#sims 4 rags to werewolves
Rags to Werewolves Challenge: Week Two
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(Belatedly I realised that I should have Scienced and stuff for this. A running total of earnings + expenditures would have been nice, buuut it's too late now. Oh well. I'll just have to do three werewolves instead of two. Woe is them me.)
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This was not the Wildfangs saying "you can't sit with us," but some sort of game mechanic.
For some reason the option to join a pack isn't coming up, even though Min Jun has unlocked all the abilities required and his friendship levels with both Alphas is decent. I'm not too worried as membership's not necessary for this save - basically it would have given him access to their facilities (which have no more perks than what's available in the werewolf bunker) but more Stuff to do in terms of fulfilling pack obligations etc, so it's no big. But I hope this isn't a bug for saves to come.
Day Nine and after visiting both packs, Min Jun spent the day busking. Apart from saving himself trips to the shower through wolf baths and needing less time to sleep than a regular Sim with wolf naps, not much different there.
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Day Ten was moar busking, and a trip to Henford-on-Bagley where - since he has vertical planters that can go indoors now - Min Jun spent some hard earned Simoleons on tomatoes and other vegetables that he'd grow and consume year-round. Since a downside of the FREEGAN trait is he gets an EMBARRASSED moodlet anytime he doesn't save some money on something, and tomatoes in particular will reduce the cost of garden salads, it's a worthwhile investment.
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Also since I was trying to level him up enough to unlock the SOMBER HOWL ability, he spent some time grooving in beast form. It could just be in my head buuut I feel like people reacting negatively to werewolves has amped up since the update. Either way, Mila Munch seemed to be digging it.
(Since he had the whim to order a drink and it was Happy Hour, this was also where he enjoyed a well-deserved root beer float.)
Day Eleven dawned and well. Vlad, I really think you should reconsider this. For your sake, this time.
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Yeah, vampires hate drinking werewolf blood and get the ENRAGED moodlet whenever they do (even Amelie did in my Alphabet save and she and Lou are engaged plus have made a Nooboo together). Also Min Jun is by now a PRIME werewolf and Vlad has yet to win a fight in any of my saves. Even mere mortal Cameron Fletcher wiped the floor with him.
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We stayed local for Day Eleven to fish and forage, with some games of chess to boost his social needs giving him a nice focus boost. Also that night Vlad came by, as promised, but elected to sink his teeth into some literature instead.
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Much more satisfying than werewolf blood.
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Day Twelve was busking money before the Full. Since it was the middle of the day, he didn't do well. Plus Brytani Cho showed up to hype up absolutely nothing and Sims seem to get too distracted with celebrities nearby to tip much.
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This picture cracks me up because Min Jun and Celene are clearly just chatting and trying to act like everything's normal. Just let this happy person on a strange mission do her thing, guys xD
Once he went back into the bunker to make sure his needs were well-met (werewolves will actually regain some needs while transformed during the Full, but having everything in the green may help avoid earning some of the more annoying traits), Grimtooth was popping, but not as much as normal. Most seemed to - wisely - be staying away for the night.
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He was happy to provide some mood music for Angela Pleasant and Lou Howell though. (Also Lou, don't think you're off the hook for these experiments...)
At one point I noticed that both Lou and Wolfgang Wilder (orange sweater) had peaced out, and sure enough Min Jun's Fury was rising. We therefore teleported elsewhere.
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Again he regained control pretty quickly. He didn't earn any traits, possibly because he hasn't levelled up enough, but had enough XP to unlock SOMBER HOWL.
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After the failure of trying to make Simoleons at the San Sequoia Celebration Centre (again, Brytani showed up and was too much of a distraction), Day Thirteen was moar busking outside the Gnome's Arms. Either Henford-on-Bagley isn't on the map enough to attract C Listers or they're too terrified of Agnes Crumblebottom and her swinging purse to show.
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Day Fourteen and by now Min Jun had enough money to start the makings of his tiny home. Since I'll be doing a few of these, I'm going by Runaway Teen challenge success guidelines and deeming it complete when he has a functional bathroom, bedroom and kitchen (rather than the multi-story family home traditionally required). He made enough money fishing and foraging to afford a toilet, although considering how often werewolves break appliances, he's mostly using the party bush outside.
