#so apparently im writing for cod now
bloomingdog · 2 months
Captain Honeybun
John Price, Captain John Price, is a big guy, he’s hairy, he smells like tobacco, he’s the captain of a military task force, he’s a grump. He’s all of those, and he’s also your honeybun. That’s the sickly sweet nickname you’ve given him, and he loves every part of it.
He laughed the first time you called him that, but only a little.
“Why are you laughing?” You’re fully in your right to ask.
“That’s a silly name, my love.”
And it is, it very much is. It’s silly and borderline ridiculous, and yet he lights up when you call him that. It’s an antonym to his call sign.
“Honeybun?” You call as you get home to try and locate him.
“In here!” It’s a saccharine parody of Marco-Polo the way that name works.
You’re able to find him inside the bathroom with the door ajar, dressed in only a towel and tending to his beard, he thought he’d have time to shower before you got home. You reach up for a peck, it smells of beard oil. He looks cute in a way, you can’t help but give him a hug and nuzzle your head against his chest.
“My baby.” It comes out muffled. John laughs, he’s anything but a baby.
He’s forgotten his name, truly.
He’s turning his head to the sound the moment you raise your voice.
“I’ve been calling you.” You explain.
“‘S not my name.” Is his excuse before getting up from the couch to where you are.
“It’s not?” A mischievous look grows on your face. He shakes his head no. “What is it then?”
“Honeybun.” It comes out as almost a whisper, a secret code only you should know. There’s a big smile on your face that prefaces a laugh. He feels like a teenager, head over heels and much too sweet.
He’d endure torture to make sure nobody knew about the nickname, however, the control he has over himself and the training he's received are lacking when it comes to technology. He’s holding his phone up for Ghost to read an e-mail, it’s customary, sent to the entire base, but Ghost didn’t receive it for whatever reason. And that’s when it pops up, the bubble of a notification from the top of the screen, Ghost can’t help but to switch his attention to it: “Hi honey bun! What time are you gonna be home? :-)” he can’t also help the chortle that comes out of him. And Captain John Price is mortified.
“Are you done reading?” He’s evading the elephant in the room.
“Yes sir, thank you.” And he thanks every God there could possibly be for the fact that the lieutenant also chose to ignore it. He relaxes a little as Ghost starts leaving. “No worries I won’t tell, honeybun.” 
His face is red, whether from anger or embarrassment he’s not sure, and yet he's grateful it wasn't MacTavish.
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles and Jeffrey Dean Morgan | New Jersey Convention, Main Panel (April 16, 2023)
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“hey dad! times been good to ya” (x)
when jensen and danneel had crushes on each other but were tied up with other people jensen wrote her a note that said “not now. but someday” and she still has it (x)
jdm was on jensens first date with danneel bc JENSEN INVITED HIM BC HE HAD NO IDEA IT WAS A FIRST DATE (x)
jensen: jdm got off a motorcycle in slomo and i saw hilarie’s jaw on the floor. she had no idea who he was (x)
fan: fav backstage moment from cons jdm: when i told everyone i was having a daughter bc i wasnt supposed to  (x)
jensen: when we announced the end of spn and at SDCC there were 7000 people and i told jared “take this in. this is it”  (x)
*everyone arguing over an answer* jensen; glad we figured that out. great job jdm: im still confused (x)
jensen got in trouble for sharing info abt a project last con so he will not be saying ANYTHING (x)
fan; SOLDIER BOY COMING BACK? jensen: uh…….no comment  (x)
theyre talking about their daughters jdm: mine will be the death of me jensen: one will be the death of me and the other will take care of me jdm; mine will be twerking over my grave jensen: HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW DADDY  (x)
.@JDMorgan : the year I did #Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy changed my life #SPNNJ (x)
.@JensenAckles getting the part of Tony in West Side Story in high school was life changing - after his baseball coach talked him into doing it. (x)
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the drama teacher at Jensen’s school wanted him to be in the spring musical and his baseball coach was like “you’ve played with me for three years. go give this a shot i promise we’ll be in the front row”  (x)  a talent scout was at the play and told jensen that he had it and he should come to LA and he went “lol take a hike” (x)  THE ROLE WAS TONY IN WEST SIDE STORY!!! and his whole baseball team was like “woah ” (x)
