#so i am writing a program because i wanna know the god dang chances
silverserpent · 1 year
Tomorrow, me, @atak-achrativ and @freshlybakedpigeons are going to stream Star-spawned, roleplay made by @prokopetz!
EDIT: time will be at 6:30 Central European Time!
This is a GMless roleplay. The core concept is that we are playing eldritch beings who were just born, therefore we have no idea about what our stats mean.
So, we are applying the scientific method to it. We are gonna make hypotheses and test them. We are very smart eldritch beings.
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bookishpetal · 7 years
Describing My Life in 500 Words
Change of plan. I don’t think I’m gonna write about survival tips in college. Don’t believe me, I think this will be more than 500 words.
So, truth to be told, I AM FALLING IN LOVE WITH LUKAS GRAHAM! It’s my jam right now. I always listen to it WHERE EVER I AM, either when I am walking to campus or in the bathroom taking a shower. Like, ALMOST EVERY SINGLE SECOND. I am still figuring out why this song brings so much emotions. Maybe because.. their songs are unlike other song. The lyrics itself was inspired by his dad and mom. You can easily notice it when you're listening to 7 Years and You’re Not There. It's so related to me because I miss my dad and.. Dad, if you are reading this (maybe you never), I wanna say I love you so much and thank you for being my hero for this whole years :)
Guys, you may not believe it, but I literally sing 7 Years every night. EVERY-NIGHT. I am no joking. I just really love this song. (Neighbors, pardon my self for being an asshole). This one is different. It makes me realize that we only have short time to live the life to the fullest. It makes me to imagine what life I really want in my future, that I have to stop joking around and start settle my life. Thank you, Lukas.
Okay, I have to emphasize this one more time. Maybe many of you don’t know that I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH. That’s why I am easily touched by a song. To be honest, I have to stop listening to the music when I am studying. Music distracts my time so much. *tears down*
I’ll stop rambling about my jam now.
I want to tell you that I have new friend. A girl whose name is Radhe Ayu blabla (hey, sorry I forget your name). She is Balinese girl with tanned skin that I think it’s so exotic. What special with this girl is, she changes the way I see life. I just wanna thank God that You gives this chance to meet such a weirdo like her. Hey, Radhe, if you accidentally visit my blog, I hope you’re doing well and stop bitching around, okay? 
I have no idea, she comes at the moment when I was questioning what my future will be. She taught me to not to be afraid of tomorrow. She said that I have to enjoy my youth and be my true self. Thank you, Lodi. 
Alrite, what’s next?
I am officially an auntie for last 8 months. I can’t believe the feeling of being a sister is amazing, how you can see the very tiny fingers and the purest thing of this world is right in front of you, I love it. “Suddenly, the center of the universe is her”, my sister-in-law said. She has my eyes, anyway. I won’t be surprised that she will be so look alike with me in next few years. Let’s see, LOL. 
I haven’t visit my brother in these past few months, so I don’t know how to react when I see her face again and notice that she is getting bigger. I will bring her a story book about Sofia The First and tell her the strory, yeaaaaah. 
What’s next? My study? 
I am doing good with academic. I just have an exam yesterday for Steel Design class. This is the very first class of my life that I have to run the program to calculate everything by Phyton. ISN’T AMAZING? IT’S WICKED! I think that Indonesia have to adapt this method soon so every engineering student won’t be stressed out for design assignment! 
This term is such a different time because I just realized that I am in my third year of my college now, and I am just starting love my study (yes, after all this time I hate it). I realized that there’s only ONE YEAR LEFT to finish my study. Padahal gue baru suka sama study gue terus udah mau lulus aje. KEMANE AJA MBA :(
You know what? Everyone starts to join any civil engineering competition while I am still don’t know which part of civil engineering I have to spend life with. This is the most confusing part of my academic. But I am sure, somehow God will show the light as long as I am giving my best here. Mom, Dad, I am gonna show you the money you already spent this whole years isn’t useless.
And before it’s too late, I wanna say I love you. Mom, Dad, Brother. I love you all, I wish you're doing great where ever you are. Take care there XOXO.
What’s next?
Oh, this is the most not important part of this writing. I just spent 3 hours of listening to A SOCIOPATH CHANNEL in Youtube. It is an ASMR channel. And I just realized that sociopath does exist in this world! How will you react if I say that there’s 3 kind of people in this world? Good, bad, and evil. The good does bad things sometimes. The bad does bad things alot. But. BUT.  The evil does bad things because they simply like it. Creepy channel. I will never visit that channel forever in my life again. It creeps me out and makes me feel like there’s a weirdo following me where ever I go :(
Alright peeps, I think this will be enough for today. Stay safe (argh that dang channel!) and see you later!
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