#solavellan fankid
broodwolf221 · 3 months
For the ship of your choice! From sentence prompts:
“Heads, I do it. Tails, you do it.”
Happy writing! 🥰
decided to explore an old ship, my first solavellan :') so nessa/solas and their kid! @dadrunkwriting 336 words cws: none
Revas’ cry pierced through the quiet and she frowned, burying her face in the pillows. “Solas...” she muttered and heard him sigh, felt the bed shift as he turned to face her.
“I got up last time,” he protested gently, sounding half-asleep. Revas had been fussy the past few days--they’d taken her to a healer when it’d started, relieved to learn that she was quite healthy. However, she was teething, and none of them had gotten any peace since it’d begun.
“I held her all day,” she said, “and I only have one arm.” That was a low blow and she knew it, reaching out to him and grabbing his hand. “M’sorry.”
“It is fine,” he told her, sounding considerably more alert now. She’d hurt him. “I can go.”
“No, no, you’re right, you went last time.” She squeezed his hand harder when he tried to extricate himself and after a moment he laughed, settling back in bed.
“So, what do you propose then, my love?” He sounded lighter now and she smiled sleepily.
“I’ll go,” she told him--only to have him squeeze her hand in turn.
“No, you’re right, you’ve been working all day--”
“As have you--” she interrupted, but he cut her off with a laugh. And Revas cut them both off with another loud cry.
“Have I ever told you you’re incredibly stubborn?” He sounded more fond than exasperated and she smiled, snuggling against him.
“Once or twice,” she admitted. “Although you’re one to talk.”
“Me? Stubborn?” He scoffed, but didn’t protest beyond that. They both knew he was. They both knew they both were.
“Shall we flip a coin?” She suggested wryly after a moment and he laughed.
“Do you keep coins in bed, now?” He asked, then sat up. “Let’s just go together.”
“Yes.” She rose slowly and they shared a lingering kiss before crawling out of the warm bed. “I’ll make tea,” she teased and he groaned, although he reached out for her hand as they walked towards Revas’ cries.
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vivispec · 2 years
what doesn’t kill me...
prompt: sleep deprivation | defiance | "better me than you”
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairing: solavellan (mentioned, not the focus)
characters: viera’vun, iloniyn
tags: hurt/comfort, twin souls (platonic soulmates), dalish ocs, solavellan fankid, post-canon, ilo pov
“Her face was hardset still as she scrutinized him, trying to decide whether she should let it go or continue the argument, but leaning towards the latter. Then, as if the storm were breaking, it fell to study her daughter instead, focus flicking across her face as the child’s breath whistled.
‘...I saw a wolf in my dreams, Ilo.’”
The Inquisition is no more. Living again as a nomad, Viera'vun finds that sleep no longer comes easy with the threat of detection hounding her dreams, so Iloniyn helps her get some rest.
find all of my finished prompts here!
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
Dreadwolf is Ragnarok: Why It Makes Sense Thematically For Fenris To Return
If you speak to me about Dragon Age for more than five minutes you'll learn that I really like Fenris. Like. REALLY like Fenris. Then you'll learn that I really, really want him to be in the next game.
I really want him to be in the next game
And I'm going to explain to you in a comically long post explaining a super crackpot theory about why I think it makes thematic sense for him to be in the next game.
So, let's talk about Norse mythology! More specifically, let's talk about Fenrir!
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Fenrir is Fenris' namesake. With Fenris being a slightly less common/alternative translation of the name (Fenris Wolf being the full translation) Fenrir's role in Norse mythology is essentially that he's a huge fuckoff wolf who breaks from his bonds and kills Odin, the god of knowledge and king of the gods, which causes Ragnarok, the end of the world
If you don't know, Fenrir was bound by Odin, and the really really abridged reason for doing so was basically that Fenrir was getting too big and scary for Odin to handle. So he bound him up, which caused Fenrir's hate for Odin, and in turn caused him to kill him and caused him to start Ragnarok.
