#so I'm not heartbroken that Coworker A is clearly upset with me
thelastspeecher · 2 years
Apparently I'm the asshole for saying "hey that's uncalled for" when Coworker A said that Coworker B "has a history of never doing anything right"
Like yes, Coworker B has messed up a lot in the past and caused some problems for others, including Coworker A, but is still a nice person and hard worker and that sort of harsh statement goes beyond the pale imo
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
If you’re willing to take a request, can you write something that Sun overheads Y/N speaking with another coworker saying something along the lines of “Oh, yeah I hate Sun. Moon was always cooler to me. Nice and cool, Sun is a pain to deal with” Sunny thinking she’s talking about him gets really upset, he’s feelings hurt and jealous of Moon, refuses to talk to Y/N for a while. Moon though slightly happy to hear what’s been said, still try to comfort Sun in anyway he can. Later Y/N explain she was talking about the actual Sun and Moon and not the boys. “I love you for who you are, not what you’re supposed to represent. And, I love you two equal, no more, no less than the other.”
Thanks in advance
"Oh yeah I can’t stand it. Sun gets real annoying especially at this time of day. I just wanna catch a break from it, y’know?”
"Tell me about it. Why can’t it be nighttime already?”
“Honestly. Moon’s really nice and cool and just..I feel so much calmer. Wish it was out all the time.”
Sun didn’t mean to eavesdrop, though he couldn’t help but overhear his and Moon’s names being brought up. At first he was happy you were talking about them, until he listened closely and realized you were..seemingly insulting him specifically and praising Moon, laughing about it with a fellow coworker.
It didn’t bother him so much that you called them an “it”. They were robots, of course, and some human employees only ever saw them as such, but he thought you were different.
That they were your friends..
Well, it became pretty clear that Sun himself wasn’t your friend anymore, given your jokes about how annoying he is. Maybe you only pretended to be all along just to get him off your back.
He couldn’t understand why you’d say such mean things...or what he did wrong to warrant those. Of course, he wasn't the most stable animatronic in the Plex--everyone had their flaws.
But for you to express your appreciation for Moon and insult him in the same breath only drilled the hurt in further.
He could sense his counterpart being quite happy with this information, though Sun himself was no less heartbroken that he was loved more than him.
Why did you hate him so much?
He stopped listening and stormed back to his tower, pushing over a party canister without stopping to clean it up. Once he was back in his room, he shut the curtains and huffed as he plopped down onto an old cushion, resting his chin on his palms, fingers tapping his petals.
“I get it..I-I can be annoying. But it’s fine! I’ve been called worse...b-but...nothing like what [y/n]...ghh..stop it...s-stop it! Don’t cry...don’t...!!”
But it was already too late as he let out a sob. The words finally sunk in and he was just furiously scrubbing at his face to slow the tears, crying much like the children he cared for everyday. It didn’t help that he heard Moon’s groans of annoyance.
“You can’t be serious..it’s almost my time to come out!”
"I-I'm sorry, Moony..it..i-it just hurts hearing everything sh-she said about me!! I thought she liked me! I...I thought..."
"Shhh, calm down. Maybe we're just...misunderstanding something-"
"No...she clearly likes you better!” Sun yelled hoarsely, grabbing one of the Moon plushies and staring down at it, pretending he was talking to him directly. “You heard what she said!! "Moon's cooler and calmer", “Sun’s annoying and too bright”! It’s obvious I’m nothing but garbage to her!!” He threw the plushie aside, holding his head again.
Moon had gone quiet now, though the solar animatronic just sniffled, leaning back on the cushion with another huff. “..m-maybe she’ll be happier if I never came out again.”
"Sun, let's not do anything stupid-"
Suddenly the lights in the daycare were darkened, the glowing stars on the walls beginning to shine. The attendant groaned as he was forced to change into Moon, who sighed as he could still hear Sun's sniffles.
“..I’m happy for you, Moony. Have fun talking to her all day and all night.”
“Now, now..we’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.”
"Grr...I swear if it wasn't against our protocol to kill, I would kill her." He growled, putting on his nightcap and standing up, brushing away the tears left behind on his face.
As he jumped down from the tower, his plan was to confront you before you could leave tonight. Just so he can understand why on earth you said those awful things. 
Surely you could like him without being so mean to Sun, right?
Unfortunately, he was informed you were going on break, and parents were starting to drop off their kids for the nighttime hours.
Of course. Just his luck.
Hours later, after all the kids went home for the night and it was a few minutes from closing, Moon finally spotted you cleaning up the tables. He could only watch from the shadows as you also did a final sweep around the security station.
Obviously you had to turn the lights back on to see, and he was forced to stay hidden in the dark, as Sun refused to come out. If he were to wander into the light, he’d feel him resisting the day-night cycle programming that forced him to shift: his petals poking in and out of his head, his neck hurting, his colors mixing together blue and yellow..
It felt like he was being burned. Then again, when an AI resists a core part of its programming...it was sure to be painful.
Eventually you did hear Moon's winces of agony and followed them to the back of the daycare, frowning slightly as you saw him sitting down, cowering in what little shadow there was left.
"What's wrong? Another cycle malfunction?”
“Y-You better talk to Sun..” He grumbled in response, his voice extremely choppy. “Or actually, no. He doesn’t wanna talk to you..ever.”
“Why?” Kneeling down in front of him, you pouted. “Did I..do something wrong?”
“...you made him cry.”
Your eyes widened with disbelief. And your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to think of what you might’ve done or said today that got him that upset. But nothing really came to mind.
Moon could tell you were still confused, so he sighed. “Earlier today you said..something about hating Sun and loving me more, laughing about it with your friend. While I appreciate the praise..he thinks you hate him, and that he shouldn’t show his face around you anymore. Now he’s gone quiet and refuses to come out.”
“..oh..oh my god..” Your heart sunk with realization.
“You have some nerve acting surprised.” His scoffed, eyes glowing redder. “You think we’re all just machines but we know when you say hurtful things. We’re more aware than you think-”
“No, no! You guys heard me all wrong. I-I wasn’t talking about you.”
He blinked, tilting his head. “What?”
“I was talking about the actual sun and moon. The ones outside, way up in the sky. I was complaining to my friend about how hot it gets when the sun’s always out and how the moon is pretty and....damn it...” You put a hand to your forehead, feeling incredibly guilty. “..h-he must think I’m the biggest jerk in the world..”
The lunar animatronic was baffled by this revelation. But his hunch turned out to be right after all: they simply misunderstood.
Standing up, you sighed and looked down at him. “Listen, I love you both equally for who you are, not what you’re modeled after. I-I hope you two understand that, especially Sun. And..if he hears me somehow, then I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I’d miss seeing your face..but I understand if you don’t wanna see mine for a while. You have every right to hate me, though I’ll never hate you. Neither of you.”
For a few long moments, he was completely silent as he remained on the floor. You doubted Sun would forgive you so easily after all you said, so you decided to leave the attendant alone so he can think about it.
“I’ll..go get the keys so I can lock up..”
However, as you turned around to walk away, you didn’t get too far. You could hear him standing up, parts shifting around in a normal manner. When you looked back, you saw Sun had come out, tears in his eyes as he approached you.
“I-I’m sorry, too! I shouldn’t have assumed you hated me for me,” he mumbled. “I do wanna see your pretty face again! It’s my favorite part of the day! I just..I-I can’t stay mad at you forever..”
“Then..let’s hug it out.” You smiled lightly, putting your arms out. “Like we always do.”
With a laugh, he embraced you tightly, nearly squeezing the life out of you. But you just wrapped your arms around him and sighed, happy he forgave you.
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