#sims 4 lepacy challenge
katmk36 · 2 months
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They spent some time with Dustin while they waited for the little girl they adopted arrive.
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miasimxo · 1 year
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It’s official, we have our heir! 🎉🎈🥳
Thanks to all who voted 💖 Say hello to gen 2 heir, Sahara Fox!
Abduction bby Thar had a birthday! My first reaction was WTF IS THAT, but he looked better after his makeover. He’s clumsy, goofball, lazy, and a geek. I really tried with this one guys
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verdita · 5 months
Desafio Legado Pop
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Bem-vindes ao desafio Legado Pop! Esse é um desafio de gerações baseado em personalidades do mundo pop. Se você curte a cultura pop e The sims, esse desafio é pra você! Antes de iniciar os detalhes de cada geração, vamos a algumas regras gerais.
Você poderá jogar se só tiver o jogo base;
O desafio é apenas baseado nas lendas do pop e não é 100% fiel à história dos personagens;
O seu sim não precisa ser o artista da geração nem ter o mesmo gênero, isso fica a seu critério. Apenas adapte as características;
Não é necessário chegar ao topo de todas as carreiras, a menos que seja expresso em regra na geração.
Desafios extras não são obrigatórios, mas tornam a gameplay mais interessante. Atenção: caso aceite o desafio extra no início da geração, o desafio deverá ser completado;
Todas as aspirações devem ser completadas;
O número de filhos fica à seu critério, a menos que seja expresso nas regras da geração;
Você pode usar cheats para construção das casas dos sims, mas o pagamento das contas deve vir do trabalho do seu sim;
Você pode usar mods para tornar a gameplay mais interessante;
Caso você não tenha todas as expansões, você pode ir adaptando sua gameplay mesclando com as regras do jogo base.
Expansões e DLC's necessárias para jogar a versão Deluxe:
Ao trabalho (opcional para um desafio extra)
Junte-se à galera
Vida na cidade
Rumo à fama
Vida Sustentável
Dia de Spa
Vida em Família
Vida no Ensino médio
Vamos ao que interessa?
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Esse desafio não poderia começar senão por ela, a Deusa do Pop! Cher foi uma das primeiras e mais significativas representantes da autonomia feminina em uma indústria, na época, dominada por homens. A diva lançou tendências, foi a única artista a ter alcançado o primeiro lugar na Billboard em seis décadas consecutivas. Além de lenda do pop, Cher é filantropa e ativista em causas sociais. A maior que temos!
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Gênio Musical
Traços: Vegetariana, segura de si, engajada
Entretenimento – ramif. musicista (deve chegar ao topo da carreira)
Regras: Ter máximo nas habilidades de carisma e canto, divorciar-se 2x, ter pelo menos 2 filhos, tornar-se um Astro mundial e escolher as vantagens de popularidade, iniciando com “fazendo contatos”.
Desafio Extra: Ter um namorado jovem adulto quando estiver na fase idosa.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Gênio Musical
Traços: Bondosa, segura de si, amante da música
Entretenimento – ramif. musicista (completar carreira)
Regras: Ter máximo nas habilidades de carisma e piano, divorciar-se 2x, ter pelo menos 2 filhos, coletar pelo menos 5 cartões postais.
Desafio Extra: Ter um namorado jovem adulto quando estiver na fase idosa.
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Essa geração celebra uma das lendas do mundo pop, Elton John! Dono da humilde marca de mais de trezentos milhões de discos vendidos, a lenda é um pianista divino, cantor, compositor e produtor britânico. [ele faz tudo, né mores?] Além de tudo isso, o kingo é pai de dois filhos gerados em “barriga de aluguel” e já disse que não vai deixar herança pra nenhum pra eles aprenderem o valor das coisas. Amou?
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Fabulosamente Rico
Traços: criativo, engajado, familiar
Carreira: Crítico – ramif. Arte
Regras: Habilidade máxima em piano e produção de mídia, ter óculos diferente em cada traje, criar um clube e convidar uma “celebridade de verdade” ou “astro mundial” (não vale o sim da geração anterior), ter atração afetiva por sims do mesmo gênero (não explorar afetivamente), casar-se ao ficar idoso com um sim adulto do mesmo gênero e ter 2 bebês de proveta, deixar apenas 10 mil simoleons pra cada filho ao morrer. Atenção: a próxima geração se mudará com apenas 10 mil simoleons.
