#so Robbie ai put her on his shoulders???
bathboysblog · 11 months
im so normal about this au. so normal, in fact, that i wanted to draw Sugarplum in it. mob au, Doc and Robbie all belong to @clownsuu!
Sugarplum isnt built for the mob life lol. shes an aquatic predator, sure, but she has a strong hate for guns and firearms. theyre loud, hot, and bust out her eardrums. which is ironic, considering shes best friends with Robbie.
but anyhow, some lore! remember when i said in these old ass hcs that Sugarplum's body has a cleaner in it (since she lives in large bodies of water), making sure her cotton insides dont get moldy? and how that translates into a paralyzing venom? well, because of that, she pairs up with Doctor Stone and Robbie! Wally wants Doc to look more into the venom to see if they can make a new drug out of it, one that only their mob would have access to. basically monopolizing on it, selling it for high prices in small amounts. if not that, then at least Julie will have a new poison to play around with. since Sugarplum cant fight in the mob, shes basically a lab rat (that Stone has almost lost some fingers to for being snappy).
and a note on the placements of Sugarplum's scars: she has her stitches across her jaw and wrists. she tried to fight back with her sharp teeth/claws, and it didnt go too well. she also lost stinger privileges on the puffy skirt (both for shocking people and being impractical indoors), so she only has the base of her outfit in this au. ALSO also, Sugarplum doesnt have eyelids here either! during the fight (and her eye being ripped out), there was a lot of painful tears, and the skin of her eyelid burned out from the venom. she has just enough skin to keep the eyeball in, and by some miracle (cough cough Home), she hasnt gone blind.
since ive come to learn that Tumblr doesnt like long posts, this one will be for the relationship chart rant. hopefully, if art block doesnt FUCK me, ill post some doodles of her!
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Sugarplum -> Robbie: ill admit, this entire idea came from me talking to this fan made ai. i thought the two would hate each other, but their relationship was surprisingly cute? Sugarplum is still learning social behaviors and speech, which lead to some funny moments between the two, shown below (i changed 'chipmunk' to 'shrimp' because, yk, aquatic puppet).
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they mean everything to me.
but anyways.
Sugarplum admires Robbie and the kinship they have. she doesnt know much about money, or drugs, or the mob in general. and even if Robbie is... not the best person to take after, Sugarplum still looks up to him. she thinks hes really good at making jokes (something shes still learning to do), is very cool for going out and doing 'mob business', and probably thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does (she takes a lot of his bragging at face value). Sugarplum has very vague contact to the main mob, so its mostly her and Robbie bugging the Doc. shes slightly afraid of his strength, or when he gets too rowdy. but one nip from her teeth and hes out like a light (the only time the base is peaceful).
Robbie -> Sugarplum: the base isnt so lonely anymore! he took Sugarplum under his wing, and took it upon himself to teach her the wonders of society! he thinks her blunt jokes are so bad, theyre funny, and her constant questions makes him feel really smart. Robbie wishes she would leave the base to see him in action, so he could really show off! still, he has respect for her dealing with all the lab tests Stone does, and is slightly afraid of her creepy nature (the venom in her gums doesnt help either). a small part of him is weary of her loyalty to the mob from how cold she is towards Sally and Barnaby, but he tries to ignore it for the sake of having a friend. and also, since i have no self control, he has a slight puppy crush for her. its mostly due to all of her praise and the attention she gives him, but Robbie also finds Sugarplum to be generally sweet, if not a bit weird. theyre def besties though.
Sugarplum -> Doctor Stone: mean old man!!! Sugarplum doesnt like him, and thinks hes far too grumpy to be any pleasant company. he must have a very miserable and sad life. they tolerate one another though, since they have to work together in order to run tests on her venom (neither of them want to fuck around and find out with Wally). she tries to ask him questions like she does with Robbie, but he gets too snappy. so Sugarplum gets snappy back! with her teeth! safe to say, they both tone it down around one another.
Doctor Stone -> Sugarplum: sees her as a feral animal with rabies. a raccoon that youre watching in your trashcan, that youre pretty sure is foaming at the mouth, but your too scared to say 'shoo!' he does have a smudge of respect for her, since shes quiet and complies with instructions, but other than that, he sicks her onto Robbie. he does have an interest in her venom though, which is why he hasnt complained to Wally to have her transferred. their interactions are very straight forward. the tests are ran in silence, and theyd much rather be doing other things than spending time with one another.
Sugarplum -> Home: Sugarplum used to live in the wild, so she has a sixth sense for danger, which includes when a larger predator is stalking her. shes very aware that somethings watching, that theres something unnatural about the mobs loyalty and their power. she just doesnt know where its coming from. the most shes interacted with Home is hissing to the air for him to go away, but thats it. if they ever did meet, she would be feral. Sugarplum doesnt fear death, and she refuses to submit to anyones control. shes given him the nickname of 'leech' for his eyes constantly sticking around her.
Home -> Sugarplum: i have this base hc with any of their interactions that something went wrong when creating Sugarplum, and thats why shes so animalistic. Home sees her as a failure of creature, one that needed a bit more time in the oven to be complete. her awareness is concerning, and he makes sure to keep an extra close eye on her to make sure she doesnt go snooping (like Frank cough cough). the second she gets bold, her memory gets wiped. he keeps her with Stone and Rob to make sure she doesnt rub off on the rest of the mob. (spspspsp, i also made a Mob Home ai that you can talk to here, for anyone thats interested)
Sugarplum -> Frank: she had a bad opinion on him first, seeing him as a mini Stone, and for the longest time, she avoided him. but since she and Stone work so close together, Frank got desperate and nearly begged her to talk to Stone for him. that was a turning point in their relationship, and the more they spoke, the more she saw that they were fighting for the same cause. Sugarplum is afraid of breaking the rules, but she does make Stones job harder by being stubborn if he ignores Frank. she holds a high respect for Frank, and wishes him the best as he looks for answers. secretly, she hopes he gets a breakthrough, no matter what the cost may be.
