#sims 4 diving board
wewantmods · 2 months
👙27+ Sims 4 Pool CC: Diving Board, Lounge Chairs & More
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With cold weather still hitting my home town in April, I was dreaming of the hot summer days ahead.
I decided it was the perfect time to roundup some fun pool cc so at least my sims can enjoy the water for now.
🌊You can find the entire Sims 4 Pool CC collection here.
Thanks to cc creators: @wondymoondesign @ssiat @boschianacc @charlypancakes @simder-talia-blog @scodeeyodee @madlensims @aroundthesims @hellosimsulani @hydrangeachainsaw @mel-bennett @maxsus @dk-sims @syboubou @mrolkanyt @imfromsixam @kardofe @seimar8 @beto-ae0 @nordica-sims @awingedllama @myxdollyt @herasims4
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peachydaisies · 2 years
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the girls are still loving the pool as summer rolls around
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stillmonsterz · 4 months
10th Street
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pairing: jake sim x reader, jay park x reader kind of (one-sided genre: raw sex with jake :/ summary: you go on a date with jay and it's looking bleak, but the bartender comes around to save the day. warnings: alcohol, unprotected sex, drug mentions, crypto mentions, jay is annoying and rich, oral sex.... word count: 5.4k and unproofread.
            “What really gets me about these rug pulls,” Jay says, steepling his fingers and placing them under his clean-shaven chin, “is that they’re so damn predictable. Any asshole with an ounce of intelligence could immediately spot that an anonymous crypto project is obviously going to rug. I mean, it’s fucking ridiculous, right?”
            “Right,” you say. Your eyes flicker across his face, taking in his features. You wonder if the sex will be worth this, but the cursory glances you’ve taken at his trousers have told you that it probably won’t.
            Your date is Jay Park, this entrepreneur who has made a name for himself in your area’s tech scene. When he had initially met you in a bookstore, skulking out of the philosophy section to not so much as introduce himself as to remind you of his name and status, you had assumed that he would have taken you someplace nicer. Instead, he drove you in his McLaren just outside of 10th Street. He had paid for 4 hours parking and had jostled you down the cluttered sidewalk, his Ferragamos clattering. Jay had gripped your elbow as he navigated you past drunkards, children wandering the streets without parents, and women with glassy eyes.
            Your voice was joking but belied some of your concern. “Where are you taking me, a traphouse?”
            “That’s date number two,” Jay had replied jovially, looking back at you in the light of the setting sun, “if I decide that you’re worth the effort.”
            You had bitten back a groan and continued following him down the street. Finally, he had stopped you outside of a seedy dive bar, with a hole in the glass boarded up with cheap planks. The planks themselves had been tagged with obscene phrases written in spray paint and Sharpie. Jay had pointed to one word and smiled at you with childish glee. “I wrote that one,” he had said proudly. “
            “You have awful writing,” you had said flatly, crossing your arms. “And this place looks like a crack den.”
            “That’s exactly why we’re here,” Jay replied in a wheedling tone, his grip on your elbow sliding down to your hand. He had interlaced your fingers together. “Come on, don’t you wish to shed the trappings of the social strata? Doesn’t this excite you?”
            A protest had begun to rise in your throat, but Jay had already pushed the door open, pulling you along. The bar was dimly lit, the lightbulbs flickering in the grimy lamps. Stains cover the cheap plywood flooring, and as Jay led you to a table the planks made harsh squeaking noises. Industrial metal was playing from a tinny radio, and the one LCD TV mounted in the corner was displaying grainy footage of a football game. The patrons crowding around the bar and littering the pool table are what you would expect. Loud, raucous, with hunched backs, jerky movements, and thinning hair. The glances that some of the men situated by the pool table gave you were reason enough to flee, but Jay’s grip is as tight as a viper.
            “Don’t mind them,” Jay had whispered, his face nothing short of elated. His head had surveyed the room, and a slow smirk settled onto his lips. His well-coiffed hair, youthful face, and understated yet expensive clothes had set him apart, something that greatly pleased him. He had turned back to you. “You’re probably the most beautiful woman they’ve seen in months.”
            “That’s not hard,” you had mumbled, crossing your arms. Your seat was sticky and the table separating you and Jay was riddled with dents and chips.
            “Oh, come on,” Jay had whined, spreading his arms widely. “Don’t be such a little princess. Isn’t this nice? This stripping of artifice, this beautiful and vulgar display of Americana? It’s exciting, isn’t it? Gets you kind of…turned on, right?”
            You had raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”
            “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sporting a half-chub, yeah.”
            You had groaned. “You’re disgusting, Jay.”
            “Stop,” he had muttered, holding up his hand. “I might go full mast….” Jay had stood up hurriedly. “I’m going to get us drinks before I inelegantly bust all over the table. What do you want, like a Cosmopolitan or some shit?”
            “No…I kind of wanted a vodka cranberry?”
            Jay had scoffed, opening his wallet in a way that showed you his black card. “What, are you someone’s fucking grandmother? Christ.” He had stalked towards the bar, and you had sat there, trying not to make eye contact with any of the barflies. Finally, your gaze had fallen upon Jay talking to the bartender, at whom he was wildly gesticulating. The bartender was nodding patiently, taking a slow swig of a clear liquid in a tumbler. His apron was stained, his plain black V-neck exposed his thin arms and chest, and his eyes sparkled with a youthfulness one wouldn’t expect to find in a place like this.
            As you had watched the two of them, the bartender’s eyes had briefly slid towards you. His eyes had widened, then narrowed playfully before he went to prepare the drinks. Your chest had felt warm, but you stifled your smile as Jay had stalked back towards your table.
            “I feel bad for that poor bastard,” he had said, sidling into his chair and slinging his arm on the back of it. “Imagine being shackled to this shithole.”
            “I thought you liked this shithole.”
            “Yeah, as a brief recourse from the ardors of being really fucking rich,” Jay had retorted. “Not for the rest of my life. I mean, goddamn. Look at that prick.”
            Jay didn’t have to tell you twice. You took in his messy brown hair, his wide smile, his deft fingers. Then he had walked away from the counter, holding your vodka cranberry and an old-fashioned for Jay. His stride was sure, and he was only looking at you.
            “Here you are,” the bartender had said lowly. “Here’s your old-fashioned-“ he had set the drink in front of Jay with little fanfare- “and here’s your vodka cranberry.” He had slid the drink towards you, making brief eye contact with you. He had been so close to you, you could finally make out his name tag – Jake, written in careful capital letters- and you could smell the moonshine on his breath.
            “Yeah, thanks,” Jay had muttered.
            “Thank you,” you had added softly.
            Jake leaned away slowly, his eyes still lingering on you, before politely nodding. “Let me know if you need anything,” he had drawled before walking away.
            Jay had taken a long swig of his old-fashioned and takes a look at the retreating figure of Jake before groaning. “He should have made it even more obvious that he wanted you. He should have just shoved his cock into your old-lady drink and swirled it around so we really got the picture. Fuck me, I guess.”
            You had sipped your vodka cranberry and laughed. “Oh, come on. You’re reading too much into it.”
 ��          “I’m not,” Jay had insisted, pointing at you with an accusatory glare. “He was checking you out in this lascivious manner. It was disgusting. He was looking at you like you were some piece of ass.” He had taken another long drink of his old-fashioned, barely wincing at the burn.
            “As opposed to you,” you had said sarcastically, “who only has pure intentions for me, right?”
            Jay had laughed. “Hey, it’s different when I objectify you. It’s kind of like when a homeless guy calls you sexy on the sidewalk compared to when an apex predator like me calls you sexy. The point is, that bartender wants you, and it’s revolting.”
