#radiance21 scholarship
projectradiance21 · 6 years
Nur Amrina - Erasmus Report
Nur Amrina went on an Erasmus+ mobility program in 2017, and this was her write-up for the Erasmus+ website. She has decided to share the write-up with everyone here.
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Being able to be part of Erasmus+ student is a really great and unforgettable experience for me. The main reason why I decide to participate in this Erasmus+ study mobility is of course to get as much experience here. At first I thought that there must be a lot of differences between the study in University of Latvia and my home university Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I decided to challenge myself to come and do mobility here plus my home university lecturers are the one who encourage me a lot in joining this mobility.
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I never be in any mobility programme and this is my first time. Before arrive here in Riga, Latvia, I need to handle many things such as the Learning Agreement, my accommodation, my long-term visa, my Erasmus+ grant and many more. So I have to deal more with my sending institution and receiving institution. As for the receiving institution, we communicated by email and I found it was really convenient and best way as the receiving institution always as fast and efficient in guiding me. 
For the during mobility also I still need to settle with my Erasmus+ grant, opening bank account and applying for my long-term visa. My sending institution always concern and contacted me to ask how I am doing here and I also will keep updating everything to them. Meanwhile for the receiving institution, they played a really big role in helping me with all these matters. 
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My experience here after five months do have many different with my first impression I have about studying outside of my home country during mobility period. The most important thing while studying outside of my home country is to respect others no matter how different their backgrounds with me as I am in a totally different place and there is only me to survive here alone. Being able to tolerate well also important as I need to deal with many people with different personalities and ways. 
At last, my advice is always grab the chance while you can and make use of it in a very good way. Be brave in everything especially when you are in other country and remember that the reason you come here is to achieve success. 
Thank you.
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projectradiance21 · 5 years
Radiance21 Scholarship Wrap-Up and Final Words.
We’ve written up a post to wrap up the Radiance21 Scholarship Project, which you can read at http://syazanazura.com/2018/12/radiance21-scholarship-project.html. 
The project is, Alhamdulillah, finally over :)
Thank you to everyone for your support! :)
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projectradiance21 · 6 years
Ummulwaqiah Maisarah - Program UniSZA Mesra Komuniti
Community Service Report – Sarah
For a full PDF report with images, please read here.
Last March, on Saturday the 31st, I was given the chance to join in and participate as a volunteer in Program UniSZA Mesra Komuniti bersama Warga DUN Pengkalan Berangan at Kampung Binjai Rendah, Marang, Terengganu. This programme was organized by association of Fakulti Sains Kesihatan (FASKES) with support from all clubs under FASKES such as UniSZA Physiotherapy Club (UPC), Nutrition and Dietetics Student Association (NADSA), Medical Imaging and Radiography Student Association (MIRSA) and Diagnostic Student Association (DiagSA) and also support from the Medical Students Association of UniSZA (MediSZA). The objective of this programme was to get engaged with the villagers and students of nearby institutions as well as to promote our university.
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Few activities were planned to take place on this day, namely aerobics exercises in the morning handled by members of UPC, health talk on medications by the Dean of Health Science Faculty, health and medical check-ups, blood donation drive in collaboration with Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ), colouring contest for the kids, and exhibition booth from invited organizations such as GIATMARA, National Cancer Council of Malaysia or Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA), and Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah (PKD) Marang. Participants ranged from adolescents, school students and villagers at the aforementioned area.
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The volunteers, me included, were given specific tasks to help with the programme and ensure the planned events run smoothly. Some of us were told to help with the health check-ups booth. Meanwhile, another few friends and I were given the responsibilities to handle Science Projects activity. Science Project was included as part of the programme for the attendees from nearby high schools. Students from Asrama Darul Falah, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Durian Guling and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Sawa were invited to take part in this particular activity. Approximately around
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75 students came to participate in this science project slot. We also assisted the organizer and exhibitors by escorting the students to each booth that was set to display and exhibit their respective information such as GIATMARA, cancer & mammography exhibition by MAKNA, Aedes related exhibition by PKD, and academic exhibition from Faculty of Health Science and UniSZA ourselves.
