#so i needed this somehwere
pup-pee · 6 months
remember impulse 1995 (#8) when bart made a building crumble ontop on blockbuster?
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heres wally telling dick about it bc i started reading nightwing & they actually acknowledge it(i was confused reading just impulse lol bc from my knowledge bart just ran in2 this huge guy, got smacked around a lil bit, then went home totally unscathed(lies))
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annnnyways this is just me teheing bc of the smallest impulse mention
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Hype Man
Mei didn’t think all that highly of herself for a dragon.
Her parents had tried to instill some of that pride in her, a dragon descendant of oceans, she had a tall standing heritage to be proud of, but it mainly just resulted in her feeling inadequate. Like she could never quite reach as amazing as every other one of her ancestors, all dragons. Something about her felt different, felt wrong. Her family came from the ocean, but Mei felt like she was burning from the inside out some days.
She couldn’t seem to connect with her family the way her parents did, some sort of disconnect there that led her to seek connection elsewhere. She started a bit of a gaming channel, didn’t ever show her face, just mostly chatted, looking for some form of connection. She bought bikes, dismantled them, built new bikes with the parts, she stared at her creations and couldn’t bring herself to show her parents, instead keeping them hidden away, because something so important to her couldn’t possibly be important to the family.
They left her alone for the most part. They were more involved when she was younger, but once she became a legal adult, they did seem to withdraw a bit. She figured they just didn’t want to seem overbearing, but their absences just seemed to make things seem more impossible.
Mei would show them things, talk about her accomplishments quietly at dinner, voice getting meeker and milder once she said them out loud. A couple thousand followers compared to a couple thousand dedicated warriors didn’t seem like much. A few races won compared to hundreds of battles won didn’t feel worth sharing, so she mostly let them talk. If they asked she would just say she was filling her time. Sometimes it felt better to say nothing at all than to mention gaming or racing.
Compared to all of her family, sometimes Mei felt like nothing at all.
Then she met Mk.
He was… silly. A little odd at first. Nothing at all like the tall white and jade pillars of home, or the endless empty hallways. Mk was loud. He was animated. He was waving his hands about and filled every second like a firework, like he could like he didn’t have a moment left to lose.
It was a contagious sort of energy. Mei had always felt a little too energetic herself compared to her composed, poised parents, still and calm in their movements; hopping from foot to foot in place when she was excited compared to their subtle nods of their heads. But next to Mk it felt natural to bounce around a bit, talk loud, laugh louder.
He was a little jumpy at first. Something she wasn’t sure she wanted to look too far into considering what it might’ve been, but after an initial stiffness Mk relaxed into contact like a cat soaking up the warmth of the sun. Throwing an arm over his shoulder became almost as easily as breathing.
If Mei didn’t know any better, she’d say he was a little touch starved, leaning into every shoulder bump after he was more comfortable around her, seeking her out for a hug even when he wouldn’t outright hug her first until later.
She made sure to maybe hug a little more than she usually would, just because it seemed to make him smile and a little giddy, and soon that too felt just as natural, and she couldn’t help the breathless grin when he slammed into her to initiate a hug for the first time. And from then on, hugging him, holding his hand, bumping into him, felt natural.
As comfortable as she was around Mk, Mei still didn’t talk about herself all that much. After all, what was a new drifting turn trick in a race compared to turning into an actual dragon?
She did eventually let something slip.
“Wait, you're a gamer?”
Mei halted and stared at him like a deer in headlights.
Mk backtracked immediately. “I mean--I know you, like, game, like pshh, yeah obviously, we’re literally in the arcade right now. But I meant more like, gaming like, consols, VR, all that fancy stuff, and like, streaming it, you said you had a livestream--I mean you might not even be a gamer, that could have been a different kind of livestream, which in that case, this is kinda awkward and now I’m going to apologize for assuming--”
“No no,” she waved her hands a bit, then stopped and let them drop. “It’s… uh… yeah it’s a gaming channel.”
Then the enormously unexpected. “That’s so cool.”
It was?
Mei blinked. He knew she was a dragon and thought… gaming was still cool?
“How many followers do you have?” He was looking at her so excitedly, she couldn’t exactly not tell him, but it still felt weird to say it aloud.
“Uh, I dunno, like… 80k… I think? Last time I checked?”
Mk gaped at her.