I... probably haven't done enough wolfish things with Min Jun to judge how doing this as an occult is different to normal. Also I've avoided doing things that would clearly break the challenge - ie. some of what he's found while scavenging are worth well over 1k. At this rate I estimate that his home will be complete by the end of Week Three/Day Twenty-One, and from there it will be onto the next victim.
As it stands, he needs to make his house large enough to hold a bed that isn't his sleeping bag and has about 400 Simoleons.
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florwal · 2 months
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gone fishin’
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janeelakai-simblr · 2 years
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Prowler’s Scrap Yard - CC Free 
Prowler's Scrap Yard used to be home to one of Moonwood Mill's local residents, Percy Prowler. But Mr Prowler has since passed, and with no one to take on his family business, the Scrap Yard has been left to the elements. The main building has now been condemned due to safety concerns and the yard has become overgrown, making it the perfect place for wanderers and drifters wanting to keep a low profile.
1 Bedroom, 0 Bathroom
Prowler’s Patch - 30x30 Lot
Origin ID - janeelakai  
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nizaberry · 2 years
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Cloud Gazing
Elodie taking in that fresh forest air and soaking up some sun. She was free to enjoy her new life!
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normalizeugly · 2 years
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Mooncaster Bus.
A colourful little micro home, made up of Junk
perfect for any Occult Hybrid 
cc free // Available Now on the gallery
Origin ID : frankfontaine86.
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fireflymoonwitch · 2 years
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...But before she completed her final trial, she encountered a second pack with a very different philosophy...
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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pov: you and your sibling get bit by a werewolf and now you live in who-fucking-cares with this guy
character intro post
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asixteenthrose · 2 years
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Taking the cure & Becoming Alpha! (finale)
Today is the day, Fern takes the cure, Aspen becomes the Alpha of the Wildfangs and the twins both finally find the loves of their lives!!
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bthirstypretzel · 10 months
Wolfpack || Rags to Alpha || Finale🐺
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think-sims-yt · 1 year
Rags to Riches Lookbook
Hi Simians, let me introduce you to Blake Williams (she/her).
Teen Blake is my new Rags to Riches Sim, who is trying to get by with no money in a run-down apartment in San Myshuno.
She needs to cope with High School too!!! To keep her company, Clumsy & Creative Blake has a new Kitten called Socks.
… How will you continue their story? ...
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[ D O W N L O A D ]   
You can download Blakefrom the Gallery  and now on Curseforge
If you prefer, the tray files are available from Sims File Share
Please check out my YouTube Channel - For Lookbooks & Stop Motion Speed Builds.
Please subscribe and follow me on Instagram & Tumblr too!!
Take care of yourself
Sally 💋
….Read More…
[ P A C K S   U S E D ]
Expansion Packs:
Cats & Dogs
Eco Lifestyle
High School Years
Game Packs:
Kit Packs:
Grunge Revival
[ F A V O U R I T E   M O D S  &  C U S T O M   C O N T E N T ]
Better Build Buy and T.O.O.L by TwistedMexi https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/better-buildbuy-organized-debug
Season Tuner by Carls Sim Guide - https://www.patreon.com/posts/60164381
CAS Background – Sonya Sims - https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=643480
No Fade by Mizore_Yuki - https://www.patreon.com/posts/mod-no-fade-on-30416620
OMSP Shelf by Amoebae - https://www.patreon.com/posts/41856381
Eyelashes – Kijiko * - https://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/
Make-up – Urban Sims * http://www.xurbansimsx.com/p/downloads_9.html
Chroma Eyes – Golyhawhaw * - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/chroma-eyes
All the Outfits are CC Free and only use items from the EA Packs – The Sims, however, may include the *CC above.
[ P O S E S ]
Katverse- https://katverse.com/category/custom-content/poses/
Cassandra Grussel - https://www.patreon.com/CassandraGrusel
Simmer Berlin - https://simmerberlin.tumblr.com/
Spirirock - https://spirirock.tumblr.com/
Sakuraleon - https://j-e-n-n-e-h.tumblr.com/
Jupo45 - https://juupo45.tumblr.com/
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melsie-sims · 1 year
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The Sims 4 Occult Sanctuary Challenge, created by @melsie-sims​
Occult sims have been outlawed by Sim Nation.
Forgotten Hollow, the Magical Realm and Moonwood Mill are no longer safe following a series of attacks by humans. Hundreds of innocent — and not so innocent — sims have been forced to flee their homes with barely more than the clothes on their backs.
