stealingyourbones · 1 year
Hey there!! I've found your stuff recently when I dove head first in the dp x dc tag and wanted to say I love your prompts, and I wanted to share an idea that's been kicking around for a while. Anyway, I digress. Heres, a cool bird skull I found (hope I did that right)
So the idea is that Danny as Phantom is a founding memeber of JLD but in the yj universe, so it's just Boston, John, Zatar, and Danny while Zatana is on YJ.
Well, one day, the YJ kids end up having a run in with one of Phantom's rouges (Johnny 13, Box Ghost, whoever up to you) and they need help so Zatana realizing what they are dealing with calls either her dad or danny to come help them. They clean up the ghost mess, and Danny, seeing how things kinda went sideways for the group of young heroes, asks Dani if she wants to join them while also mentioning theres another clone on the team who might need a friend who gets it.
Dani ends up agreeing to join, thinking it'll be fun, and maybe give her the opportunity to form her own hero identity too.
So Danny with JLD, Batman, and Black Canary introduce her to the team with the added bonus of batman telling the team that Phantom will be teaching them how to fight ghosts or at least hold their own until help arrives. (Danny didn't know he had volunteered and was not super thirlled but agreed for one or two sessions)
And what ghost does Danny decide is appropriate for the young heros to spar with when he's teaching them? Why Youngblood, of course. He comes with his own little group of goons, plus he brings just a little bit more chaos to the mix.
Anyway ya let me know what you think. There needs to be more Danny and Dani YJ and JLD fics out there.
:0 oh this slaps. Youngblood would be such a fun teacher for the teenage heroes. Batman is certainly worried that The Team has an unknown that he is unable to perceive but Robin assures him that Youngblood isn't a threat.
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