            You had dared another glance at the bartender, who was blatantly staring at you while sipping his moonshine. “Relax. I’m probably just the first woman with a full set of teeth he’s seen in a while.”
            Jay had snickered again. “That’s probably true.” Only a few moments of silence had passed before his voice took on a mischievous, almost playful lilt. “You know, you could probably get something from him…”
            You had wiped the corner of your mouth with your thumbs. “What do you mean?”
            “You know,” Jay had said with a shrug, “you could get some free drinks out of him if you flirted a little, take advantage of him. You could probably get him to bequeath his life savings, which could maybe buy you a used microwave or a footlong.”
            Your mouth had gaped open. “Are you openly encouraging me to flirt with him?”
            “Are you a cuck or something?”
            Jay had laughed again, slapping the table. “Ah, you slay me.” He had reached over and pinched your cheek, an action that made you want to bite his fingers off. “Come on, just shove your cute little ass in his face and flirt. It’ll be funny to make him think that he has a chance with you.”
            “I’ll pass,” you had replied. “I mean, it’s not really my thing to just play around with other peoples’ emotions.”
            He had sighed and shook his head in disappointment. “Oh, what am I going to do with you? You’re so goddamn innocent. You’re saying that you’ll feel some modicum of guilt if you fuck around with him?”
            “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
            Jay had downed the rest of his old-fashioned. “Recalcitrance is for bitches and pussies.”
            You had rolled her eyes. “Fine, so I’m a pussy.”
            Once again, that finger had found its way into your line of sight. “You know who’s really a pussy? This asshole who had invested in this obvious pump and dump…”
            As Jay rambles about crypto, you can’t help but look at the bartender. He’s behind the counter, cleaning a cloudy glass with a rag. When he notices that you’re looking at him, he smiles at you warmly before he looks at Jay and returns his attention to the glass.
            Jay corrals you into having another drink, and you listen to his sophomoric opinions on modern society, the current film industry, his tech predictions, and his opinions on right-wing pundits. The only thing stymying your boredom from overtaking you are your furtive glances at the bartender- Jake, you remind yourself. Jake.
            Finally, the two of you leave the shady bar, and Jay makes out with you as he presses you against his car. You close your eyes and think about Jake as his tongue probes inside of your mouth with little grace.
            “Listen,” you murmur, pulling away from his lips, “I have a presentation early in the morning to give, so I’m going to have to cut this date short…”
            “Oh, bullshit,” Jay says, groping your ass on the sidewalk, “you just don’t want to fuck me, is that it? Can you say that for me? Say that you don’t want to fuck me.”
            You sigh. “I don’t want to fuck you.”
            His hands comes off of your ass and he pulls away from you, shaking his head. “That’s all you had to say. I don’t get women. They’re always like, ‘Men never listen to us!’ Then they don’t explicitly tell us anything, we have to parse through their shit...” As Jay talks, he opens the passenger door. “Get in. Please.”
            You slide inside of his car and he closes the door, even buckling your seatbelt for you. Then he walks over to the driver’s seat and drives to your place. He calls you a cock-tease and a winsome harlot and some other choice terms you can barely hear.
            When he finally arrives at your place, he begs you for one last kiss. You oblige, he bemoans that he’ll never get to pound that tight strange, and he drives off, presumably to coerce someone into his bed for the night.
            Against your better judgement, you take an Uber and walk into that bar on 10th Street alone. This time, the lustful eyes of the barflies are less disgusting than they are frightening. Thankfully, the bar area has been just about cleared out, and you take a seat on a stool with a peeled cover.
            Jake is busy cleaning up a spill on the far end of the counter, but when he looks up and sees you his face brightens. He drops the cloth on the table and walks towards you with a goofy smile.
            “Hey, babydoll,” he says lowly, eyes sparkling. He doesn’t bother masking the fact that he’s openly checking you out, his eyes lingering on your breasts before meeting your own stare again. “Was your date that boring?”
            “He was…nice,” you reply, resting your head on your hand.
            Jake laughs. “Yeah, nice, sure.” He shakes his head slightly, like he can’t believe his good fortune. “You want something to drink, babe?”
            “Yeah, could you make me something nice and sweet? Nothing too alcoholic.”
            Jake points at you, cocking his head. “I’ve got just the thing for you.” He busies himself behind the bar, pouring this and that into a shaker. As he does, he can’t stop stealing glances at you. Every time he does, he smiles and bites his lip before looking away. Finally, he pours a light-yellow drink into a cocktail glass, carefully affixing a lemon wedge to the side before gently sliding it to you. “It’s a lemon drop,” he explains in his slow drawl.
            “Thank you.” You pull your wallet out of your purse. “How much is this?”
            Jake shakes his head. “Nah, for a pretty girl like you, it’s on the house.”
            A smile spreads across your face, and that warmth in your chest spreads. “Are you sure?”
            “Surer than anything, babe.” He gestures for you to try it, pushing his mop of hair back.
            You take a sip, and your eyes widen. “This is great.” You hold the glass by the stem as you drink it.
            “Thank you,” Jake says almost shyly. “Glad that I picked up something useful from bartending this shithole.”
            “How long have you been here?”
            “Been working here for…ten years? Owned it for three.” Jake takes a long sip of his moonshine, resting his elbows on the counter. “Not my first choice of job, but when you’re an addict and you need money, you’ll take anything.”
            Your mouth opens, but Jake quickly answers your question. “I’m clean now. Been clean for five years. My only vice is this.” He holds up his tumbler and shakes it before taking another sip.
            “Do you make that yourself?”
            Jake nods. “I make it myself, in the back,” he says, a tinge of pride in his voice. “This must be about…80% pure alcohol, I figure.”
            “Can I try some?” you ask tentatively.
            Jake laughs, his face contorting in disbelief. “Are you sure, babydoll? This could knock a grown man on his feet.”
            “Oh, I’m sure,” you say. You hate to back down from a challenge.
            With another laugh, he walks over to you, coming around the counter. He holds his glass out to you, and as you wrap your hand around the tumbler he tilts the liquid into your mouth. Jake’s eyes are fixed on your lips, awaiting your reaction.
            At first, it does little to you, and you’re about to say something snarky. Then the burning starts, flames licking at your throat, and you double over coughing. Your eyes are screwed up, filled with tears, and your hands clutch the edge of the counter.
            You can feel a hand rubbing your back, the other hand gently stroking your arm. “Aw, damn. You took that like a champ.”
            Through hacking coughs, you eke out, “I don’t feel like a champ.”
            Jake continues rubbing comforting circles on your back. “I’ve seen men collapse to their feet from a shot of moonshine. You’re a little firecracker, ain’t you?”           
            “Thanks,” you mutter, turning to look at him through watery eyes.
            “No problem. You want some water, babydoll?”
            You nod, and Jake reluctantly lets go of you to retrieve some water for you. He returns to your side with a glass, holding it up to your lips. The water is like a soothing balm for your throat, and after a long drink you sigh. “Damn.”
            Jake sets the glass down and picks up his own tumbler of moonshine, taking a long swig. “That’s moonshine for you.”
            Your eyes widen. “How are you drinking that so…so…”
            “Like it’s water?” Jake smiles at you cheekily, leaning against the counter next to you so that his elbows are on the edge and he’s facing you. “First of all, I’ve put shit up my nose that burned more than this. Second of all, I’m used to it. When you’re dealing with this day in and day out-“ he gestures widely at the bar- “you need something good and strong to get through it.”
            “Your liver must be strong as hell.”
            Jake laughs, setting his tumbler down. “It must be pickled at this point.”