jensen: getting into the industry is harder now that it was back then jdm: i dont even know how to get an agent now jensen: yeah dont ask us for advice  (x)
Question: Jensen, what was your favorite thing about soldier boy? JDM: the codpiece. *crowd laughs* JDM: sorry, I thought you were asking me.  (x)
the boots soldier boy wore on the show are the same ones that dean wore on spn. they’re called carolinas  (x)
jensen: jdm texted me when i was getting fitted and he was immediately like “SHOW ME THE COD PIECE” and i was like “perfect timing i have five of them lined up which one” AND JDM SAID “PICK THE BIGGEST ONE” (x)
fan; nash was amazing. is there hope for touring in the future for radio co? jensen: thanks it took a lot of drugs jdm: he’s not lying  (x)
jensen: touring might be aggressive but anything is on the table  (x)
jdm: i watched it online and i remember texting you being like “what the fuck is going on that was amazing” (x)
jensen looked at steve and said “this is a bad idea we should leave” right before going on bc louden swain KILLED and they didnt wanna follow that  (x)
.@JensenAckles : even tho it was a vengeful mission, John set out to right a wrong. In The Winchesters we wanted to show John before that trauma.  (x)
jensen says the pilot of spn “holds up today”  (x)
fan: whats your fav format to play in (movies, tv, voice acting, etc) jdm; whatever has the best writing. we knew supernatural was going to be good by the first ep (x)
jensen turns towards tv bc he doesnt know where it’ll go and where it will end (x)
jensen: ive done soap operas and that was 20-24 pages of dialogue a day (x)
jensen: i heard “anyway you want it” in the car and almost got out before the second chorus hit bc i thought i was late for stage (x)
fan: go to karaoke song? jensen: have u ever done karaoke? jdm: never in my life. i think you asked me once and i said “goodnight 👋🏻 ” jensen: right but it was more like “goodnight 🖕🏻  (x)
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sentientgopro · 4 months
Okay, screw it, It's been on my mind alot, I'm writing the damn mirror post so I can get it off my mind.
There's a song I listen to often that has a couple of lines about "breaking the mirror". I'm the type of person who feels the need to understand every line of every song they listen to, so I googled the meaning. (Side note, part of me felt like it was right to write girl instead of person and she instead of they? I almost always use gender neutral terms in anything I say online regardless of being about me, but feeling like saying she is not something I've done before. That was weird. Back to the point.)
So I don't know how commonly known it is or whether people still pay attention to old superstitions, but apparently breaking mirrors brings you years of bad luck, but eventually you'll be just fine.
And there's obvious parallels between this idea and transitioning. Things will get alot harder after you start, but you'll be infinitely better off when you start to reach the other side. Right now, I can live simply as a guy and not have to worry about the perils of being trans, but once I break the mirror, it's on.
But I can't get over how there's this really old symbolism of taking the very thing that displays who you are, and shattering it, and it's gonna cause alot of problems for a while, but then the reflection is restored, better than ever, and all the bad is washed away.
And this was just a neat little idea in my head, until I saw a CERTAIN game with a certain stereotype was on sale for like £3 and bought it. And oh my fucking God, mirror symbolism is EVERYWHERE, because of course it is. The very incarnation of the bad parts of Madeline literally come from looking herself in the mirror and breaking it. People have talked before about the heavy Mirror symbolism in Celeste, often mentioning trans people's relation to mirrors, but recontextualising that with the superstition and the things I just mentioned made it hit so hard for me when it clicked and I put it all together.
Now, I always knew this would be an aimless rant, but I still spent a while trying to think of a good way to tie it together but its not working. I'm just gonna talk about the lyrics now and how they reflect my specific situation. Its 4 lines, in pairs, in two seperate verses:
"I need time to break all the mirrors,
But my mind is in pieces and not ready to make it clearer."
"Time to make it all clearer,
And if time never ceases I'll be ready to break the mirror."