Does this matter to Dreadwolf? Probably not all of it! I doubt Solas is directly responsible for Fenris being enslaved, but anything is possible, the important part here is really: Fenrir breaks free and kills Odin
I have seen people argue that Solas is not a good Odin parallel, because the Dread Wolf as a character and Solas' betrayal/trickery of you is more Loki, but I think Odin has been a bit mischaraterized by Marvel in pop culture. Odin is not a wise, ancient father of the gods. Odin is a trickster, Odin is a betrayer. Odin will do whatever it takes to gain all the knowledge he can. And this is often a fatal flaw in the legends
Norse mythology is too long to summarize here so you're just gonna have to trust me, Odin does a lot of shitty things mostly in the name of gaining more knowledge. Which is an extremely Solas thing to do and would make Solas a good Odin figure
But, Loki is still a connection, because in the legends, Fenrir is Loki's son
Now... do I expect Fenris to be Solas' son? No! That's cursed! And makes my FenHawke fankid possibly getting with one of my Solavellan fankids really uncomfortable! But I do think there could be some interesting parallels there. Maybe not "son" in a literal sense, but you could do a lot with an inherent connection between them. Maybe the lyrium markings connect them somehow, maybe Fenris has some Magic Elf Blood in his veins that connect him to Solas, maybe just BEING an elf is enough. I don't know! I'm just saying that this could also be a connection and would be fun to watch.
(Loki also has... a lot of kids. Many of whom are animals. We've got Fenrir (a wolf), Jormungandr (really big snake), and Sleipnir (eight legged horse). Fenrir and the snake have a mom that's basically Just A Woman but Sleipnir's dad is straight up a horse and Loki is the mom. No I will not explain I just need you to know that)
BioWare could also combine Odin and Loki and give Solas parallels to both. It's important to mention that I don't expect any of these parallels to be 1:1, this is not a retelling, this is a parallel, and sometimes parallels aren't exact.
All that's important is this:
Solas/The Dread Wolf is a god of wisdom, pride, and trickery. Three things that are very important to Odin's character
Fenris is named after Fenrir. A huge wolf, who hates Odin for what he did to him and kills him, initiating Ragnarok
Now, like I said, we don't know if Solas had anything to do with what Fenris went through. That is honestly not important, because regardless, Fenris would HATE Solas' plan.
Fenris would not want the veil to come down! He would not want the world to be filled with inheret magic! That would HORRIFY him! And yes, perhaps if Hawke is in the Fade, his feelings may change. But I have a sneaking suspicion that any promise Solas make to bring Hawke back would be a hollow one. Remember, Odin, and Solas, will do ANYTHING to get what he wants
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And if he lied to Fenris about getting Hawke back... I can't imagine Fenris would be happy
(Disclaimer: Character choices would matter, I'm not saying all of this will be unchangeable narratives, just possibilities. Though I do think Dreadwolf will have a lot of hard character-death based choices, I'll elaborate on why later)
Just to cover my bases, it is important to note that Solas already has some connections to being Fenrir himself. Mainly, also being a huge fuckoff wolf and the whole "ending the world" thing. But there is another one that I'm kind of surprised I've never seen mentioned before.
A very important bit in Fenrir's lore is that he bites off another god's hand
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This god is Tyr. Tyr is the god of war and bloodshed but also of order and justice.
And well. Solas kinda bit off the hand of someone who could be representative of war and bloodshed, as well as order and justice didn't he?
But... this might not be a connection, at least, not yet. Two reasons for that
Tyr placed his hand in Fenrir's mouth as a bargaining chip. Fenrir was not easy to bind, the gods tried multiple times disguising it as a game, Fenrir "winning" each time by breaking from those binds. But when someone keeps trying to tie you up you get suspicious. The last time he was bound, he asked a god to put their hand in his mouth, and if he were unable to break free and the gods didn't free him instead, he would bite off their hand. Tyr volunteered, and Fenrir bit off his hand. There are no parallels to this story and how the Inquisitor lost their hand.
If Solas is thematically Fenrir and not the guy literally named after him I will be annoyed
But it is something to keep an eye on, because it could be important in the game. This leads me perfectly into the next section of this post which is: Doesn't mean anything now but COULD mean something in the game
It's really just one point. There's a post floating around rn joking about how maybe Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is called DA:D because Solas is, in fact, a dad!