With nowhere to go, three unlikely allies have decided to build a safe haven deep in the mountains.
I’m very excited to share the challenge that I’ve been developing over the last few weeks. It’s a mixture of a legacy challenge, a super sim challenge and a rags to riches, all involving occult sims.
I won’t ramble for too long. If you’d like to play along you can find a doc with all of the rules I’ll be using. You can also download an empty version of the spreadsheet that I’ve created specifically for this challenge.
Challenge Goals
Starting with 3 sims and 0 simoleons on an empty 64x64 lot, you must build a sanctuary for occults, where spellcasters, vampires and werewolves alike can feel welcomed. You’ve completed the challenge when you:
Have a sanctuary on a 64x64 lot that’s worth at least 300,000 simoleons.
Have at least 8 spellcasters, 8 vampires and 8 werewolves living on the lot at one time.
Have a spellcaster complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration.
Have another spellcaster complete the Purveyor of Potions aspiration.
Have a vampire complete the Vampire Family aspiration.
Have a werewolf complete the Leader of the Pack aspiration. All 8 club members must be werewolves.
There are a few more rules to the challenge but I want to keep this post as brief as possible so I’ll refrain from going into too many details. Please check out the document linked above if you’re interested.
Occult Mods I’m Using
This list is subject to change at any time.
Potion Rework by Kuttoe
Vampire Bloodlines and Werewolf Bloodlines by Baniduhaine
Most occult-related mods by LittleMsSam
Cauldron Herbalism by IceMunMun
Outdoor Retreat Insect Spawners Unlocked by MenaceMan44 
Spellbook Injector V2 by Simsonian Library (R3M)
Classic RPG Spells by Simsonian Library
Wolves Attack and Kill Sims and Vampires Can Kill by Zero
Happy simming!
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Rags to Werewolves Challenge: Week One
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I compromised on the 'zero skills' thing that I absolutely hate for Young Adults by giving Min Jun low-moderate skills in CHARISMA, COOKING, FITNESS and PARENTING - basically skills that won't help him make money (so no singing or instrumental skills) - and added some reward traits from the Parenthood pack. Only you can't add them to adults, even with cheats, so I made him a teenager for a hot minute then aged him up.
So what he started with was some leftover birthday cake, a guitar and a knitting basket (both of which he has zero skill in), a few camping supplies and Zero Simoleons in his pocket.
(For the curious, my headcanon for this Sim is that he comes from a moderately well-off family, had a happy homelife but with high expectations. So when he found himself pickpocketed on a globetrotting holiday, he knew that his parents would help him out but was too embarrassed/proud to clue them in about his Simoleon-challenged state. Plus life always seems to work out, right?)
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Since he needs to become a werewolf eventually, he started Day Two by trying to befriend Kristopher. Which worked pretty well, thanks to Min Jun's POLITE INTRODUCTION interaction and general good nature.
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Later he went fishing. Less successful.
The next day Kristopher was nowhere to be found (likely off making one of the Nooboos he always seems to end up with in my saves), so Min Jun bonded with Lily via stargazing.
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Day Four and Min Jun had a high enough level of friendship to ask Lily for the CURSED BITE (not all Werewolves have this unlocked but she does). Which she did.
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In spite of how it looks, we did ask for this xD Also I'm loving Kristopher's resigned face in the foreground at the thought of having to take yet another clueless pup beneath his foreleg.
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(Bonus little moodlet that your Sim gets if they actually explicitly ask to be bitten, as opposed to 'Greg's Gift' which is vague.)
Since pre-transformation hunger is nothing to be sniffed at and Min Jun would need to constantly eat until it was time, he wisely stuck around the Collective Cabin. And the Mac 'n Cheese Lily had thoughtfully made. And the fridge with its unlimited supply of snacks.
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You asked to be bitten, my guy, and now you're getting the TENSE moodlet? Because you're around werewolves who are kindly letting you stay in their house while you ride out your first transformation? Rudeness!
The morning of Day Five (and about 20,000 Mac 'n Cheese later), it happened.
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Since I unlocked the SCAVENGER reward trait asap (spend that one point you get initially on it, I beg you), Min Jun was able to pass his furry times by digging up the ground behind the cabin, avoiding scaring any non werewolves - and thus being able to unlock the TRANSFORM AT WILL ability. This is an important skill to prioritise unlocking early on as you will need to demonstrate it in order to join either pack.