Desafio Extra: Comprar o traço "mentor" na loja de recompensas.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Fabulosamente Rico
Traços: criativo, chegado, familiar
Carreira: Autônomo – escritor (dar preferência a trabalhos envolvendo arte e crítica)
Regras: Habilidade máxima em piano e escrita, ter óculos diferente em cada traje, ter atração afetiva por sims do mesmo gênero (não explorar afetivamente), casar-se ao ficar idoso com um sim adulto do mesmo gênero e ter 2 bebês de proveta, deixar apenas 10 mil simoleons pra cada filho ao morrer. Atenção: a próxima geração se mudará com apenas 10 mil simoleons.
Desafio Extra: Comprar o traço "mentor" na loja de recompensas.
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Não tinha como passar sem ela, né? Apenas a RAINHA do pop! A lista de realizações de Madonna é longa! Artista feminina mais bem sucedida de todos os tempos no Guiness Book, recorde de mais canções na liderança da Billboard, artista solo de maior bilheteria em turnês e a lista continua. Além de tudo isso, a lenda desafiou conservadores a vida toda e levantou a bandeira dos direitos LGBT+ quando isso era um completo absurdo. Obrigada, mãezinha! Enfim, rainha, né?
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Celebridade Mundialmente Famosa
Traços: Familiar, ambiciosa, cabeça quente
Carreira: Qualquer carreira do ramo artístico
Regras: Habilidades máximas em canto, dança e interpretação, ter pelo menos um filho adotivo e um biológico, comprar a recompensa “poção da juventude”.
Desafio Extra: Começar geração com ZERO, repito, ZERO simoleons!
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Sim da Renascença
Traços: Familiar, ambiciosa, cabeça quente
Qualquer carreira do ramo artístico (completar carreira)
Regras: Habilidade máxima em carisma, ter pelo menos um filho adotivo e um biológico, comprar a recompensa “poção da juventude”.
Desafio Extra: Começar geração com ZERO, repito, ZERO simoleons!
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Ninguém mais, ninguém menos que o REI DO POP! Podem curvar-se agora pra lenda entrar. Michael divide opiniões, mas que ele revolucionou a cena pop é INEGÁVEL! Ele é dono de Thriller, apenas o álbum mais vendido de todos os tempos, com vendas estimadas em 70 milhões de cópias em todo o mundo. Música, dança, moda, performance, tudo junto em videoclipes absolutamente inesquecíveis. São muitas as especulações acerca dele, mas a verdade é que ele abriu o caminho e até hoje é referência pra milhares de artistas!
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Super pai
Traços: Infantil, máquina de dança, genial
Carreira: Agente secreto (completar carreira)
Regras: Habilidade máxima em carisma e comédia, mudar drasticamente a aparência no CAS (usar cheat) quando virar jovem adulto, casar-se, divorciar após o primeiro filho e manter uma relação amigável com a ex, tornar-se amigo de pelo menos 5 crianças.
Desafio Extra: Ter um bebê de proveta.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Linhagem de sucesso
Traços: Infantil, amante da música, genial
Carreira: Agente secreto (completar carreira)
Regras: Habilidade máxima em carisma e comédia, mudar drasticamente a aparência no CAS (usar cheat) quando virar jovem adulto, casar-se, divorciar após o primeiro filho e manter uma relação amigável com a ex, tornar-se amigo de pelo menos 5 crianças.
Desafio Extra: Ter um bebê de proveta.
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IT’S TIIIIIIIME!!! Pode entrar a dona do vocal mais IMPECÁVEL e marcante da história da música pop! Três entradas no Livro dos Recordes, cinco Grammy Awards, 21 American Music Awards, 21 World Music Awards, e por aí vai... Vamo descongelar a lenda?