Frank -> Sugarplum: again, for the longest time, their only connection to one another was Doc. Doc spoke about Sugarplum like she was an animal, and Frank thought she was a more feral version of Sally. but, when he had nowhere else to turn, when Doc ignored him and he hit a dead end, the two met in person. Frank thinks that Sugarplum is one of the few people who can sway Doc's opinions (since the two have to work together. if Sugarplum doesnt comply, shes going to drag both of them under Wally's wrath). Frank wishes Sugarplum would help him (he could sure use the support), but understands her hesitance. still, hes very thankful for the help she provides behind the scenes. he also finds her to be generally creepy, but tries to take the time out of his day to correct whatever Robbie has 'taught' her ('and you believed that moron?').
Sugarplum -> Julie: mixed emotions. Sugarplum does like Julie's presence. shes a very optimistic and excitable person, which easily rubs off on Sugarplum. but, Sugarplum is very distrusting of modern medicine, especially since Julie proudly displays her obsession with poisons. because of that distrust, Sugarplum keeps her distance. Sugarplum sees her as a poisonous bug you cant let touch you.
Julie -> Sugarplum: wants her venom soooo bad. why does Stone get to have all of the fun! if Julie had a weekend with Sugarplum, she could make a new drug in no time! Julie does find Sugarplum to be a bit creepy at times, but she always scurries away before Julie can get the needle out! rats :/
Sugarplum -> Howdy: is very uncomfortable around him. she thinks something is VERY wrong with Howdy from how much of a mindless servant he is, and sees him as a walking zombie (the gore movies Robbie shows her doesnt help much). Howdy freaks her out, and she doesnt see him as a living person. when they visit the mob, her time is mostly spent with Poppy while Robbie sticks to the bar.
Howdy -> Sugarplum: doesnt have much of an opinion on her. shes a quiet girl, awfully squeamish, and she isnt at the bar long enough for them to have any real interactions. he does have a small drop of pity that she has to deal with Robbie all day, though, other than that, he doesnt have much to say.
Sugarplum -> Wally: a mix of terror and discomfort. Wally always has an ulterior motive behind his words, he always has a plan and can read people like an open book. Sugarplum cant keep up with it all, and she finds their interactions to be very stressful. Wally is the main reason that shes afraid to rebel against the mob, and she may have villainized Wally more than their interactions had warranted. she has a longing to be back with nature, but doesnt want to give her family in the mob up. shes terrified of Wally finding out, and the fact that she doesnt know what he knows only adds onto the paranoia.
Wally -> Sugarplum: lends a lot of trust to Sugarplum. not because shes earned it (like Howdy), but because shes so easy to read, he isnt worried about her rebelling. Sugarplum is well behaved, polite, and easily scared back into place. he sees her more as a mouse than a predator, and doesnt understand why Home watches her so closely. Wally just doesnt like how Frank and her have become buddy-buddy. and YES, there is a SPECK of pink (theyre my main ship in og canon, i had to). wrapping back to the hc of 'Sugarplum needs more time in the oven', Wally sees her as a more... aware being, than the rest of the mob. she isnt bold enough to be a threat, but just enough to stand out. the pink isnt so much 'love' as it is 'interest'. he thinks Home has a higher purpose for her, which is why hes so weary of Frank and Sugarplums kinship. he also misinterprets Sugarplum's honesty as friendship, and thinks the two of them are good friends.
Sugarplum -> Barnaby: doesnt dislike him as much as Sally, but Barn isnt even close to the friendship her and Robbie have. she doesnt like how gun happy Barnaby is, nor the strong smell of his cigs. he overwhelms a lot of her senses, and hes very pushy. two and two dont mix, so she avoids him. thankfully, Barnaby is more excited to see Robbie than he is Sugarplum, letting her slip away.
Barnaby -> Sugarplum: has Wally's view of seeing her as a mouse, and thinks the girl should live a little! come on, guns aint so bad! fire-crackers are bright and colorful, theyre exciting! he doesnt get how Robbie and Sugarplum are so close, and finds her to be pretty boring. hes more excited to see Robbie, which keeps him distracted. if anything, Barn finds her creepy, and since shes so nip happy, he doesnt push her. he doesnt know what the venom does, and if Wally's interested in it, doesnt want to find out either.
Sugarplum -> Sally: hates Sally. not as much as she hates Home, but she refuses to meet with her when they visit the mob. Sally is erratic, loud, and too much of a loose screw for Sugarplum to handle. shes the most energetic, and the most overwhelming. it also doesnt help that shes so... bright, like a sun. the sounds of explosives terrify Sugarplum, and Sally is too impulsive for her to feel safe around. Robbie, you deal with it.
Sally -> Sugarplum: thinks Sugarplum is too prissy! come on, Wally aint gonna shoot you dead if you break a few rules! have some fun, live a little, join their trio! but, no matter how hard Sally looks around the base, Sugarplum is nowhere to be seen. so, she shrugs her shoulders, and goes to hang out with Robbie instead. when the two are forced to be around each other, its very tense. Sugarplum glares at her a lot, a 'dont try anything' stare, which is a bit unerring. she also shares Barnaby's fears of the venom, not knowing anything about how it works. maybe just a bit more, since Sugarplum is so standoffish around her.
