#so i'm gonna go on a shopping spree to buy all these books before they're all banned and out of production.
enagismos · 8 months
our library had to withdraw fannie flagg's "fried green tomatoes" from our fund because of "gay propaganda". fuming
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lucifersimp333 · 1 year
PART 2: LeviXmc, SatanXmc, AsmoXmc, BelphieXmc
Scenario: You gift your favorite demon a scratch off ticket from a nearby Devildom gas station. Turns out it's a winner! 10 million grimm!
!!!!Not proof read!!!
@@@ slighly NSFW?? Suggestive but not smut@@@@
"Ooooooo, thank you MC! You are so sweet! You didn't have to gift me anything, I'm perfectly happy with your kisses!~"
Uses a coin to scratch it off because he wouldn't dare dirty is nails. He needs to look good for you 24/7.
" oh my, 10 million grimm!" He covers his mouth with his beautiful fingers in shock
" You must be my lucky charm! Come here I want to give you smooches!"
Attacking your face with kisses while hugging you. Most likely slid his hand down to give your butt a quick squeeze ( he's the avatar of lust, he can't help it.)
" Come on baby, we're going shoppiiing!~" He grabs your hand and he brings both of you to numerous high end beauty stores.
" Pick out whatever you like, love! I think you would look STUNNING in this purple lipstick!"
He's using this shopping spree to spoil you rotten. He has you try on a bunch of different makeup, clothes, and accessories. You look so adorable he wants to gobble you up.
When you head home he will absolutely make you put on a fashion show for him with all the clothing and makeup he bought you.
" You look so amazing my dear... now take it all off so you'll look ever better~"
Is absolutely screaming on the inside because you just gifted him something. Who would want to give a present to a worthless otaku? He's a blushing mess. " Th-thank you MC"
Uses a sword from one of his action figures to scratch the ticket.
"Ah!..... 10 million grimm?! MC I could buy the limited edition underwater octopus Ruri-Chan figurine with that! Thank you so much MC-chan!"
At your feet kissing them. I swear this demon is such a simp for you
You pull him up from the floor and give him a quick little peck on the lips. " you're so very welcome Levi" you say with a soft smile
Okay, you just broke this man. You swear you saw him glitch. Give him a minute to reboot.
After he rebooted, you both sit on the floor, and he starts ordering stuff off of Akuzon. He buys you your own own controller for his console. A controller only YOU can use. He also buys you your own beanbag chair and headset to keep in his room for your gaming sessions. His brothers are never allowed to touch it.
He secretly purchases some spicy cosplay outfits he wants you to try on for him. He's to nervous to tell you until you find them in his closet one day and decide to put on a show for him.
Slightly confused you handed him a scratch ticket, he thought it was a bookmark at first.
" Why thank you, MC. I think I've read something about these tickets. I heard they're very common in your world."
Leans on the book he is reading to scratch the ticket off.
Holds the ticket up closer to the lamp je was using to read to see it better. "Well, look at that. A winner." He turns to you and smiles. " Thank you, kitten. I truly appreciate you."
Plants a solid kiss on your forehead and wraps his arm around your shoulders and finishes up the chapter he was reading before bringing you to the bookstore.
Romantically kissed you in an aisle in the bookstore. This wrathy demon melts on you like butter. He is so happy.
Is more happy he has an excuse to hold your hand and shop with you at a bookstore than being a millionaire.
Will at some point in the day drag you to an animal shelter to adapt a few cats.
Will have you help him hide the cats in his room so Lucifer doesn't flip shit.
Ordered you a kitty lingerie outfit for you to try on later. He's gonna make you puurrrr~
Also ordered some rope to attempt to tie Lucifer up later.
You didn't want to wake him up so you leave the ticket under his pillow like a little scratch off fairy.
You're chilling in your room when your door bursts open. "MC, let's go." Belphie has the scratched-off ticket in his hand. He takes your wrist and brings you to the nearest bedding store.
Asks your opinions on several plush pillows. He wants you to pick out pillows for both of you to sleep with, along with some soft blankets to snuggle with.
Glances over at you with loved filled sleepy eyes every once in a while. Finally your eyes lock with each other.
" I never got the chance to thank you, MC." He takes both of his hands and cups your cheeks, presses a sleepy kiss on yout lips.
You both go home and head to the attic
He sets up all his newly bought pillows and blankets, flops down on his back on the plush surface and holds his arms out to you.
You lay on his body and snuggle until you both fall asleep.
He may have just bought hundreds of pillows, but you will always be his favorite thing to snuggle.
He secretly can't wait to hear your moans muffled by the new pillows later
I'm so sorry if this is ass, but this was fun to make!!
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