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Alma gêmea
Traços: Romântica, leal e ambiciosa
Carreira: Mídias Sociais, ramif. Personalidade da internet
Regras: Namorar um sim, terminar e virar inimigo (why you so obsessed with me?), casar com sim com traço ciumento e se divorciar depois de ter um filho, completar a coleção de globos de neve, definir natal como feriado favorito.
Desafio Extra: Ter um casamento feliz com papai inverno.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Alma gêmea
Traços: Romântica, leal e ambiciosa
Carreira: Mídias Sociais, ramif. Personalidade da internet
Regras: Namorar um sim, terminar e virar inimigo (why you so obsessed with me?), casar com sim com traço ciumento e se divorciar depois de ter um filho, completar a coleção de globos de neve, definir natal como feriado favorito.
Desafio Extra: Ter um casamento feliz com um sim idoso (ao casar, vista-o de papai noel hahaha).
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Queen B, a rainha da Beyhive, a dona de humildes 32 grammys, absolutamente inquestionável! Bey é reservada quanto sua vida pessoal e acredita que sua arte deve ser suficiente pra conectar as pessoas a ela. SENSATA? Óbvio né? Bey fez uma belíssima Lemonade com os limões que o Jay-Z deu a ela e fez história. Pra além da fama, Bey é uma mãe exemplar e amorosa. Alguém tem coragem de criticar essa mulher? Impossível!
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Linhagem de sucesso
Traços: Familiar, ambiciosa, perfeccionista
Carreira: Influenciadora de estilo
Regras: Frequentar o ensino médio e se tornar rainha/rei do baile, ter filhos gêmeos, habilidade máxima em criação e educação, ser melhor amiga dos filhos, todos os filhos serem bem sucedidos na escola.
Desafio Extra: Flagrar e perdoar uma traição.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Linhagem de sucesso
Traços: Familiar, ambiciosa, perfeccionista
Carreira: Influenciadora de estilo
Regras: Ter filhos gêmeos, ser melhor amiga dos filhos, todos os filhos serem bem sucedidos na escola.
Desafio Extra: Flagrar e perdoar uma traição.
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E vamos de princesinha do pop? Desde muito jovem, a lenda já chamava atenção pelo seu talento. Quando atingiu os palcos, Brit entregou performances LENDÁRIAS e seus videoclipes marcaram época. Mas a fama e a vida não foram gentis com a nossa princesinha. A obsessão dos paparazzi, a mídia sensacionalista e um pai explorador tiraram dela a liberdade de escolher seu próprio caminho. Felizmente, Britney conseguiu se libertar (em parte) e hoje pode contar a própria história depois de anos de silenciamento e tudo o que ela quer agora é a paz que foi negada a ela durante grande parte de sua vida. #FreeBritney!
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Paz interior
Traços: Além das expectativas, máquina de dança, errática
Carreira: Influenciadora de estilo
Regras: Habilidade máxima em dança e carisma, ser arquiinimiga do pai, ter dois relacionamentos mal sucedidos, engravidar de um sim famoso, ter um casamento feliz com Johnny Zest. Chegar no auge da fama e desistir dos holofotes.
Desafios Extras: Conseguir a peculiaridade de fama “queridinha dos paparazzi”, interromper a primeira gravidez (use mod para isso).
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Confidente da vizinhança
Traços: Genial, chegada, errática
Carreira: Influenciadora de estilo
Regras: Habilidade máxima em carisma, ser arquiinimiga do pai, ter dois relacionamentos mal sucedidos e engravidar de pelo menos um deles, ter um casamento feliz com Johnny Zest.
Desafio Extra: interromper a primeira gravidez (use mod para isso).
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I kissed a girl, TGIF, California Gurls, E.T., Firework, Teenage Dream, Dark horse, e eu posso ficar aqui até amanhã citando os hits dessa lenda! Katy começou a carreira no Gospel mas seu lugar era nos holofotes no mundo pop! Única artista feminina a receber o Billboard Spotlight Award, apresentação do Super Bowl mais assistida da história e hoje é jurada no American Idol. Não tem como negar que a diva fez história, marcou vidas e é referência no mundo pop!
Versão Deluxe e Base:
Aspiração: Sim da Renascença
Traços: criativo, desajeitado, alegre
Carreira: Astronauta
Regras: Habilidade máxima em máx. em ciência aeroespacial e carisma, casar com um sim na carreira de atuação, completar a lista de alienígenas colecionáveis.