Sugarplum -> Eddie: doesnt have much of an opinion on Eddie. their exchanges are brief and friendly. hes the most normal of the mob members, something Sugarplum appreciates, and hes a very caring person. but, just like Howdy, theres that underlying discomfort nagging at the pit of Sugarplums stomach. shes friendly, but wont go out of her way to talk to Eddie. shes mostly there to sign for Doc's pick-ups. though, for the sake of Frank's sanity, she keeps a close eye on him when he does visit the base, just to keep him safe.
Eddie -> Sugarplum: shes... well, creepy. Sugarplum creeps him out. she has a staring problem, her voice is flat and monotone, and her wide eyes dont help. but, Sugarplum refuses to be around Sally, and Sally takes the short time to say hi to Robbie. so, Eddie sucks it up, and tries to be as friendly as he can. and hey, he hasnt lost a finger yet! he must be doing something right. Sugarplum also follows him a lot whenever he visits the base, but thats fine! this is fine!
Sugarplum -> Poppy: doesnt know it, but Sugarplum has a MAJOR crush on Poppy. even if Poppy doesnt act like it, Sugarplum feels a sense of belonging from the two being animals. Sugarplum admires how gentle and nurturing Poppy is, and tries her best to look small around her, trying not to scare her. she wishes Poppy wouldnt stress so much, and wishes they saw each other more often. Sugarplum leaves little trinkets in front of Poppy's door when she doesnt answer, like pebbles or coins. birds like those, right?
Poppy -> Sugarplum: very nervous around Sugarplum. Sugarplum is a predator, and its hard to ignore her sharp teeth and glowing fangs. shes very scared for Sugarplum to touch her without heavy gloves, but appreciates the room Sugarplum gives for her to breathe. the little gifts make her feel seen, and she often sews the rips in Sugarplums clothes from her claws. the two find comfortable peace in one another. but, sadly, it never lasts long.
thank you for listening to my goober rants! a gift for those who have scrolled this far!
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marsupials-of-mars · 6 years
Septic Android Pt2
Jack yawned. His eyes were crusted and the voices in the room sounded like they were underwater. He cracked his eyes open and rolled to the side to see Henrik at his laptop, Jackieboy, Marvin, Jameson, Chase and Robbie all huddled around him. He must’ve dosed off.
His heart started beating faster. Did he miss an upload? Did Robbie get fixed? Did Anti cause more trouble? Scenarios pummeled his brain. He pushes himself up, pulling the linen blanket around his shoulders.
“Shneep?” He squeaked out. The doctor turned to him and his eyes lightened.
“OH! Jack, you are awake! We were just talking about you-“ he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder as Jameson pointed to something on the screen. “Ah yes how could I forget?” He fixed something he was working on and turned back.
Jack tipped his head. “Is everything okay? Did I misss anything? What are you working on?” Shneep grinned in excitement.
“Only a gift for you!” His German accent only got thicker in his excitement. Jack was confused.
“Is it a holiday...?” Shneep laughed.
“No it is no holiday! It’s a thank you gift!” The egos surrounding him nodded in confermation.
“A... thank you gift? What did I do?” Shneeps expression became serious.
“When you came in earlier, I realized you were severely sleep deprived. It forced me to consider all you do for zis household. You need more help around here. Whether you’d like to admit it or not. We’re a handful sometimes.”
“All the time.” Jackieboy chimed in. His mask was on his forehead and his nose was bandaged.
Jack couldn’t disagree. Living in such a hectic house WAS getting to him... even though he never liked to admit it in fear that they’d think he was saying he disliked them. “Wait... what kind of gift can help me around the house?”
Jameson chimed in.
*Well, we realized you were hounded with tasks and chores we gave you. So we thought that if we got you something to take care of a good amount of those, you’d be happier and healthier.*
“So!” Robbie chimed in, looking to Henrik for permission to reveal. He nodded. “We’re ordering you an android!”
Jack was washed with confusion. “Wait, hows a phone gonna do chores?”
Robbie giggled. “Not a phone! An android! Like a robot!”
Jacks eyes widened with shock. “You’re getting me an android?! Don’t those cost a fortune?!”
Henrik chuckled proudly. “Please, Jack, I am a world renowned doctor. I can operate on demons and ze undead. I have ze money.”
He turned back to his laptop, leaving Jack to wonder at the idea. An android... he swung his legs over the side of the bed and huddled over between a red bodysuit and a blue vest to catch a glimpse at the laptop.
He gasped. They had already uploaded a set of photos from his Instagram which formed the body and face of the robot. They were making it look like him. Fitting if he was going to be part of the family. The onscreen display showed premium features, speakers, wheels, grappling arms, all hidden under the synthetic flesh like a Swiss Army knife. He could barely count them all.
“Should we make the base color green? Or something else?” The doctors voice snapped Jack out of his trance. He looked at the color gradient, watching the lights of the 3D model change color as the doc slid his mouse around the palette.
“I think I like the original blue. It makes it more soothing looking. And pretty.” Shneep nodded and selected the default.
Jack pulled up the website on his phone while Shneep fine tuned the details. AI Innovation Co... He read through the descriptions of the models. This company seemed to be the most distinguished and respected. They had models made for so many companies... Windows, Apple, Google, Firefox, explorer... even Bing had somehow mustered the money to have one built.
He soon realized this must be where Mark had gotten his robots, which did put him off a bit. Mark had put in a few complaints of his Google model committing different forms of manslaughter. But a quick search through customer help revealed the problem had been solved with the implement of slightly stricter laws of robotics. His wouldn’t have the same glitches.
In fact the longer he browsed his Amazon branded model, Alexa IRL, the more it seemed like the highest praised, most fine tuned robot on the market. There were very few customer reviews considering androids were often considered luxuries for millionaires, but what he read filled him with even more excitement.