How often do you hear trans people talk about how theyre not ready, or theyre finding excuses for themselves, and they don't know why? I'm the same, but I genuinely have a rock solid excuse for myself, that I live in an unsupportive and overcontrolling household, so I couldn't even start doing anything in secret because of how restricted I am. I should be going to Uni in about a year and a half, so that's the starting point. But even if this wasn't the case, I dont think Id start transitioing yet, Im not ready, my mind is in pieces and not ready to make it clearer.
But that's the thing, it IS time to make it all clearer. Ive got time, with no pressure, to figure myself out and improve my mental state so that I'm in the best position possible to break the mirror. So as long as I never cease doing that, I'll be ready to break the mirror.
If you're wondering what the song is, It's The Gift by Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman. The rest of the song isn't a trans allegory or anything, I honestly couldn't tell you what most of it is about, it's from fucking COD: Black Ops 3 Zombies lmfao. Every map in the Zombies mode of the Black Ops games has a secret song, usually by Kevin Sherwood and often with Elena Siegman singing, but sometimes its a different vocalist.
The reason I'm mentioning all this is because the map this song is on is Literally called "Revelations". Yep, certainly having a few of them lmao.
So, thanks for reading this unhinged rant about mirrors that's probably unoriginal as shit, I'm going to cut this off Immediately before I launch into a rant about how good Kevin Sherwood's music is. Honestly, hes too good to be working on COD, not to mention how Elena Siegman has the voice of an angel and a demon at the same time, that girls range is insane. Fuck, Im already slipping into a rant, I just need to stop writi
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centaurisolarflare · 1 year
Me reading your cod fics: nice
Also me:
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Im recently new to this fandom and your hcs just got me hooked, absolute love to you fam 💖 pls keep doing gods work 💖💖💖
@igzsatelier , I'm quite fond of the apparent fact that the two emotional states I've inspired are "hearts but angry" and "hearts but distressed".
I'm new to the fandom as well! I vaguely remember Call of Duty from when I was younger and my best friends older brother would tell us we couldn't play. I caught brainrot bad from the recent CoD renaissance.
Ironically enough, the one time I remember we snuck on the Xbox, we played Call of Duty: Ghosts. I remember there was a space station, two brothers, and a dog (???). Now I'm babygirlifying COD characters in my spare time. Life finds a way, right?
Anyhow, AHHHH I'm so happy I could contribute to dragging you into another fandom!! I definitely plan on writing more for our blood-soaked babygirls if I scrape together the time. I just posted a König thingie yesterday and have a few other ideas for König and Ghost rattling around in my brain.
From now on when I open my silly little word documents I'm going to remind myself that it is, apparently, gods work.
Love to you too <3<3<3<3
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its-a-hil · 1 year
extremely long poem-like excerpt from my diary last may under the read more you should definitely just scroll past it
gonna go to bed now.