Day Six was the Full. By then Min Jun had levelled up to RUNT and had been able to unlock the WILL TO RESIST skill, which allows him the opportunity to snap out of any rampaging (it has a short cool down period, but is useful nonetheless).
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Surprisingly it worked on the first try (the only factor I can think of that may have aided this is that Min Jun has the CHEERFUL trait, and his needs were all met beforehand) and so he spent the rest of the night working on his singing skills atop a mountain like some kind of Disney prince.
On Day Seven he moved to Willow Creek and actually had enough Simoleons (thanks to busking and selling the produce he had gathered) so not much eventful happened.
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And this is where he stands on Day Eight, the Sunday after we commenced this challenge. A 5x3 room, smol tv (thanks Eco Living hidden items), a sink, a cooler for quick snacks, a sleeping bag, two vertical garden planters and three regular plants for the produce he'd accumulated.
In terms of the whole werewolf thing? Well it definitely helped, although I was very very fortunate that the only trait Min Jun has unlocked is the EASILY EXCITABLE one (which is only a factor now that he has a TV). Being a werewolf he is able to gather and sell the plants growing near the Collective HQ, even without being part of a pack. He can sell items that he finds while scavenging. And he used the hidden bunker facilities once or twice, but not as much as I had anticipated.
Most useful skills that he's unlocked are WOLF NAP (seems to regenerate full energy at least 2x faster as opposed to regular sleeping and can nap anywhere) and the ability to lick himself clean. Scavenging is also helpful but as the FREEGAN trait gives him better luck in dumpsters, he uses it more to keep himself away from non-werewolves during the Full.
He is now at the PRIME level of Werewolf, early stages.
(Edit: I forgot that he's also unlocked the PRIDEFUL trait. Which again is one of the easier traits to work with, especially since Min Jun seems to be universally liked xD)
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jasminesilk · 2 years
Ultimate Occult Challenge for the Sims 4
An original Simblreen inspired challenge, written and revised by @matchacake!
This challenge will take one sim through the three major occult types in the Sims 4: Vampires, Spellcasters, and Werewolves. Choose from three different flavors of treats and become the Ultimate Occult sim of your wildest nightmares dreams!
Disclaimer: This challenge has three different playthrough options - Sweet, Spicy, and Sour. While it is not a legacy challenge (you will be focusing on just your main sim), you can absolutely attempt all three flavors by continuing the legacy with your main sim's offspring if you so please. xo
- rules and more info below the cut! -
Challenge Objectives:
Your sim will become a vampire, spellcaster, and werewolf in this challenge - the order of which is entirely up to you!
The main goal is to complete all three aspirations for whichever playthrough you choose to do.
In some instances, you will have a choice between two different aspirations for an occult type - pick whichever you think suits your sim's story best.
Master all skills listed under your desired playthrough.
Have at least one child through each occult life state. That means one vampire, one spellcaster, and one werewolf child.
Once you have completed each occult life state's aspiration, marry your one true love! They can be whatever type of sim you like.
Change up your sim's style with each different occult type for some extra fun!
Playthrough Options:
🍭 Sweet: Good Playthrough You are kind-hearted and have a whimsical soul. Since you were just a child you have dreamt of a life filled with magic and fantasy, wishing only to make the world a better, more peaceful place. With lots of research and a bit of luck you discover the existence of occults! How marvelous! You dedicate the rest of your life to finding which of these supernatural abilities will help you become your version of the Ultimate Occult.
Traits: Good, Cheerful, and one trait of your choice!
Aspirations: Good Vampire, Purveyor of Potions, and Cure Seeker OR Emissary of the Collective.
Skills: Vampire Lore, Mixology, and Gardening.
🔥 Spicy: Evil Playthrough You are cold-hearted and have a malevolent soul. Filled with anger and rage since you were young, you have longed to find a way to exact revenge on any and all you see fit. Countless hours researching at the library (and at seedy nightclubs) have brought you to the realization that occults do, in fact, exist among us. You dedicate the rest of your life to finding which of these supernatural abilities will help you become your version of the Ultimate Occult.
Traits: Evil, Hot-Headed, and one trait of your choice!