Desafios Extras: *Ser alien (apenas aqui será necessário ter expansão “ao trabalho” - use mod pra isso), se alimente apenas de doces durante toda a geração.
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Quem aí é little monster? Então chegou sua hora! Vinda de uma família que sempre lutou muito pra conseguir conquista o que queria, Gaga revolucionou a indústria musical trazendo um estilo único que surpreendeu e chocou o mundo da música. Não satisfeita em chegar no topo do mundo da música ela foi lá e GANHOU UM OSCAR! A lenda é excepcional em tudo o que se propõe, né?
*Destaque pra Naju (fanAnnaJulia na twitch) que escreveu essa geração com muito amor à sua diva favorita!
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Amigo do mundo
Traços: Segura de si, Ambiciosa e Amante da natureza
Carreira: Atriz (completar carreira)
Regras: Iniciar a geração com apenas 5 mil simoleons, habilidade máxima em canto e interpretação, usar uma roupa estravagante no traje de gala, casar-se com um paparazzi, ter apenas um filho e este deve ser adotado (cuidado para não engravidar!!!).
Desafio Extra: conseguir a peculiaridade de fama “um fã obcecado”.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Amigo do mundo
Traços: Segura de si, Ambiciosa e Adora o ar livre
Carreira: Atriz (completar carreira)
Regras: Iniciar a geração com apenas 5 mil simoleons, habilidade máxima em ginástica, usar uma roupa estravagante no traje de gala, casar-se com um membro da família caixão, ter apenas um filho e este deve ser adotado (cuidado para não engravidar!!!).
Desafio Extra: conseguir todas as caveiras de açúcar.
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Aaai que saudade dela! Riri, que lançou um álbum lendário e deixou os fãs com aquele gostinho de “pelo amor da deusa, me dá maissss”, hoje se dedica a fazer sua marca crescer no mercado da moda e dos cosméticos. Isso não faz dela menos lendária no mundo da música, já que no pop, a diva lançou hits lendários como Umbrella, Diamonds, Rude Boy, Work e muitos outros! Fora dos holofotes Rihanna se dedica a causas humanitárias em doenças terminais, HIV e outras causas. Faz mais que muito governante, né?
Versão Deluxe:
Aspiração: Grande Festeiro
Traços: Segura de si, perfeccionista e exigente
Carreira: entretenimento – ramif. Musicista, ao chegar no nível 5 da carreira, pedir demissão e entrar pra carreira de negócios. (completar carreira)
Regras: Comprar a recompensa “contatos” antes de entrar pra carreira de negócios, participar pelo menos uma vez de cada festival, aceitar todos os convites feitos por sims (exceto os de morar juntos, esse fica a seu critério), habilidade máxima em canto e empreendedorismo.
Desafio Extra: Upe as vantagens de fama na opção parceria corporativa e chegue ao máximo dela.
Versão Base:
Aspiração: Grande Festeiro
Traços: Segura de si, perfeccionista e genial
Carreira: entretenimento – ramif. Musicista, ao chegar no nível 5 da carreira, pedir demissão e entrar pra carreira de negócios. (completar carreira)
Regras: Comprar a recompensa “contatos” antes de entrar pra carreira de negócios, aceitar todos os convites feitos por sims (exceto os de morar juntos, esse fica a seu critério), habilidade máxima em lógica.
Desafio Extra: Comprar na loja de recompensas os traços “cativante” e “despreocupado”.
E assim finalizamos nosso Legado Pop (ou pelo menos a primeira versão dele!)
Sua diva favorita ficou faltando aqui? Continue o desafio e crie a geração dela!
Curtiu esse desafio? (deu um trabalhão pra fazer, tá?) Compartilha com seus amigos simmers! Dag Dag! ♥
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wessexroyalfamily · 3 months
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{Location: Red Drawing Room, Fogmorre Castle}
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Alberta, The Duchess of Chelsea: Margaret, so good to see you.
Crown Princess Margaret of Wessex: You look amazing for a mama whose just had twins.
