#so this better not be prophetic
uglygirlstatus · 2 years
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 8 months
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Mark and Cesar in The Thing au!
Brief descriptions below the cut:
Mark (34 years old): The mechanic at the station. He's friends with Cesar, and they have been friends since high school. Not super social with his peers, and only really talks to Cesar casually. (Though their friendship is. strained at times. they're trying to work things out though.) Doesn't trust new people easily. Mark's also estranged from his family, aside from maintaining contact with his sister and contacting her sometimes.
Cesar (35 years old): The Dog Handler at the station. Because of this, he spends a lot of time with the dogs. (definitely an animal lover.) A bit more social than Mark, but not incredibly so. He's nice, though definitely speaks his mind on things going on, and isn't afraid to be kind of rude about it if necessary.
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capn-twitchery · 14 days
🎲 breaking the mold.... Jamie and Grace
Also so u don't have to figure out what to do about that damn hat of twitchs XD
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4. A kiss to the top of the head -- (kiss asks from here!)
jamie please you have to warn him he wasn't ready!!!!!!
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bonefall · 4 months
was firestar made aware of what willowpelt did when he was gone?
He was. When he got back, he was filled in on the entire situation, everything from Longtail's accidental blinding, the descision to continue the boar hunt, BloodClan's change of power, and Willowpelt's betrayal which caused Elderberry's unintended death.
He decided to uphold Graystripe's ruling and make the deputy change official, as they decided on Longtail's semi-retirement so he could have the space he needed to figure himself out. Willowpelt would remain exiled until further notice.
Willy re-joined the Clan sometime just before the destruction of TNP, after Rainwhisker and Sootfur became warriors. It was decided it was already a hard punishment to have missed such a large portion of her kittens' childhoods, after losing Whitestorm. She can't atone in exile.
After Cricketclaw's death while the destruction of the forest was underway, she started acting as Head of Hunting again. It was a really difficult time and a lot of cats were injured, starving, or dying. Her experience was neccesary.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 21 days
'Astarion outliving his friends and possibly SO' is angsty and good for those who like exploring the themes of bereavement and all, and it is a possible outcome (he's not helpless), but it is my firm opinion that there is still a damn good chance that guy is gonna die first and be outlived by them.
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crown-ov-horns · 28 days
I like that Yellowjackets went the "actually, the supposed mental patient is, in fact, a prophet" route.
It's the true horror for Lottie, the Wilderness being real. It's something inside, yes, but it's also a mystical force. It's everywhere. It's the true God (well, Goddess). It's so poetic, I love it. I could write a litany about it. The show executes the "actually, insanity would have been a comfort" trope so well.
I think, the Wilderness is a Lovecraft-level eldritch primordial entity, but folktale instead of sci-fi.
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misstressviole · 7 months
Snippet of Rhaenyra trying to acts-of-service-gift-giving her way into Alicent's pants because she made her mad again
Alicent dared not gaze down at the woman kneeled in front of her feet. She feared if she saw the pleading look in her eyes she'd either melt like the candles in the cripts...or claw her eyes out.
She would not cave to the temptation. This is always how the story goes. Rhaenyra, ever entitled and ever the spoiled princess of the seven kingdoms, toys with her head, breaks all her boundaries without care...just to sway her way back to Alicent's good graces with a few fictitious apologies.
A kiss on her palm, a tender warm embrace and a whine of repentance whispered in her ear was always all it took to make her forget the princess' wrongdoings. Forever going back to the hand that feeds her.
Not this time. Not after all the humiliation and ignorance. This was Rhaenyra's final transgression.
"Won't you look at me, your highness" That lucrative voice rang in her ears again from where she was kneeled in front of Alicent. Yet she did not give in. She continued to feign interest in the book she was holding.
The dowager queen heaved in shock as she felt rough hands grabbing her ankle suddenly, pulling it closer to her assailant.
"Let go of me at once" She commanded In the most stern voice she could master.
"Speaking so harshly to the heir of the throne" Rhaenyra's eyes finally met hers. Those sickly and inhuman lilac irises stared at her pleadingly, eyebrows arched to exaggerate her sad expression. "My love, you're cruel."
"You're insatiable. Selfish. Spoiled. I want peace. And once again- you're disturbing it"
Rhaenyra dismissed her completely. Reaching for a box she placed next to her before she kneeled in front of Alicent.
"I come bearing gifts"
"I have no need for your flattery-"
A gasp replaced her words as Rhaenyra suddenly took hold of her ankle, placing the shinny heel on her foot in the process.
The queen took a moment to inspect the shiny garment. The exceptional detail of it was a product of weeks of carefull and meticulous work no doubt, and clearly custom made with a specific description.
"Satisfied? Your grace?" Asked the lilac eyed devil at her feet.
Alicent of course, wanted to drown in this moment of appreciation. Wanted to pause time forever and revel in Rhaenyra's adoration for the rest of eternity. For this was the only thing that truly brought light in Alicent's dark and unbearable life.
She wanted to gloat over being the object of Rhaenyra's attention, parade around like a proud pet wearing a tag with their owner's name.
Of course, she would not admit that out loud.
"I could request for the finest footwear that Westeros has to offer to be made for me within a day's notice. You know this. So why waste time on cheap endowment."
The princess chuckled. A genuine laugh and a sigh "oh how I crave your honeyed words"
And so Rhaenyra tried to stand up and bring her mouth close to Alicent's neck, a motion that was abruptly stopped by the green queen's new heel on her torso. With said motion, the brunette woman slowly lowered the other back to her original position, kneeled in front her.