Aspirations: Master Vampire, Spellcraft & Sorcery, and Lone Wolf.
Skills: Vampire Lore, Charisma, and Logic.
🍋 Sour: Neutral Playthrough You are mild-hearted and have a rambunctious soul. For you, life has always been about having fun with your friends and caring little about the consequences. You're here for a good time, not a long time! Or so you thought - until a chance encounter with an occult sim changes the trajectory of your life forever. You spend the rest of your life bouncing from one supernatural community to another living your best life as your version of the Ultimate Occult.
Traits: Any three traits of your choosing!
Aspirations: Vampire Family, Spellcraft & Sorcery OR Purveyor of Potions, and Wildfang Renegade.
Skills: Vampire Lore, Mischief, and Fitness.
Getting Started:
Create your Ultimate Occult sim as a Young Adult mortal in CAS. They must become their first occult type through gameplay!
Move into any lot of your choice. Free real estate cheat is allowed and encouraged as this challenge is more focused on gameplay and story, not the grind.
Household funds are entirely up to you. Did your sim recently inherit a mysterious mansion and subsequent fortune? Are they more of a Rags to Riches type of character? Get creative and play accordingly but beware - once you hit that play button you are not allowed to alter their household funds!
Your sim can have any job or career you like. I suggest picking one that will help you towards mastering your skills.
Challenge Rules to Follow:
Cheats are allowed, within reason. You may cheat money at the very beginning but refrain from doing so otherwise. Skills, aspirations, and satisfaction points must be completed through gameplay only!
The main goal is to complete an aspiration from each occult type so keep that in mind as you decide which path your sim will take. Will they start off as a vampire or werewolf? Will they settle on becoming a spellcaster instead? Perhaps the allure of eternal life is their end goal? Or maybe the occult life is not for them after all? Remember to stay true to your treat flavor of choice as you plan out their gameplay and storyline.
At no point are you allowed to permanently move another sim into your household UNTIL you are on your third and final occult type. They must be your sim's significant other.
HOWEVER, while you are playing through the first two occult life states you may move your sim's significant other into your household for baby-making purposes. (This is mainly so you can name your own baby if you are playing with a sim that cannot get pregnant themself).
Once the baby is born and aged up into a toddler the significant other must be moved out. When splitting the household, be sure to give back all (or at least the majority) of the money they brought in when they initially moved in!
Be careful when moving certain occult sims into your household, especially Sages. They will lose their Sage status if you do so, and the game will generate a random NPC to take their place. (There are cheats and mods to work around this, which you may use!)
Take advantage of the Rewards Store! Any and all rewards are allowed for this challenge, including the Money Tree.
Pets are allowed.
Optional: Turn off aging for unplayed households. This is mainly to ensure special NPC sims (namely the Sages and some of the werewolves as vampires are immortal) do not age up and pass away while you're working on other occult life states. Adjust your Neighborhood Story settings accordingly.
Set lifespan to normal for your own household.
Aliens and Mermaids are not included in this challenge as they lack gameplay/aspirations. However, you are welcome to add them into your story at any point if you see fit.
ps. Use the hashtag #ultimateoccult so I can see your gameplay! Happy Simblreen!
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nizaberry · 2 years
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Rags 2 Riches: I’m a Werewolf! Episode 02
Which pack will Elodie Starberry choose: The Moonwood Collective or Wildfangs??
⭐ Watch it Now ⭐
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ladylussh · 11 months
New Rags to Riches, Single dad murder mystery.
If your looking for some sims 4 drama with lots of twists and turns go ahead and check out this new lets play series on my channel.
We follow the life of Fletcher beech newly single dad to Destiny Beech after his wife Brittany was murdered, by werewolves.
Ex Detective Fletcher is on a quest to find out why she was attacked in such a way, but the werewolves tried to attack him and Destiny so they ended up going into hiding in the woods with no money and starting over.
This series is recorded live on twitch every Wednesday and Friday https://www.twitch.tv/ladylussh
This has been editing to view on YouTube for an easier watch. part 1 and 2 has slight lag due to learning to work with twitch.
i hope you watch and enjoy the series and please feel free to share ideas as we progress.
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fireflymoonwitch · 2 years
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...Pain wracked her body as her bones snapped into new shapes. Blistering heat and unbearable itching overtook as hair thickened and pushed through her skin...
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