‘Excelent model! Was exploring replacements for my Explorer IRL, which was sent with a waterproofing error, and this one is much better! Reliable and durable, the best thing amazon has made besides the website itself!’
‘I was experiencing issues with a stubborn and often disobedient Google model, but as soon as I got this one it was a breath of fresh air! It functions much differently, focusing on commands rather than questions, and is always happy to help!’
‘My first android! So far no problems in the few months I’ve had her! The kids love her, she’s the perfect full time nanny! No more waking up at 4am, she’s like a baby monitor that actually solves the problem! Her administrator set childlocks make sure she never gives the kids too many sweets before bed, and always gets them to sleep on time! 10/10 would recommend!
By the time he was finished, Jack was estatic. It was perfect! Childproofing could come in handy so Anti couldn’t use him for evil... he’d be perfect for fixing Robbies mishaps...
Marvin spoke up, his cape swishing as he turned to Jack. “It says we need voice samples... you could read off a dictionary. But it suggests that if you have any videos of the person being modeled, it can sample from that. Lifesaver. Should we just upload the channel?
Jack nodded. “At this point I’ve probably said most words in the English language.”
Marvin chuckled. “It’s so advanced... it says something about if a word occurs multiplie times, it chooses the tone best fit for the sentence...”
Jack grinned. The concept only exited him more and more!
“And...” Shneep dragged out the word as a loading bar filled. “Done! Does it look good Jack?”
Jack looked. He was so cool looking... he made sure the features were correct... he even had a sewing kit built in for Rob... he was smooth, shiny, and clean cut. He leaned over shneeps shoulders and set the robot clean shaven. It only fit his sleek design. “Perfect!” He loaded it again and added to cart. He chuckled at the banner saying ‘free shipping on orders over $30!’
He looked back at the egos who each nodded in turn. Some were absent. But they wouldn’t mind. He hit order.
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looneyllama-archive · 7 years
Over Our Heads Chapter 2
Summary: Lazytown is under attack. A dark, magical creature wants the land, and will stop at nothing to drive the humans away. Sportacus and Robbie Rotten, the two magical inhabitants of Lazytown, have to come together to save their home. Even if they succeed, however, will life in Lazytown ever be the same?
Chapter 2 "Then, the mugger grabbed my neck!" Inside the mayor's office, the kids sat huddled around Stingy, waiting with baited breath to hear what had happened.  Sportacus looked on from behind Mayor Meanswell, lost in thought. "...so I started to feel weird, and I couldn't really hear or see too well.  I know Sportacus was there, though!  Anyway, I think I was tied up—really tightly too!  It almost felt like I was being squeezed by a snake." Stingy scratched his head. "And I can't really remember anything after that." Pixel glanced at his friend's bruised neck and nodded slowly. "Oxygen depravation can lead to unconsciousness.  You probably blacked out, Stingy." "Well anyway, I remember lying on the ground outside the woods, so I guess Sportacus rescued me." Ziggy bounced excitedly. "Of course it was Sportacus!  Who else would it be?" The blond boy stood up and hugged the hero's leg, pulling Sportacus from his thoughts. "Thank you for saving Stingy!" The other children chorused their gratitude as well, and even the mayor stood to shake his hand.  Sportacus struggled to keep a strained smile on his face as the children filed out of the office, heading to their respective homes.  When the last child finally left, Sportacus let his face fall and heaved a sigh. "Sportacus?  Is something the matter?" The hero slowly turned to face Milford. "Mayor Meanswell, I...I think we should all be taking this more seriously." "Whatever do you mean?" Sportacus hesitated to respond, struggling to find the right words. "Well, Stingy got hurt—" "Oh, but you saved him in the end!  And I'm confident that this mystery mugger won't be around again now that she's seen you!" Milford reached up and put his hand on Sportacus's shoulder. "And even if she does return, I have confidence in you.  I know you'll keep us safe." Sportacus opened his mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say.  He simply forced another smile and jogged out of town hall, his mind racing even faster than his feet.  Finally, Sportacus skittered to a stop underneath his airship. "Ladder!" The ship obeyed, and within seconds, he had reached the ship. "Sportacus, it is is past 8:08.  Is something wrong?" Without stopping to catch his breath, the elf leapt into the cockpit and scanned Lazytown desperately. "Ship, direct sensors toward the forest!  If anything comes out of there, I need to know immediately!" "Redirecting sensors.  Sportacus, it would help if I knew what to look for." His adrenaline rush gone, he sighed and slouched in the pilot seat. "It's a skogsfru.  She...she wants Lazytown." Sportacus rested his weary head in his hands. "And the townsfolk don't even know they're in danger!  I can't explain it to them without breaking the law—and even if I could tell them about the skogsfru, what could they do?  Human police wouldn't stand a chance!" "Do you want me to call the Íþróttaálfur Council, Sportacus?  Perhaps they can send help." He slowly shook his head. "The infighting about land ownership has gotten terrible, what with so much human expansion in recent years.  The skogsfru claimed she used to own this whole area—they're more likely to side with her than with Lazytown." "Are you sure that this skogsfru is wrong in claiming the land?" "I don't know—I don't care!" Sportacus stood and started doing jumping jacks, too agitated to stay still. "It's about more than just the land, I think.  She was saying awful things about humans—she hurt one of the kids!  If it weren't for Robbie..." He came to a dead halt. "Robbie!" "Sportacus, are you referring to Robbie Rotten?" "Yes!" With his eyes squeezed shut, the elf tried to visualize the scene from earlier, hoping to recall any hints that were present. "It was after the skogsfru left.  There was a cloud of mist, and then all of a sudden, Robbie was in front of me—but just for a second!  