This is where we get really crackpot
See, thing is, Fenrir doesn't survive Ragnarok. He's fated not to from the beginning, maybe he knows this, maybe he doesn't, it's kind of hard to say. But, after he kills Odin, he is killed by Odin's son Vithar
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If the theory that Solas has children trapped behind the veil and if one of them chooses to avenge their father should you kill him, then we may be looking at a possible bad ending for the game, or perhaps not even a bad ending, maybe just an ending or even THE ending of the game.
Now you might be kind of freaking out reading this, because optional or not, this looks like A LOT of character death. I want to bring up a point with you that my friend reminded me of: Dragon Age is looking at a serious case of character bloat.
Without counting anyone twice (and giving me room for error cause I'm bad at basic math), Dragon Age has 27 companions, it has 29 if you count the Inquisition advisors, and it has 33 if you count the Awakening companions.
That is JUST the companions, that is not counting major/prominent characters that are not companions (Scout Harding, Sandal and Bodan, Arl Teagan), and it is CERTAINLY not counting anyone from the books and comics yet to be seen in the game (Vaea, Maevaris, Rys and Evangeline), and, obviously, not counting the soon to be four player protagonists
Because while the point of "Some of these characters could be dead" it is equally true that "All of these characters could be alive," nearly all, anyway, which can be very hard to juggle.
The point is: That's a lot of characters. You will notice that in most series that have large casts (The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, ???, Warrior Cats) also have a large percentage of those characters that die. So what I'm saying is: Brace yourself, Dreadwolf might be part character cull.
There has been a lot of time between Inquisition and Dreadwolf, there's going to be more time, it might well be a ten year gap. Dreadwolf is going to be a soft reset of the Dragon Age franchise at the very least. To draw in new players and to show the old players something new. Regardless of your feelings on that, if that is indeed the case, a reset is a good time to cull characters
Now... how much do I actually believe my own post here? To be honest with you, not much, I'd be surprised if even 5%, maybe even 1% of this post is correct, but I do think there are some things here. Specifically the Ragnarok parallels
Another point to remember about Ragnarok is it's not actually the end, there's a lot of death and destruction, but a new world is created out of it. Like I said, Dreadwolf is likely going to be a soft reset of the franchise, and if they do choose to have Ragnarok parallels, then it ends with the perfect way to do that: A new world. Reborn out of all that chaos, and ready to be explored anew.
So that's why Fenris should be in Dreadwolf
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vivispec · 2 years
at the end of their rope
prompt: tied to the table | “hold them down”
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairing: solavellan
characters: hareva, salhasil, solas, viera’vun
tags: kidnapping, attempted ransom, solavellan fankids, child injury, self injury, post-canon
“His glance flashed over to Salhasil, and a grin split his cheeks. “Interesting. Not a common color,” he noted. “Crew, I think a couple of sneaky royal wolf pups just fell right into our laps. How lucky.’”
After shaking their guard detail yet again, Hareva and Salhasil stumble upon a plot to assassinate their parents. Believing herself to be unstoppable, Reva decides to take matters into her own hands.
find all of my finished prompts here!
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vivispec · 2 years
Solavellan (and Friends) Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
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Below is my masterlist of prompts, all 31 of them. 
Every prompt takes place in the Dragon Age universe, and follows either Solas, my Inquisitor Viera’vun, her hunting partner and twin soul Iloniyn, her and Solas’ children Talasyl’nir/Hareva and Salhasil, or my ancient elvhen oc Sha’iletha.
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairings: solavellan, solas/ancient elf oc, dalish oc & dalish oc, lavellan & dorian, lavellan & varric
individual tags/triggers under the cut, as well as which prompts were specifically filled.