“I mean it’s a big city,” she felt the need to add. She knew so many channels with millions of followers, her’s honestly wasn’t that big in comparison. “Lots of people watch streamers, so it’s not… like a super high number but--”
Then he was shaking her, hands on her shoulders and pulling her back and forth. “80k? Mei that’s so freaking cool, that’s so many followers--ohmegosh wait, what if I follow you already?”
“Cool?” Mei stammered out.
“Um yeah!” He said it like the most obvious thing in the world. He was pulling out his phone that had a Monkey King charm hanging from it and an art piece decorating the back of the case. “What’s your channel? I wanna see if I’ve watched you before.”
He had, as it turned out, been subscribed to her channel for around two years.
“Mei,” he whined, clinging to her arm.
“What,” she laughed for the twelfth time.
“Mei you don’t understand, you’re so good at video games. You’re so funny and clever, you’re so cool, how do I know such a cool person. How is this legal? How am I meant to survive?”
It made her laugh hard enough her face turned a little red.
“I’m not that cool,” she told him fondly as she got on her bike.
“Um…” she glanced down at her helmet, then back up at him. “Yes?”
He grabbed her face and bonked their foreheads together, squishing her cheeks. “Mei, I need you to be real with me for a second.”
“O-okay?” she managed to say, voice a little muffled by the way her face was being squished.
“I need you to tell me you didn’t build this.”
She blinked.
He stared directly into her eyes.
Then he was back to shaking her. “Mei. Mei you don’t understand, how are you this cool?”
“It’s just a bike--” she tried to say.
“Just the coolest looking bike I’ve ever seen,” Mk said, even louder.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed, pulling her face out of his hands. There was a heat to her cheeks and a warmth to core of her chest. She looked away. “Okay, so it’s kinda cool.”
“Extremely cool,” he corrected.
“Extremely cool,” Mei amended. “I actually did some repairs this morning after yesterday’s race--”
She stopped short at the look on his face.
Mk put his hands together in a praying motion, pressed them against his mouth, crouched down next to her bike, one leg stretched out, leaning back on the other and looked up at her.
Mei leaned away from him a little, nervously laughing. “What?”
He inhaled.
“So, let me see if I got this all right,” he said after the bike ride to Pigsy’s noodles. His hair was a mess after wearing her helmet all the way there, sticking up in every direction, some of it smooshed against his head in odd shapes, and his cheeks still flushed from whooping so loudly and screaming at sharp turns. Mei nodded along, stirring the ice in her soda bought from the vending machine down the street with her straw. “You’re a dragon.”
“Like a literal descendant of the Dragon of the West, a direct descendant of the White Horse Dragon in Journey to the West…”
“Yup,” Mei said, ending the word with a pop and then leaning down a bit to sip from her soda.
“You have a million subscribers--”
“Not a million yet.”
“A million subscribers,” he said again, stressing the words and widening his eyes, as though daring her to argue, then sat back in his seat, waving his hand and gesturing to himself. “Of which, yours truly is proud to be one.” He slammed his hands down on the table. “Which is for good reason since you’re one of the best gamers out there--”
“I’m not even in the top hundred, Mk.”
“Only because every other streamer shows their face which adds to the experience of watching them game.” He aggressively slurped up some noodles before continuing.
“Not only that but you’re a freaking racer. You race a bike which you built yourself.”
Mei hummed around her straw, looking away tapping her fingers on her phone lightly, a heat to her face.
“And on top of all that you destroy arcade games like you’re going for a walk in the park.” He finally slumped back in his seat. “Did I get all that?”
Mei tapped her staw against the edge of her cup and slurped up the bits of soda from the bottom of the straw. “Yup.”
He went limp as a noodle and slumped all the way down, sliding until she could only see his hair, his knees bumping into hers.
“You’re so cool, Mei,” he whined. “Why are you so cool? I’m like… I deliver noodles.”
She laughed and lightly bumped her leg against his. “Hey, delivering noodles is cool.”
“You built yourself a motorcycle,” he hissed back.
She found herself grinning. “Okay, so it is… pretty cool.”
He popped back up just so he could slam his hands down on the table again. “Extremely cool.”
“Extremely cool,” she grinned wider.
And that… was kinda how things went.
Mei did a new trick on her bike? Mk was there across the street in the empty stands yelling about how cool it looked.