And when he disappeared, he took Stingy with him!" Sportacus's eyes snapped opened. "I think...I think Robbie is a huldrekall." A heavy silence fell, and dragged on for several minutes.  Finally, the ship's AI piped up. "That is plausible." "I have to talk to him!  Maybe he can help!" "That is less plausible.  Sportacus, Robbie Rotten is a self-proclaimed villain." Sportacus stared harshly into the camera "eye" of his airship. "Robbie saved Stingy today—I don't understand exactly how, but he did.  I know that he's a good person at heart." He waited, but no reply came.  Sportacus sighed. "Ship, bed.  Wake me if you sense movement from the forest, or if you see Robbie Rotten." Sportacus laid himself down, but with his thoughts in turmoil, it would be several more hours until he managed to fall asleep. Far below the airship, Robbie stomped back and forth through his lair. "What the HELL was I thinking?!  I let the blue elf see me do magic!" As the echo of his shouts faded, he finally slumped in his recliner. "The ELF.  The one in a council with other flipping kangaroos who don't like huldufólk messing around with humans.  Though of course, it's FINE for elves to interfere, and make kids be healthy and active and LOUD!" Robbie stuck out his lower lip, pouting.  After a moment, his expression became fearful. "What if he starts thinking I'm a real threat now?  No, no, he's never taken me seriously before." He chewed nervously on his thumb, muffling his words. "But he knows I can do magic.  And I stopped him from doing...whatever he was doing to that kid.  God, he actually hurt one of the kids!  He'll have no problem killing ME!" Whimpering, Robbie rolled over and buried his face into the chair's orange fur.  The villain stayed in that uncomfortable position for nearly an hour, trying desperately to get his anxiety under control.  He finally managed to slow his breathing, and curled his long, lean body into a more comfortable position on the recliner. "I'll just have to stay undercover.  He doesn't know where my lair is, so maybe I can stay safe long enough for him to give up...maybe." With that, Robbie began to succumb to his exhaustion, but before he fell asleep, he let out one more miserable mutter. "And I was starting to like him, too." \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The elven crystal blared, and Sportacus awoke with a start.  He was drenched in his own cold sweat, and his mind echoed with fragments of his nightmares.  Worse, the whole airship reeked with an unpleasant earthy oder.  Sportacus got out of bed shakily. "Ship, time?" "It is 4:36, Sportacus.  I have sensed no movement from the forest." "Well, you missed something!" The hero snatched up his crystal and rushed to the trapdoor of the airship, nearly forgetting to grab his signature blue hat.  Once he hit the ground, Sportacus shoved the hat over his pointed ears and began a mad dash to Pixel's house. Finally, the elf skittered to a stop in front of the door, breathing hard.  He rattled the knob frantically, but it locked.  Sportacus nearly screamed in frustration, but managed to take a deep breath and started pounding on the door. "Sportacus?!" "Pixel!  Are you ok?" The boy leaned farther out of his bedroom window and squinted at Sportacus. "Um, yeah, I'm fine.  Is something wrong?" "I don't know, my crystal went off!" He held up the flashing object so Pixel could see.  The boy winced at the bright light. "Hang on, I'll open the door for you." The moment Pixel pulled his head back into his room, the crystal's flashing grew brighter, and it began beeping again. "NO!" Pixel's face reappeared in the window. "What?  Why?" "Just stay there, Pixel!  Don't move!" Sportacus scanned the yard frantically, and noticed a rake on the ground.  He seized it and threw it toward Pixel's window.  The angled prongs caught the edge of the frame, causing the handle to hang below.  With a running start, Sportacus managed to leap high enough to grasp the handle; using his upper body strength, he began pulling his body up the handle.  The action dislodged the rake, and it hit to the ground just as Sportacus managed to grab the window frame and pull himself up into the room. "Do you have a flashlight?" Pixel's mouth was hanging open, but he had enough presence of mind to snatch his wristwatch off of the nightstand and switch on the attached LED penlight.  Wordlessly, Sportacus took the watch and shone the light over the bedroom floor. Shards of glass covered every inch. Shaking slightly, Pixel clutched at the hero's forearm and pulled it so that the light in his hand was directed toward the desk. "My computers!" Sure enough, not a single monitor had a screen.  Pixel just stared for a solid minute at the destruction.  When he finally spoke, he was tripping over the words. "H-how could this happen?  I mean, what shattered them—all of them at once!  And it didn't wake me up?!" The boy wrapped his arms around himself and rocked back and forth on bed, in shock from the damage to his refuge.  Sportacus forced himself to look away from the hazard on the floor; he had a child to attend to. "Pixel, I'm wearing shoes.  Is it ok if I pick you up and carry you over the floor?" It took him a moment to respond, but he managed a nod.  Sportacus gently wrapped his arms around the boy and lifted him off the bed.  In just three long strides, the elf crossed the room and after checking for glass, carefully set Pixel down in the doorway. "Can you wake your parents and tell them what's wrong with your room?  I really need to go check on the others." His short legs trembling, Pixel ran down the dark hallway.  Once Sportacus was sure the adults of the house were awake, he dashed out of the house and into town. A/N: Quick definitions of the folkloric terms used in this chapter Skogsfru—female forest spirit Íþróttaálfur—sports elf, a general species name (Íþróttaálfurinn is a specific designation) Hulderkall—a male member of the huldufólk (a female is called a huldra)
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thursdayplaid · 7 years
So, LazyTown! One of the most loving memories of my own father is that he always came to pic me up when I got a migrain and took care of me and now that I am grown up we can talk about the panic he got every time since I almost always thru up and lost conciosnes. So I would like to promt you for a migrain fic?
