#snitch sigrid
gingernpcwithptsd · 5 months
My Personas
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Here is all my personas. Karmar isn’t directly a persona, they are more of my personal assistant.
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Beware, Sigrid is here to steal all your money! 💰💶
This little lad here, is a Greed tribe Vrynaga, so it's only natural for her to snitch something shiny from time to time. She's a great bard, always running around pubs and performing 🎶
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choicesenthusiast · 3 years
The Royal Heir 4, Ch. 2 AKA Lythikos But Without Honour
What happened this week:
We’re off to Vallenheim, the Via Imperii’s… strongest ally? Base of operations? I don’t exactly know where their relationship with the secret society stands. It’s just a little scouting mission to see if they’re as threatening as they make themselves out to be. Or if we should actually be considering an alliance with them. Y’know, the people behind our multiple near-death experiences.
Queen Sigrid casually drops Hana’s mother as a VI operative, adding Lorelai to the list of shitty parents. Constantine, Barthelemy, even yeehaw Bianca, and now Lorelai. And that’s not including the lesser nobles. What an accurate depiction of a hereditary government. And parents. Leave it all to us to clean up their messes.
Take a tour of the lovely city with your LI, where nobody recognizes you and you can pretend to be somebody else for a night. After years of constantly parading yourself around, it must be quite the refreshing experience. Apparently Maxwell’s book and movie hasn’t had that much outreach up north.
Just like every other queen in the CCU (Cordonian Choices Universe), Sigrid is also an incompetent cow, relying on her funds and shady advisors to do whatever they want, as long as she and the other nobles can continue to live lavishly while the poor suffer. This certainly is not meant to reflect anything going on in real life, no.
So, you’ve concluded that the secret society that partook in attempts on your lives is not one you’d like to ally with. Amalas, understandably, meets you in your foyer, questioning why you’ve been canoodling with them. I guess security’s still shit if we’re letting anyone inside in our absence. It’s a surprise every time!
So what we have here, ladies, gentlemen, and anyone in between, is your classic Eat the Rich Sitch, in which the rich bewitch the rich into a party (ideally to go off without a hitch), though we, the rich, following an itch, realize that the queen of the rich is quite the bitch. In an attempt to enrich the lives of the rich, the poor snitch on the bitchy rich, thus making your attitude switch.
It feels like a crime that we didn’t bring Olivia, Duchess of Cold Regions and All Things Espionage, to the cold region to do some espionage. With Bastien out of the picture, the Head of the Royal Guard spot is up for grabs, and there really is only one person in the entire world who should have it.
Actually, the real crime might be making people pay diamonds for our child’s outfit only for her to have less than two minutes of screentime this whole chapter. Eh, it’s PB. Just know that if you bought it, you’ve been scammed.
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mrs-elijah-wood · 4 years
First and Last Words of Zombies, Run! Characters
This should go without saying, but SPOILER ALERT (up to S8)
Characters are listed chronologically from last appearance alive.
HUGE thanks to @zrtranscripts​!!!
“Help! I’m trapped in here!” (S1M8)
“This world may seem grim right now, but you’ve got so much to live for. Try to see the best in people, Nadia, and in yourself. You’re such a good person. Such a big heart. Don’t let my death change that. It’s the one thing I couldn’t bear. Be brave, honey. I’ll be watching you. Lem out.” (S2M10)
Chris McShell
“Hello.” (S1M17)
“Veronica… If you find her… tell her… her… her daddy loves her very much.” (S1M19)
Maggie Doane
“Hey, Runner Five, good to see you! I don’t know if you knew at the time it was me, but I was the runner whose life you saved a couple of weeks ago.” (5K Trainer - Week 6, Workout 3)
“Oh no, not the kids! I hate the kids, they’re just so - ah! Get off me! Get off, get off!” (S1M22)
Archie Jensen
“I’m here, I’m here! You don’t have to shout, you know. I requested this mission to the Keeley Center, I’m hardly going to be late for a run to investigate my own old offices.” (New Canton 5K Race Mission: Big Cheese)
“They have a plan.” (S2M18)
“Hey there! We have not spoken before, I think, although I know we have seen each other. I’m Francesca. I’m – what do you say? - the quartermaster?” (5K Trainer - Week 3, Workout 1)
“No, no, you can’t take me! You won’t do that to my mind! You can’t!” (S2M21)
Esteban Sosa
“Runner Five, you’re with me today. But how rude I am. I am Esteban; Esteban Sosa. I am Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of the New Canton Permanent Advisory Council. Your Sam has lent you to me today. He wasn’t happy… overprotective, I think. But no need for concern.” (S2M10)
“It is very – [coughs] I’m so sorry. Um, it is, uh –” (S2M40)
Major de Santa
“Runner Five, it’s Major De Santa. I’m back. You can stop running now.” (S1M23)
“Don’t - !” (S2M41)
Sara Smith
“Sorry about that. Hey, there! I’m Runner Eight, Sara Smith. How are you doing? Ready to go out and misdirect some zombies?” (S1M2)
“I don’t know what to expect. But I might see my boys again, I think I might. I’ve done what was right. That’s what life’s about, when it comes down to it. Not sitting around, knowing that you’ve used yourself to the full. So I’m square. And you’d better send Van Ark right along after me, Five. I’ll be waiting for him.” (S2M43)
