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Did you know that snoring can be a sign of a severe medical condition?
medical condition?
Snoring happens when air travels down your throat while you sleep. This causes the relaxed tissues in your throat to vibrate, resulting in sharp, potentially annoying noises.
Snoring can interfere with your sleep or that of your partner. Snoring is not a sign to ignore, even if it does not bother you too much. In reality, snoring can signal a major health problem, such as:
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or blocked airways,
an issue with the structure of your mouth, nose, or throat,
sleep deprivation
Snoring can also be triggered by sleeping on your back or drinking alcohol too close to bedtime.
1. Lifestyle Changes for Snoring:
Simple home remedies can often treat cases of snoring caused by benign causes such as sleep position. Certain lifestyle improvements can also assist in the treatment of snoring.
2. Sleep on your side:
When you sleep on your back, your tongue may slide to the back of your throat, partially blocking airflow through your throat.
Sleeping on your side may be all that is required to allow air to move freely and avoid or minimize snoring.
3. Get enough rest:                
Ensure that you get 7-9 hours of sleep that adults require each night, as recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society.
Snoring can be caused by lack of sleep. This is because it would relax your neck muscles, making you more prone to airway obstruction.
Snoring can also raise your risk of sleep deprivation because it causes interruptions in your sleep.
4. Limit or avoid drinking before going to bed:
Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 3 hours before going to bed. Alcohol can cause snoring by relaxing the throat muscles.
Alcohol can also interfere with your sleep in other ways.
Alcohol consumption, is accompanied with less REM sleep. Memory development and dreaming occur during this stage, thus REM sleep is vital.
5. Quit Smoking:
Smoking is a habit that might make your snoring worse. One reason for this could be because smoking increases your risk of OSA or worsens the disorder. 
When to see an ENT Surgeon-
Snoring can disturb both your own and your partner's sleep. Besides from being bothersome, it may indicate a severe health problem. Consulting with an ENT Specialist can help you improve your sleep.
Opt for Sleep Apnea Treatment if:
You have symptoms such as:
Gasping for air while you are asleep
frequent urination at night
excessive daytime sleepiness, or hypersomnia
wake up with a dry mouth or sore throat
waking up with a headache
Snoring affects the quality of your sleep.
Home remedies and lifestyle changes do not reduce your snoring.
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Everything You Should Know About Sleep Apnea
What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a severe disorder that prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. It happens when a person is unable to breathe properly while sleeping. These involuntary breathing pauses last from a few seconds to a minute and can occur 30 or more times per hour. Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous sleep disease in which breathing stops and begins regularly. You may have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and feel fatigued even after a full night's sleep.
Types of Sleep Apnea-
Obstructive Sleep Apnea-
This type of apnea is the most prevalent. This condition is caused by any obstruction in the airway, throat, or nasal route. The throat contains soft tissues. When you sleep, it sometimes collapses, causing loud snoring and multiple pauses in breathing. Another rare case of OSA occurs when persons acquire skull and facial bones. It results in a huge tongue and a tiny mouth, which leads to OSA.
Central Sleep Apnea-
It is caused by a lack of respiratory control or by inadequate respiratory functioning. The brain is the communicating medium for the entire body; it is your brain that determines how each organ functions. When the brain fails to deliver a signal to the muscles that govern your breathing cycles, you begin to experience sleep apnea symptoms.
Complex Sleep Apnea-
This apnea is a hybrid of obstructive and central sleep apnea. It is the result of both injured soft tissues in your neck and a lack of impulses from brain cells. The main issue with this illness is that it frequently remains unnoticed until it becomes serious. According to one study, the prevalence of sleep apnea, particularly OSA, among adults in India ranges from 9.3 to 13.5%. The sufferer is unaware that he or she has had a sleep issue for the most of their life. It is usually witnessed by a friend, spouse, or family member.
Facts About Sleep Apnea-
It is frequent in both sexes. This sleep disturbance, however, affects males more than women.
One in every five adults has mild OSA.
One in every fifteen adults has severe OSA.
Between 70% and 75% of instances go unreported and untreated.
OSA affects 25% to 35% of middle-aged males.
Sleep apnea develops in children, primarily as a result of tonsils.
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea-
The signs and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas overlap, making it difficult to identify between the two. The following are the most prevalent indications and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas:
Snoring loudly
Episodes in which you stop breathing while sleeping — as recounted by another person
During sleep, you're gasping for air.
waking up with a dry tongue
Early-morning headache
Sleeping difficulties (insomnia)
Excessive drowsiness during the day (hypersomnia)
Having trouble paying attention while awake
When should you see a doctor?
Snoring can be a sign of a significant problem, although not everyone with sleep apnea snores. If you experience indications or symptoms of sleep apnea, consult your doctor. Consult your doctor if you are tired, sleepy, or irritable due to a sleep disorder. Sleep Apnea Treatment is available for severe disorders and can be treated on time.
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