Mei beat own high score on an arcade game? He was right there jumping up and down.
When Mei hit a million subscribers she was racing to Mk’s apartment above the noodle shop in the middle of the night to tell him about it before she could even think about how a million subscribers was nothing next to a million subjects in a kingdom, and Mk opened the window with his Monkey King themed pajamas and was awake in seconds to squeal with her.
Her ancestry was still a massive thing to try and live up to, and something that was still immensely important to her. And although her accomplishments now seemed like nothing compared to their great feats… every dragon started somewhere. And right now, winning that race was a big feat, because it was her feat. Something she did.
Even if she wasn’t a full fledged dragon, Mk was right there next to her to remind her of just how amazing she was.
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motley-cunt · 1 month
so basically
Out of all lines I keep thinking about the chorus of bleeders, y’know. “Aren’t you lucky you’re a Bleeder?” The term itself is plucked from a line that Sweeney used to refer to his victims, “Sweeney’s waiting, I want you bleeders.” Essentially meaning the word Victim or Victims when you strip away the dressing.
So basically I think this ties back to this song actually being about the past experiences of the band, and of course more specifically Andy. The chorus seems like it’s irony, almost. Biting back at the sentiment “Oh aren’t you so lucky you got to live this life? You’re so lucky to have all of this. What do you mean you’re being treated like shit? You’re famous. Famous people don’t get treated like shit. Aren’t you so lucky? Blessed even?” It reads as something that was told to him.
It reads as something that was used to keep the band at bay while a certain record label used them for brownie points and money. “Didn’t you want this? Isn’t this all you’ve wanted?” While being fed the bare minimum.
“Aren’t you lucky you’re a Victim?” Or something.
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caramelmochacrow · 10 months
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happy birthday weronikaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
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lepetitfruit · 9 months
So I added a new column to my finance spreadsheet recently
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It's very needed
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altruistic-meme · 7 months
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sangfielle · 4 months
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my shadow self....
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parapsychoiogy · 2 months
got a paycheck bigger than usual (worked more hours, normal reason to have a bigger paycheck) ans was immediately worried that they would have to take it all back for some unknown reason (brain thinks ive done something wrong and that they will take all my money and fire me, not a normal thought to have)
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aropride · 1 year
need a relatively useless DIY project to put all my energy into for the rest of the day
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Searching through the dt wiki character list for more people to stick in my royalty AU-
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
sigh. Ok google how do i make a post about how will probably noticed how much mike grew in general, but especially his hands, and probably thought about how much smaller he feels in comparison without it sounding like a beastars au
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figofswords · 2 years
ok it’s two days to nona so I’m placing my bets into the ring. I think nona is amnesiac alecto in harrow’s body and harrow is also in harrow’s body but like. taking a break. i think gideon’s soul fell into the river (“but as everything went black and I died the second time round[…] your bullshit dead girlfriend had come to claim you. Hands pressed. We died.”) and is either going to serve as a way to show us the place beyond the river (the one place jod “knows nothing of”) or she’s making her way through the river back to her own currently vacant body in the cohort. i have more theories but I’m keeping those in a notes document to point to and gloat about if it turns out I’m right
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caracello · 1 year
ithink tthe best way to illustrate the difference between chief and dg is how they treat dead people. in both cases needless death makes them angry and it makes them want to protect humanity but in the beginning of halo infinite chief very gently searches dead marines for weapons and does his best to treat the dead bodies with respect even when he has to use their equipment and in doom 2016 doomguy tears a dead guys arm off to use his handprint on a verification panel
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kaletalecowboy · 11 months
tumblr user kaletalecowboy when characters are friemds: 
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arinmoss · 1 year
also if there are any other miku pieces or other art pieces of mine in general youd be interested in a print of feel free to ask about it and i might be able to put it up on inprnt!
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Gonna be real this was originally meant to be smut but then it sort of took on a life its own and became just tooth rotting fluff so enjoy!
Taglist (Ask if you’d like to be added) @auxiliarydetective
Leta Middenlocke was many things, a liar, a cheat, a murderer and a soldier, but she never considered herself a fool, until this very moment.
They were on a moon, a small village named Kinsgard to be exact, and she had spent her wages on a dress, an actual dress and for what? To stand awkwardly in the room Ibram had been granted by the mayor of said town as a thank you for saving it from total annihilation? She examined herself in the mirror, the dress was pretty, a lovely shade of maroon that had a sweetheart neckline and reached her knees, once upon a time it would have suited her a lot more than it did now, a shaved head, bruised legs and guard issue combat boots were not this summers sought after accessories. 
