projectradiance21 · 7 years
Meet the new Radiance21 Scholarship recipient
From our 2nd round of Radiance21 Scholarship application, we are proud to say that the RM6,200 scholarship that was originally for Farah Syamila will be given to Ummulwaqiah Maisarah, a Medical Imaging student at UniSZA.
A short introduction from Sarah will be uploaded soon!
Thank you to everyone who applied, and congratulations to Sarah for being awarded the scholarship!
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
Completing the #Radiance21 Application.
Here’s a step-by-step guide, complete with an example and some tips, to how to complete the #Radiance21 scholarship.
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Getting started: Create an account & access the application.
Log in and create an account at SkolaFund if you haven’t done so. You can go to the scholarship page and click Apply.
Note: Make sure you read all the basic information about the scholarship and the eligibility criteria before submitting an application.
Also, be sure you read these two posts as well about the Frequently Asked Questions and some Tips to Make Your Application Stand Out. 
Page 1: About You
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Fill up the necessary information. Upload a clear and professional picture of yourself (no selfie like your Facebook/Instagram picture, etc). 
For your brief background section, just briefly introduce who you are, and a little bit about yourself (what you dream of, what you plan to do, what your hopes are, what you’re studying, what you’re passionate about, etc).
And please, be concise in your brief background. It is supposed to be short, just give us a general idea about who you are as a person before we read the rest of your application.
Note: Be mindful of how you fill up the form and everything else in the application. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in filling out your application, it makes it hard for us to read and understand your answers. Use proper capitalization and punctuation (i.e. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence, etc)
Page 2: Current Institution
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Even though this scholarship is limited to students from UniSZA, please do write out the full, proper name for the university in the space above.
Write down the name of your program, and, if you want, the type of program (i.e. Diploma, Degree, with Honors, etc).
For Current/Latest CGPA, please note that it is asking for your cumulative GPA, so it is not the GPA for the previous semester only, but includes all the semesters that you have taken so far.
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Upload all the required materials, and make sure they are legible. It is better to screenshot a page on your laptop/computer than taking a picture of your laptop screen using your phone. We need to be able to see the documents that you uploaded. If we think that the documents are not legible enough for us, we will email to and request that you send another copy of the documents.
Pre-University grade refers to the results from your pre-university program (foundation/asasi, STPM, Matrikulasi, Diploma, etc). If you are currently doing Diploma, you can upload either your SPM certificate or your current diploma results.
For the fee statement, you can either screenshot a picture of your student accounts page, or screenshot your admissions letter with the total fees for each semester (tuition & any other related academic fees). Do note that the Radiance21 scholarship is only for tuition fees and other academic fees, and NOT for personal expenses (food, house rent, etc).
Page 3: Household income
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Please list down your household income (from both parents) and upload any necessary payslip (any one from the last six months is acceptable). If your parents have no income, please attach a letter / statement from your Ketua Kampung / other authorities to prove it.
And please do not include yourself or your siblings, especially if they are still students. This section is only for your parents and their incomes. You do not have to list down your siblings’ income.
Page 4: The Interview
This is the most important part of the application, so read carefully!
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Please answer the two required statements truthfully and on your own. This means, NO PLAGIARIZING your answers by copy-pasting from other sites. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and if we find that you have plagiarized your answers, we will not consider it. Remember, plagiarism in an academic setting (in class, for an assignment / examination / project) can lead to a failing grade or expulsion / suspension from the university, so you must never do it.
Note that the sample above is merely a sample, and there is no right answers. We want to know more about who you are, and what’s important to you, so be honest with us. We are not looking for perfect English, or perfect grammar, but we are looking for honest answers about what you are passionate about and what is important to you.
As I mentioned before, be mindful of your CAPITALIZATION and punctuation. Do NOT write in all CAPITAL LETTERS - seriously, don’t.
And you CAN answer in Malay if you want to!
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Please be mindful of your formatting (i.e. if you copy-paste from a Word document, etc), as it can be messed up by the application. 
Also, remember that aspiration is NOT inspiration, these are two separate words with different meanings!
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And please answer all additional questions, even if it is not required. It shows that you take the effort to complete the application to the best of your ability.
Page 5: Referrals
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Please list down two, non-relative referrals. This means that you cannot and should not list down ANY family members as referrals (this include parents, siblings, aunts or uncles, distant relatives, etc), even if they work as a professor or if you worked/interned at their companies. 
Please list down your professors, lecturers, teachers, volunteer coordinators, supervisors, or any other professional referrals that can speak to your character and abilities. Also, ensure that you have their permission to list them down as a referral, as we will be reaching out to them. If possible, please list down their email address (work/university email address preferred) as well.
Final step: Submit Application
Once everything is completed, be sure to click the submit button to submit your application! We need your submitted application by February 15th, 2017.
If you have any other questions, email us at [email protected] 
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
Tips for #Radiance21 Scholarship for UniSZA students.
Hello people!
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For more information on the scholarship & to apply, please visit SkolaFund’s website. Deadline to apply is February 15th, 2017.
To help you in your application, here are some tips that you can use to distinguish yourself from the other applications:
1) Complete all the questions thoroughly
Don’t just answer in one or two short sentence(s), but instead, elaborate on them. We want to know who you are and why you are special, so you need to help us learn about you. Elaborate on your points clearly.