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For Science Projects, there were three different experiments proposed for the slot which were the water rocket project, the volcano project and “spamallow” project. As the name suggests; water rocket, the students involved need to build a mini rocket & manipulate the usage of water pressure to launch their rocket. In addition to building a rocket using a water bottle and few other materials, a parachute needed to be installed as well. In the volcano project, the participants need to build a volcano using clay, newspapers, and few substances to imitate the volcano eruption in their mini volcano. “Spamallow”, was the name of the project I chose to handle with another 2 friends. This project was named so due to the combination of the word spaghetti and marshmallow. The students need to use these two materials to build the highest and most stable building in designated time. They were given 50 spaghetti sticks and 20 marshmallow pieces with no additional spaghetti and marshmallow allowed. Time limit was set to around 30 minutes.
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Seeing those keen students getting immersed in the science projects definitely gave me an indescribable feeling where I felt both happy and blessed to be able to be part of their exciting experience, even just for a short while. As they progressed through the time given; elaborating and applying ideas to build their tower/building, we (the facilitators) helped by giving them science related tips on how stability in building works. I am sure this happened in the other two projects as well. Sharing even a tiny bit of knowledge with the students sure makes me feel I have spent my Saturday well, even it was a little bit exhausting since the weather was scorching hot at that time.
The end products of all three science projects were judged and given marks. Winners were given present to reward for their hard works in doing their best in the projects besides inspiring them to work harder in the future, and also as a token of appreciation for fulfilling the invitation to get involved with this community project. Apart from getting prizes, I hope the students were able to grab useful knowledge and experience through their participation in the science project.
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Working as a volunteer at events like this is rare for me which makes me appreciate this opportunity more. I have always dreamt of becoming a facilitator at an academic event or camp, albeit helping with science project might not be the same as being a facilitator but it did give me an insight and encouraged me to explore such opportunities in the future.
Till then, Sarah.
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projectradiance21 · 6 years
Ummulwaqiah Maisarah - Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti
Volunteer report by Sarah
This year, I had the chance to join PDK Gong Badak’s 2017 Eid Celebration. PDK stands for Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti which serves as a school or training place for Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) residing in Gong Badak area or of nearby place. Each year, they would organize few activities for the trainers, which one of them is the Eid Celebration.
As how Eid celebration is celebrated elsewhere, preparation must be made. I went there earlier than the event time because I wanted to help with the preparation. As I reached there, there were some other people who have arrived, be it parents of the trainers of the school or the trainers themselves. I must say, even though I have been there quite a few times before this, every time is a new day and every visit gives me a brand new experience. The reason why I was also invited was because my younger sister is one of the trainers. Mingling with special kids is an opportunity for us, non-OKU people, to appreciate our normality and for us to reflect on how much have we used our potential to help and serve others. Moreover, some parents of the trainers also attended the celebration event. This way, personal experiences and stories could be informally exchanged and this is how we learn something new about how to handle OKU with special need and attention.
Despite being an OKU, some kids actually could do the work and help with the event’s preparation. They managed to follow orders and work accordingly. A girl was helping out at the kitchen, slicing the lemang using knife, with the guide of her teacher. Even though she was a bit slow, but she got the job done. After all, that is what that matters, isn’t it? I helped with the food arrangement and helped out some kids to get their food. Some were able to take care of themselves so all I had to do was to watch out for them, if any difficulties ever arise.
The event took place at the PDK itself, housing for around 50 guests including VIPs, teachers, trainers and parents. It was short but a sweet celebration. The chairman of the PDK first delivered his speech which was followed by the speech of officer from Terengganu’s branch of Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. The event proceeded with “duit raya & goodies” giving ceremony to the trainers. Wide smiles were on their faces as they felt appreciated by their teachers. Meanwhile, everyone was allowed to eat, even before the speech giving ceremony started. Special kids won’t have to wait before filling up their stomach, after all the event was for them.
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I felt that I was lucky to have given the opportunity to join and be part of the event held by PDK organisation for their PDK community, and to join in the activities planned, including this one. Despite my contribution might not be as big, it was nevertheless an accomplishment to have been there to observe and serve to the people in my community in any way I could.
In the future, I look forward to volunteering in more activities and be part of community service, not only for OKU people but also for those who are underprivileged, in any aspects. Small or big, a contribution is still a contribution and as we spend time to serve the community, I believe every moment spent is worth it.
Till then, Sarah.
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
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Ummulwaqiah Maisarah binti Mohd Khairudin was born in Sungai Petani, Kedah on September 3rd 1993 and is the eldest sister to four younger siblings. She is currently staying in Kuala Nerus, Terengganu.
