#so there was a true love triangle in Kory -> Dick -> Donna -> Kory
horsechestnut · 8 months
I really love Dick and Donna's relationship. Everyone talks about Wally being Dick's best friend, and maybe that's true in newer comics, but reading the old Teen Titans stuff it's really obvious that him and Donna have a connection to each other that the others don't.
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sebeth · 5 years
Titans: Dick Grayson
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 The finale is here! Normally, I watch the episode and type out comments at the same time.  However, I had a long shift that started very early in the morning.  I decided I couldn’t wait until I got home and watched the episode during my lunch break.  Going by memory…
The episode is reminiscent of a time the Teen Titans went up against Trigon and had to battle their own dark duplicates.  A scene from the issue:
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The Titans all fall to their duplicates or “give in to the darkness”. Most of the Titans were presented with their fears and failures. A few, like Wally West, were presented with their deepest desires.
In this episode, Dick received a combination of desires and fears.
It’s very interesting that Dick’s dream life involved settling down with Dawn.  It’s interesting but not surprising.  Dawn seems to the most serious relationship Dick has ever been in.  Dick/Kori shippers may be upset but those two aren’t in love – not yet at least. There’s a friendship, a sexual attraction, and some adrenaline-fueled adventures but not a deep romantic love.  It will most likely change in season two unless the creators swerve and go with Kori/Donna.  The show creators did say the two ladies would have a “surprising relationship”.
What I Do Not Want In Season Two:  Triangles or Quadrangles of any kind.  Dawn and Dick both upset over the other being with Kori/Hank gave me bad vibes.  Decide on a pairing – Dick/Kori, Dick/Dawn, Hank/Dawn, or Donna/Kori and stick with it!  Personally, I would keep Hank/Dawn, Kori/Donna, and leave Dick as the ladies’ man.
Dick’s dream life takes a bad turn with the appearance of a wheelchair-bound Jason. Kudos to the show writers for changing up Jason’s death via Joker to life-changing injury via the Riddler.
Jim Gordon seems to have suffered a more extreme version of the Killing Joke.  Barbara doesn’t seem to have been involved though.
It’s implied that Barbara was Batgirl but isn’t active anymore.  Most likely Babs retired in a similar way to the Batgirl special that was published before the Killing Joke.
Speaking of Babs…I love her but I don’t want her on the Titans show.  Barbara was never part of the team in the comic books and Dick does not need any more women added to his harem.  And I’m exhausted by the pairing – it’s been a twenty-year merry go round that has gone nowhere.  And I want off the ride.  I’m not saying this as an avid Dick/Kori shipper but the Babs/Dick pairing was extremely insulting to Starfire – all of this Babs was “Dick’s first love/true love/forever soulmate” nonsense.  Kori/Dick had over a decade’s worth of printed material to make claim to all three titles.  Barbara was a grown woman who dated adult men – including Clark Kent – until the writers thought it was a great idea to de-age her and take away her education and career achievements – all in order to make her lil’Dickie’s “true love” and yet another bat-kid minion.  As opposed to an independent woman who was inspired by Batman but forged her own path.
Respect Barbara’s independence and self-determination!
For the record, in my opinion, it’s Dick/Helena for the win!
Jason’s proclaiming himself to be too cocky and reckless is a nice echo of Dick’s fears for him in an earlier episode.
“Batman was never the same after you left.” – Funny, Jason, that’s usually what people say about you.
Dick’s return to Gotham was definitely a Trigon-influenced version.  Batman, even at his most extreme, would never murder nurses, doctors, and cops.
I did love the final twenty minutes of the show.  It was tense even knowing it was a Trigon-caused hallucination.
If I was the cops, I would have left the Joker on the car until he finally died. Let’s be real, he’s a psychotic mass murder who had recently tortured their boss to death.  Why bother saving him?  
The Arkham massacre. Loved the cameos – we had Two-Face, the Riddler, and the Ventriloquist!  So excited to see the Scarface.  Also amused that homicidal Batman took the time to destroy the dummy during his rampage.
Starfire as an FBI agent. Interesting choice.  I wonder what made Kori adopt a more normal hairstyle. FBI-mandated?
The storming of the Batcave was awesome.  I call bullshit on Batman beating Starfire so easily.
Dick, I love you, but at some point you have to own your business and stop whining about “Batman this” and “Batman that”.
We end with Dick succumbing to the darkness and becoming a lackey of Trigon.  Raven was upset but her heart didn’t appear broken so I guess we’re not eating the world yet?
Odd stopping point for a finale.
 I would guess Dick remains a Trigon lackey for no more than three episodes of the new season.  That would get boring fast.
I’m assuming the group has to leave the house at some point – only to encounter Kori, Donna, Hank, Dawn, and Jason.
We know Raven summoned the last three in the previous two episodes.  Possibly not so much for physical backup but for an emotional connection to Dick.
Donna’s the big sister, Dawn’s the old lover, Kori’s the current lover, Jason’s the obnoxious little brother, Raven is Dick’s current pet crusade, and Gar and Hank are teammates/friends.  Is Raven hoping the group can break Dick out of Trigon-lackey mode?  The power of love to the rescue!
Finally, the post-credits scene:
If you haven’t watched through the credits, go back and watch if you don’t want to be spoiled.
Superboy has escaped from Cadmus!  And he’s taking Krypto with him!  I’m so excited!
I was not expecting this post-credit scene.  I almost didn’t watch through the credits because there wouldn’t be a “next episode” video but I did “just in case”.  I’m so glad I did!
I try to remain as spoiler-free as possible but I did hear about a Superboy casting call – I simply wasn’t expecting to see anything until next season.
I thought they might cast a younger, skinner actor so we would get “fresh out of the pod” Superboy but we’re clearly going for Johns-era Teen Titans Conner.  
Will Superboy only have Kryptonian powers or will he have his tactile telekinesis too?
So many questions!  So unfair that I have to wait another ten months or so!
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nightglider124 · 5 years
i asked the same thing to stefanotis akdjd im really anxious and i cant wait until sunday. the dickdonna thing is true then?
Lol I imagine Stef is also thinking the same as most dk fans who also enjoy the friendship between dick and donna. 
I’m anxious too don’t worry lmao you are not alone in that.
Sigh... Idk what they’re going to do with dick and donna honestly but I’m hoping they arent stupid enough to throw in a romantic aspect considering their blatant broship in the comics. And, you had Donna like besties with Kory so I would hate it and be really disappointed if they went a weird love triangle route.
I’m... trying to stay positive and assume that dick and donna are just longtime bros rather than anything else but we’ll have to wait and see with the next episode. I’m praying they are bros bc anything else would just be bullshit.
This is DC though so who knows?
For now though, I would just say be positive and let’s hope they don’t screw this up XD
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