#slightly off topic but Ive decided that Snow became president when he was 29-30 so Mc wouldve been about 16
embersofhope-if · 10 months
mc details? 👀👀
omg i cant believe i havent done this yet
now time for mc details😋
Mc's birthday is August 13th
Theyre a Leo😏
Mc looks a lot like their Father but they have their Mothers eyes
When they were fourteen, they managed to sprain their ankle the night before the reaping when they were out with Ash, and it never properly healed
After Ash died Mc spent a lot of nights on top of the belltower in the middle of District 8 instead of their normal spot because it hurt too much to be there without Ash
Mc has top marks in all of their classes☝️
Theres a little cat bed for Hope in their closet but Hope normally just sleeps in Mcs bed
Mc is an enneagram type 4(yes, i did just retake the test for every character, including some of the other tributes. I've got brainrot for my own game, leaving me alone🙄)
Mcs tribute token is a bracelet from their Father (...it may or may be a lily of the valley bracelet)
Mc and their Mother actually used to be pretty close, but when they were about nine, something changed, and they grew distant
the first time Mc went back to the Capitol since Ashs death they were very shocked to find that they somehow have fans
Mc met Snow once, but it was before he was president and incredibly brief
This is less of a detail, but Mc was about 4 when Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes happened, and it absolutely blows my mind
You can pick Mcs' weapon of choice, but i will say they are a natural with a knife, and its kinda scary☝️(a certian district partner finds it attractive, tho😏)
When they were younger, Mc was for sure the kid that always tried to hang out with the adults anytime they were supposed to be playing with other kids
Mc has been drunk before😋
Regardless of whether or not you romance Creon Mc will always keep any letters they've gotten from them
Calliope has a hundred percent found the stash of letters and read through them (mc caught her, and it ended with mc having a black eye, and Calliope got a busted lip)
Mc is naturally a very caring person, but you get to decide whether or not the fully show it
i have no idea why but Mc will forever feel like the moon to me
they cannonically have a gorgeous smile (not sorry about it😋)
Mc also fully believes nobody ever really listens to what they're saying, but it is quite literally the exact opposite. they've just got this energy where you feel compelled to listen to them (they get it from their dad🤞)
you get to pick Mcs main hobby but they also know how to play the paino. it was something their mother taught them when they were young
when mc was ten, they "ran away" but came back a couple hours later because it started to snow, and they literally didn't have a coat. They thought nobody in their family noticed, but Soren had a full force of peacekeepers looking for them while Ione went out herself to look for them. When everyone was back home, they all acted like nothing happened.
Mcs room has one of the best views in the entire District
not a detail, but i know that Sejanus and Mc would've been besties, and nobody can convince me otherwise
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