She received her primary education in SK Tok Jiring, and received her secondary education in SMKA Tok Jiring, now known as SMKA Dato’ Haji Abbas. After finishing her secondary school, she went to Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), to study Foundation in Science. Primarily, she had chosen to get a medical degree from Perdana University, Serdang but had dropped out in January 2016. She opted for a degree under health science field at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) because of her past of studying in medical school. She is currently in her first year of studying in Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Hons). In her leisure time, she enjoys playing games, reading & doodling. Occasionally, she sews & blogs.
She aspires to see the world changes for the better by turning less judgmental about others and be more open-minded. She also wants to see her country, Malaysia, to become a great developed country and for Malaysia to have a society that is nice and kind to each other.
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
Meet the new Radiance21 Scholarship recipient
From our 2nd round of Radiance21 Scholarship application, we are proud to say that the RM6,200 scholarship that was originally for Farah Syamila will be given to Ummulwaqiah Maisarah, a Medical Imaging student at UniSZA.
A short introduction from Sarah will be uploaded soon!
Thank you to everyone who applied, and congratulations to Sarah for being awarded the scholarship!
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
Completing the #Radiance21 Application.
Here’s a step-by-step guide, complete with an example and some tips, to how to complete the #Radiance21 scholarship.
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Getting started: Create an account & access the application.
Log in and create an account at SkolaFund if you haven’t done so. You can go to the scholarship page and click Apply.
Note: Make sure you read all the basic information about the scholarship and the eligibility criteria before submitting an application.
Also, be sure you read these two posts as well about the Frequently Asked Questions and some Tips to Make Your Application Stand Out. 
Page 1: About You
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Fill up the necessary information. Upload a clear and professional picture of yourself (no selfie like your Facebook/Instagram picture, etc). 
For your brief background section, just briefly introduce who you are, and a little bit about yourself (what you dream of, what you plan to do, what your hopes are, what you’re studying, what you’re passionate about, etc).
And please, be concise in your brief background. It is supposed to be short, just give us a general idea about who you are as a person before we read the rest of your application.
Note: Be mindful of how you fill up the form and everything else in the application. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in filling out your application, it makes it hard for us to read and understand your answers. Use proper capitalization and punctuation (i.e. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence, etc)
Page 2: Current Institution
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Even though this scholarship is limited to students from UniSZA, please do write out the full, proper name for the university in the space above.
Write down the name of your program, and, if you want, the type of program (i.e. Diploma, Degree, with Honors, etc).
For Current/Latest CGPA, please note that it is asking for your cumulative GPA, so it is not the GPA for the previous semester only, but includes all the semesters that you have taken so far.
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Upload all the required materials, and make sure they are legible. It is better to screenshot a page on your laptop/computer than taking a picture of your laptop screen using your phone. We need to be able to see the documents that you uploaded. If we think that the documents are not legible enough for us, we will email to and request that you send another copy of the documents.
Pre-University grade refers to the results from your pre-university program (foundation/asasi, STPM, Matrikulasi, Diploma, etc). If you are currently doing Diploma, you can upload either your SPM certificate or your current diploma results.
For the fee statement, you can either screenshot a picture of your student accounts page, or screenshot your admissions letter with the total fees for each semester (tuition & any other related academic fees). Do note that the Radiance21 scholarship is only for tuition fees and other academic fees, and NOT for personal expenses (food, house rent, etc).
Page 3: Household income
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Please list down your household income (from both parents) and upload any necessary payslip (any one from the last six months is acceptable). If your parents have no income, please attach a letter / statement from your Ketua Kampung / other authorities to prove it.
And please do not include yourself or your siblings, especially if they are still students. This section is only for your parents and their incomes. You do not have to list down your siblings’ income.
Page 4: The Interview
This is the most important part of the application, so read carefully!
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Please answer the two required statements truthfully and on your own. This means, NO PLAGIARIZING your answers by copy-pasting from other sites. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and if we find that you have plagiarized your answers, we will not consider it. Remember, plagiarism in an academic setting (in class, for an assignment / examination / project) can lead to a failing grade or expulsion / suspension from the university, so you must never do it.
Note that the sample above is merely a sample, and there is��no right answers. We want to know more about who you are, and what’s important to you, so be honest with us. We are not looking for perfect English, or perfect grammar, but we are looking for honest answers about what you are passionate about and what is important to you.
As I mentioned before, be mindful of your CAPITALIZATION and punctuation. Do NOT write in all CAPITAL LETTERS - seriously, don’t.
And you CAN answer in Malay if you want to!
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Please be mindful of your formatting (i.e. if you copy-paste from a Word document, etc), as it can be messed up by the application. 
