#sogabe design
5-pp-man · 11 months
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It's probably never addressed in-game seeing as this is a dlc outfit (there might be an interview floating around somewhere that goes more in-depth about the design choices in the sogabe designs, but I haven't found anything so far) but it's pretty obvious that the little bear is meant to be Teddie (if the outfit isn't enough to convince you, it even says マスコット aka mascot in katakana, and well, Teddie is p4's mascot)
But I've been wondering about the other two, at first I dismissed them as just cutesy characters not meant to look like anyone in particular, but well... I looked at some other official art and I'm pretty certain the pink bunny is Nanako and the green frog is Yosuke.
"But Kanji has been shown making bunnies multiple times, why is this one in particular Nanako?" let's compare then, shall we;
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On the left, from some p4 the animation art, a pink bunny with purple pants (that doesn't really match anyone besides Kanji himself, since his theme colour is purple), in the middle; Kanji's phone strap in the anime, just a simple pink bunny with no further characteristics. But on the right; a white bunny wearing Nanako's dress with a little pink flower.
"But this bunny is pink, not white! And the flower is white, not pink!"
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I rest my case.
And now, the frog.
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So yeah. mystery-that-nobody-really-cared-about-and-if-they-cared-they-would've-immediately-come-to-the-same-conclusion-as-I-did-without-all-that-extra-research solved!
Though, a new question arises, why these 3?
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m0e-ru · 4 months
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guy who only read the persona four manga: getting a lot of persona four manga vibes from this
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teddiecircus · 2 years
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Yu posting today
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p3ta · 8 days
gotta send Ryoji Mochizuki
Thanks for the ask! Hope your day's going well, fellow Ryoji enjoyer.
Spoilers below for P2, P3, P4, and P5R.
Send me one of these here!
First, I want to give some thoughts on his character as a whole. For the certain type of character he is (doomed, remorseful harbinger), Ryoji Mochizuki is perfect. I don't think there's a better Persona twist than his reveal as the the Appriser/Death, the thirteenth Arcana Shadow. Just because a twist is easy to see coming doesn't make it less impactful, and I particularly enjoy the way Persona 3 distills information to the player in allotments. Even knowing that, Ryoji managed to surprise me with how much more he was. And fittingly, a lot of Ryoji's characterization bounces back to the P3 Hero, and vice versa.
On top of that, Nyx Avatar is my favorite final boss in the entire Persona series and unsettled me out the first time. I'd still say that Nyx Avatar causes me more fear than the Reaper, who I'd comparatively describe as inciting panic rather than fear.
Ryoji is frequently compared to Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE), and, well. Yeah. I believe I read that in a developer interview that the P3 dev team deliberately took inspiration from NGE but I'm unable to find a source at hand, so don't quote me on that. Between the two, I prefer Ryoji. He is the strongest out of the character type for me.
favorite thing about them
His layers! Ryoji is one of those late game characters who comes in and recontextualizes all the information you've learned thus far. It's why I love watching the Dictionary update throughout a playthrough. I understand why people are put off by the way he's introduced as a serial flirt, but Reload made it much more textually clear that this isn't his true personality, nor his intentions. Ryoji is proto-Teddie (Japanese Teddie, anyway); a fully formed individual who sprang into existence seeking connection. However, where Teddie's isolation and lack of identity are his defining characteristics, Ryoji's are moored in how connected he is with P3 Hero.
Ryoji ultimately only exists because of that connection, that little bit of humanity he's been given, but that's also what prevents him from being fully human. He's had a role to play since his inception, and he can't avoid that even with his newfound connections.
Ryoji's present throughout the entire story. You've got Pharos at the very beginning with the contract running errands for the Velvet Room (I like it more and more that I think about it. Picture Elizabeth or Igor having to explain to this terrifying child what he has to say. Or maybe he knew what to say all along! He has been waiting ten years), Thanatos tearing himself out of Orpheus (by far the best Persona awakening in the series and a textual highlight for what an alien force he is), and a crucial lynchpin event for Yukari's backstory, Mitsuru's backstory, as well as the crucial event for Aigis and P3 Hero.
There is no version of Persona 3 without Ryoji and I'm all the happier for it. Genuinely, if something's confusing with P3's story, there's 90% chance the answer is Ryoji or one of his many numerous forms. The remaining 10% is the Kirijo Group. That said, we don't get a lot of time with Ryoji. Ultimately, he's a part of P3 Hero and you're left to extrapolate exactly how much of each other you believe they've influenced.
