#sjhfjgf spelling that word is a nightmare even for me
battletendency · 4 years
4 (another one xD), 5, 10 (about greek language!!!), 15
04. Share one random fact about yourself.
I have to admit that I am 100% a meat person, I absolutely love meat. Probably because here in Greece we have many traditional dishes which involve meat and for that I reason I came to love it from a really young age. 
05. Have you ever traveled out of your home country? If so, where?
oh yes!! I visited the UK this December, London to be specific. It was a wonderful experience and it made me even more eager to do my master degree there. 
10. Tell the weirdest, most random fact you know.
I chose my favourite fact about the greek language just for you! uvu
The longest greek word is from an Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote; lopado-temacho-selacho-galeo-kranio-leipsano-drim-hupotrimmatosilphio-karabo-melito-katakechumeno-kichl-epikossuphophatto-peristeralektruon-opto-kephallio-kigklo-peleio-lagoio-siraio-baphe-traganopterugon, which means; a dish compounded of all kinds of dainties, fish, fowl and sauce. 
oh my god I just noticed that I forgot 15 I’m so sorry wjehgfwh I’m blind and I’m wearing my glasses why am I like this 
15. Describe what the opposite of your ideal partner would be.
Neglectful, mean and cold. Unfaithful and dishonest. 
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