            You can’t help but laugh, and he playfully pokes your shoulder. “Don’t laugh at my liver. It’s the only reason why I’m still standing.” Then he stills, appraising you with a careful gaze. “I never got your name, babydoll.”
            You tell him your name, holding your hand out.
            He takes it and shakes it firmly. “Lovely name. Suits you perfectly. My name’s Jake. Jake Sim.”
            He’s still holding your hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
            “Pleasure’s all mine,” he murmurs. Jake holds your hand to his lips and kisses it, traces of moonshine wetting your hand. He flattens your hand and idly starts tracing your palm, his other hand circling your wrist. “You’ve got nice hands. Real nice.”
            “Thank you,” you reply softly. “Yours are very rough.”
            Jake laughs somewhat self-consciously. He stops drawing on your palm with his index finger. “Yeah, well, you don’t work at a place like this for damn near a decade without getting a few calluses and cuts.”
            Your voice comes out as a whisper. “I like it.” You reach out and gently squeeze the tip of his finger, feeling the callus for yourself, before dropping it.
            Jake smiles, but his eyes take on a dangerous glint. His finger trails from the palm of your hand to your wrist, his fingertips gliding over your veins. “Yeah?”
            For a moment, both of you continued smiling at each other. Then Jake licks his lips, and he lets go of your wrist. His other hand now strokes your forearm. “Why’d you come back here, baby? Coming to this shithole once is one thing, but twice in the same night…”
            You don’t see a point in playing games. “I wanted to see you.”
            The smile drops off of Jake’s face, and he leans in towards you. “Yeah? No bullshit?”
            “No bullshit.”
            His other hand moves to rest on your knee, and his thumb strokes it through your jeans. “Your date didn’t do it for you?”
            You shrug, picking up your lemon drop again and sipping it. “He was okay, I guess. He was weird.”
            Jake’s voice is becoming low, his eyes serious. His eyes flicker over your body, settling on your thighs. This time, he doesn’t bother looking back up at you. “You don’t like weird?”
            “Not that kind of weird,” you reply, your voice catching.
            “You don’t like rich prick typa weird?” His voice is amused, and his hand creeps up your knee. “You prefer broke bartender at a shit bar typa weird?”
            You lean in, your eyes locked onto his full, plush lips. The smell of moonshine has become less of a deterrent and more intoxicating. “Is that a problem?”
            “The opposite,” Jake replies in a husky voice. His lips brush your cheek as he moves to whisper in your ear. “I’m flattered that a gorgeous lady like you has interest in me.” His right hand is now caressing your thigh slowly, intentionally. The other touches your face with his thumb.
            “I’m surprised you’re flattered,” you reply, leaning into his touch slightly. “Women here must love you.”
            “They love me to get free drinks out of me,” he says dismissively. “Besides…most women who come here aren’t a fraction as pretty as you are. You’re like a gem in a pigsty, you know that?” When you don’t say anything, Jake continues, running his finger along your jaw. “Your date must’ve been as stupid as hell to let you go.” He pulls away from your ear so he can look you in your eyes.
            “He couldn’t do anything about it. I just didn’t want him the way-“
            Jake’s eyes narrow, and he comes impossibly closer. “The way what?”
            “The way I want you.”
            There’s a pause, and Jake’s face is unreadable. When he does talk, his voice is strained, “Tell me you aren’t fucking with me. Tell me you’re serious. Say the word, and I’ll shut this place down and kick all these junkies out.”
            You swallow, need and desire building up in the pit of your stomach. “I’m serious.”
            Jake pulls away from you and walks over to the barflies, telling them to get their drunk asses out. They complain and groan, but they leave without much of a fight. Once they’re all gone, Jake locks the door. “Come here,” he says, beckoning you with his finger.
            You walk towards him as if in a trance, and when you’re close he spins you around by the waist and kisses you. You readily kiss him back, your hands resting on his chest. His mouth tastes like moonshine, and you can even taste a hint of his sharp aftershave. Jake presses you up against the door, placing his knee in between your legs to trap you. The kiss starts off playful, but it grows hungry, and Jake seems as though he would swallow you if he could.
            When he pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva in between your mouths, his eyes dart all over your face. Then he nods slightly, as if he’s come to some grand conclusion.
            “What?” you ask, your hands snaking up to his cheek. “What is it?”
            Jake pecks your lips gently and smiles. “I just realized…I’m not going to be able to take my time with you.” Before you can say anything, he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you behind the counter to a wooden door that looks liable to give one splinters.
            When he opens the door, the smell of alcohol is almost staggering, and Jake’s grip tightens on your waist as if he had anticipated that reaction. Bottles of alcohol are stacked in crates on wooden shelves on the far wall. To the right rests three DIY pot stills, all using dented kegs. To the left, there’s a small faux-leather couch with chunks of it peeling off. You think back to Jay’s words about the artifice or whatever the fuck, and suddenly you wish there was at least a bit of pretense. But when you turn to Jake, he’s smiling at you like you had hung the moon in the sky yourself. “I know it’s no Hilton,” he begins sheepishly, but you shut him up by kissing him squarely on the mouth.
            “It works for me,” you say, biting your lips.
            Jake’s grin widens. “Shit, okay.”
            You tumble together on the couch with Jake, your mouths connecting sloppily and wetly. You suck his tongue into your mouth hungrily, causing you to choke slightly. This only spurs Jake on further, and he grinds his crotch into you. Your hips rise to meet his, and you hump each other desperately and almost painfully. His hand crawls up your stomach, and he gropes at your breasts. Finally, he pushes himself off of you, settling into a kneeling position. Through the dim light filtering in through the cracks of the door, you can see that Jake’s lips are swollen, his hair messy, and his eyes wild.
            “Take it off,” he grunts. “Everything. Now.”
            Your hands fumble with the zipper of your jeans, excitement clogging throat. As you tug your jeans down, Jake unbuckles his belt, throwing it to the side. You kick your shoes off, shimmy your jeans off, and toss your shirt away, leaving you in only your bra and panties. When you’re suitably undressed, you look up at Jake.
            Jake’s shirt is off, revealing a dark mass of skin you recognize as tattoos. One of his hands has slipped into his boxers, and he’s staring at you. A moan escapes his lips as his eyes wander your body. “So fucking perfect,” he says, voice strained as he plays with his cock. “So goddamn beautiful. Play with yourself for me, baby.”
            You tentatively tug your underwear down, collecting your arousal to coat your clit before stroking it with two fingers. You’re so sensitive that just the first touches cause you to whine in pleasure.
            “Spread your legs,” Jake hisses. “Nice and wide…”
            You oblige, widening your legs so that Jake gets a full view of your pearly pussy. He moans again, his mouth watering at the sight of it, at the hot, sweet smell. “Let me taste it. Let me taste it,” he begs, dipping his head down.
            As his wide tongue touches your clit, you cry out in pleasure. Jake laps at your clit with fervor, his hands pushing your legs apart as he licks wide stripes. His mouth makes obscene smacking noises, and when he briefly pulls away to catch his breath, his entire lower face is slick with your arousal. “So good,” he mutters before diving back in. You squirm, knowing that you’ll cum quickly if he doesn’t stop, but Jake’s nails dig into your fleshy thighs, holding you in place.
            “Oh, Jake, Jake,” you pant out, head leaning back. “Jake, I’m so close, Jake…”
            Seemingly encouraged by your words, Jake continues attacking your clit, and two of his bony fingers slip into your vaginal walls, spreading you open. They pump themselves in and out, in and out, like the undulations of the ocean. Like that, he rips an orgasm from you, continuing to lick the arousal spilling from you as you ride out the wave of pleasure.