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Sogabe, the P3 & P4 mangaka, chose to highlight how similar Ryoji and P3 Hero look. I consider it an essential element of their relationship together.
least favorite thing about them
It'd be cheating to say nothing, wouldn't it? I'd say that his design is easy to mock and hard to get right in fanart. Between Ryoji's forehead and very Axel Kingdom Hearts approach towards long limbs – and legs in specific – the movies did not help with this. I've read reviews saying how the higher budget allowed for the characters to be more consistently on model, and thus look better, but I fervently disagree. That boy is mostly leg. Late 00s and early 10s anime art Looked Like That, though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a soft spot for some of it.
But I love how Ryoji looks and wouldn't change it for the world. Silly slick-backed hair boy. It is funny how whenever Persona wants a villain with sympathetic qualities, they slick back the protagonist's hair (Philemon and Maruki come to mind).
Reload fixed ("fixed") this anyway but making him much fluffier in his portraits and giving his skin some color! He's achingly soft in that game.
favorite line
There's many iconic ones I could pick but I'm going to go with a new one from Reload:
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It's so small, it's so playful! I like that if you choose to start an exchange he finishes the bit. It says a lot about him in such a succinct way.
Even more so when you consider the reason he came here was for Junpei's sake. Being able to balance joking around while keeping a touch of concern endears me beyond belief. Thank you, Reload.
Junpei & Ryoji. It's not even close. This was the one element I was hoping Reload would show more and I was not disappointed! The dynamic is good for a variety of reasons, but chief among them is that despite Junpei's Persona being Magician Arcana, he is not the P3 Hero's Magician Social Link. Junpei is not the male protagonist's best friend. He clearly wants to be, but his frustration is palpable. The P3 Hero is cool, charming, and everything that Junpei plays second fiddle to, but he won't even acknowledge him. But what if there were a more likeable version of the Hero?
Instant friendship. Those two are besties from day one, where Ryoji has all the qualities but none of the knowledge, and so their dynamic is a much more even one. To me, it indicates how well Junpei and the P3 Hero might have gotten along had he not carried Death inside him for ten years. It's a brief window into another world.
There's also the fact that Ryoji, Death, befriends Junpei so close to when Takaya shoots him and he perishes. His character arc is defined by change, this act being what radically transforms his soul, and what's one of the meanings of the Death Tarot? It's like universal foreshadowing. It's funny to me too that the Magician Arcana Shadow is the one Thanatos tore to pieces. Growth for Ryoji too.
As an aside, I miss the dynamic movements from the PS2 cutscenes. Junpei being so quick to drown Ryoji is nowhere comparable to him covering Ryoji's mouth.
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Hmm. This might take a second. I wonder what pairing I might like with Ryoji. Here's an unrelated picture of Messiah:
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You know, Messiah is one of those Personas that has only grown on me more as time passes. My favorite of the final protagonist ones, due in part to how you have to fuse him yourself. Orpheus, the starting Persona, combined with the power of Thanatos, the penultimate manifestation of the Death Arcana. They compliment each other beautifully, and regardless of if you the player create him, he is always the true final Persona, the final result of the Judgement Arcana.
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They are inevitable.
Of course it's Ryoji and P3 Hero. How could it be anything else? These two make me sick with joy. Death has a clear favorite and in the end, gets to keep him forever.
It's funny, because I can't think of any serious pairing with Ryoji that I wouldn't view as a crack ship? I can't see any version of Ryoji with anyone but the P3 Hero nor can I take that relationship seriously. The only other being Ryoji has an established relationship with is Aigis, and that ship comes across as black comedy. I mean, there's also Ryoji and the P3 Heroine, who he is undoubtedly head over heels for, but I see her as heavily preferring Aigis. Oops.
Wait, I did remember one! Ryoji and Junpei! I'll admit, maybe it's the sheer "dudebro" vibe of their relationship, but people pairing these two was not an outcome I expected from Reload. I've seen it enough to know those who like it aren't joking, either.
It's funny, because they're both soul-taken at the tail end of their friendship (Ryoji with P3 Hero and Junpei with Chidori) so I guess I wasn't looking for it? Then again I can't see Junpei Iori kissing a man in general. If there's a Ryoji pairing that isn't my thing, these two are the Most not my thing.
random headcanon
Ryoji memory backfill!
I've seen multiple interpretations for how Ryoji's sudden transfer, housing, and parental situations were never questioned. I like exploring this for myself, especially from Ryoji's perspective. Ryoji fully believes himself to be human until 12/2's Dark Hour. So, how does he reconcile his own situation?
