#slsq update spoilers
harlequinoccult · 6 months
Uhm, uhm- Carter- uhm- No, but like actuallY 'oh yeah, the victims are your average, run-of-the-mill individuals' *Carter has entered the chat* a literal serial killer oh, that was so funny, I died when I saw that, thank you so much <3 can't wait for RO POVs
oOpSiE ! ! 🥴🤪
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harlequinoccult · 7 months
v Ask with update spoilers v 🙊
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OD FIRES ON ALL FUCKING CYLINDERS ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME ‼‼‼‼‼‼ They are the one who gives the least amount of shit about keeping their god damn mask on.
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harlequinoccult · 6 months
hol up is "A" mr. Abernathy himself? the other ROs seemed to recognize him...
ill let you in on a secret, anon~
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Carter was here the whole time
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harlequinoccult · 6 months
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so how we feelin besties? :o)
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harlequinoccult · 6 months
That end to Part 1 of Chapter 1 really be on that crazy shit that's what i wanted moments where MC just goes crazy now the wait for part 2 is real!.
There's just some missed opportunities due to how in a real life setting wouldn't work and that is killing with Poison and Explosives but thats why we have Asks so:
1. How would the RO react to MC killing people like Killer Queen by blowing them up.
2. How would the RO react to MC killing with Poison (and yes some poisons are fast acting and their effects are devastating depending on the type), yeah its a missed opportunity to kill Carter with poison straight up Purple Haze that son of a bitch.
Mc snapping is a very pivotal moment, for mc and the story as a whole, I'm glad people like it!! I was one of the first scenes I had a clear and vivid way of how I wanted it to be presented and I'm happy with how it turned out :o)
Slaughter squad is very much setup like classic slasher movies, so mc won't be getting their hands on any C4 or nightshade but hey if I ever have an idea for an assassin story, free game that being said,
Elysium, Black Dahlia, and Overdose are familiar with poisons and what can poison people, Cold is familiar with fire, whatever explosion happens because of it is incidental, Sweetheart is a purist and The Host is a purist in theory, but they themselves employ....alternative methods.
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harlequinoccult · 6 months
Wow...this update was so amazing and extremely satisfying, i mean finally getting rid of Carter....i hope so at least and that he ain't comin back as some demon or shit.
I was wondering two things tho...
1: What do the full hearts mean, since they are a bit different looking i thought they would be special dialogs or something...care to elaborate?
2: What excactly does fluffy hair mean...i mean what do you define when you think of fluffy hair, cause i can't seem to find a definite answer.
Full hearts (🎔) indicate Rivalmance options! for those who want to be antagonistic little shits
and fluffy hair is the in between of straight and wavy hair, thick and voluminous, think like the blowout hair from the 90s!
Thank you!
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