            You lean your head back on the armrest of the couch, trying to catch your breath. Jake gently caresses your thigh as you come down from your high, peppering your neck with kisses. “Tasted amazing,” he says, voice ragged. “Tasted like paradise.”
            Your brain is so fuzzy you can hardly piece together a coherent sentence. “That was so good, Jake.”
            Jake smiles at you and gives you a kiss on the mouth, slow and gentle. You greedily lick your own juices off of his lips, even sucking it off of his tongue. As you kiss, you can feel the head of his cock poking at your entrance. “Sorry,” Jake says blithely, “but I need to fuck you right now.” 
            You nod. “Please.”
            To his credit, he takes his time. He fucks into you slowly and carefully, wanting you to adjust. He’s not long, but he’s girthy and fills you well. He feeds you his cock inch by inch, moving in and out as so not to hurt you. Once you seem at ease, he pushes your thighs up so that your knees touch your breasts and fucks you at a faster pace. After a minute or so of that position, he seemingly gets tired of it, opting to place your legs over his shoulder. This allows him to hit a sweet angle, one that has you moaning.
            He’s fucking you so quickly that your breasts begin to hurt, so you cover them with your hands. Jake swats your fingers with his free hand, the other wrapped around your legs. “Stop that,” he huffs out. “Let your tits bounce.” You let go of your breasts, and he licks his finger to swirl it around your nipples, marveling at their stiffness. He kneads your breasts as he pounds into you with grunts of effort.
            Jake pulls out of you, and the loss causes you to cry out. He grabs you by your shoulders and pulls you around so that your head is lolling over the edge of the armrest. He hovers over you, one hand prying your mouth open. “Need to fuck this mouth of yours. Will you let me, babydoll?”
            You pant out your assent, and he slides his wet cock into your mouth. First you kitten-lick the head, tasting your own hot arousal, then he presses his cock further down, treating your mouth like a pussy. As you gag around his dick, you play with his balls, fondling them with one hand. With the other, you play with your engorged, reddened clit. This doesn’t go unnoticed by him. “You’re amazing,” Jake pants out. “Playing with yourself while you get facefucked.”
            You tap his stomach, and he pulls his cock out, stroking your cheek gently. “All good?” he asks tentatively.
You nod and spit somewhere on his floor before taking him back into your mouth. “So good to me,” Jake praises. “So, so good.” Once he’s done fucking your mouth, he pulls out and his cock on your cheek, almost playfully. Then he pulls you over so that you’re flat on your stomach, your head still hanging over the edge of the couch. He spanks your ass once, twice, then slips his wet, stiff cock into your folds, moaning as he does.
This time, his pace isn’t furious, but moderate. He pulls you up so that your back rests on his chest. He’s on his knees, fucking his cock into you upright. Your hips meet Jake’s, so that you’re bouncing on his dick. He kneads your breast with one hand, the other hand holding your waist. Your lips meet in a sloppy, rushed kiss before he pushes you down and grips your hips. He pounds into you with strangled moans, sounding more animalistic than anything else.
“You like this?” he asks, the question sounding less like dirty talk and more like a desperate need for assurance.
“I like it!” Your voice is tremulous, shaking as he thrusts harder and harder into you.
“That rich prick you were with couldn’t fuck you like this, right?” He punctuates his sentence by pulling out of you before slamming himself back inside with a groan.
You moan loudly, trying to clutch the armrest for support. “No, he couldn’t. He’s nothing like you.”
“That’s right,” Jake says, closing his eyes. “He couldn’t. He couldn’t make you purr like I do.” His thrusts become sloppier and faster, and you slip your hand down so you can rub your clit to chase your own orgasm.
Peals of moans spill from your lips. “I’ve never been fucked like this before, Jake.”
“I thought so.” Jake flips you over so he can enter you from the front, pushing one of your legs to the side. He slides in and out of you with ease, your juices having pooled on the couch. “You need to be fucked like this, don’t you?”
“I need it,” you choke out, your stomach desperately burning. “I need it, Jake.”
As he comes close to orgasm, you can feel his cock twitch inside of you. “Fuck, a girl like you just begs to be treated like this.”
“That’s right,” you babble.
Jake doesn’t talk anymore, instead letting out low grunts as he comes close. Your second orgasm hits you first, and you scream out his name. The tightening of your vaginal walls is enough to bring him to climax, and with a final grunt and a low, “Fuck!” he spills into you. He pulls out of you and weakly rubs his cock to spill his last few spurts of hot cum on your stomach. Then he wearily collapses, leaning back on the opposite side of the couch.
Both of you recover from the heated session, and you gasp for air. After a while, you feel Jake’s hand on yours, and he pulls you onto him. He strokes your hair and kisses both of your cheeks. You wrap your arms around him and rest your cheek on his chest.
“I can’t just let you go,” he murmurs, fingers tangling in your hair. “I’m going to need you again soon.”
You look up at him, surprised. “Again? Soon?”
Jake laughs, his playfulness returning. “We’re going to rest up for a little, and then I’m going to take you again. We need two more rounds, at minimum. What do you say?”
“I say you’re insane,” you reply, any snark momentarily eviscerated by the residual pleasure spreading in your body.
“You like it.”
“Shut up.”
With another laugh, Jake kisses the top of your head. “You’re cute.”
You allow your eyes to flutter shut as you revel in his embrace, taking in Jake’s scent and comfort.
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simverses · 1 year
WFS Beach Converted for Sims 4
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Medieval sim beach bums also want rustic stuff! Sims 2 Creator Nofrena/Wood for Sims knew this, and here is her Beach set converted for Sims 4. It's a huge set, including both items for the beach in Sulani (or Tartosa!) or for a spot with a pond and water where the sims go fishing. In Sulani you can easily place the water items in the water, on other lots, use T.O.O.L.
Oh, and some of it is of course not medieval. But there are a lot of Rustic yearners out there! Death to plastic!
In this set:
Two boat loungers. Equipped with special flexible wood from Sulani! :P (You will see what I mean when they use them :D )
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Functionality like those plastic ones.
Beach Bouy
One beach ball deco to place on land
One beach ball deco to place on water
One deco column, handy for the hammocks if there are no trees nearby.
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Functional rope fence, find in build mode.
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4 different deco net fences in different lengths and heights
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Two Drying Racks with fish (deco)
One Beach Towel with patterns from the set, not really showing all the swatches in play, will fix when figuring that one out.
Beach Towel default replacement - not sure how well it works, take it out if you dont like it or report back to me how it works out! You can have only ONE default replacement, as usual. Towels exist in both cheap and expensive version but looks the same, not sure which one works. Delete them all if they annoy you.
One Beach Divider Screen (Well there you see the towel and how it should look :P)
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One Diving Board, adaptation of the WFS one for Sims 2, works with pools.
One Bucket with Dried Fish (deco)
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One Fish Trap (functional) place on water
One Fish Trap deco version
One Small Round Fountain
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One Big Round Fountain
One Waterfall Fountain
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One functional Beach Hammock for adult and kids (looks better when they just relax..)
One functional Beach Hammock for toddlers
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One Lounge Recliner - German model
One Loveseat - also German model, popular on the southern shores of the Baltic sea :)
Beach recliner made of fishnet
Pool Ladder, rustic model
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Beach Reed - 2 variations. place in ponds and moots
Beach Stones, 5 variations
Sunshades (Parasols) - 2 variations
Water Lilies, 4 variations, a bit smaller than the EA ones
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Boat Bed - to sleep in when you get tired of the sun or if you have to live on the beach (Hey, I know the blanket goes though the wood. Beggars are not chosers. Be happy there is a blanket!)
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Deco boats: Being painted, Upside down, and a normal one.