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Albie: Well don’t look to closely (chuckles) I’ve had to squeeze every inch of me to fit inside.
Margaret: I felt the same way after Richie. I was an utter walking zombie. Congrats on the Insider article, by the way.
Albie: Ugh, those magazines are always exaggerating things. Only you and your husband know the truth about your marriage. Besides, the only thing they got right in my article was the part about the coffee addiction.
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Margaret: (sighs) I know, I know. I'm fine really. Just not sure if I'm ready to put on a fake smile during dinner. I've been mentally preparing myself all day.
Albie: It's okay not to be okay, Margaret. If you need a break during dinner, just give me a signal. We can escape to the kitchen for a "snack break."
Margaret: (smirking) You're a lifesaver.
Albie: Did Anne talk to you about it?
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Margaret: Of course not. I mean we had tea earlier.
Albie: And she didn't saying anything then?
Margaret: Well not anything helpful. She just encouraged me to talk to him. And I try, but he makes it so impossible.
Albie: George can be the same way sometimes. But seriously, we'll get through this dinner, and then we can have our own version of a spa night later, deal?
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Albie: Your Majesty…Your Royal Highness.
Queen Anne II of Wessex: Girls you both are looking lovely.
The Prince Christian, The Earl of Gloucester: And no need for such formalities tonight, it’s just family.
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Albie: Hopefully we’re not too late.
Christian: Nonsense, frankly you too are the only ones who could have a proper excuse for being late.
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Christian: Sorry I missed you for tea this afternoon dear. How is that grandson of mine?
Margaret: Sadly a bit nicked that his favorite Papa hasn’t seen him yet? But don’t worry I’m sure it’s nothing a bit of candy from you after dinner can’t fix.
Christian: Oh good it’s fixable (laughs) wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of a toddler.
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Christian: By the way, if you were looking for your husband he’s over there talking to cousin Arthur.
Margaret: Has he said anything to you?
Christian: Not anything more than you have.
Margaret: So nothing.
Christian: (disappointed) Though I wish one of you would.
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Anne II: What was that?
Christian: What was what?
Anne II: I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to meddle.
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Christian: I don’t think that’s meddling, just…merely stating facts of who’s in the room and who’s not.
Anne II: Yes we’ll, you’d do very good to keep your observations to yourself for the rest of the evening.
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Albie: Stop stalling and just go over there.
Margaret: I can’t now he’s talking to people.
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Albie: He’s only talking to cousin Arthur, and you know what a bore he can be. Probably babbling on about the old days of empire.
Margaret: Even so I just can’t…
Albie: As your sister-in-law, I’ll polite suggest that you sack up and go talk to your husband.
Margaret: *sighs*
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Prince Arthur, The Earl of Falmouth: I’m excited to be joining you on the upcoming Devon tour.
Crown Prince William of Wessex: I didn’t realize that you were coming?
Arthur: I was a last minute addition, so to speak. Extra support for your mother.
William: Yeah, the palace has already bumped up my list of engagements.
Arthur: The government advised the Queen to have you both out and seen more before the election. It seems the Republican National Party has a real shot of winning this year.
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David Worcester-Scott: Would that be so bad? If they won I mean.
Arthur: The Duchy of Devon is Wessex’s greatest crown dependency. As Duke it is the Queen’s job, and by extension William’s, ensure that our relationship with the Devonians remain intact as it has since the reign of Richard I.
David: But surely you agree that the Devonians deserve some greater form of free rule.
Arthur: Surely I do not.
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William: David just means he thinks the national council in Devon should have greater autonomy.
Arthur: A Wessex sovereign has been the nominal Duke for the last 12 monarchs. Give the Devonians more autonomy and mark my words, you my boy, won’t be the 13th.
David: And that’s another thing I never understood, why do they call The Queen, Duke there and not Duchess.
Arthur: (sarcastically) I suppose you wouldn’t. Clearly tradition and history is something that is lost on the minds of the youth.
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Margaret: Hope I’m not interrupting.
Arthur: Margaret me dear you’re looking beautiful than ever this evening.
Margaret: Arthur, so good to see you, Happy All Saints.