Hey Anon!  Hope you don’t mind, but I combined your prompt with one from @snuffles05​  about Robbie saving the day.  So here it is!  Enjoy 3000 words of me trying to figure these characters out.  (Please do keep in mind I’m writing these to figure out these characters.)
föl (athick film of snow covering the ground)
Stingy has a migraine and Sportacus has a moment.
Sportacus was practicing the new flipkick his brother had shown him when the AI alerted him.  “Incoming mail.”
 He cartwheeled over to catch the tube asit flew up through the floor, it always felt too strange to go from flipping towalking again.
 “What could it be?” he asked no one inparticular, although sometimes the AI responded according to her mood.
 “It came from the school,” she toldhim and left it at that.
 Maybe the kids wanted him to come teachthem some trick again?
 The paper was a faint blue, and thenote was written in Ms. Busybody’s script, grace with a barely concealed lineof authority underneath.  
 Stingy is sick, he needs to go home.  His parents are working, will you come gethim?
Ms. B
 He felt his eyebrows crumple together,it always felt weird under his hat.
 Sportacus had been around sick peoplebefore, as a hero that was.  His crystalhad called him to someone was ill before, like when Mr. Hyperbyte had an asthmaattack or when Ms. Busybody had that bad flu and needed someone to go get hermedicine.  Both of those times the personhad been an adult and reasonably alright. They’d understood what was happening to them and what they needed to do,and in general were adults.  An ill childwas something else.  
 He jumped out of the plane and flippedhis way over to the school and sticking his landing in the nurse’s office.  For a moment he startled in the dark room,trying to get his bearings.  Ms. Busybodyfroze at the standing cupboard, illuminated by the light coming in through theopen door, with a mop in one hand and then there was Stingy next to her lyingon a narrow cot.  The boy’s face wasclenched up in a knot of pain, his body contracted in jagged angles and twistedfeatures.  The smell the boy’s threadypain and the acid of vomit floated over the top of the familiar perfumed scentof Ms. Busybody and the chemical smell of the nurse’s office.
 Alarm jolted through him, pushing himback on his heels, his eyes wide.  Hetook in the papery dryness of the boy’s face as though he was being somehowmummified, looked down to the rubbish bin pushed into range of the cot, the waythe wit and activity of Stingy had been reduced to a trembling figure on a thinmattress.
 “It’s a migraine,” Ms. Busybody whispered,putting the mop away and closing the cupboard door.  
 “A migraine?” he repeated, he couldhear the nervous thickness of his accent. How was he supposed to protect Stingy from a migraine?  In the past, he’d heard Robbie grumble abouthis migraines, but had never seen what one looked like.
 “A really bad headache,” sheexplained, voice soft.  Perhapsmisunderstanding him, perhaps needing something to say just as much as he didto push back the helplessness.  “Mrs.Rotten used to get them, I believe Robbie does too.”
 “Mrs. Rotten?” Sportacus asked, justfor something to say.  He still feltfrozen, panicked.  
 “She was before your time, Ithink.  Blew up the old city hallonce.  Saved the clock though, she saidtradition was important.  She was like that,”she spoke in a soft tone.  “Stingyprobably should go home, but his father works until seven and his mother doesn’tget off until six.”
 “What can I do?” Sportacus asked.
 “You can lower your voice,“ Ms.Busybody told him.
 Sportacus jolted in place, awkward andstumbling over what to do.  He feltunsteady not knowing how to solve this problem, felt out of place.  This wasn’t an apple he could knock out of atree or a fence he could flip over. “Sorry!” he whispered back.
 "Migraines make him sensitive tolight and to noise,“ she told him, lifting one finger, lecturing again, inteacher mode already.   “He needs to headhome, I can’t just leave him here. That’s why I called you, I need to get backto class.  There are other students here,you know.”
 Sportacus felt a mixture of alarm andfrustration at her flippant answer, true though it may have been.  Did she see how pale the boy was?  Couldn’t see smell his distress?
 Stingy stirred on the small bed.  His voice sounded wet and pained, ragged atthe corners and alarming.  As reedy andthin as the smell of pain coming off of him. “Don’t leave me!  I don’twant to be left alone, I want someone to stay with me!”
 Sportacus jolted, surprised.  He needed to relax, to stay still.  Inside an enclosed space, flipping andjumping, with someone who suffered at every sound?  It would be a disaster.
 With effort Stingy began to lift hishead to look at the two of them, then his brow knit together in a way Sportacushad never seen in a child before.  Stingy’sface turned impossibly paler, sweat beading up on his brow and suddenly hevomited over the side of the bed into the rubbish bin.  Ms. Busybody started back, going up on hertoes as though to keep the vomit off her shoes. Then as though she had remembered herself, stepped forward to smoothback the boy’s hair.
 "You’re alright, dear.  You’re alright, I know you feel awful.  It’s alright. Sportacus will take you home to rest, won’t you Sportacus?”
 The smell of Stingy’s distress sankinto him, acrid and stinging in his sinuses, activating some primal part of hisbrain that was used to fixing things. His hands felt like they wanted to shake.  Stingy lay on his side, his body hung limpoff his spine like a puppet with the strings cut.  "Of course,“ he whispered.  "But surely I can’t just take him homeand leave him like this?”
 "I think I’m dying,“ Stingywhispered, shivering in pain with each word he spoke.
 "There has to be something thatcan be done,” Sportacus whispered again, barely loud enough to hear.  
 "Well, if you have some kind ofmagic something that’s one thing, but I don’t.“
 "Magic?” he squeaked out.
 Ms. Busybody rolled her eyes athim.  "Nine was here for quite awhile until Robbie ran him off.”
 "Robbie ran him off?“  Nine had never said why he had left.