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End table, which is a leg bend, but works as an end table :P
Ship in Bottle deco
Small deco ship to place on water or land
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Deco Floor Planks, to create walkways on the hot beach sand.
Download WFS Beach set (Curseforge)
Find the other sets here:
WFS Big Barn Add-Ons for Horses (Curseforge)
WFS Big Barn Furniture (Curseforge)
WFS Big Barn Build (Curseforge)
WFS Big Barn Decorative (Curseforge)
WFS Big Barn Extras (Curseforge)
WFS Winery Set (Curseforge)
Download WFS Old West Walls & Floors (Curseforge)
Rustic matching spiral stairs (Curseforge)
Olden stuff for pets (Curseforge)
Happy Winterfest! Reminder: Midsummer is just 6 months away.
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k-hippie · 10 months
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Before the upload of Champignac, let's talk about the CC used in the World ...
Let's face it, there is a little bit more CC used in Champignac than in our other Sims 3 Worlds, because we really wanted to create a French ambiance for a French flavored world :)
Don't worry : except 2 or 3 things, we still use the same creators stuff aka mainly ATS ( Around the Sims 3 ) and Cyclone Sue ( from TSR ) for the build part. And of course, our own stuff which is not huge :D like our Rabbit Holes you may find here on Tumblr ...
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Before any further, the fantastic towers you need to get in order to fully enjoy Champignac come from MTS ( Mod the Sims ) and have been converted from The Sims Medieval by Votenga ( MEDIEVAL TOWERS & BUILDINGS ) you may find there :)
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I hope you'll enjoy discover all these gems in Champignac ;)
our "Stadium" is the Football Club by Norn @ MTS and tumblr
the Junk Yard is based on : Old Art Deco gas station yard by flora2 @ MTS :)
le Marché Bio ( Bio Market ) is based on Farmers Market by efolger997 @ MTS
the Supernatural Tavern is based on Old Tomes bookstore by Vera J @ MTS
the Bistro of Champignac is based on Rattlesnake Juice by bellakenobi @ MTS
the Vampire Lounge is fully based on Pastor John's Church by Diwtay @ MTS
the beautiful City Hall of Champignac is a simplified version of a community lot by Jeanpass ( here on tumblr )
the Museum of Champignac we named : Villa Medicis is a creation of Petalbot ( Palazzo Venezia )
Let's talk now about the CC ...
As you already know ;) ATS made a lot of French stuff for the Sims 3. In fact, it's even THE Place to find everything you need to create a French flavored World :D so, here everything we used in Champignac
Set Exhibition & Museum Shop
Book - laying | Livre - couché Panel | Panneau Information panel | Panneau d'informations Label - standing | Informations Posters - rolls | Posters - rouleaux
Set Eco Café
High Stool | Tabouret de bar Tree Guard | Protection pour arbre Bar | Bar Counter | Comptoir Counter Island | Ilôt
Set Grocery - Fresh product displays - add-ons
Market display | Présentoir de marché Asian fruits | Fruits d'Asie Market display | Présentoir de marché Asian vegetables | Légumes d'Asie Market display | Présentoir de marché Autumn crops | Récolte d'automne Market display | Présentoir de marché Empty | Vide
Set Bakery Shop Part 2
Baguettes Display | Baguettes Baguette | Baguette Bread | Pain Shelf | Etagère
Set Bistrot Part 2
Price List | Tarifs des consommations Wall Menu | Menu Shelf | Etagère
Set City Urban Objects
Community Trash Can | Poubelle Communautaire Mail box (decorative) | Boîte aux lettres Phone Cabin (mirror) | Cabine téléphonique
Set City Newspapers Kiosque
Magazine Wall Rack | Stand de magazines mural Magazine Rack | Stand de magazines Newspaper Stand | Stand de journaux Newspapers Stand | Stand de journaux Stack of Newspapers | Pile de journaux Magazine - Arts | Magazine - Arts Magazine - House | Magazine - Maison
Set Beach Activity Add-ons
Beach cabin | Cabine de plage (Decorative | Décor) Beach cabin | Cabine de plage (Toilets | Toilettes)
Set Uglify your Town
Concrete bench | Banc en béton Park bench | Banc de parc
Set Canal Locks
Canal / Street Light | Lampadaire Canal / Box of books | Coffre de livres Canal / Box of artwork | Coffre d'art Canal / Counter | Comptoir Canal / Stand Canal / Bollard Canal / Fence | Barrière Canal / Gate | Portillon
Set Church : ALL Items
Set The Dailies Café : Coffee Bar | Bar à café University Set Gardening Shop : Painted Crate | Cageot peint
Set Scuba diving & Surf Club : Surf board | Planche de surf
Set Electric Scooters : ALL Items
Set Misc Vehicles : Scooter with slot
Set Bakery 4to3 : Baking Pan - Bread | Moule - Pain/Cake + Bread | Pain
Sims 4 to 3 - City Living Landmarks #2 : Telephone pole | Poteau téléphonique x 2
Set Chocolate & Tea Shop : Chocolate Box | Boîte de chocolats ( ATS3-object-chocolatier-chocolatebox-heart-open )
In theory, all those items are .sims3pack files and should be encapsulated in the different lots. Anyway, we shall provide a folder with the .package files we used, just in case ;)
As said in the Road Map previous post, the tech-hippie website is already online and running fine. And the Sims 3 Lounge is mostly back too :) oh ! and Champignac will be uploaded later into the night or tomorrow maximum ...
Welcome in France :D
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echoweaver · 1 year
15 Questions from Mutuals
@oasislandingresident, @hazely-sims, @danjaley, @anamoon63, and @olomayasims tagged me in this meme. This is the first time I’ve been able to actually do it! Thanks. I feel loved. It feels good to be included.
​ Are you named after anyone? My great-grandmother, father’s father’s mother. She and my great-grandfather were immigrants from Hungary. I have have a picture of her holding me as an infant. I’m sorry I didn’t get to know her.
When was the last time you cried? I cry all the dang time. I find it more notable when I haven’t cried recently -- when putting our cats down, despite me being the one person in the family who was tracking their health in detail and really worrying about their quality of life. I’m also the one who made the call and coordinated the final vet visit. There’s stuff in there about my personality that I’m pondering.
I guess the last time I really cried it out was over gender politics, if you would believe it. My wife is trans. The horrible state of conservative oppression toward trans people right now is terrifying. OTOH, I think that enemy has led trans advocacy to be less nuanced rather than more. The complex landscape of gender, sex, and safety is often trivialized, and people get hurt. When I can’t jump on the bandwagon, I feel like a traitor to my wife. I wish there could be more thoughtfulness and compassion and nuance, but with the wave of vicious anti-trans laws and rhetoric, I appreciate why it doesn’t feel like there’s space for it.
Do you have kids? One bio-daughter, age 12. We wanted to have another and couldn’t. Then we tried to adopt from foster care, which ended up being a miserable 5-year rabbithole that led nowhere. OTOH, we have a found-daughter who entered our life through the side door as our girl’s babysitter when she was young. It’s an odd family, and we’re still figuring it out, but it’s ours.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think of myself as fairly snarky, but actually sarcasm not that much.
What sports do you play/have you played? I got into really physical stuff late-ish, close to 30. I got into weight-lifting and cardio rhythm games. No team stuff. Later, I took up figure skating when my kid was 4 and taking lessons. I love it. I think I could have been really good if I’d found it when I was younger, but I’m very YOLO about this stuff. If I’m going to be a figure skater in middle age, so be it. Convenient classes for adults were canceled during the pandemic, though, and I haven’t built up the momentum to return. I’m settling for a lower-hanging fruit at the moment and taking up Tai Chi.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? I don’t know exactly what it is, but I get a sense of how easy it is to relax around someone.