(William and David having inaudible conversation in the background)
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Margaret: William could I speak to you in private for a moment.
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Margaret: I figured I’d save you from cousin Arthur.
William: Yeah, save me but abandon cousin Arthur to more of David’s republicanism (awkward laugh)
Margaret: I also figured we could talk…about us.
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William: Oh come on Margaret not here. Honestly, we should have this conversation in private later on.
Margaret: Will we have it? You haven’t even been to see me or Richie yet.
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William: This is why I’ve been avoiding coming to see you, I knew you’d want to start fight.
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collectorofsims · 4 months
The Gemstone Legacy Challenge
Enjoy drama filled game play? Ready to help your Sim through generational trauma? Enjoy The Not So Berry Challenge? Well then welcome to The Gemstone Legacy Challenge!
Think of it as the Not So Berry Challenge, but with less packs required to complete it. Before we start with the requirements of each generation, we should probably go over some of the rules first!
Much like The Not So Berry Challenge, each heir/heiress must represent the color of each gemstone. You do not have to make the skin match if you choose not to, but you must do it in another way (ex: hair, clothes, makeup, etc.)
Spouses' colors aren't a big deal. If you want to make them match, more power to you, but it's not required.
You can use the freerealestate cheat when getting a home, but it can only be used once for each generation. You may also use a money cheat, but only if it's going towards something that is part of the challenge (ex:buying a required item)
Unless it's required of the generation rule, you can choose where to live.
Lifespan has to be on normal settings, otherwise it's not really a challenge.
There's no specific gender you have to start with, but the first generation has to be able to reproduce.
Each name must match the gemstone the generation is signed to (you can name them that particular gemstone as well if you so desire)
Every aspiration must be completed before you can start playing as the next generation. Careers only get fully completed if it's stated in the generation's rules.
Generation One: Amber- Orange
You're new in town, which means you're pretty lonely. But that's all to change once you start going out and meeting new people! You just want to take life one step at a time, not feeling any kind of rush. You go at your own pace and march to the beat of your own drum.
Career: Freelancer (any of your choosing)
Traits: Self-Assured, Cheerful, Lazy
Aspiration: Friend Of The World
Must have at least one child as an Adult (though the child can be born while you're a Young Adult)
Collect all 24 Gemstones
Master the Charisma skill
Throw birthday parties each life stage for self and child(ren)
Generation Two: Amethyst- Purple
You grew up with a parent who was well known, but was never well off due to laziness. You feel like you missed out on having the finer things in life, but certainly don't plan on continuing to do so. You may be a parent, but your child(ren) are an afterthought sometimes.
Career: Style Infulencer
Traits: Creative, Materialistic, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Must marry into money (ex: one of the Landgraabs or Goths)
Transfer all the money from the spouse's original household when moving them in to yours
Master the photography skill
Master The Style Influencer career
Start having child(ren) as an Adult
Have at least one affair after you're married (could be a short one or years long one, you choose)
Generation Three: Beryl- Teal
Growing up, you weren't noticed much, making you resent children (even though it's your parent(s) you should probably be mad at). You were practically raised on computers and gaming and have made them your whole life. Even though you have no desire for children, your spouse does and because you love them so much, you agree to have one, though you'll ignore them anyways by throwing yourself into your work.
Career: Tech Guru
Traits: Hates Children, Genius, Geek
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Marry a Family Oriented Sim
Only have one child
Master the Tech Guru career
Have a low relationship with your child (you may use cheats if need be)
Master the Logic skill
Be Best Friends with your spouse
Generation Four: Diamond- Gray
You've worked so hard to earn your parent's love, but they avoided you like the plague. To make up for it, you worked your way to the top to become a beloved actor/actress, which is how you met your spouse. As soon as you hit it big, you only associate with others like yourself, forgetting all your childhood friends and even your parent who's love you wanted the most. Perhaps you're better off without them?