i read all of my diary entries from junior year
i am so fucking annoyed by past sahil like god she just… doesn't know so many things about herself i want to give her such a big hug fuck
also stuff with <friend name redacted> and <friend name redacted> and all of that and it's just … really melancholic
also also apparently google decided it's time to just reset all of my google accounts in firefox?????????? very confused ugh
i need to go to sleep
and i need to tell her everything not just bc it would directly improve present me's quality of life, but bc i i want her life to be better i want her to go on e so much earlier fuck please i want her to not be broken i want me to not be broken i want this all to work i want my heart to be functional i want someone to rest their head on my chest and vice versa i want to not have all of this fucking hair on my body i want to never have to worry about what time it is i want to be warm im so cold my head feels stuffy i need to sleep
i know it's never productive to imagine the effect of a single change on my life but but what if i knew what if i watched eva and someone told me shinji was trans codded (assuming i even kin her at all) what if bna was out by that time or if i had played bandori and saw so much of myself in aya and hina and maya or if i had watched monogatari or if i had considered the reasons why i kinned shouma or if or if or if please why does everything in the past always feel so inevitable or a product of chance it's always one of those two
the only reason i watched monogatari was bc of that egoist002 channel putting klk music and also having that katanagatari amv somewhere and even then it took nearly a year for me to start monogatari and another half year to understand that gender was a thing and another two fucking years to be honest with myself god im still so mad about when dad said that he was upset that i said i was in denial when i told him i didnt want hrt like what the fuck im fucking sorry that i, a fucking 19 year old, didnt know what the fuck i was doing with regards to a subject that never made a ton of sense to me maybe transitions like that have to happen slowly because i can't do things instantaneously everything i do is always studying and convincing it looks like the end product comes out instantly, but it doesnt it takes so long i have to workshop everything and the more scared i am the longer it takes i was so scared i am so scared no that's not right im not scared im scared of a lot of other things, but not this im scared of some reactions to it but not it itself how can i be scared how can i fucking be scared of feeling like a person with agency over my life you dont fucking understand dad you either dont know how it feels to coast and hide and conceal your tears from yourself or you just dont seem to process what that means for me i hate cars i hate destinations i want to walk slowly i want to take note of every bird, every flower i want to linger in quiet moments forever i dont want to materially affect the world im too selfish for that i want to stop, and have everything else pause around me i want to watch, and think, and imagine i want to write, and teach, and study i dont want to work i dont want to drive i dont want to make money or use money i dont want to have to interact with it at all in my life why cant i just be why cant i just breathe and drink and eat and run and climb and talk to the people i care about why does everything have to be about money why does anything have to be about money i hate it its all so wrong it ruins even things that i should care about and enjoy i like messing around in spreadsheets but contextualize that as a money spreadsheet and i  will have such a mental block against opening it
where am i i feel like ive lost an important thread right trans
i want bigger breasts i want brighter hair i want to pass barrring that, i want to be unapologetically visible i want kids to see me and think of me as a monster who they have to listen to bc im their teacher i want to tell them about me i want to tell everyone about everything and listen to their everythings too im sorry
why is that it okay i actually need to fall asleep now why am i listening to prince of doom again fuck okay gn i guess bleh
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
“we are so (thot) married”
i was bored so i decided to write a parody of the first chapter of my good comrade @theseerofdoomisunaltered‘s magnum opus “we are so (not) married”, if i have time maybe ill do the rest but no promises bc im a lazy inconsistent bitch lmao 
hizashi was fuckin PISSEd!
he was angery and is upset bc shouta THAt dumB THOT had gone and goetten himself injured AGEIN!!!! he hadnt sleeped in 69 hours (hehe) bc he was 2 busy gettin turnt with tha bois (painkillers and mowten dew) and had goten into a fite with some villens (fourth graders) bc they sed cats were lame.
showta got carried by on a stretcher and hibachi pissed himself and not even in the kinyk way. paremdedics kept hziashi from geting close to the stretcher or the room shota is carreid into. “shit boi u fam?” a nurse asked.
“no’ mic sobbed loudly. “we;r emore like,, friends wtih benefits? as in, i beneFIT this dick up his ass ayy lmao” he lamaoed thru his tears.
the nurse kept askieng quetions but hizashy was sobbing too loudely to hear so he just said yes bc why not its good enouff 4 improv rite? the nurses let haizashi pass so he RAN into shotuas room, screming so loudly he killed like four people and a dog.
shoauta looked like he’d gotten fucked by knife dicks in all six holes at once. one of his legs was being held together with silly string and glue (aizawa was sniffing the bottel) and he was covered in blood and helo kitty bandaids. to put it simply he looked fine as fuck and mic was super fuckign horny for him but his teeers killed his boner
“mike u ignoernt slut ur so fcukin loud” aizawa moaned, taking a big hit from the glue bottle.
hizashey wanted to screm but he didnt want to get sued for murdeer again like last time so he kept his mouth shut by tenderly taking the glue bottle from aizawa and shovig it up his own ass.
“wat, arent u gonna offer me some simpathy sex?” aizawa asked raiesing an eyberow.