Ibram would laugh at her no doubt, speaking of which where was the grumpy bastard? It was almost midnight and meetings never ran this late. 
She heard the beep of a keypad, speak of the devil and he shall always appear, and so he did, walking through the door backlit by the hallway lights, she’d know his silhouette anywhere, the cap, the coat, she’d committed it to memory.
“There you are.”
“Sorry I’m late darling..I ran into Corbec outside the pub on the way back, he and the boys were having a celebratory drink..”
 He turned and hung up his cap, then removed his coat
“And one drink became two and then two became three..” He chuckled “You know how Colm can be.”
“Aye I do.” She replied with a smile “When someone else is paying.” 
“On the house, us being heroes and all..” He turned to face her, a smile on his flushed face. “Whats this?”
“A surprise..” She twirled in the dress, he’d never seen her in anything besides her uniform before, she’d even spent ages shaving her legs with a straight razor, somehow she didn’t cut herself, a miracle. “Do you like it?” 
“Wh-Where’d you get it?”
“Bought it, with my wages..Had some saved up, since..well I don’t exactly need to buy much..” 
He was staring at her, she felt self conscious, she was right, she looked stupid, her days of dress wearing were far behind her.
“Silly really…I mean…when am I gonna wear it?” She shrugged, feeling like a burst balloon “Just..I guess…Forget it.” 
“Hey..” he walked across the room to her and put a hand under her chin “You look beautiful.” 
“You always say that.”
“Because its true.”
“I guess I just..I wanted to remind you that I’m a woman..”
“I know that, Princess.”
“Do you? Because I forget sometimes..” 
She ran her hands along the skirt of her dress, it was soft, she’d forgotten what soft clothes felt like.
“I’m just Middenlocke..”
“No, your Leta.” 
“Only you ever call me it, and even then only when no one else is around.”
“You’re Leta Victoria Middenlocke..” 
Her name had never sounded so perfect as it did coming from his mouth.
“All though, I do hope you’ll become Leta Victoria Gaunt..”
Her eyes widened, her eyebrows very almost reached her hairline.
“I took so long out because I was getting something..”
He walked back to his coat, and when he returned he had small box in his palm
“And I had a whole plan about how I was going to suggest we take a walk and then I was going to propose under the moonlight..” He laughed, a rare sound coming from him “And then Colm went and buggered it all up by getting me drunk.” 
The ring was a gold band, simple, the only adornment was the Imperial Eagle etched into the center, Leta’s heart felt she had just survived a near death experience, she was used to that feeling, she’d had a lot of them. 
“But..How?” She asked “You…us…”
She knew from the moment she’d first kissed him, all those nights under the stars that they could never be anything official, no grand wedding, no children, no growing old together and planting tulips in a garden, that just wasn’t possible, Too many rules, too many differences between them.
She was the lowly penal legionnaire, he was the Colonel-Commissar, it just didn’t happen, not on this side of infinity.
“Ibram..I can’t be your wife.”
“Who says?”
“Literally everyone, love.” She scoffed “It would be career suicide for you and quite possibly actual suicide for me.” 
“It doesn’t have to be anything huge, I just..I want there to be a record of us somewhere…Some proof that..” He paused. “If either of us died, I’d want there to be evidence that this happened, That we loved each other.”
In all likelihood it was her who would die, that truth haunted every waking moment they spent together, a specter clawing at their happiness with ice cold claws, it would wait, a predator seeking its prey, as random as lightning striking the ground but it would come, they both knew this.
Leta Gaunt did have a ring to it.
“You have to ask me properly.”  
He smiled, and sank to one knee, Ibram Gaunt bowed to know one but the God Emperor, But he could make a exception in Leta’s case.
“Leta Victoria Middenlocke…would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”  
“Yes, Ibram, I would.”
He took the ring from the box and slid it on to her ring finger, it fit perfectly. 
He kissed her and then picked her up, he spun her around, the skirt of her dress spread around like the petals of a blooming flower and she laughed, for a moment, a fleeting moment they were just like any other newly engaged couple.
And by the Throne they would cling to this moment of happiness until the next one came along.
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