#so it's basicaly apollo justice rewritten with this in mind
anthonyravencrow · 3 years
No disbarment au
Elaborating on no disbarment au because you guys seem to like the idea.
If you hadn't notice this contains major spoilers for AJ so you might want to skip this one if you haven't completed it.
I came up with it because I don't like sad time skips when the character is fine and then we come back few years later to see that their life was awful when we weren't looking. So Phoenix's life is a bit happier in this. :)
It's gonna be a long post so I'm putting rest under the cut
So back to the au
The starting difference from canon is that Zak Gramarye pulls his dissapearing act earlier so Phoenix doesn't have a chance to present forged evidence.
He doesn't get disbared but his reputation still sufferes becasuse of it and from this moment other attorneys start to consider him as kinda corrupted and theorize that he helped his client dissapear because he knew that he was loosing.
Because Zak is gone Phoenix still decides to adopt Trucy. <333 She still practices her magic acts but she also gets to be Phoenix's co-counsel (we all wanted this to happen)
So Phoenix doesn't have a good reputation but he still gets some cases and he's happy with his daughter
On the other hand Kristoph is pissed. He flunked all that money for nothing. He decides to keep a close eye on Phoenix as he plans revenge.
I really liked his character and his weird "friendship" with Phoenix in the game and I was kinda dissapointed that we've seen him in only two cases. Also Klavier deserves to have more scenes with him too.
So Phoenix still hangs out with Kristoph so he can financialy support Trucy and her magic hobby as a lawyer. But he's careful and tries to keep her away from Kristoph.
In this au Kristoph is more involved. He still becomes "friends" with Phoenix and he seems to be an only attorney around who trusts him after the Gramarye trial. It's still weird between them though and Phoenix senses that Kristoph is up to no good but he needs his support in court and Kristoph also helps him to actually get some cases and clients.
Phoenix still is a very good lawyer but he now has more obstacles to get through in court so he gets a little more jaded and has to always keep a few tricks up his sleeve. He kinda acts like Edgeworth in his demon prosecutor days.
Now enters Apollo - he's the main character in all of this <3
He starts working at Gavin's law office. He often sees Phoenix there because of his relationship with Kristoph. At this point Apollo already heard some rumors about Phoenix and his questionable cases, also Kristoph is really passive-agressive about him to the point where Apollo wonders why these two are still friends.
So Phoenix gets to be all ambiguous and mysterious as Apollo tries to form his opinion on him.
At some point Trucy in typical girl assistant fashion gets involved in a murder case she's a suspect and gets arrested. Phoenix doesn't have a good opinion in court and he doesn't want that to ruin his chances to prove his daughter's innocence. He also doesn't trust Kristoph with this at all. So Phoenix decides to request Apollos help.
Apollo agrees :). If it was a game this would be the first trial so Payne would be a prosecutor in this. Apollo with little help and pep-talk from Phoenix during recess obviously wins :)
Aftter that he hangs out around Wirght law offices more often and he gets to develop a friendship with Trucy. He also gets to talk to Phoenix and is really impressed by his previous cases. He tries to ask about what happened to his reputation but doesn't get obvious answers. Phoenix still is ambiguous and throws some off-hand comments about Kristoph from time to time.
So now Apollo is kinda thorn between two lawyers who constantly trash-talk each other. Except Kristoph is more ominous about this.
When Apollo is around Wright's office, Phoenix points his attention to cases he doesn't want to take because of his reputation so Apollo agrees to help and takes them himself.
And Trucy gets to be his assistant. <333
During this Apollo talks with his mentor Kristoph from time to time and also gets some helpful advices from him.
I'd like to see more of their relationship and more of Kristop being a mentor to Apollo. I think it would be cool and interesting to see this other side of him. The side which seems to be kind and understanding, the reason why Apollo has his opinions in good regard.
So Kristoph tries to act all supportive about Apollo taking cases from Wright but he lets Apollo notice that he's not too happy about it. Kristoph is this kind of ominous presence during those "filler" cases and he says things about Phoenix that make Apollo doubt him a little.
Also Klavier's here. He's a prosecutor in Apollo's cases. And he's just as sweet as in canon.
Apollo at first is suprised to learn that Kristoph even has a brother because Kristoph didn't even mention him much to Apollo. Apollo also gets to see Klavier when he goes to talk with Kristop. So we can see more of Klavier's relationship with his brother.
Klavier If asked, I think would say some nice stuff about his bro and he kinda looks up to him a litte as an attorney. Kristop on the other hand, not so much. He ridicules Klavier's rock star persona when Apollo talks to him about his bro.
Ema is still a detective in this. <333. Because Phoenix didn't get disbared she got to work on some cases with him in the past <33
She's nicer to Klavier because he didn't ruin her friend's career in this. But they constantly get into a playful banter. She also knows Trucy really well because of her being Phoenix's co-counsel in the past cases.
Ema is great and she seems happier in this even thou she didn't want to be detective that much.
Now I'm getting closer to the finish line.
For the last case I envision something similar to Turnabout Goodbyes and Rise from the ashes.
OH NO! Phoenix get's framed for murder! I think Drew Misham would be a good victim in this to tie this nicely to the Zak Gramarye case.
Obviously Kristoph's behind all of this and Phoenix knows this. But he still remains ambiguous and doesn't tell the whole truth about his involvement. Kristoph is free to walk around and is very dangerous so Phoenix worries about Trucy's safety and doesn't want her to get involved in this. He is very careful about what he reveals to Apollo so he doesn't get Kristoph's attention. He is worried what Kristoph might do to Trucy if he puts to much focus on him.
So Apollo and Phoenix's friends try to save him. Apollo does really in depth research and he slowly finds out the truth behind this case and also the Gramarye case and unused forged evidence.
As he's closer to the truth he starts to suspect Kristoph more and more. It's really hard for him to accept because Kristoph was always a good mentor to him. During all of this he still talks with Kristoph who with every conversation seems more and more ominous.
Klavier was chosen as a prosecutor for this trial. He and Apollo face in court but Klavier was also present during investigation parts so he's also torn about his brothers presence in all of this.
Finally everything gets revealed. They confron't Kristoph in court. Apollo wins, Kristoph gets arrested and Phoenix is declared innocent. His reputation is also cleared beacuse everyone found out about what really happened behind the scenes of the Gramarye trial.
Apollo and Klavier are also happy but they both have mixed feelings about Kristoph. He was Apollo's mentor and Klavier's brother. They both held him in high regard and are both shocked that he was able to do something like this. They need some time to deal with it but they have each other and together they are going to work through this. (Yeah, Klapollo <3)
So everyone gets together. Apollo continues working as a lawyer under Phoenix with Trucy often accompanying him as his co-counsel.
And that is the end!
I'd like to thank @digitalstowaway because your response motivated me to write this down. <3
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