#so i just rerouted it
smileyrice · 2 years
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davidpatrick cherry magic au (2/?)
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halffizzbin · 6 months
I made a helpful guide for all the drivers in front of me who keep fully stopping and waiting for extended periods of time before slowly and fearfully entering an EMPTY roundabout with no pedestrian crossings:
I hate you
Get your life together
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swaglet · 11 hours
i was born with a trucker's soul. i was put on this earth to be a commercial truck driver. i feel so at ease when i am behind the wheel and driving for hundreds and hundreds of miles in silence it literally soothes my soul. unfortunately for me, however, any road that has more than 2 lanes is populated by the most retarded people on earth who drive like they should stay 500 feet away from the driver's seat and are pursuing their dream of violent death by car crash. it makes sense though because ohioans can start the process of getting their license at 15 years old and they legally don't need to have their cars inspected. i bet you they'd let a paraplegic drive. they would let a slime mold drive a car i think
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freebooter4ever · 6 days
Yes i am soaked to the bone and dripping - not because its raining - but because i saw my chance to run through a broken sprinkler watering the sidewalk and i took it....twice...
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rhythmcrown · 1 year
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Pictured: The absolute f*cking rattling that’s been going on up in the braincase when it comes to. uh. /gestures vaguely in the direction of WIP folder
At the very least, I shouldn't be having any major roadblocks now that I know the direction I'm going in, and I think it's time to start thinking about saving more assets for future pages (pose ideas for panels, maybe palettes for important moments? and so on) but also. There's so much I want to do stilllll
Needta figure out this whole streaming thing because accountability keeps me on task. What if I did that? Like, who could stop me from just doing art streams for strictly comic work. Absolutely nobody, that's who, except maybe things like copyright and flaky wifi
Mayb I'll figure that out this week?? ? ? Who knows, not me, I'm full of indecision and sunflower butter
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beebeesiims · 3 months
they've been jackhammering outside my apartment for 3 hours. it's 4am.
my roommate has work at 8. i'm a jobless bitch so i'm fine but if i was her i'd be throwing shit out the window atp.
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hotgirlcoded · 4 months
pro-palestinian protesters in toronto walked by a hospital last night (*that happened to be on the route the police told them they should go) and now every politician realized they have a twitter account to say it was "anti-semitic" and they condemn it. and they're saying people were destroying the hospital and going in and doing shit in there...literally none of that happened. they were walking by a hospital to get to the consulate. while never saying anything about the actual genocide happening right now.
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asoftenderlove · 2 months
Yall are going to be mad at me but if your english is so poor that you quite literally cannot understand the questions being posed to you, idk if customer service call center is where you should be
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kachimera · 3 months
Tbh this post and the tag comments keeps making me think because; it truly seems like some fellas don't know how to control their own knee jerk reactions to weird people
And its like- I can be an asshole. I get Asshole thoughts all the time. I see an stranger being a bit weird or awkward in a way i dont like and monke brain goes "lmao we should maul this guy". But what is what one must do? Not just follow the natural instinct, but instead pause and reflect "oh but is this fella doing anything harmful? Are they insulting me or messing with me? Am i strongly disagreeing with an opinion of theirs? Or are they just being themselves and having fun in a way i don't vibe with?" Dont just act based on feelings but instead reflect on them and then figure out a way to react accordingly.
If a person is just living their life then the best thing to do is not to antagonize them but rather just let them do whatever, or communicate directly what the issue is and see how both of you can find a way to solve it and coexist peacefully, all while venting the frustration through a diff outlet that won't harm the other.
And like i know its not that simple- a lot of this branch of thought comes from me having nasty social anxiety, and also the fact that i do can slip and be, well, an asshole. I am absolutely no saint. But the point is that your discomfort with another person isn't a permision into attacking them and there are better solutions than that
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tonyglowheart · 6 days
..huh. so I always kinda thought eh idk if the meds are really doing anything, on account of how I still have the depression
but I just realized. it's been a hot second since I've been, like, really anxious or stressed about anything. And shit used to stress me out from time to time, you know?
...so maybe the meds ARE doing something, lmao, just not uhh the like thing I was mainly hoping it might magically do something on
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unopenablebox · 9 months
i wish it were easier to somehow block any and all notifications relating to my extremely recent family bereavement without also blocking my ability to receive any other notifications
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solarpunkani · 1 year
How much am I allowed to post/ramble about the solarpunk zombie apocalypse story I'm working on before it gets annoying.