Career: Actor/Actress
Traits: Ambitious, Outgoing, Snob
Aspiration: Aspiring Star
Marry another Actor/Actress
Master the Acting Career and skill
Master the guitar skill
Have triplets (you can use cheat for this)
Stop contact with generation 3 at career rank 3
Move to Del Sol Valley as a Young Adult
Generation Five: Jade- Green
Being in a set of triplets and having famous parents, not only were you never bored, but you were also never alone and now all you want is peace and quiet as you practice your secret love of baking. You leave your old town and move to Oasis Springs because SimsGod knows nobody wants to go there.
Career: Astronaut
Traits: Loner, Neat, Gloomy
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Master the Astronaut Career
Have a failed marriage to a Sim with the Slob Trait and 2 failed relationships before that
Master the Baking skill
Have woohoo with an alien resulting in a pregnancy
Generation Six: Onyx- Black
If the dictionary had pictures, yours would be in there next to “Black Sheep”. You never really fit in with the rest of your family. Maybe because you're half alien, or maybe because unlike your parents, you want nothing to do with space. You like Earth and everything it has to offer and don't understand why your parent wants an escape so badly.
Career: Politician
Traits:Clumsy, Loves Outdoors, Dog Lover
Aspiration: Friend Of The Animals
Have one of each pet (varies on the packs you own)
Master the gardening and pet training skills
Join the Speak For The Trees cause
Marry a Cat Lover
Master the Politician career
Generation Seven: Pearl- White
Despite your parent being super busy running the country, they never forgot to value their time with you and your pets. For that, you value family and love and all around togetherness, which inspired you to want to protect and serve the local families like yours, but sometimes your passion can make you a little hot under the collar.
Career: Detective
Traits: Active, Childish, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: City Native
Move to San Myshuno
Master the Detective career
Master the Fitness and Logic skills
Marry a neighbor in your apartment complex
Conceive a child in a closet or observatory
Generation Eight: Ruby- Red
Your parents were never shy about showing each other affection as you grew up, but something about that made you uncomfortable in flirty situations, making it hard for you to find love despite wanting to find someone to spend your life with so you fill the void with food.
Career: Culinary
Traits: Foodie, Unflirty, Glutton
Aspiration: Master Chef
Master The Culinary career (Chef branch only)
Have one science baby with your best friend
Never get married until your child is a Young Adult
Master the Cooking and Gourmet Cooking skills
Generation Nine: Sapphire- Blue
Being raised by a single parent made you tougher than what people expected. Unlike your parent, you have no problems in the romance department and thrive in any romantic setting. You're not sure who your child's parent is, but all you know is you love them unconditionally and would do anything for them.
Career: Secret Agent
Traits: Romantic, Erratic, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Get married 3 times before you're an elder that isn't from where you grew up
Master the Singing skill
Have an affair during each marriage that results in a pregnancy
Leave someone at the altar twice
Be Best Friends with your next heir/heiress (you choose who it is)
Generation Ten: Topaz- Pink
You and your parent are best friends. Growing up you wanted to be just like them, however you are nothing like them and realize that pretty quick. So you move away to find yourself and start anew. As you find yourself, you reconnect with your highschool sweetheart who never stopped loving you, picking up exactly where you left off.
Career: Writer
Traits: Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Ghost your highschool sweetheart as soon as you become a Young Adult
Leave someone at the altar as a Young Adult
Master the Writer career
Master the writing skill
Move to a different place from where you grew up
Marry your highschool sweetheart after you reconnect
Adopt an infant
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thetropeslegacy · 5 months
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THE TROPES LEGACY! Sims 4 Legacy challenge created by me and Lucy.
Come join us and use hashtag #thetropeslegacy
The document is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jWJ5_IN27FeB-3-zrqgp186bkKduwR_7rOxB5oe8dD4/edit?usp=sharing
Tell us what you think 
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clouseplayssims · 10 months
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willowgroves · 10 months
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my babies...*sob* have their own babies now!
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starandsims · 4 months
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Harry applied to as many universities as he could, his first choice was Brichester of course, it was a prestigious school and was just far enough away by train that his parents wouldn’t visit but he could still make it back home in case of an emergency. He wrote so many application letters that his hand cramped, but he knew that university would require much of this type of work from him. He didn’t mind the mental challenge at all it thrilled him, it was his wrist joints that were doing all of the complaining. He spent the whole school year nervously awaiting a response from every university.