Scary movies or happy endings? Those aren’t mutually exclusive. I like being scared, but not so much the jump-scare, blood-and-gore way. Definitely happy endings though. I’m only much into dark endings when my life is stress-free, and I don’t remember when that last happened.
Any special talents? I’m good at looking at a problem from all angles. I think this is objectively a good thing, but it’s also a pain in the butt because I can’t turn it off.
Where were you born? New Jersey, USA. Grew up in Indiana, just north of Indianapolis.
What are your hobbies? Dur. I knit, edit movies, mod video games, write fiction (sims and other), scuba dive, play board games, downhill ski, do amateur carpentry. I did some glassblowing in my 20s, and I’m finally getting a chance to take lessons! I do not specialize well. I also played the viola as a serious amateur. I bought a guitar and am going to try to learn to play so that I can sing and accompany myself.
Do you have any pets? One cat, down from 3 cats. Also one corn snake.
How tall are you? 5′4″ or 162 cm.
Fave subject in school? History, I think?
Dream job? I’m not sure all the stuff I’d want to do in a career can be digested down to 1 job. I’m pretty close to it at the moment, though. I write educational software on a small very family-like team at a university. Sometimes I fantasize about quitting and doing something with game modding that could somehow be profitable, but I’m sure if that were actually possible, I’d end up hating it because my hobby would then be my job.
Eye color? I have the exact eye color @zosa95 described in her reply to this meme.
It feels good to be tagged, but I still have this weirdo anxiety about tagging people. Plus this has mostly made the rounds. I’ll try @withlovefromayre, @declaration-of-dramas
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thesims4blogger · 9 months
EA Announces Two New Kits Coming September 7th
After various leaks these past few days, EA has officially announced two new kits for The Sims 4: Poolside Splash Kit and Modern Luxe Kit.
The first one is for Create a Sim items and, as the name suggests, brings an assortment of clothes in the swimwear category and also accessories that go with them.
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As for the second one, Maxis has partnered up with simmer and creator @XureilaYT for items that “celebrate hard work with new elegant furniture that says ‘I made it'”, as they say on social media.
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Below, you’ll find both the announcement tweet and the community blog. Both kits come out this Thursday, September 7th.
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Sul Sul Simmers! It’s time to turn heads with your most vibrant looks – both indoors and outdoors! From bright and playful swimwear designs to luxurious modern furniture, create the very best ensembles and spaces that make a statement this season in The Sims™ 4! With The Sims 4 Poolside Splash and Modern Luxe Kits, players can style their Sims for a day strutting their stuff at the pool and design a luxurious bedroom for an evening of relaxation in comfortable elegance.
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Become the Life of the Pool Party
The Sims 4 Poolside Splash Kit empowers Sims to turn heads at the pool with bright and playful swimwear that compliments a variety of skin tones and body types.
Dive into the plethora of patterns, colors and trendy cuts of this collection that celebrate your Sim’s unique style. Whether your Sim is looking to get flirty in the hot tub or be the life of the party by the pool, these lively looks will surely make your Sim stand out. Sims can even dip their toes into the world of aquatic accessories, perfecting their poolside ensemble with stylish shades, rainbow nails, sandals, fabulous floaties and more. Mix and match all of these pieces for dazzling results that indulge in your sense of fun as you bask in the sun.
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Live in the Luxury Your Sims Deserve
It’s time to sit back and treat your Sim to a life of luxury. They’ve worked hard and it’s time to celebrate how far they’ve come. With The Sims 4 Modern Luxe Kit, your Sim can say “I made it,” through elegant art, sophisticated décor and cushy comfort. Leave frugality in the past and showcase your Sims’ signs of success.
Embrace your creative side and design a stylish and inviting space filled to the brim with high-end pieces like TV’s disguised as wall art, designer handbags, sculptures and a functional record player.
Xureila collaborated with our developers and art director to create this Kit. “This entire experience has been amazing! I really enjoyed working with The Sims team,” said Xureila. “From my vision board of the design to choosing the style and colors of the furniture, it was surreal seeing my ideas come to life. This is truly a dream come true! I drew inspiration from Black artists who showcased the luxurious lifestyle of Black individuals. This ultimately served as the primary influence for the project. I mixed in my own personal tastes and interests to create the final product.”
As your Sims relax in their space, wind down the evening in a state of bedroom bliss. With a lavish bed and tufted headboard, vanity, plush rug and other decadent details, discover that an evening in has never felt so good.
The Sims 4 Poolside Splash and Modern Luxe Kits will be available on September 7, 2023 on PC via EA app™, Mac® via Origin, Epic Games Store and Steam®, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One systems.
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marshalcharge · 6 months
sims 4 is trying to gaslight me that there were never diving boards in this game
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mmoutfitters · 2 years
Hi, hope your doing well! Was wondering if you had any suggestions for middle eastern looks? Thanks ❤️
hi! thank you, and hope the same for you. i was able to find some resources that might help here!
- @thesims4middleeastsouthasia blog has a ton of middle eastern cc over at their blog. - @aanhamdan93 makes middle eastern inspired CC and reblogs a bunch of helpful stuff. - @moonchildlovesthenight makes some great Muslim content, including swimwear, prayer clothes and some abayas. - this 'sims 4 middle eastern cc' pinterest board has a lot of really great resources. - this pinterest board has some good Egyptian cc. - @hijabisimsresource also has a ton of helpful resources. - this reddit post has some helpful links. - theres a lovely dress on tsr here. - some great quality turbans here. - a great Muslim and modest recolor set here. - i also recommend checking out the cc finds tags: mmoutfitters - hijabs, turbans mmfinds - cultural/religious , muslim inspired lookbook - some lookbooks here: emmastillsims | lasummerb (minimal cc) | sims4wcif muslim prompt | 070897 |
- not really a suggestion for a look, but @crazy-lazy-elder-sims​ has two posts (part 1 | part 2) that really dive deep into how to create Muslim sims, including the different types and expectations in terms of appearance. highly recommend giving this a read. they also take asks and can help find items, so i would definitely head over there.
hopefully these all help you or at least is a good starting point :)  *i am not of middle eastern descent, and my response to this prompt is based purely on research. please let me know if anything is incorrect and i will gladly adjust!*
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ohsercndipity · 1 year
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i haven’t made a playlist but here’s some songs: not another rock star by maisie peters. big fun from heathers: the musical. colors by ava maybee. la vie boheme from rent. come on loretta by trixie mattel. revenge party from mean girls: the musical. what i want by muna. revolting children from matilda: the musical. don’t feel like crying by sigrid. join us (and die) from the guy who didn’t like musicals. breadwinner by kacey musgraves. pinterest.
basic information.
name: shiloh iris brown
nicknames: are ...... are there any nicknames for shiloh ??? (sister calls her shib)
birthday: march 1st
age: 18
hometown: concord, massachusetts 
birthplace: concord, massachusetts
religion: her mom is ex-mormon and her dad isn’t really religious so ... somewhere in the middle there 
ethnicity: white
nationality: american
major: performing arts 💀 
job/extracurriculars: student, part time server at sugar and dice board games cafe, essex student theatre company 
relationship status: single ass
social class: middle
physical characteristics.
height: 5′1″
eyes: baby blues!
hair: light brown
build: short ass
distinguishing marks: lil heart outline tattoo on her hip
notable features: freckles !!!! big baby blues !!!! pinchable cheeks !!!!!
physical disabilities: na
allergies: no allergies but is a vegetarian (cried watching chicken run, swore off meat afterwards) but is not very strict about it
personality & behaviour.
