protective packaging, Flexible packaging, Paper-based packaging, Rigid plastic packaging, Custom packaging, Others), Application (Household Care, Personal Care, Healthcare, Food & Beverage)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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