Bonus points: I haven't actually gotten to the solarpunk part of it.
#out of queue#ani rambles#Ani's Solarpunk Zombie Story#yes there's a tag now im preparing for the inevitable future where i go off on some wildass tangent#ive been working on this shit since like. 2022 i think. and i still only just wrote the end of the first night last week#its one of those 'im stuck on everything else so maybe i can do this' project#and usually when im stuck on everything else im stuck on that too#but yknow what? fuck if I didn't write some paragraphs on it last week so now my braincell's all like#OOH! can they have electricity in a post-apocalyptic solarpunk society? should there be a stream near the community for current generation?#but wait! what would they use electricity for? but wait! can you do viral research without electricity? how'd they do it in the past?#when was electricity invented? were they doing viral research before that? they had to be right but were they? but wait#does the society work as envisioned in my briancell without electricity? what if candlelight? candlelight could be fun! but would it besafe#wildly off topic but waste! what do they do with waste? did they make a wetland system to deal with the waste? but then all the pipes would#need to go to this wastewater system! if they didn't already in the buildings they repurposed then there'd have to be work to reroute them!#would it be more reasonable for everyone to have composting toilets? how do you make composting toilets in the apocalypse???#is there just a team of people every day who get paid to make the rounds and take away waste buckets every night? but where to?#what's their PPE like? is there PPE in the apocalypse? there has to be right! but how? what from? like my guy has PPE#because Briar worked for a research facility before it got overrun#but how did THEY work? did The NEST have electricity? leathermakers? where'd they get food from? vials? materials? supplies?#god its a lot to think about#on the one hand i can take the 'its sci fi dont think about it too hard' but on the other hand it has to feel REALISTIC#or else I'm a BAD AUTHOR who's CRINGE and NOT POG and am doing BAD SOLARPUNKING
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maggi-cube · 3 months
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sysig · 2 years
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Colour picking, palette teasing (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Pink Addison#Blue Addison#Yellow Addison#I am feeling very normal about Addisons I am feeling so normal about them 👀#I'm definitely not thinking about them a lot I'm definitely not having more and More ideas#Very normal very usual#Okay I admit it I am no longer normal about them :/ Darn#Now that I've got time to just draw whatever and let my brain loose I keep getting new Add ideas òuo; They just keep sparking images!#It's gotten to the point where I've started rerouting my thoughts into character ideas - that's always a dangerous game#I know I always Vargas but that's what I've been doing with them for two years so it feels weird to do it with someone else lol#You'll never guess which one! So anyway- lol#I like how upon first seeing the Adds I was like ''Ooh big polyam QPR vibes from these guys nice'' and then I do stuff like this#I mean it still could be! Teasing your partner(s) is perfectly valid even if you'd never ever act on it - maybe even more valid lol#Blue's not in the mood to run with the ball rn tho lol he's busy being stressed#Yellow will play tho ♥#I think I've finally settled on a design for Yellow that I can reasonably replicate! Finally finally lol#I am gonna have to try my hand at the wing-ear design tho 'cause it's so cute agh#But little feather-fascinator-style floofs suits me well ♪#I also keep over-colouring him because the yellow is so hard to see IRL! It shows up incredibly intense on the scanner but I can't /see/ it#It doesn't look bad as such it's just a little inconsistent with the others#Okay you can guess now - it was the last one that I pulled a thought and put it into Pink lol#It's innocent I swear lol - I was just thinking about the perceived similarities between ''cheap'' and ''easy''#Specifically in reference to praise actually :0 Cheap praise implies you don't mean it but easy praise - to me - just implies practice!#It took me a long time to become ''good'' at giving compliments but now that I /can/ do it I like to do it a lot lol - easy but not cheap! ♥#And then since it was to do with monetary implication I gave it to him for obvious reasons lol#It sounds a lot less innocent coming from him lol he's a bitch ♥#Hhgg his expressions are really fun I wish he was less fun to draw lol
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echthr0s · 1 year
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hm. river looks a bit high today. what u think
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butscrewmefirst · 10 months
being at the airport / traveling for over 18hrs check ✨
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