Also, remember that aspiration is NOT inspiration, these are two separate words with different meanings!
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And please answer all additional questions, even if it is not required. It shows that you take the effort to complete the application to the best of your ability.
Page 5: Referrals
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Please list down two, non-relative referrals. This means that you cannot and should not list down ANY family members as referrals (this include parents, siblings, aunts or uncles, distant relatives, etc), even if they work as a professor or if you worked/interned at their companies. 
Please list down your professors, lecturers, teachers, volunteer coordinators, supervisors, or any other professional referrals that can speak to your character and abilities. Also, ensure that you have their permission to list them down as a referral, as we will be reaching out to them. If possible, please list down their email address (work/university email address preferred) as well.
Final step: Submit Application
Once everything is completed, be sure to click the submit button to submit your application! We need your submitted application by February 15th, 2017.
If you have any other questions, email us at [email protected] 
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
Tips for #Radiance21 Scholarship for UniSZA students.
Hello people!
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For more information on the scholarship & to apply, please visit SkolaFund’s website. Deadline to apply is February 15th, 2017.
To help you in your application, here are some tips that you can use to distinguish yourself from the other applications:
1) Complete all the questions thoroughly
Don’t just answer in one or two short sentence(s), but instead, elaborate on them. We want to know who you are and why you are special, so you need to help us learn about you. Elaborate on your points clearly.
2) Be honest.
Please, please, please do not plagiarize your answers. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to a failing grade or expulsion from a university, and we do not tolerate plagiarism.
3) Be organized.
Upload all the documents needed and ensure that they are all clear and readable. Rotate them if necessary (if not, I’ll have to read them with my head turned sideways).
4) Check for spelling or grammar errors.
While we are not expecting you to have perfect grammar/spelling, at least go through your application and have someone proof-read it for you. Check for minor spelling errors or grammar mistakes. Make sure your formatting is neat (only use one . instead of ... at the end of a sentence, capitalization, paragraphing, etc). Be formal, this is an official, formal scholarship application, so treat it like a job application. First impression counts, we want to see your professionalism.
5) Getting ready for interviews.
Yes, selected applicants will be invited for an interview. This will be done through Skype/Google Hangouts, so ensure that you have a Skype or Google account that we can use to have the interview. Prepare well for the interview, take the effort to learn about us and what we believe in. Be curious about our team.
6) Be passionate.
This is not free money. When we choose an applicant to be awarded the Radiance21 scholarship, we expect things from the applicant - participation in community service, Projek Inspirasi, etc. We expect you to be able to give back to society. We expect you to have a passion for something, and we expect you to be able to show us and prove to us your passion and dedication.
7) Take initiative.
We (the Radiance21 scholarship team) are a family, and we want to help you achieve your goals. But we cannot do that if you don’t take the initiatives to get there on your own. Email us, show your effort, connect with us. Building a network can help you in the long run.
8) Be yourself.
Don’t worry too much about trying so hard to please us that you resort to copy-pasting from other sources in your attempts to be “unique” or “excellent”. Just stay true to yourself, and be honest. If you can’t write well in English, answer the questions in Malay, we will accept that. We are not looking for extraordinary people with huge ambitious goals to change the world, but we are looking for ordinary, passionate people with the dedication and commitment to change the world, one small step at a time, starting with themselves.
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
FAQ for #Radiance21 for UniSZA students
Assalamualaikum, and hello,
Alhamdulillah, after a little over a week of opening the application for #Radiance21 Scholarship for UniSZA students, we have received good feedback from UniSZA students. At this moment, we have around 390 or so applications that have been started, and 12 students have already submitted their applications. But don’t worry if you are still in the process of filling out your application, as the deadline to submit your application is February 15th, so you have time to complete it!
In this post, I want to highlight some questions about the scholarship to help you get through the application.
1. Can I apply?
As long as you are a student at UniSZA, you’re automatically eligible to apply. Our only requirement is that we prefer to see students with a current cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. Note, this is referring to your cumulative GPA, not your GPA for the latest semester.
2. What if my cumulative GPA is lower than a 2.8?
You can still apply for the scholarship and we will consider it on a case-by-case basis. But you will also need to send an email to us to explain why it is lower than 2.8 and why you deserve to get the scholarship over the other applicants with higher GPA. You can email us the explanation at [email protected] 
3. My parent(s) is/are retired / own(s) her/his/their own business, how do I say this in the income part?
You will need to get an official letter (from ketua kampung, ketua daerah, etc) that states how your parent(s) is/are retired / working on their own.