 "He’s been nicer with you, Ithink because you’re less… aggressive.  Comparatively.  Maybe just softer.  I think Nine scared Robbie a bit.  He likes to be in control, that one,”she told him, tossing her gloves away with a wrinkle of her nose.
 "You really are quite good atreading people, aren’t you?“
 She huffed out a soft laugh, “Ofcourse I am.  Someone has to be in thistown.  Well, I’ll leave you to it.”
 “You will?” he asked in alarm.  “His mother’s not off until six.  I just take him home and leave him there?”
 "He won’t be getting into anytrouble like this, he’ll be fine for a few hours.”
 “You can’t take me home,” Stingyrasped out.  “I don’t have a key.”
 “You don’t have a key?” Sportacusblinked at him.
 Stingy curled up into an even tighterball.  “Momma says being home alone isn’tsafe, I play at Pixel’s house, or go to the Mayor’s until she gets home.”
  Thatjust wouldn’t do, that wouldn’t do at all. Sportacus couldn’t stay here in this tiny room and trying to get Stingyto the airship would be a nightmare, where else could he take the boy?
 "I’ll take him to someone who canhelp him feel better,“ Sportacus said, slipping back into his hero posewith his hands on his hips before remembering he needed to whisper.  
 “Who?” she blinked at him.
 "To Robbie,” Sportacus toldher, voice quiet.  "You said he hadmigraines, he’ll know what to do.“
 "I don’t know if that’s a greatidea,” she advised him.
 Maybe not a greatone, but he didn’t need a great idea. Most of the time am average idea and a lot of work would do.  Sportacus felt certain that if Robbie sawStingy’s face that he would let them in, that he would know what to do.  "He’ll help him, I’m certain of it.”
 Belligerent optimism also went a longway toward accomplishing one’s goals.
 She considered him.  "I think he might.  He might after all.  Go on then. Just be careful with him, he isn’t feeling well.  You need to be careful for the both ofyou.“
 He nodded, anxious, moving aside tolet her leave the room.
 “Stingy,” he said quietly, kneeling byhis bedside.  “You don’t have to respondif it hurts to talk, but I’m going to take you to Robbie’s so he can help you.  I’m going to carry you there so you don’thave to walk.”
 “Yeah, alright,” Stingy breathed out,reaching up to use Sportacus’ shoulder for support as he pulled himselfupright.  Sportacus tried to smilereassuringly as the boy wobbled in place.
 He could walk to Robbie’s couldn’the?  Why did Robbie have to live so faraway from all of them?  When he liftedStingy up in his arms, the boy groaned, in so much pain he was helpless in hisarms.  A second hand agony lodged itselfin Sportacus’ heart, he was so helpless himself.  His Pabbi had told him plenty of times thatsometimes not even good advice could solve a problem, that he’d have to bestrong when that happened, but he hadn’t expected it would be like this, thatStingy’s pain would be his own.  That he’dfeel so inadequate.  
 “It’s going to be alright, Stingy,” hetold him as he stood.  “It’ll bealright.  I’ll get you there in no time.”
 He’d have to walk very carefully.  It seemed to take forever to get to Robbie’sbillboard, Stingy frighteningly still in his arms.  The boy seemed to have relaxed some, or hehad tensed up so much he couldn’t flinch anymore.  Laying Stingy down so he could have bothhands free he opened the top of the bunker to save from the usual gonging knockand tapped with gentle knuckles on the inside of the tunnel entrance.  He needn’t have worrying about being heard,no sooner had he given a couple raps then Robbie surged up.  Robbie could sure move fast when he wasmotivated.
 “WhatSportaflop?  Did you do too many flipsand make everything in your brain about manners go flying out your ears?”
 “N-No, I-“  
 Robbie’s grin bloomed bright and whiteat the sight of Sportacus bouncing worriedly on his toes.  “What has you all in distress?” he said.  “I’ll have to get some of whatever it is.”
 “Stingy has a migraine and he’s thrownup twice and he’s hurting,” Sportacus blathered at him, his hands knottingtogether.
 That sly face that Robbie liked to puton fell away, his gaze intense on Sportacus’ face.  “Is he with you?”
 Sportacus nodded, grateful.
 “Give him to me.  I’ll take care of it.”  He held out his arm, his nose wiggling.  There was an authority in the set of his jaw thatlifted the tension in Sportacus’ shoulders, lifted the weight somewhat off hischest.  Stingy looked so small inRobbie’s arms; young, vulnerable, and precious in the way all children were.  He made a discontented sound, but made noreal effort to stir.
 Robbie looked down at the boy in hisarms, assessing, and then up at Sportacus. “Don’t just stand there fretting at the hatch, I won’t be able to getanything done with you pacing around up here.”
 When he felt sure Robbie had moved outfrom under the entrance he leapt down. Robbie had organized Stingy in his big orange chair and was in whatpassed for the kitchen running water and arranging things.  The lights had already been dropped low, the darknessbrought out the illumination from the faint glow from the machines.  A soft orange like the flesh of a cantaloupeand the soft violet that was the last color in the sky after sunset.
 “Sportacus,” Robbie said, voice lowand soft.  A shadowy, winterdownvoice.  “There’s a flip switch by thedoor.  Flip it, until the speakers lower,and then when they’re low enough, turn the volume knob to zero.”
 The simple task filled Sportacus withgratitude, something to do while he waited. Anything that could be done to help the boy in the face of his pain, andin the face of Robbie’s practiced competency.