“maybe later” hixzashy wept sobbily. “right now im too full of emotion and ass glue to present my mic up ur bootyhole.
aizawa tenderly patted mic on the cheek with his scotch-taped cock (cock tape) and then licked the tears off his nuts. “its all good in the hood”
“All is N OT good in the hood you jelly filled fucknut!” mic screamed tearfully and angrily. “what if u are is DIED??? then the two of us could never cha-cha real smooth again!??? HOW COD U DO THIS TO MEH>???? IF U DIED,,,,,,” hizsahy cried and nutted at the same time “i’d die 2 bc my gay ass cant fuckien drive but its too far to walk 2 school so id try yo drive anyway and id crash the car and die and it would be ALL UR FOLT!!!!”
aizawa just rolled over in the hosptial bed and ripped his hospital gown open,e xposing his lush bird nest of chest hair and supple pink nips screaming out for slurpage. “ur so dramatic” he whsiepred seductively. “why dont u quit the shakespeare and start suckspeareing me off?”
hizashy wiped away his tears and got to succking. the nurse walked in as hizashi was giving aizawa some eraserHEAD if u know wat i mean. she crumbeled some paperwork into balls and threw them at mic and them stormed off.
mic fillde out the paperwork with aizawas pen(is) and tehn tenderly cradeld aizawa in his arms (carefully cupping his nuts for protecktion of course) and got on the roomba he used insted of a car bc his gay ass never learned how 2 fuckin driev. “vrroom vroom bitch” he said as they sped away at a blistering pace of .005 mph from the hospital. “the ass-magnet 9000 is in motion fuckers!”
‘take me 2 taco bell” aizawa whined. “i hav some casual craigstlist sex solicitors to meet for dinner tonite”
“NO CASUAL CRAGESLIST SEX UNTIL U RECOVER FROM UR INJURIES!” hizashi screamed. “IM GONNA TAKE CARE OF U, U BIG SALTY BABY” hizashy was super mcfuckin gay for aizwa so watching him get fucked the hell up and then just want to immedetly get back on the plow horse (so to speak) and jump into th e casual craigslist sex wasnt fun.
hziashi did a sick ollie off his roomba and knocked the door down with his throbbing erection only to promptyl start sobbing when he got a dick splinter.
“u dum fuck thats wy u shoud go thru the door like a normal person” aizawa grumbled as he sucked out the dick splinter. “for fucking out loud even that 5 dollar thottie ALL MIGHT, SYMBOL OF PEACE TM goes thru doors like a normal person.” shouta thought for amoment. “well except for the one time at that christmas party in april,,”
“well YEAH but if i didnt kick down the door dick first wat kind of pro hero wold i be?” hizashi protested
“one wihtoout dick splinters”
“ya ok tru”
hizashy threw aizawa over his shoulder like a thicc sack of poatatos and caried him 2 his lightning mcqueen racecar bed where they made the sekcs for 35 seconds before aizawa fell asleep. mic, exhausted from the hwole dick splinter fiasco, fell aslep too, resting his head on shoutas soft pillowy ass.
he woke up the next morning when nemuri broke down his door and started kicking his ass “HIZASSHI YOU STUPID BITCH HO W D ARE U GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME????”
tensei, who had been wheeled in in a weelbarrow, slapped mic in the face with one of those rubber stretchy extendy hands that he carried around for that express purpose. “YEAH YOU WHORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BRIDESMAID DAMMIT I ALREADY HAD MY OUTFIT ALL PICKED OUT I WAS GONNA WEAR THIS DANK ASS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG COSPLAY AND U FUCKERS R O B B ED ME OF MY HAPPINESS”
“wat in the fresh hell are u talkign about?” hizash asked confusedly.
tensei whipped out his rose gold iphone 69 and hsowed hiszashi a news report that said “THEY GAY BITCH” followed by a picture of mic and aizawa doin the scooby dooby doo on the hospital bed.