Day 1 - What Blooms in Darkness 
“Out of the Ordinary” Adverse Effects | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
solas, viera’vun tags: first encounter, angst, intent to kill, solas pov
Day 2 - Only Here May We Remain
“Nowhere to Run” Cornered | Confrontation
solas/viera’vun tags: final goodbye, angst, doomed lovers, viera pov
Day 3 - A Ruby Token
“A Hair’s Breadth from Death” Gun Arrow to Temple
solas, iloniyn tags: verbal abuse, enemies, ilo pov
Day 4 - The Brave Front
“Dead on your Feet” Hidden Injury | Can't Pass Out
viera’vun & iloniyn tags: poisoned, refugees, twin souls (platonic soulmates), viera pov
Day 5 - The Foundation of Happiness
“Every Whumpee’s Needs” Blood Loss
solas, sha’iletha tags: ancient elvhen, first meeting, blood, arrow wound, freed slave, self-deprecation, ptsd, lost identity, shai pov
Day 6 - False Mercy
“Proof of Life” "I've got a pulse!"
solas/viera’vun tags: near death, repressed feelings, denial, angst, solas pov
Day 7 - Stand Still
“The Way You Shake and Shiver” Silent Panic Attack | Shaking Hands
solas/viera’vun tags: angst, panic attack, lies, coming clean, viera pov
Day 8 - Honey for a Bitter Medicine
“Everything Hurts and I’m Dying” Stomach Pain | Head Trauma
viera’vun & iloniyn, talasyl’nir tags: solavellan fankid, sickfic, head trauma, disorientation, twin souls (platonic soulmates), ilo pov
Day 9 - En’an’sal’in Sul Nydha
“The Very Noisy Night” Tossing and Turning
solas/viera’vun tags: trouble sleeping, traumatic flashbacks, hurt/comfort, blood
Day 10 - The Enemy Unknown
“Poor Unfortunate Souls”
viera’vun tags: torture, bastinado, psychological manipulation, imprisonment, viera pov
Day 11 - Flesh and Blood
“911, What’s Your Emergency?” Sloppy Bandages
hareva & salhasil tags: solavellan fankids, child injury, blood, hurt/comfort, reva pov
Day 12 - Should’ve Kept That Big Mouth Shut
“What Could Go Wrong?” Cave-in
viera’vun, solas, varric, blackwall tags: cave-in, mostly just party banter tbh, viera pov
Day 13 - The Bearer of Broken Things
“Can’t Make an Omelet Without Breaking a Few Legs” Fracture
iloniyn & talasyl’nir tags: dalish oc, solavellan fankid, child injury, broken bone, adopted father/daughter bonding, hurt/comfort, ilo pov
Day 14 - The Avalanche Descending
“Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain” Failed Escape | “I’ll be right behind you”
solas/viera’vun, cullen, cole tags: believed character death, angst, last words, self-sacrifice, solas pov
Day 15 - A Painful Possibility
“Emotional Damage” New Scars | Breathing Throught the Pain
viera’vun & dorian tags: unplanned pregnancy, morning sickness, abandonment issues, pregnancy termination consideration, viera pov
Day 16 - Ill Omen
“No Way Out” Paralytic Drug
viera’vun tags: imprisonment, failed escape, drug mention, chased, viera pov
Day 17 - I Will Call You Home
“Hanging by a Threat” Breaking Point
viera’vun & talasyl’nir, iloniyn, solas/viera’vun tags: adolescent death, time travel, solavellan fankid, viera pov, solas pov, death threats
Day 18 - Thawed Truth
“Let’s Break the Ice” Treading Water | “Take my coat cloak”
solas, hareva, salhasil tags: solavellan fankids, child injury, a solid amount of solas angst, solas pov
Day 19 - Vulnerable
“Enough is Enough” Head Lolling | Knees Buckling
salhasil, hareva, viera’vun, solas tags: solavellan fankids, post-canon, mana sickness, sudden severe illness, convulsions, fainting, reva pov
Day 20 - Never Fast Enough
“Famous Last Words” Coughing Up Blood | “You’re safe now”
viera’vun & nuarehn tags: pre-canon, dalish ocs, character death, panicking, final moments, last words
Day 21 - Surrender the Weight
“It’s Been a Long Day” Going Into Shock | Fetal Position
viera’vun & iloniyn, viera’vun & varric tags: post-canon, dalish ocs, panic attack, emotional shock, reliving trauma, arrow wound, self-sacrifice, twin souls (platonic soulmates), viera pov
Day 22 - Warm and Briefly Real
“Pick Your Poison” Toxic
solas/viera’vun tags: poisoned, intoxicated, mixed signals, hurt/comfort, caretaker, viera pov
Day 23 - Real Trouble
“At the End of Their Rope” Tied to the Table | “Hold them down!”
