Week 19: Entertainment
So what are you all doing for entertainment these last few months? Humans love to be entertained, and we love to be amused. Entertainment is a big word. It encompasses a huge jurisdiction in our lives. We can’t live without it and right now, we are all looking for entertainment to get us through these strange times we are living in.  The lack of availability to access entertainment like movie…
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Week 16: Accomplishment
This week’s word was given to me by one of my four greatest accomplishments, my oldest daughter- who to be perfectly honest, I was not sure if she even knew what the word meant when she said it. So I asked her what her greatest accomplishment was and not missing a beat she said sweeping the races at her track meet a few years ago.  So I asked, “why is that your greatest accomplishment?” She told…
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Week 17: Driven
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Driven:  determined to succeed : highly energetic and motivated, goal oriented …I love it when my word goes so well with the person who gave it.  This word so accurately describes him.  We are all driven to succeed at one thing or another whether it be to lead an adventurous life, get to the top rungs in your chosen profession, to care for people, or to become the best couch potato you can…. We…
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Week 15: Slowdown
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I scheduled my words week-by-week in January, when the outlook for this year was on a completely different spectrum…. Back then I was gearing up for a breakthrough year for myself. I have spent the last few years really working on myself, and when I scheduled this word I did it specifically because I knew I would need the reminder…. Normally we would be in the middle of spring sports, Easter, and…
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Week 14: Adventure
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Well well well…… here we are late AGAIN! While I do have a legitimate excuse for spacing off my word this last week, I am still a bit upset that it’s late.  Last week I wrote my word all in one sitting; I spent the week thinking about it and just yammered it all out in one sitting- and I loved it! It really felt like it was flowing…. But this week’s word, I am not having as much luck. Not…
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Week 13: Miracle
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This week’s word has been an interesting one to ponder our second week into the whole social distancing, no school, stay-at-home orders (who would have ever thought I would start a blog post with this… weird shit is going down right now!)….. It is the one thing our world needs right now….. A miracle.  My word is miracle and it was given to me by a dear friend’s little sister who is now a nurse- a…
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Week 12: Admiration
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Week twelve….. Seriously!!! I am one quarter of the way through my project, and I feel like its a good time to toot my own horn… or maybe have a little admiration for myself, for my dedication and follow through to get this far. Seriously, a year ago I wouldn’t have made it through week 2, that is not an exaggeration. But, here we are twelve weeks in.  To have admiration for someone is to look up…
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Week 10: Vigilant
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The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word vigilant is a wolf pack with a very watchful alpha or an old silverback looking after his troop ( I looked it up! It’s really a troop…. I may have thought it was actually called a congress because of a meme I once saw). He’s ready to take out any threat that dares get too close to his safety zone….. Ever watchful. The word feels very…
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Week 8: Silly
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I am so excited about this week’s word, my beautiful niece chose it and I am publishing it her birthday weekend.  She will be 8 this year and her word fits her to a tee! She is one of the most silly kiddos I have ever known; she is always smiling and giggling…. I can hear her giggle now.  The word silly itself makes me think of Jelly Belly jelly beans, curly hair, and a high pitched little…
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Optimism is my choice. Since starting 52 words, I have barely written anything else. I have started a few posts but haven't finished them because since I started 52, I worry I won't complete it.
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Week 7: Trump
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Whether you are a Trump lover or a Trump hater, you can’t deny he is on a winning streak. His numbers are incredible, over the top, tremendous…. America has never seen anything like it, its big-ly killin it- best it has ever been.  It’s true -or at least partially true- when broken down, there are lots of reasons why things are the way they are, but there is no denying Trump is a force of nature,…
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Week 5: Dedicated
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And…. We are off into week 5, word 5…. Almost 10% of 2020 is already gone!! Rushing right into February- next thing you know it will be spring break then graduation! Time will fly like no one’s business. Unlike most years, this year I have a clear stated goal, one that is easily called out if I slack off…. Or get sick and have to catch up!  One thing is for sure- it is going to take discipline…
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Week 3 Creative
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Creativity is the word of the week- that was due last Monday….. But here I am this many days late! It is what it is, I got sick.  Just a bump in the road- but it took me out for almost 2 full weeks. I kinda feel like things happen how they are supposed to now. There was a reason- I haven’t figured out yet what it is, but 2 weeks is long enough….. So here we have Creative, I am…
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A Bump in the Road I started the new year with high hopes it would just roll with goodness and 12 days in I had a setback. 
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Week 18: Vibrant
If vibrant was a season, it would be summer. It would be bright, shiny, happy, and busy…. And VIVID. It’s so vivid you can feel it; it gives you the goosebumps and makes you smile. I can almost smell the food court at the fair.  Good times are vibrant, happy LIVES are vibrant! My soon to be daughter-in-law gave me this word, and it is such a perfect description for her- her energy is endless, her…
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Week 11: Sunshine
Who needs a little sunshine in their lives? Its week 11 and all about sinshine.
Sunshine…. Oh how we love sunshine! Whether you’re walking on it, with a pocket full of it, with it on your shoulders, just let it in, have a good day…. don’t steal mine and there ain’t none when you’re gone! Yes, my word this week is sunshine, it makes me so happy, and I love all the sunshine songs!  Sunshine is not just a happy sounding word, it also affects our happiness directly….. And it…
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