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odleaisland · 1 year
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foundyoufreya · 7 months
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My ice cream legacy founder Marjorie Williams ☀️
I’m very exited to get started on this legacy because the challenges are mid level difficulty and the backstories are just *chiefs kiss*
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katmk36 · 6 months
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Random pic of Jaxon and Travis taking a nap.
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miasimxo · 1 year
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Luna Villareal maybe is a stalker but she also has a huge crush on Mojave. I guess the feeling is mutual? So, here’s a cute lil montage of Sahara and Mojave asking their love-interests to prom for you! 💖🎉🥳 Gobi and Thar don’t have dates because I couldn’t be bothered
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unavailablesimmer · 8 months
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sorry for the silence, ya girl's been severely iron deficient but i'm better now
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wessexroyalfamily · 8 months
{ Location: St. Christpher's Palace, Winchester City }
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Crown Prince William of Wessex: Father, the footman told me you wanted to see me.
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Prince Christian, The Earl of Gloucester: Yes, Will perfect timing, let's have a seat.
{ Location: Hyde Park ; Claremont House }
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Queen Anne II of Wessex: Margaret, dear hope you are up for a bit of walking.
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Princess Margaret of Lancaster: Your Majesty. I appreciate the invite
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Anne II: Well when I heard that you enjoy fishing, I knew I had to have you on the estate. There's a perfect little waterhole for us to enjoy the afternoon.
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Margaret: Murky, but a wonderful spot to fish Your Majesty.
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Christian: I wanted to talk to you, about wife, or rather soon to be wife.
William: My wife?
Christian: Yes. Simply put what is happening cannot go on any longer.
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Anne II: So dear, how are you feeling? I'm sure nerves abound heading into the big day.
Margaret: Yes there is still much to do to get ready for the wedding. It has been nice having these last few days to prepare.
Anne II: Yes, that was a clever little ruse you and Will cooked up. But we both know missing public engagements can't last.
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William: I want to support her. I want our relationship, our family to be built on trust.
Christian: And that's all fine, but steering from the plan, won't due. Family is more than you and her. It is everything that comes after you and came before you. It is our house.
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Christian: You need to tell her plainly that within this family, there is no room for individuality or personal feelings. We are all mere cogs in the same machine striving for the same goal, no matter how hard or frivolous our part may be.
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Margaret: I appreciate all that you are saying, but yours and my situations are different.
Anne II: I understand more than you know. I wasn't destined to be Queen. I was the second daughter. My sister was the one who was trained to rule. It was her death that propelled me to the throne. One of the reasons Christian appealed to me early in our courting, was the fact that he wasn't destined to be ruler of anything. I wanted the quiet country existence away from it all. But for what ever reason the Crown saw fit to land on my head.
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William: I don't think that is fair to say!
Christian: Why not? She is only doing what you allow her to do. And what she's doing will affect you in the long run.
William: You've seen tabloids, the talk shows, the protestors in the street, even I can't bare it at times.
Christian: We are at a point were the only option is moving forward. We all must buckle in and accept the decisions we've made. Come hell or high water.
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Anne II: This family is a calling. And believe it or not you were destined to marry William like he's destined to sit on the throne one day. It will be your duty to...
Margaret: ...I don't think I can be some doll on the shelf, some ornament in his chain.
Anne II: I hope you won't be. A Sovereign doesn't need a doll or guided pieces, there are plenty of those around. The Sovereign needs a protector. Someone who will stand for them, the way Christian supports me.
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Christian: Now listen here boy, you may think you are doing the right thing, but someday, the Watcher willing, your own son will sit on that throne.
William: There won't be a throne if the people continue to hate the Margaret.
Christian: The people need to see us to believe in us. And if some believe that we are meant to be the villain in their story, then frankly, that's the part she must be willing to play.
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Christian: Now, this nonsense of not attending her scheduled engagements is done. You control your house, and need to man up and put an end to it!
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Anne II: I know not everything we ask will be fair. But, as a mother I'm hoping I can count on you to do this one thing and help my son shoulder the weight of the Crown.
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hdmiports · 9 months
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it’s sheri’s bday…. they grow up so fast 😭 (they/them)
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