hareva, salhasil, solas, viera’vun tags: kidnapping, attempted ransom, solavellan fankids, child injury, self injury, blood magic, post-canon, reva pov
Day 24 - Storm Dancer
“Fight, Flight, or Freeze” “I don’t want to do this anymore”
viera’vun, dorian, the iron bull, cole, iloniyn, gerda tags: childbirth, angst, hurt/comfort, twin souls (platonic soulmates), abandonment trauma, post-canon, viera pov
Day 25 - Thicker Than Blood
“Silence is Golden” Lost Voice | “You better start talking!”
viera’vun & nuarehn, iloniyn tags: mild hurt/comfort, bullying, dalish ocs, found family, kids being cute, viera pov
Day 26 - Singed Wings Still Fly
“No One Left Behind” Rope Burns | “Why did you save me?”
solas/sha’iletha tags: ancient elvhen, angst, suicidal ideation/thoughts, self-sacrifice, self-deprecation, shai pov
Day 27 - A Hand Outstretched
“Pushed to the Limit” Muffled Screams | Magical Exhaustion | Stumbling
solas/sha’iletha, arahmis/samleal tags: ancient elvhen, restraints, angst, suicidal ideation/thoughts, self-sacrifice, self-deprecation, former slave, solas pov
Day 28 - The Price of a Blind Eye
“It’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg” Anger Born of Worry | Punching the Wall | Headache
solas tags: angst, reaction to assassination attempt, minor character death, solas pov
Day 29 - The Midnight Vigil
“What Doesn’t Kill Me...” Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | “Better me than you”
viera’vun & iloniyn, talasyl’nir tags: hurt/comfort, twin souls (platonic soulmates), dalish ocs, solavellan fankid, post-canon, ilo pov
Day 30 - An Ill-Fated Offering
“Note to Self: Don’t Get Kidnapped” Manhandled | “Please don’t touch me”
sha’iletha shaise tags: kidnapping, child abuse, ancient elvhen, origin story, shai pov
Day 31 - The Dying of the Light
“The Light at the End of the Tunnel” Comfort | “You can rest now”
solas/viera’vun tags: main character death, convulsions, last words, final goodbye, post-canon, viera pov
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vivispec · 2 years
fight, flight, or freeze
prompt: "i don’t want to do this anymore”
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairing: solavellan
characters: viera’vun, dorian, the iron bull, cole, iloniyn, gerda, talasyl’nir
tags: childbirth, angst, hurt/comfort, platonic soulmates, post-canon
"And then, deeper still, a darker fear that twisted what excitement she’d held into dread. No, this was something I wanted, she had to remind herself, I still want this future. I will not let the heartbreak steal that, too. I will not let it make regret of my joy."
Viera goes into labor early and, as things fall apart, begins to have second thoughts.
find all of my finished prompts here!
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vivispec · 2 years
let’s break the ice
prompt: treading water | “take my coat”
fandom: dragon age inquisition
characters: solas, hareva, salhasil
pairing: solavellan
tags: rogue!inquisitor, solavellan fankids, child injury, a solid amount of solas angst, solas pov
“There was weight in his lap as she landed there, heat in his hands as he cast it into both of his children, and finally the lurch of the boat as it tipped, and he fell backwards.”
Now that his children are old enough, Solas takes the kids on a trip to the ruins of Haven to learn of their mother's past within the Fade. The water gets choppy as they near the shore, however, and they are plunged into cold waters.
find all of my finished prompts here!
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vivispec · 2 years
"911, what’s your emergency?”
prompt: sloppy bandages
fandom: dragon age inquisition
characters: hareva, salhasil
tags: solavellan fankids, child injury, blood, hurt/comfort
“I’m going to be in so much trouble. With her cape she covered the wound so she wouldn’t have to look at it, watching as the red began to seep into the old white sheet. But what do I do? If she didn’t act fast enough, would he bleed out? Would he stop breathing? Would he die?”
While making mischief around Skyhold's outer markets, Salhasil falls and is injured. It's up to Hareva—the rascal whose rush to lose their guards caused this mess in the first place—to patch up her sniveling brother and get him back to safety.
find all of my finished prompts here!