Eye contact was not broken even for a spare minute. Rhaenyra's wide eyed gaze focused in primal concentration on Alicent's brown eyes which were staring back at her, not daring to give the vile woman beneath her the satisfaction of surrendering first.
Another chuckle from the silver haired terror. Her hand came up to stroke the smooth pale skin of the queen's leg. She brought her lips to her ankle, not quit kissing it, more like nuzzling her face in the crook of it. Her eyes looked up to Alicent as she said the following words.
"It seems it takes more than gifts to make you forgive me for my transgressions. In that case-" A single kiss on her ankle. "- Let me show you precisely how remorseful I am." Another kiss, higher this time "In the only way I properly know how"
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the-spooky-children · 2 months
Hi this gonna make me sound like an actual crazy person but when I first watched SM 6 and got to the end scene with Lila and Skid hugging and crying I felt like I'd already watched that exact scene before multiple times even though the episode had just premiered
I think I've been having dreams and visions of future SM episodes without realising for awhile
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emptysunshine · 4 months
thinking about that one segment from the 19th episode that could basically be a metaphor for Kevin’s arc as a character
you know the one about the boy and the magic of how high he could jump and how, once he got older, he lost all that magic?
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uh yeah
like hey my guy it's about YOU
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
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Not gonna aim to play the story for a little bit, but I am feeling The Yellow Wallpaper vibes in this
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plotbunbun · 8 months
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The Palestinian death toll above does not count the imprisoned, nor the missing, nor the wronged of the decades before 2008, nor the hundreds dead just this month - including children.
"Have you not seen those who meet Allah’s favours with ingratitude and lead their own people to their doom? In Hell they will burn. What an evil place for settlement. (...) "Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when [their] eyes will stare in horror - as they rush forward with their necks outstretched, their heads upraised, their eyes unblinking and their hearts void." — The Qur'an, chapter 14 ("Abraham"), verses 28-29, 42-43
The Palestinian people have a right to armed resistance and they will not be silenced by Zionist dogs.
A few charity campaigns to deliver aid packages to our brethren:
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mildswearingat4am · 11 months
Thanks for the effort, random online thesaurus, but that’s,,, not quite the synonym I was hoping for
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bonefall · 10 months
What opinions are you having about Bright Storm?
I keep thinking about what it would look like if Gray Wing had been functionally replaced by Bright Storm for BB, and if there was just no Gray Wing
Bright Storm going to hunt for Jagged Peak alone, not related to him at all, but just because it's the right thing to do
How absolutely alone she'd be after giving birth, Jagged Peak gone because she couldn't save him, cradling Thunder Storm close, leg missing in the same spot as Jagged Peak
And then going back and being rejected AGAIN. Clear Sky trying to frame it as this being her punishment for defying him
"Don't you understand? You're all wrong. The ancestors are telling us that Jagged Peak needed to be cast out alone and yet you followed."
Making her doubt herself, framing it like he'll "forgive her" for leaving him if she just gets rid of the child
"I still love you, you know. Even though you made it hard. I'll still forgive you."
But the split still happening on this; with Tall Shadow rejecting Clear Sky's snake words for what it is. "You've been controlling us all long enough"
Girl characters never get treated like wise old sages either, it would be so neat for Thunder Storm to have his mom as the wise mentor type character who still can't get rid of all her love for her abuser
And how EXTRA hard it would pack a punch for Bright Storm to eventually be the Wise Woman whose words get Bumble exiled, as she's picked up part of Clear Sky's mindset.
And the way she'd look at her son with so much pride... keeping wisdom close even when her judgement lapses, rejecting Clear Sky when he throws out Frost in a way that almost perfectly mirrors her and Jagged Peak, realizing that HE has no innate love for Clear Sky
That it came from HER
After all she'd been through, after being blamed for not listening to Clear Sky well enough, following him out of the mountain because of how much she loved him...
She tried to make her son forgive his father *for her*, to have what she couldn't, even though it only hurt them both
"I used to be scared for you, how much anger you could keep in your little body, I was afraid it would make you alone... but now I see you, Thunder Storm. You're the claws we forget we have, when we hide them away to be polite to those who do us harm. If that scares some people then, well, honey they should be scared."
I'm thinking about how it changes the context of the Star-line. "Kill me and live with the memory."
The fact that it was ALWAYS defiance from Bright Storm and later Thunder Storm that takes more and more power away from him. First the wife he couldn't keep in line, and then the son who had an even stronger will than her.
And how, with that context changed, Clear Sky snapping (as he always does) and rejecting the line feels slightly more resonant.
He WILL happily live with that memory. If she will "make" him carve victory out through her throat, he will. She is a symbol of people he can't control, and in his mind, he's "giving up on her"
Thunderstar rocking one of those heart-shaped "MOM" tattoos lmao
For several reasons I wouldn't do it though so don't worry lmao.
i did the thing lads.
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jumbaliathan · 2 years
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cardboardcranium · 8 months
we should just start dropping whole pianos on people who think that noone should go on medications that didnt help them specifically. flatten those fucks like mario kart. roll their flattened forms and smoke them like joints
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mistergreatbones · 8 months
yes death in the family is sad but it's also really funny that they were like "willis is just a down on his luck man trying to provide for his family :'( he just made a few bad choices because of his economic standing but he's not a bad guy D:" but also he's friends with an assassin and a woman who exmeraminted on teenage girls.
like one evil gf i believe he could be in the dark about but two? interesting coincesdence there billyboy
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