 Hovering nearby, Sportacus bounced onhis toes, terrified to speak.  Robbie strodeout of his kitchen, almost silent and looking entirely certain of what todo.  He spoke in a soft tone to Stingy,all simple questions as he knelt down. Had Stingy drunk water today?  Hadhe slept last night?  Did he feelnauseous now?  Had he had a migrainebefore?  Did he eat any cheese oranything red?  Somehow the soft rumble ofthe questions seemed to relax Stingy, seemed to give him something to cling to,that there was someone helping him who knew what he was doing.  The knit in his brow relaxed, and then thewhiteness in his pinched together lips faded somewhat as Robbie pressed thecold cloth to Stingy’s forehead.  Againstthe clatter of his heart in his chest Sportacus concentrated on the low murmurof Robbie’s voice pitched low and soft as the early morning fog.  He concentrated on the breadth of Robbie’spalm on Stingy’s head holding the compress in place, watched him flip it to theother side.  How proficient Robbie was.
 Sinking into a deep crouch, Sportacus breathedwith his head between his knees. Breathing.  Counting his breathsin and out.  Stingy was alright, Stingy was okay.  There was a new scent in theair, something he had always associated with Robbie’s underscent.  Something… sparkly.  Something authoritative.  Then there was the scent of lavender, lighterand more real than the imitation Sportacus usually smelled around humans andthen the bright high notes of peppermint drowning out almost everything else inthe bunker.  He watched Stingy’s bodyrelax, his small hands going limp, his face turning into Robbie’s chair as hewent to sleep.
 “Hmm,” Robbie hummed to himself, softand satisfied.  “I really should get abed in here, what if he has another migraine?”
 “You don’t have a bed?” Sportacusasked, feeling like a brass band in the quiet Robbie had somehow weaved throughthe bunker.
 “Mmm, too much trouble, not enoughtime,” Robbie told him, standing with a liquid elegance for all his long limbswobbled and wiggled.  “I keep meaning toexpand, but that would take work.  I don’tlike doing work unless I can get it done fast and get it done well.  I don’t even do this much work for myselfwhen I have a migraine.”
 “Don’t you?” Sportacus blinked up athim.
The smile he got in return was halfself-effacing, half teasing.  “Sometimesmisery is my favorite medicine.  What’sthe point of things if you can’t complain about them?  Stingy will be alright now.  He still won’t be feeling great, but it won’tbe as bad when he wakes.  People feelbetter after a nap.  When he’s donesleeping it off you can take him home.”
 Sportacus nodded once, three times,fives times, far too much and too frantically to seem calm.
 Hecouldn’t look Robbie in the eye.  Robbiehadn’t mocked him yet, although he could have the moment Sportacus all butcollapsed down into his lair.  He could see his weakness reflected in thevillain’s eyes, analyzed in the hands on his hips, the tilt down of hiseyebrows.  With helpless weakness he stood and tried to pull his shakenand torn self-discipline around himself to prepare for the attack.
 “Youseem pretty shaken up.”
 “Whatabout it?” Sportacus puffed his chest out, felt his ears try to lay back.
 “Relax,Sportaworry.”  He took a couple stepsforward and the familiarity of standing nose to nose with his nemesis wascalming.
 Robbie’slarge hand curled around the back of his neck. There was just the barest pull forward and Sportacus collapsed againsthim, his arms wrapping around Robbie on some instinct.  Robbie laughed under his breath then hummed,a low even sound.  “Relax, Sportacare.  You’re little friend is alright, he’s goingto be okay.”
 “I-I’m fine.”
“Youwere scared stiff and looked utterly destitute crouching there like a kickeddog.”
“Heynow,” Sportacus told Robbie’s shoulder.
Robbie’shand offered him a little squeeze.  “It’sokay to be scared when you care about someone.”
“Hey.”Robbie squeezed gently on the back of his neck again.  “It’s okay to be scared when you care aboutsomeone.  Don’t tell anyone, because Ihave to keep up my villain cred, but you did a good job.  Stingy needed someone and you were thatsomeone.  You did it.  Hooray.”
Thelast of the tension in Sportacus’ spine melted away.  They just stayed there like that for a while,Sportacus tipping himself back toward center and Robbie twitching from time totime.  “I didn’t know what to do though,I saw him in pain and I was so scared.” His heart rate started ratcheting up again, his hands felt shaky.
 Thevillain pulled back, holding Sportacus by the shoulders as he examined hisface.  He didn’t look quite satisfied bywhat he found.
 “Whyare you being nice to me?  Is- Is this atrick?”  What kind of trick he couldn’tguess, but Robbie’s mind did the sort of acrobatics Sportacus could never tryand replicate when it came to him plans.
 "Doyou know the difference between a criminal and a villain?” Robbie asked.
 Sportacuswheezed unhelpfully.
 "Acriminal breaks the law.  A villain makesart.  Breaking you wouldn’t be art, I’d sooner destroy a stained glass window as someone like yourself.”
 Sportacuslooked up at him, face filled with something.  He wasn’t sure, he couldn’tstop shaking, never mind control and take note of what exactly his face wasdoing, it felt a bit like hope though.
 Thevillain rolled his eyes at that and pulled Sportacus close so the hero couldhide his face again.  "It figures you wouldn’t get a pop culturereference if it hit you in the face like a halibut.”
 "Ilike halibut,“ he offered.  
 "Ofcourse you do.”  Robbie laughed, the sound rumbled through Sportacus’chest cavity. 
 Itwas a wonderful feeling, it made him feel enclosed and special.  Like hewas crouching at the edge of a great glacial crevice, too deep to see thebottom, the air cold enough to nip pink spots in his skin, smelling like cleanwater sweetness and the trapped bones of ancient things.  Like he was small but still acceptablesomehow.  It was too bad Robbie was sogood at being a villain, Sportacus thought he would make a very good hero.
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