4. Do I have to submit payslips of my brothers/sisters who are working?
No, you don’t have to.
5. Who should I put as my referees / recommenders?
Please include contact information (email address preferably!) of at least TWO referees, who can either be your faculty members, your lecturers/professors, your past/current employers (if you are working), your supervisor, your volunteer coordinator, etc.
Please note that family members are not accepted as refereers, and we will ask you to list other non-relative referees.
Also make sure that you ask permission from your referees, and tell them that you will be listing them down as your referee.
6. Do I have to answer the statements in English?
No, you do not. Feel free to answer the statements in Malay or English, whichever is easier for you.
7. How long should my answers be?
We prefer it if you can answer the statement questions (Why are you in need of a scholarship and the Change one thing in the world) between 100-200 words. That being said, if you wrote shorter or longer answers, we are not going to disqualify you.
8. What do you mean by “What are my aspirations?”
Aspiration refers to your hopes and dreams, so we want to know about what you want to achieve in your life.
Please note that Aspiration is not the same as Inspiration.
9. How far back should I list down my extracurricular activities?
You can go ahead and list down as many of your extracurricular activities as you want. We do, however, prefer that you keep it to the ones you participated in after SPM (but if you are a new diploma student, you can list down things you did in school!).
10. What if I have additional question?
Please email us at [email protected] and we can answer your questions.
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projectradiance21 · 7 years
#Radiance21 Scholarship for UniSZA students
The application for the Radiance21 scholarship for UniSZA students is now open.
1) UniSZA students 2) Open to students from all programs and in any year. 3) Minimum CGPA of 2.8
Students, even those with other scholarships or funding, may still apply to be considered, however, priority will be given to those who come from less-privileged family. 
For more information, please visit http://radiance21.skolafund.com 
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projectradiance21 · 8 years
Farah Syamila - Toys From Us, Charity Convoy Program to Pattani 2.0
Volunteer report by Farah Syamila.
For the last few years, many crisis and conflicts have hit Thailand, leaving the kids there to not only feeling beaten and battered, but it also affected their physical and psychological state. Some of the kids lost their families right in front of their eyes due to terrorism occurred in Thailand hence making them to grow into depression and they were not having the same normal life like the kids in our country. Having said this, the UNESCO Club has organized an event as part of our corporate social responsibility program, known as “Toys’ From Us”. 
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The purpose of the event was to bring back the happiness for the kids by giving them some toys and spending some time to listen to them. Therefore, as part of our own initiative, my faculty has collected many toys from around the world including United Kingdom together with the help of the volunteers. This was to show to them that there were still some people who cares and wanted to be part of them. Since the first day of toys collection, we received various support from everyone including the outsiders, as well as NGOs.
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The program took part in the hall of a university in Pattani, namely University Fatoni. As one of the volunteers, I was assigned to the module of Teaching for Trainers where I helped the kids from the age of four until twelve to learn Mathematics, and English by doing many activities according to their level, like coloring and alert game. It was held on 19th February until 21st February, following by two buses, few vans, and 70 motorbikes from the Superbike Society all around Malaysia. It was also one of the program supported by the Ministry of Higher Education as it was held once in a two year.
The tentative includes visiting an orphanage house, giving back time with the people living around the university, as well as having cultural exchange. There were also free medical checkup available for the villagers organized by the faculty of medicine from UniSZA.
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I was also honored to have the chance to represent the volunteers in giving away the toys to the kids.
Not just that, I got to meet a well-known person in Pattani, for an up-close and personal with the famous sheikh there, who was also the Vice Chancellor of Fatoni University.
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I was totally speechless when I received countless appreciation speech by the parents or the people around for distributing the toys to their kids. They were so overwhelmed to know that someone else love their kids as much as they did, and even though I was smiling on the outside, my heart cried blood when the kids came to me just to say thank you.
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It is true, that we could just be ourselves and made a difference in someone’s life. Pattani, I will definitely come back someday, insyaAllah.
Till then, Farah Syamila Mohamad Nor
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projectradiance21 · 8 years
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(from left: Husni Mubarak, Syaza Nazura, Nadia Malyanah, Farah Syamila)
I recently met up with two of our #Radiance21 scholarship recipients, Farah Syamila and Husni Mubarak, for iftar. Nur Amrina was supposed to join us, but unfortunately something came up at her campus that she couldn’t make it. It was a nice and short meet up and allowed us to get to know each other a little better. I’m definitely looking forward to meet them again in the future :)
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