This headcanon states that whenever Ryoji is prompted to answer on where he lives, what he likes, or where he went to school before, he'll often "backfill" what memories he think should be there. If it's something he should reasonably know, it'll be there.
In-game you can see a couple instances of Ryoji being stumped at simple questions, like where his class trip was going to be, but excelling at others, such as when he asks Mitsuru out to a restaurant date. According to the headcanon, he failed the class trip question because it wasn't something he anticipated, but he knew a date location because it was essential to his personality. Ryoji Mochizuki is a hearthrob, it wouldn't make sense if he didn't. So he does.
I like to think Reload Ryoji's phone is another example of this backfill, though this one spills over into material items. Ryoji thinks he should have a phone and knows he should ask for others' numbers, but when he reaches for it on his first day it isn't there.
His inconsistencies are fun.
Rapid fire small ones: his favorite color is blue, he likes sunrises but not sunsets, and he's good with children.
unpopular opinion
This may be the most unpopular opinion I have in general, but I don't believe Ryoji is bisexual. Or rather, I don't necessarily believe he must be bisexual. It's not like I'm trying to shirk representation, but I think there are so many fascinating ways that you can analyze orientation for a character. Same with gender.
Ryoji, through my interpretation, is someone who could only love the protagonist. And it doesn't have to be a sexual kind of love. There's an entire spectrum of identities in our culture that we've labeled for what Ryoji's experiences could be. It brings me joy to be able to think about how – even if Ryoji knew about these identities – he'd define himself. On top of that, would how he define himself be accurate? Would he have misunderstandings about his own identity?
There tends to be a large backlash when someone even suggests a different label for a character with one widely agreed upon, which means my gender and sexuality thoughts stay hidden away. I'm more than aware of those that insist any hint of same-sex attraction is obviously platonic and fans are reading too much into things. I'd never want to take away from an individual identifying with a character for what a fandom settles on calling them.
Though one note: it's interesting to me that from the collective opinion I've seen, people have latched onto bisexual as a label rather than pansexual despite them ostensibly meaning the same thing. Something something changing social climate. Anyway. Play around with character gender and sexuality. It's good for you.
song i associate with them
Auld Lang Syne.
For old acquaintance be forgot
And ne'er brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
In the days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of auld lang syne
It's a traditional New Year's celebration song. Auld Lang Syne essentially means "for old time's sake". It originates from a precursor to Scottish, and exists as a fossil word inside this otherwise Standard English prose. I find it sweet how this little, historic piece gets to survive through something that redefines it.
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favorite picture of them
Well, that was a lot. If you have a keen eye, you might've already noticed I've been dropping in pictures so I'll keep this part concise.
My favorite pictures of Ryoji are his portraits:
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Sweet. Fluffy. Endlessly endeared by the way his hair flairs out. A much clearer heart shape for his face. Perfection. Special mention to his startled expression. His eyes get small and I get happy, simple as that.
Although, I'll never forgive Reload for dropping his Messiah pose:
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There's an element to this portrait that's a little more unearthly, but earnest. Visually, his eyes are also a clearer parallel to Aigis's in this version.
Thank you for reading all the way through! And thank you again for the ask. I'm not sure if you were expecting an essay, but I think that about sums it up.
Have a picture of Ryoji nui + charm!
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mymp3 · 2 months
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quil12 · 1 year
I recently bought the Sogabe design DLC for P4DAN and I'm gonna do a review of all of their outfits
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First up is Yu. I like the white with the pink tie. I also like the colored armband - that's a through thread on all the outfits. He does, however, look like he's about to go pick up his date for prom
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Yosuke! The jumpsuit literally says 'Junes' on it, but I think it works well. The only thing that's weird to me is the one pant leg halfway rolled up. It reminds me of when I first get up after wearing pajama pants when they get rolled up while I was asleep, so just my whole calf is out
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This outfit is super cute!! Again with the pant leg, but it doesn't look as weird here for some reason. I really love the headband though - it really ties it all together. My only question is what's up with her hands? Those are supposed to be gloves, right? But why do they literally only cover the fingers? They're like reverse finger-less gloves. Palm-less gloves? How is that even staying on?