2) Be honest.
Please, please, please do not plagiarize your answers. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to a failing grade or expulsion from a university, and we do not tolerate plagiarism.
3) Be organized.
Upload all the documents needed and ensure that they are all clear and readable. Rotate them if necessary (if not, I’ll have to read them with my head turned sideways).
4) Check for spelling or grammar errors.
While we are not expecting you to have perfect grammar/spelling, at least go through your application and have someone proof-read it for you. Check for minor spelling errors or grammar mistakes. Make sure your formatting is neat (only use one . instead of ... at the end of a sentence, capitalization, paragraphing, etc). Be formal, this is an official, formal scholarship application, so treat it like a job application. First impression counts, we want to see your professionalism.
5) Getting ready for interviews.
Yes, selected applicants will be invited for an interview. This will be done through Skype/Google Hangouts, so ensure that you have a Skype or Google account that we can use to have the interview. Prepare well for the interview, take the effort to learn about us and what we believe in. Be curious about our team.
6) Be passionate.
This is not free money. When we choose an applicant to be awarded the Radiance21 scholarship, we expect things from the applicant - participation in community service, Projek Inspirasi, etc. We expect you to be able to give back to society. We expect you to have a passion for something, and we expect you to be able to show us and prove to us your passion and dedication.
7) Take initiative.
We (the Radiance21 scholarship team) are a family, and we want to help you achieve your goals. But we cannot do that if you don’t take the initiatives to get there on your own. Email us, show your effort, connect with us. Building a network can help you in the long run.
8) Be yourself.
Don’t worry too much about trying so hard to please us that you resort to copy-pasting from other sources in your attempts to be “unique” or “excellent”. Just stay true to yourself, and be honest. If you can’t write well in English, answer the questions in Malay, we will accept that. We are not looking for extraordinary people with huge ambitious goals to change the world, but we are looking for ordinary, passionate people with the dedication and commitment to change the world, one small step at a time, starting with themselves.
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
FAQ for #Radiance21 for UniSZA students
Assalamualaikum, and hello,
Alhamdulillah, after a little over a week of opening the application for #Radiance21 Scholarship for UniSZA students, we have received good feedback from UniSZA students. At this moment, we have around 390 or so applications that have been started, and 12 students have already submitted their applications. But don’t worry if you are still in the process of filling out your application, as the deadline to submit your application is February 15th, so you have time to complete it!
In this post, I want to highlight some questions about the scholarship to help you get through the application.
1. Can I apply?
As long as you are a student at UniSZA, you’re automatically eligible to apply. Our only requirement is that we prefer to see students with a current cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. Note, this is referring to your cumulative GPA, not your GPA for the latest semester.
2. What if my cumulative GPA is lower than a 2.8?
You can still apply for the scholarship and we will consider it on a case-by-case basis. But you will also need to send an email to us to explain why it is lower than 2.8 and why you deserve to get the scholarship over the other applicants with higher GPA. You can email us the explanation at [email protected] 
3. My parent(s) is/are retired / own(s) her/his/their own business, how do I say this in the income part?
You will need to get an official letter (from ketua kampung, ketua daerah, etc) that states how your parent(s) is/are retired / working on their own.
4. Do I have to submit payslips of my brothers/sisters who are working?
No, you don’t have to.
5. Who should I put as my referees / recommenders?
Please include contact information (email address preferably!) of at least TWO referees, who can either be your faculty members, your lecturers/professors, your past/current employers (if you are working), your supervisor, your volunteer coordinator, etc.
Please note that family members are not accepted as refereers, and we will ask you to list other non-relative referees.
Also make sure that you ask permission from your referees, and tell them that you will be listing them down as your referee.
6. Do I have to answer the statements in English?
No, you do not. Feel free to answer the statements in Malay or English, whichever is easier for you.
7. How long should my answers be?
We prefer it if you can answer the statement questions (Why are you in need of a scholarship and the Change one thing in the world) between 100-200 words. That being said, if you wrote shorter or longer answers, we are not going to disqualify you.
8. What do you mean by “What are my aspirations?”
Aspiration refers to your hopes and dreams, so we want to know about what you want to achieve in your life.
Please note that Aspiration is not the same as Inspiration.
9. How far back should I list down my extracurricular activities?
You can go ahead and list down as many of your extracurricular activities as you want. We do, however, prefer that you keep it to the ones you participated in after SPM (but if you are a new diploma student, you can list down things you did in school!).
10. What if I have additional question?
Please email us at [email protected] and we can answer your questions.
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projectradiance21 · 8 years
There were more than 200 applications for the #Radiance21 scholarship. Based on the applications and the interviews, we have decided to divide the scholarship amount to three different applicants.
The three recipients for the #Radiance21 scholarship have been announced! They are:
1) Farah Syamila Binti Mohamad Nor, UNISZA
2) Muhammad Husni Mubarak Bin Ghazali, UiTM Shah Alam
3) Nur Amrina Bt Anuar, UKM
Congratulations to the recipients. And to the other applicants, thank you for your interest and support to the #Radiance21 scholarship.
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