“Everyones shook af  by the news that screme mcmeme, also known as president michael, and iceicezawa are married!” the report said. there was a picture of one of the paramedics mic had accidently murdered with his screaming. before dying she had apparently tweeted to the news and told them that mic had said YEAH when she asked if he was married to the patient shoota and so now everyone in the world new they were gay and thogth they were married!!!
some ppl like tensei and nemuri were happy (about the marriege anyway, in general tensei wasnt happy bc his twitter had got hacked and the entire internet could see his turbo-nudes and his ingeniDONG) but there were some bitch ass hos that were not plesed with this developement.
for example endevor had posted in the yuotube comments of a video entirely unrelated to the marraige thing “these daM hOME OF SEXAULS keep ruinging eeverything with their GAY AJENDA!!!! my son looked at a Gay once and hes fuckin gay now, thx oBamA!!111! THIS IS THE FUTERE LIBERALS WANT!11! present mic?? more like present CUCK!!1!”
hizashi dropped the phone. how was he gonna explain this to the internet? how was he gonna explain this to shouta?!?????
tune in next week for more fuckery, i can probably get this done in three chapters lol, if not three then DEFINITELY six, it sure would be wild if it ended up being nine chapters huh lamao
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brrrrighteyes · 6 years
im writing thank you cards for patients who enroll in my study at 10:44pm on a friday while drinking my 3rd miller lite and I have to pee... I’m gonna go do that brb
BACK jfc my face was so red when I looked in the mirror, it’s dat all co holl
So I told michelle I would go to her party tonight bc I was v touched that she personally invited me via text message b4 I reactivated my fb (which btw I rly don’t like I mean I’m glad my friends got to see the friendsgiving photos I took but I just don’t rly like being on the grid and it is a big test of my self discipline and I just think I might check it once a week or something like that)
but idk, I just feel kind of ??? about life bc Holly now isn’t going to go and despite that I know I’ll have a good time I just keep thinking abt the night after the last party I went to there and how cute he was sitting on the steps and how we just made out and snuggled a lot of those nights and it was so pure and it wasn’t weird and idkdikdikdidkijfwoejfepojfIfeellikepoop
but also I feel good bc I feel like the problems I have rn in the world are advanced and 17 year old me would be so proud of where I’m at rn, I know she would be, she didn’t even think she was pretty or worth anything in the world 
and now I know I’m beautiful and I know I’m smart and worth something. I have a lot of issues with self-discipline and feeling guilty all the time for people/work/brennan/things but I also know I’m a good person deep down and I really do try my best I think most of the time to make other people happy as well as not dig myself horrible holes that I can’t get out of 
I started the greatest salesman book again and crosby and brennan are doing it with me, along with maybe a lot of other ppl, idk how many will jump on board but I sent my mass word-vomit-bad-habit-breaking email to like 30 ppl so I hope it helps us all and we all end up happy and with better habits
I think ultimately I just know if... when I go there tonight I’m gonna wanna be with him bc I see him and every time I do I just feel a lot of things and I wish I could turn the passion faucet off. sometimes even if I just accidentally think about him I feel it all in my chest. it’s anxious and fiery and jumbled and too too much and always has been, but it hasn’t gone out yet... it seems like it won’t. but I mean, I’m open to being disproven.
god if you’re listening plz let me never hurt brennan or be deceptive in my actions. I know I haven’t promised anything but I also feel like on the verge of being out of line and I just need you to keep me in check. signs from the universe, give me more. I’ll listen I promise
holly & I went to the zen center last night and Barry, the zen guy who also apparently was a zen guy on cape cod and is now moving to Arizona on Sunday with his new puppy, gave this magnificent talk. and he kept saying that our job in life is just to be fully present in every moment and perceive what our job is at that moment. idk what my job is tonight, but I know if I’m fully there and have no motive or judgment on the situation, I’ll find out.
plz let me have no motives and just accept all there is in the world. my brother told me that on the phone today, too. acceptance of everyone else and where they’re at, it’s so important. bc if you aren’t phased by the external world bc you remember you are the external world, well, I guess that’s the closest thing there is to enlightenment when you’re 23 and trying to find your way in this city on december 8th, 2017 
I have so many things on my to do list
item #1: remember to be nice to yourself. -val, kris, eric, shirin, holly, a lot of people who hear me talk about myself. they all tell me the same thing. be kind.
I am really going to try to take the advice
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