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This outfit is just super cute. She looks ready to go shopping along the Seine. This one's just really good and I think suits her really well
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I really like the shoes on this one - that style just gets me. It does give off some Alice in Wonderland vibes to me too. The only thing about Rise's outfits in general that I don't like is the physics on her skirt, but that's a me problem
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First of all, can we talk about how big this man is - literally I couldn't crop out the entirety of the UI. But anyway - look at the plushies!!! I love how they're just hanging out right there 10/10
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This. This is my favorite of all of their outfits - the legs especially. The leggings with the plaid on them that kind of mimic those pants she normally wears. They really have like a detective-y feel to them. The shoes fit super well too. I also like how the hat is slightly different from her usual one, but it still feels so natural in this outfit. This one is just very very good and really really cute
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And... Teddie. I mean... I don't really know what to say about this one. I think I like it better than the Elvis inspired one in the game, but I'm not sure. Teddie outfits in this game are just kinda...
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newsintheshell · 2 years
Tokyo 24th Ward: online il primo trailer della nuova serie originale targata CloverWorks
L’anime diretto da Naokatsu Tsuda debutterà sulle tv giapponesi il 5 gennaio con un episodio da quasi un’ora.
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Presentato giusto un mese fa, il nuovo anime originale dello studio CLOVERWORKS (Horimiya, Shadows House, Wonder Egg Priority), che prende il nome di “Tokyo 24-ku” (Tokyo 24th Ward), si mostra finalmente in un primo trailer.
Il video anticipa la sigla di testa “Paper Sky”, ad opera della band Survive Said the Prophet (Vinland Saga, Banana Fish), fissando il debutto della serie per il 5 gennaio 2022. 
Assieme al video è stata svelata anche una nuova locandina ufficiale dell’anime, il cui primo episodio avrà una durata speciale di quasi un’ora.
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La serie animata è diretta da Naokatsu Tsuda, regista delle prime quattro stagioni de “Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo”, nonché dell’anime di “Inu x Boku SS” e della miniserie tratta da “Planetarian”. Ad occuparsi della sceneggiatura è, invece, Vio Shimokura, scrittore di visual novel per Nitroplus, che ha lavorato sugli scenari di titoli come “Tokyo Necro”, “You and Me and Her: A Love Story” e “Minikui Mojika no Ko”.
Le vicende si svolgono nel cosiddetto “Distretto Speciale dell'Estremo Oriente al di fuori della legge”, chiamato da più semplicemente 24t° Distretto. Su quest’isola artificiale, nei pressi della baia di Tokyo, sono nati e cresciuti Ran, Koki e Shuta. I tre ragazzi provengono da posizioni sociali diverse, non hanno gli stessi hobby e hanno personalità ben differenti, ciò nondimeno sono amici inseparabili sin dall’infanzia. Il loro rapporto, però, cambierà radicalmente in seguito ad un certo evento.
Ad un anno dal fatto, i tre si incontrano di nuovo e, ad un tratto, i loro telefoni iniziano a squillare contemporaneamente. La telefonata è di un amico che credevano morto, che li esorta a “scegliere il futuro”. Ognuno di loro, tuttavia, avrà un’idea tutta sua su come proteggere l’avvenire del 24° Distretto.
Il character design è stato concepito da FiFS, pseudonimo dietro al quale troviamo il duo composto dal mangaka Shuji Sogabe (Persona 3, Persona 4) e la designer Kanako Nono (Prince of Stride: Alternative). Ad adattare il design per l’animazione ci pensa Takahiro Kishida (Durarara!!, Haikyu!! L’asso del volley), mentre le musiche sono composte da Hideyuki Fukasawa (Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Aku no Hana).
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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sciencespies · 3 years
Discarded Tires Are 'Ghost Fishing' Hermit Crabs
Discarded Tires Are 'Ghost Fishing' Hermit Crabs
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Hermit crabs are essential scavengers in the ocean. They may crawl into discarded tires looking for food or shelter, and become trapped and die of starvation. Humberto Ramirez via Getty Images
Every year, the world discards around 30 million metric tons of car and truck tires. The majority of these are reclaimed and used in recycled materials or burned as fuel, but that still leaves millions of tires that end up in landfills or are dumped illegally. Through negligence and unscrupulous intent, some portion of these unused waste tires find their way into the world’s oceans where they can cause serious harm.
The toxic chemicals and microplastic pollution that tires can release into the environment are well documented, but now new research suggests a new way that tires can endanger wildlife: their shape. When tires end up in the world’s oceans their hollowed-out doughnut form can make them deadly for crustaceans, specifically hermit crabs.
The study, published today in the journal Royal Society Open Science, finds that hermit crabs, which famously inhabit discarded shells, climb into abandoned tires seeking shelter or a meal only to find themselves unable to escape the recurved walls of the tire’s interior—and eventually they starve to death. In just one year, the researchers counted more than 1,200 hermit crabs that became imprisoned inside a set of six tires placed on the seafloor.