hobbies: singing in the shower, reading (sometimes she thinks she wishes she could add her ao3 reads to her goodreads reading goals and then remembers people can see that), playing piano, instagram deep diving people she’s just met and may never see again, crying, playing with make up, sims 4 <3, procrastinating, journalling
likes: being colourful and playful with her self expression, musicals, bad memes (is such a fan of the megamind no bitches?? meme), crying, escaping to a lil fantasy world through books or movies or shows or music, boba, fun animals (frogs and cows are the top tier), meeting new people, sleepovers that involve nail painting and hair braiding, being all cuddled up in bed like a little burrito, a fun mug
dislikes: deadlines, school work, being belittled/ridiculed/dismissed because of her interests, plain black coffee, she’s a pickle hater she’s ordering her burger without pickles sorry, people acknowledging that she has a journal
positive traits: creative, excitable, friendly, loyal, empathetic, gentle, trusting
negative traits: emotional, impatient, obsessive, dramatic, clumsy, indulgent
share 5 fun facts about your character.
has a little sister named anwen but anwen much more behaves like the older sister than shiloh. the two are very close, as are her whole immediate family. they share two pet rats named freddy and daphne (freddy for freddy kruger named by anwen and daphne for daphne blake named by shiloh, they are both girls for the record) and shiloh is very worried about anwen’s ability to look after them without her even though anwen has always been more the owner than shiloh. 
is such a girl that’s gonna wear her pink crocs with bubble tea and star jibblets anywhere she possibly can. she’s squeakin her way across campus to class in those dumbass shoes 
a musical theatre girly .......................... she’s thriving leave her alone 
can drive technically, she rear ended her dad’s car when she was 17 and has not wanted to drive since (nor have her parents been really itching to let her)
you need to tell her exactly when she needs to be somewhere because if she has a whole day to get ready for something its going to take her all day. if she’s not told an exact time to be somewhere, she’s going to be late. she likes the getting ready process why would she rush it !!! she wants to try out three different eye shadow looks !!! and paint her nails !!! and do her hair several different ways !!!
where does your character live.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
pst hey mei idk if you know but it’s actually hard for sims to drown in the sims 4 unless they’re super duper tired and you forget to make them stop swimming or you deliberately trap them in the pool with fences. or if they have a bad scuba experience (pardon i forget if that’s ts3 or ts4).
in older sims games (i think up to 2?) if you deleted the ladder from the pool after your sim got in or forgot one and had like a diving board, your sim wouldn’t be able to get out and they’d drown. but then they made it so you didn’t need ladders to get in and out of pools.
OH good to know!!!! rn i'm building a house that doesn't have space for a water feature but thank you sm for the info, i'll definitely use water in a few things i have planned next so i'm glad you let me know! <3
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veekruger-blog · 1 year
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✨ Building Dreams in the Sims ✨ Dive into a world of endless creativity and architectural wonders with my favorite Sims 4 builds. From cozy cottages to modern marvels, this mood board showcases the beauty and imagination of Sim life. Join me on this journey as we unlock new horizons and inspire each other! 🏡💜✨
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plasmabuilds · 1 year
A Beginners' Guide to Building: Part One
Hello everyone! EA’s recent decision to release the Sims 4 base game as free to play has introduced the game to a variety of players new to the game, or even the Sims franchise as a whole. The Sims 4 was my first Sims game when it was released on Mac in 2014 (almost a decade ago!). While playing dolls with my little pixel people was my preferred gameplay when I first started playing, over the years I’ve become a passionate builder within the game and even consider myself pretty good at it. On this blog I’ll be making a series of posts detailing my personal method for building in the game! Though, there is no one “right” way to play the game—the Sims is a game all about boundless fun and creativity—and this guide seeks to offer optional tips for those who want to develop their skills at building.
This post will delve into designing the basics of a home in the Sims, and how to make those homes seem more realistic.
Any builder will tell you that using references is a surefire way for new builders to improve their craft, and I won't tell you any different! Platforms like Pinterest and sometimes Unsplash are great tools for finding references and inspiration for your builds. I myself have Pinterest boards organized by both World and Neighborhood, all with a variety of architectural styles so all my neighborhoods feel unique.
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(This much planning and preparation isn’t necessary, but I definitely enjoy it!)
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('A Beautiful Home in North Carolina' by Zac Gudakov on Unsplash and Untitled Image by Todd Kent on Unsplash)
While homes like these might look intimidating to replicate for newer builders, it becomes a lot less complicated when you break the build down into distinct shapes. A Central Box with a handful of pop-outs, or additional boxes.
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I know the box method is one that popular simmers like Lilsimsie often encourage, and I don’t disagree! It encourages new builders to think logically about where and why you’re placing your boxes where they are, something we’ll delve further into when we talk about interiors.
Lastly, let's talk about roofs. Roofs are hands down the thing I found most tricky when first starting my building journey. A roof being slightly too tall, too short or too wide is enough to throw the whole look of your house off. But just like our Box method, it’s helpful to think of your roofs as having one Main Roof, with a handful of adjacent Minor Roofs atop your pop-outs.
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This is part of where being logical about where you place your pop-outs are important—a strange pop-out is going to create a strange roof.
These are just some tips I keep in mind when I’m building, although there’s so many different methods that can produce great results for your game! In my next post I’ll be diving into developing a great interior floor plan for your sims’ homes.
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double-croche1 · 1 year
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Voilà notre classement totalement subjectif des 25 albums qu’on a préférés en 2022 ! 💿✨ 1. Warpaint - Radiate Like This Interview : https://bit.ly/3nBmWac 2. Oliver Sim - Hideous Bastard Interview : https://bit.ly/3I0WXV1 3. Drugdealer - Hiding in Plain Sight Interview : https://bit.ly/3BYLscD 4. Weyes Blood - And in the Darkness, Hearts Aglow 5. Jenny Hval - Classic Objects Interview : https://bit.ly/3NCAaOf 6. Beach House - Once Twice Melody 7. Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You 8. Angel Olsen - Big Time 9. Cate Le Bon - Pompeii 10. Sharon Van Etten - We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong Interview : https://bit.ly/3OWuUpU 11. Tim Bernardes - Mil Coisas Invisíveis 12. The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention 13. Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia 14. Nilüfer Yanya - Painless Interview : https://bit.ly/3FYTKCA 15. Melody’s Echo Chamber - Emotional Eternal Interview : https://bit.ly/3WrDBwE 16. Obongjayar - Some Nights I Dream of Doors 17. Marci - Marci Interview : https://bit.ly/3Giarui 18. Aldous Harding - Warm Chris 19. Alvvays - Blue Rev 20. Arctic Monkeys - The Car 21. Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork Interview : https://bit.ly/3C3J84k 22. Porridge Radio - Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky Interview : https://bit.ly/3C5EUcy 23. Desire - Escape Interview : https://bit.ly/3FZ3TPR 24. Black Country, New Road - Ants from Up There Interview : https://bit.ly/3nGbTfD 25. Whitney - SPARK Interview : https://bit.ly/3vjEwmY
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shnahas · 2 years
The sims 4 skidrow latest
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#The sims 4 skidrow latest how to
#The sims 4 skidrow latest cracked
#The sims 4 skidrow latest windows 10
#The sims 4 skidrow latest software
#The sims 4 skidrow latest Pc
Meet, Mingle, and Explore – How your Sim embraces college life is up to them. Stay Classy – Sims enroll in the University that piques their interest, finding classes in biology, computer science, art history, and even villainy. Live in a dorm room or off-campus, explore on a bicycle, and spend time in the student commons.