Ernest Van Ark
“If you want to talk, then stop chasing me! I tell you, I’ll use this pistol, I tell you!” (Abel Township 10k Race Mission: Visiting Van Ark)
“What the hell do you think you’re –“ (S2M44)
“Over here, over here! Climb up onto the ledge. I’ve got a way out, but it’ll take three people. Please be quick!” (S3M8)
“Now your aura’s all gold, do you know that, Five? Gold like the sun. We’re both heading in the same direction, man. But I bet I’ll get there first. Race you!” (S3M60)
Simon Lauchlan (sort of)
“Whew… Runner Three, Simon, here.” (S1M21)
“This is going to sting!” (S3M60)
Owen Landis
“At your service. I’m Owen. I guess I’m the new Runner Six, hi! Feels weird saying that, like I’ve just got a brand new tattoo. You know, somewhere personal.” (S2M25)
“Ian, come on. We were almost, well, kind of mates once. Can’t we just settle this like mates? Crack a few tinnies, you know? Come on. Come on, what do you say?” (S5M18)
Evan Deaubl
“Runners, this is an emergency. The gates have stuck in the open position; we’re open to all attacks. The following runners to report to the main gates immediately for lure and distract: Runner Two, Runner Three, Runner Five, Runner Eight. Go, go, go!” (S1M2)
“Thank you. You’re worthy of it. Now go. I don’t want any of you to see this. Get that cup and books out of the country. Steal a plane! Go back to England. The world is depending on you. Make me proud. Run!” (S5M36)
Ian Golightly
“Hello, am I late? Ian Golightly, reporting for duty! Get it?” (S2SM4)
“I want you to shoot me. Please? Yes. Please. I didn’t… I don’t think I…” (S5M40)
Sigrid Hakkinen
“In fact, those were not my orders, Builder. You have overstepped your bounds again.” (S4M2)
“I’m leaving now, and when I come back, it will be with my own private army. ANNIE will protect me. As long as I have her, I have everything. Oh, and by the way, as I know you’re listening, Mr. Yao, you do know I had your sister, don’t you? Well, you’ll never find her now.” (S6M40)
Veronica McShell (technically)
“It has been sixteen months and nine days since the outbreak. In all that time, only one animal has ever been recorded as turning gray. The researchers here and throughout Europe via Rofflenet believed it to be the key to understanding immunity, that it might hold the missing link to a cure. You, however, have just killed it. On behalf of all remaining humans, congratulations.” (S3M14)
“No, I know. But I want to. It’s… beautiful. The closer I get to her, the more I can see...everything.” (S6M40)
Colonel Sage
“Sage here, of Banktown. I, for one, am interested in hearing what the Abel representative has to say.” (S7M2)
“They’re searching the cave for me. They can smell the blood. This is my time. It’s good to… to put this thing right. I believe the best parts of my work will live on.” (S7M39)
Ellie Maxted
“Help! Help, I’m stuck in here! Please help me!” (S3M59)
“What? Where are they – [gasps] Five?” (S8M1)
Lachlan Jones
“I don’t give a crap about Fort Canton. I’m here for de Luca.” (S7M8)
“You don’t know what you’ve done. You’ve destroyed everything. There’ll be no stopping them now.” (S8M15)
Tom de Luca
“Hello. I know who you are. You’re Janine’s people. I’ve got Janine. I’ve got her headset, and I’ve got a message for you: this isn’t you anymore. Not your fight, not your battle, not your war! Who owns the war? Who owns the broken bodies of the soldiers? Not her, not any of them. Not the grasses or the traitors or the snitches or the thieves. Not Janine! Let fate take its course. Nothing could have stopped this. If you leave me be, no one will get hurt. Except Janine, and she’s got it coming!” (S3M43)
“Five, Five, get up here now! Five! My God, she’s fast. She’s strong! Five, code red! Warn the others! Tell Janie - !” (S8M26)
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someone-elsa · 4 years
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Sigrid Egan is a 25-year-old barista from Windenburg. Her sister talked her into applying to Clem’s BC. @simbidcuriosity
Mixocologist Active • Cheerful • Kleptomaniac
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More info:
She works as a barista in Hare and Hedgehog and she dreams about starting her own business: a café with late business hours. Sigrid would like to create a unique menu with her own cocktail recipes.
Sigrid comes from a big family; she's the oldest of five girls. Their mother died when Sigrid was very young and she didn't get to know her well. Her mother was secretive and Sigrid believes she was a witch. This made Sigrid very interested in witchcraft and even though she isn't a witch, she collects witchy items (like talismans and crystals).
She likes active hobbies and often starts a new one. Her interest doesn't last too long, though. Only rock/wall climbing and cat agility (which she practises with her Norwegian Forest cat Sasha) have remained. She has less active hobbies too: Sims Forever (she has some 600 played hours) and testing new cocktail recipes and coming up with her own.
Sigrid has a radiant smile and positive attitude. Her friends describe her very cheerful. If they need to contact her, they call; Sigrid is slow to respond to texts. Her less innocent bad habit is snitching items (she has way too many hotel towels and umbrellas). She's not as kleptomaniac as she used to be but the habit persists.
She's adventurous and likes to explore. Sharing love for adventures is something she expects from a potential girlfriend. Her dream date would be trying something that's new to both her and her date.
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