Atsushi Sogabe, an ecologist at Hirosaki University in Japan and the study’s lead author, writes via email that his inspiration to conduct this study came while studying pipefish in Japan’s Mutsu Bay in 2012. During a research dive, he encountered a tire full of shells on the seafloor. Some of those shells contained hermit crabs, and Sogabe suspected that the tire’s shape created an ecological problem analogous to ghost fishing, in which lost pieces of fishing gear such as nets or crab traps keep capturing sea life but are never retrieved. 
To investigate whether hermit crabs couldn’t find their way out of a tire once they’d ventured inside, Sogabe and his collaborators set up a pair of experiments. In the field, Sogabe and his co-author fixed six passenger car tires to the seafloor with tent spikes in about 25 feet of water. The team left the tires to marinate in the brine for about a year and a half to more closely mimic tires that had spent long enough in the marine environment to accumulate algae and barnacles (during this period the researchers made sure to periodically rescue any sea creatures that entered the tires). Then for the next year Sogabe and his co-author swam down to the tires each month and counted the hermit crabs they had captured. After each of these visits, the researchers removed the animals from their rubber-walled prisons and released the critters a good distance away.
All told, the tires racked up a total of 1,278 hermit crabs over the 12 months Sogabe and his co-author spent observing them, with the highest total coming in March when the team found 246 trapped hermit crabs. Presumably, had the researchers not intervened, nearly all of these animals would have perished inside the tires.
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The researchers found that six car tires left in the ocean for a year, including this one, trapped more than 1200 hermit crabs.
Atsushi Sogabe
The second experiment was conducted in the lab and was designed to test under controlled conditions hermit crabs’ abilities to escape an average car tire. The researchers dropped a tire inside a large aquarium and then released groups of ten hermit crabs at a time either inside or outside of the tire and gave them 18 hours to figure things out. Out of 120 individual hermit crabs from two different species, 19 managed to crawl inside the interior of the tire and none escaped.
Between the two experiments, the researchers showed that hermit crabs have a tough time with submerged tires and that this form of marine pollution has the potential to harm an important part of many ocean ecosystems.
Past research has also shown hermit crabs to be vulnerable to the temptations of crawling inside cozy looking trash. A 2020 study in the Journal of Hazardous Materials found that in one year more than half a million hermit crabs became entrapped by washed-up plastic debris on the beaches of three tropical islands. This study also introduced a sinister wrinkle to the story, pointing out that the stench of death from inside these plastic tombs may actually attract more victims.
Hermit crabs are attracted to the smell of their own dead because it means a perfectly good shell has likely just come back onto the market. So, once a few of their compatriots have starved to death inside a plastic bottle or a rubber tire, a new crop of hermit crabs searching for hot new real estate might be led to their doom.
Ingrid Giskes, who directs the Ocean Conservancy’s ghost gear initiative, says that this creates an unfortunate parallel with what can occur with abandoned crab or lobster traps. “It becomes a vicious cycle where an empty trap becomes a baited trap and keeps going and going,” says Giskes. “And tires are so durable and hard to break down, they could theoretically keep doing this for decades.”
Currently no evidence shows that any of the more than 800 known species of hermit crabs are in trouble because of tires, but if their numbers take a hit in places where tires and other forms of plastic pollution are especially common, it would likely have negative consequences for those ecosystems locally. Hermit crabs are essential scavengers in the places they call home, roaming the sea floor or the intertidal zone looking for morsels other larger species may have missed and generally keeping things tidy. Many of the smaller species of hermit crabs, which are actually more closely related to lobsters than crabs, are also important because of all the other animals that rely on them as a food source.
“The environmental problems identified in this study may be minor compared to global warming and ocean pollution caused by microplastics,” says Sogabe. “However, this is a good example of how our casual behavior can have a negative impact on wildlife in unexpected ways.”
Sogabe says future studies on this topic might seek to refine the scope of the problem by assessing just how many tires end up in the world’s oceans and determining where they might prove dangerous to wildlife such as hermit crabs. 
“Tires are another example of a product that human society is producing and discarding that has significant negative impacts,” says Jennifer Lavers, a marine ecotoxicologist at the University of Tasmania and lead author of that 2020 paper that highlighted the dangers of hermit crabs becoming stuck in plastic pollution. “The mortality our paper calculated and the mortality this paper suggests are not small numbers when you extrapolate them to the global scale. Plastic and tire production are likely to keep increasing, which could make those numbers even larger in the future.”