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
Tell us about your Solavellan's kids
Hello it's been awhile since you've sent this ask BUT I've finally got the energy to answer it
Their names are Faelan and Calla, they are twins and I call them the Dread Pups
My Lavellan, Ruwth, found out she was pregnant after Solas left her, but before he disappeared altogether. She did not reveal this to him and there's a couple reasons for that:
She was planning on waiting until after Corypheus was dead and they could discuss everything like Solas had promised her. She thought bringing it up now would only cause more pain and she wanted to avoid that
She hadn't decided if she was even going to continue the pregnancy, with her and Solas' relationship in tatters and the Inquisition's reputation on the line, she didn't want to needlessly complicate things and strongly considered ending the pregnancy for those reasons
Ultimately, she does decide to have the babies (though she didn't know it was babies until well into the pregnancy, possibly even birth, medieval times!) after Solas left she had lost everything, her clan, her calling as a keeper, her identity as Dalish, and now her lover. She saw her children as a chance to start something new, and something that was hers
Solas of course does find out, he's devastated, obviously, and hand picks a healer from his ranks to go to her and deliver the children. Ruwth has no idea, to her the woman was just a normal, well-educated elven mage
Her daughter Calla was born first, her son Faelan came seven minutes after. I'm considering writing a whole fic about her pregnancy and such like I'm doing for my FenHawke kid. I love my fankids okay.
Ruwth loves them with all her heart, they're her world, and Solas protects them all from afar
As for the twins' personalities they're kind of going through a rehash. They're old OCs, I was 16 when I first came up with them, because of that they're not. The best. In terms of their writing. So I'm rebooting them, but here's what I've got
They're kind of meant to be emblematic of the "two sides" of Solas. Calla taking after his younger, rebellious side, and Faelan taking after his older, sage-like melancholy side. They're still their own characters first, but that is an idea I'm playing with.
They're... pretty normal, honestly, for essentially demigods. So normal in fact that I like to imagine when Sera first meets them she says something like "You sure they're Solas'? I thought they'd be... weirder." But they are born with inherent magic, their magic manifesting from more or less the moment they could walk, and they're very good at old "forgotten" magic.
Calla is wild. Like I said she's rebellion personified, so she's. A handful. She always seems angry but she never knows what exactly she's angry at. She just IS. She just feels this need to go against the grind like it's her purpose. Like it's what she's made for. Ruwth is one of the only people in the world that can calm her.
She's proven exceptionally gifted at shapeshifting. Which, when you've got a kid that's always mad, her being able to turn into any animal whenever does not make it easier. She's not as good as hiding as she thinks. Her eyes never change (and she has her father's eyes), no matter what form she's in. Beyond that... no real cat could ever look so much like a person sulking in the corner
Faelan is calm. Kind of distressingly so sometimes. He's very quiet, and very curious. This means that he's really really good at wandering off completely unnoticed. He likes to explore! It's what he does! He doesn't really seem to grasp why it's so unnerving to find him staring at people going about their daily business, totally silent and unnoticed, from the roof over the garden. How did he even get up there? Best not to ask.
His gift is in dreaming. Genuinely some believe he "dreamed in the womb" that's how natural it is to him. Some people even think he seems so detached and uncaring of the world because he doesn't belong in it. This is the dream to him, the Fade is where he truly belongs. He doesn't honestly seem to understand the difference between the waking world and the Fade, it's kind of like asking the difference between day and night. Maybe it looks different, maybe one is a little more frightening, but you're just as alive, and everything is still just as there. Why does everyone seem to think of them as so separate?
So maybe they're not so normal. But listen Ruwth's live has been so weird at this point that raising two somewhat odd children is NOTHING. She is a great mother, who loves her kids for who they are.
As for Solas... the Pups are aware of him. Ruwth's told them about their father, but they don't really see him as much to them. He's not there, after all, for awhile he was almost a bedtime story. This mysterious, but kind and wise presence that is always watching over them. Like a benevolent ghost. As they got older that faded, and he became a real ghost. Their father is dead, and they never knew him.
(Or so it'll be if Dreadwolf doesn't change anything................)
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