#slaughtet house
rise-my-angel · 1 year
Strap in its "no one asked for this but im gonna bitch about it anyways" time. Listen, I make fun of Big E as much as the next person but I'll be damned if I don't defend him against Sansa interrupting his speech and telling him to just like sit down and be quiet in the series finale.
Edmure Tully is a bit of a doofus, but he suffered as much as anyone else in these wars. He spent one night with his wife before he was captured and held prisoner for 5 years when his nephew and king, sister, family and entire army was slaughteted outside. He didn't meet his own son until the child was 4 years old and was told that child would he killed if Edmure didn't give into enemy demands. He never once let his situation destory his resolve. He left his shackles as much of a man that values family, duty, and honour as much as the best of his family did. He is the only one of the most immediate family members of his House that's even alive and the only one in that entire group who had the courage to volunteer for a position that NO ONE ELSE IN THAT GROUP even bothered to put their name up for.
But because Sansa needs a cool shut down moment and the writers don't give a single shit about Edmure, she tells him to basically sit down and shut up when he was the only man even trying to offer a peaceful solution to who could be ruler.
What else do you need Edmure to go through before you let him speak his mind, Sansa? You shut down all of Arya's trauma too, do you just require your equals to be sexual assaulted before they have the right to be as girlboss as you?
Is Edmure the best choice for King? No, probably not, but you DO NOT KNOW HIM at all. Sansa knows next to nothing about this man and thinks she has the right to tell him to sit down. A better choice would have been the recently legitimized Gendry who is the son of the last king that ever held the peace and comes from poverty of flea bottom and knows the people, or you know, your fucking half brother, who is literally the secret King but you just let the Unsullied send him to die without the pack. Sansa didn't offer any choices other then independent rule for herself (that if we go by the books she has no right to that position anyways). Edmure at least had the bravery to stand up and plead his case.
Everyone can clap and make memes and gifs of Sansa getting an "own" on her uncle but he remained a better man through the last 7 years of war then Sansa could ever hope to be.
Fuck it, fuck her, fuck Bran the "i can never be lord of anything why do you think i came all this way" Broken.
Big E for the One True King of Westeros.
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