Weird Animals
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kachojp · 4 years
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日本ルナ ギリシャヨーグルト “クレンマ” Advertising — Art Direction & Design by Kacho Photography by Arisa Okada (Ary) Styling (Interior) by Hiroko Sogabe Styling (Model clothes) by Mizuki Kurio Hair & Makeup by Sayaka Shibuya Copy Writing by Naoko Wada Model NICOLA
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neni-has-ascended · 6 years
Does it ever bug you howP3MC's manga name is Minato when Tatsumi Port Island seems to be based on Minato-ku
I generally don’t like the protag names in Sogabe’s Manga a whole lot, they always come off as too non-specific and more tied to what the Mangaka felt like spelling out that day than actually relating to the character. As someone who always spends at least 3 days coming up with and finalizing her character’s names, that sort of design philosophy just bugs me, especially when the characters with these names are surrounded by characters who clearly had more thought put into their names-
I mean, Makoto Yuuki is generic as frig, but at least it relates to Persona 3′s introduction of the Social Link mechanic (”Makoto” here is written with a Kanji that means “reason” or “truth”, which probably relates to “The Answer”. Meanwhile, “Minato” just literally means “harbor”, which has more to do with the setting, than with the character. As for last names, the “yuu” means “bond” or “contract, the “ki” means a castle, like a sanctuary. Meanwhile, Arisato just means “a village that exists.” Very name. Much Meaning. ) 
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m0e-ru · 9 days
is there like. any sogabe or fifs designed idol multimedia projects out there that have games still in service or? no?
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84xl · 6 years
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Day 17: This is based off a very throwaway comment in the P4D artbook that says Rise designed the logos on the Sogabe outfits. 
 I just like to imagine her and Kanji bonding over crafts.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward Original TV Anime Gets 3 Character Trailers, New Visual, ED Artist Reveal
  Away from the eyes of the law on an artificial island inside Tokyo, the cast of upcoming original TV anime Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward got three new character trailers over the past few days, culminating in a brand new visual today and the reveal of the ending theme song.
  The original series follows three childhood friends and they reunite after a mysterious event the year before, who got their own trailers, featuring more insights into the characters and their surrounding sphere of acquaintances:
  Shuta Aoi's trailer
  Ran Akagi's trailer
  Koki Suido's trailer
  Brand new visual:
  The ending theme song "255,255,255" will be performed by Junya Enoki, Yuma Uchida, and Kaito Ishikawa in character as Shuta Aoi, Ran Akagi, and Koki Suido respectively. Ryosuke Shimomura from J-pop band the chef cooks me is composing the single, as well as writing the lyrics and producing it.
  Naokatsu Tsuda (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) directs Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward based on the scripts by Baio Shimokura (STEINS;GATE visual novel). The pairing of Shuji Sogabe and Kanako Nono under the name FiFS drew the original character designs with Takahiro Kishida (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind) adapting them for animation. Hideyuki Fukasawa (Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works 2014) is composing the music. The animation will be produced at CloverWorks. 
  Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward premieres on January 5 with a one-hour special on TV Tokyo at 24:00 (effectively, 12 AM on January 6) and will move to 12:30 AM for the remainder of the episodes.
  Source: Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward on Twitter
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
    By: Daryl Harding
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mnshm · 6 years
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Uchurykou is a music event. I designed a flyer. This time guests were Keiichi Sogabe, Cero and Canorum.
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suzukikouta · 6 years
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今日札幌PLASTIC THEATERでSEKITOVAプレイです! #Repost @ekusyuon with @get_repost ・・・ いよいよ本日、SEKITOVA札幌プレイ。 ダンスフロアで会いましょう。。。 . SEKITOVA @sekitova 初北海道ツアー 4/14土曜日札幌Plastic Theater SEKITOVA Yukino @ykn_0107 keisuke kudo @comaru1127 Akinorider Koutasuzuki Adv. ¥2000+1drink¥500 Door. ¥2500+1drink¥500 painted by ekusyuon @ekusyuon designed by Sogabe #sekitova #DJ #music #house #techno #sound #simple #sometimesomewhere #party #electronica #midnight #painting #illustration #drawing #art #artwork #artist #acrylic #painter #watercolor #cinematic #絵 #イラスト #絵描き #札幌 #Sapporo #plastictheater #ekusyuon
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pridefromfear · 3 years
okay gamers, im finally gonna buy yosukes sogabe design in p4d
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