#The sims 4 skidrow latest software
Support the software developers.Settle into School – Welcome to Britechester! Begin a new chapter for your Sim when they enroll in the historical University of Britechester or modern Foxbury Institute.
#The sims 4 skidrow latest cracked
Copy the cracked contents of the / CODEX folder on the image to your game installation folder.Burn or link the image with Virtual CloneDrive.PROCESSOR: AMD core i5 or faster, AMD Athlon X4 VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 or.Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10.Supported video cards: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or VIDEO: 128 MB video RAM and Pixel Shader 3.0 support.HARD DRIVE: Minimum 15 GB space with at least 1 GB extra space for personal content and saved.necessary)Z RAM: minimum 4 GB RAM DISK DRIVE: DVD-ROM drive required for installation only.graphics drives on board, 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0 GHz AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-62 or equivalent.CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 Dual-Core 4000+ or ​​equivalent (for computers using.
#The sims 4 skidrow latest windows 10
Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
The evergreen port has become a chimney and a frustrating area to survive.
environment, which is immediately found with your movements.
Changing the environment in sims: all these new features can have an effective effect on the.
The Sims can also choose to collect their
solar panels Falling apart takes on a whole new meaning.
Little Sims can choose alternative energy sources in The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle, from wind turbines to.
Something we already knew would come, but now we have more details.
Solar panels, wind turbines, and own power supply: The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle is an extension of solar.
Was it nothing at all? This was confirmed as part of the expansion of The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle.
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Whoohoo Container: Woohoo The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle PC Download Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Expansion Containers.
Make like Darkest Dungeon Ancestral Edition PC Game Crack freeload2021. Grow agricultural products in the vertical garden or buy diving equipment at the landfill. Three words: reduction, reuse, recycling. Then notice the changes in the environment. Work with a colleague to start a water project or create a wind turbine to power your community. Experience the changes you are making in Evergreen Harbor with The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Crack. Let them continue their careers and hone their skills. Create your perfect home by choosing your favorite design and decoration options. Customize the look and personality of your Sim. The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle PC Game CrackEnjoy the power to create and control people in the virtual world with The Sims ™ 4. Study hard, sleep in and the school mascot of high school – just keep the grades high The Sims4 EcoLifestyle PC Game freeload: Discover robotics and table tennis, and get into a bit of trouble against the competitive school. Take classes that enable your Sims to achieve technology, education, or legal success. Save the books and show your school spirit in The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack, where Sims enroll in school, discover peer experiences, and enjoy extracurricular activities. And as you rummage around the trash cans, you can gather supplies for crafts and even new clothes and furniture. The new profession of construction engineer will help improve life. The game features solar panels, wind turbines, vertical gardens, and even dew collection devices.
#The sims 4 skidrow latest how to
To make life better, they will have to learn how to use, manage and recycle waste. It depends on the actions of Evergreen Harbor residents whether the air above will be littered with smog and whether the streets are littered. For example, to examine rubbish bins, because many things that are thrown there can be reused. Heroes need to rebuild their lives and learn how to use their resources more rationally. Sims moving to the new Evergreen Harbor region can choose from three cities Grims Quarry, Conifer Station, and Port Promis. Develop a water purification project with like-minded people, or build wind turbines and supply all neighbors with electricity. Transform yourself and change Evergreen Harbor. The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Crack is the ninth addition to The Sims 4.
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fantasticvewor · 2 years
Sims 3 world adventures free mac
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#Sims 3 world adventures free mac for free
#Sims 3 world adventures free mac Pc
#Sims 3 world adventures free mac series
You can travel to France, Egypt as well as China which are produced on a smaller simplified level for the purpose of this expansion.
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Tutorial: Sims 3 Complete Collection Download for Free & Play
#Sims 3 world adventures free mac Pc
You can get Sims 4 freeload for PC here and the tutorial video for it is given here Sims 4 freeload. (Includes all expansions, addons and updates)
#Sims 3 world adventures free mac series
This is the first pack in the series to have worlds fully based on real life countries.Use This link for Downloading Sims 3 Complete Collection freeload for PC.World Adventures is the last The Sims pack of the 2000s decade.Get $10 worth of free SimPoints for The Sims 3 Store (1000 SimPoints).Information about the game appeared on both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 websites after this. The game was officially announced on Augat a press release for Electronic Arts. The first hint of this expansion pack showed up on a French gaming site in March 2009, under the title Les Sims 3 Destination Adventure. The announcement and release of World Adventures confirmed speculation that expansion packs would be released after The Sims 3, as its predecessors The Sims and The Sims 2 had numerous expansion packs. You can find ancient coins while exploring a tomb. There is also a special merchant, a Sim who sells exclusive items for ancient coins. This will give you all types of things, even Pangu's Axe and the Eye of Horus. Also, to attain the items you buy at stores in Egypt, China, and France, you can type testingcheatsenabled true into the cheats console, then type in buydebug.There are five kinds of markets, dictated by corresponding registers: There are markets and merchants in each location. They are like normal houses, with a cash desk, and with an inventory of objects to sell. Stores are not rabbit holes in the destinations. This store sells Showers-in-a-Can which can be seen behind the cash register These new locations are the same size as the neighborhoods of Sunset Valley and Riverview, and their designs are based on the countries of China, France, and Egypt, respectively. Sims are able to vacation in new locations: Shang Simla, Champs Les Sims and Al Simhara. New Cheat Code: buyDebug (requires testingcheatsenabled true).A new basement tool which makes them easier to build.More architectural items, such as stairs and fences, are now fully customisable in Create a Style.Music by artists in Simlish: Nelly Furtado – “Manos al Aire”, Pixie Lott – “Mama Do”, Stefanie Heinzmann – “No One Can Change My Mind”, Matt & Kim – “Daylight”, Young Punx – “Juice and Gin”.New Lifetime Wishes: Bottomless Necter Cellar, Great Explorer, Martial Arts Master, Physical Perfection, Private Museum, Seasoned Traveler, Visionary and World Class Gallery.New Lot assignments: Academy, Base camp, Chinese garden, Hidden tomb, Market, Nectary, Small market and Tomb.There are also hidden cultural traits that Sims can only get (such as a Sim eating with chopsticks) by having a child with a native from a certain country. New traits: Adventurous, Disciplined and Photographer's Eye.New Skills: Martial Arts, Nectar Making and Photography.New Plants including new species of grapes and Fish (frogs, snails, and crocodiles ).Collectibles: 12 new gems, 8 new metals, 6 new butterflies, 3 new beetles.New Pagoda roof styles and decorations.New gameplay objects: board breaker, cameras, cash registers, dive wells, dried food, eyes of horus, fortune cookie maker, incenses, movable statues, nectar maker, nectar racks, Pangus axe, relics, sarcophagi, shower in a can, snake charming basket, switches, tents, traps, treasure chests.Various new items relating to the 3 destinations: China, France, and Egypt:.New game-play features such as puzzles and traps and choices that may change the appearance of the countries for good.Accept challenges, find relics, discover what’s lurking in tombs and more.Meet new Sims from exotic locations, inherit and share their cultures.Explore famous landmarks in pastiche countries such as China, Egypt, and France, each neighbourhood roughly the same size as Sunset Valley.Adventure is on the horizon - what will your Sims discover? Game Features Explore ancient tombs in the pyramids of Egypt, master martial arts in the Far East, and discover rich culture and famous landmarks of France. Uncover new skills, experience new personality traits and garner rewards, if your Sims succeed. Take your Sims to exotic destinations to hunt for hidden treasures. Guide your Sims to acclaimed fortune-or potential doom. Take your Sims on the adventure of their lives with The Sims 3 World Adventures.
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