#sim: odin crosby
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Highlights (well... marginally notable moments) from David and Ruby's Snowflake Day Gift-Giving Party:
Trigger Broke, Buck Broke, and Odin Crosby developing an unhealthy fixation on Eloise, Ruby and David's middle child, booing and heckling her whenever she appeared in their field of vision. It was hate at first sight for these freaks and the why of it remains a mystery.
Evan and his, er, nephew, Adrian Ivanov, befriending each other immediately and being inseparable throughout the party
Emmaline being such a PITA with respect to routing/being in everyone's way that I sent her out to rake leaves in the backyard (and I'd do it again, too), then, uh, sort of forgot about her? until she stormed back in to use the facilities. Once she was through, I sent her back out to the yard to dispose of all the leaf piles. On a positive note, the backyard looks so much better now. We're all ready for Spring!
David having to Ask Everyone to Leave in order to end the party at 1:30 in the morning because Snowflake Day occurred on a Wednesday/a school night; more importantly, because none of those assclowns would LEAVE without that kind of, ah, encouragement.
Mags Newbie refusing to die even though she's 1000 years old, but insisting on smelling the place up with her poor hygiene until I snapped and resetSim'd her tf out of there
Pics below.
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Gross, guys! Leave her alone!
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(Fortunately, Dimitri is in the backyard. Nonetheless, I had Ruby convince Diphda to go flirt with Dimitri, then had Ruby engage Odin in conversation. Crisis averted.)
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Seriously, Odin, ENOUGH. She's a child!
Mags Newbie, shown at left in her heinous ITF "formalwear," is complaining that someone is in her way because she wants to go upstairs to leave a plate of shitty onion rings on one of the desks there, the available kitchen counters by now being covered in everyone else's shitty party foods that I really wish they would just not bring.
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I didn't get a picture of it, but poor Evan wound up having to sleep in the treehouse in the backyard, because the other obsession Odin Crosby developed was with the music box in Evan's room, and Odin dragged his best buddy Trigger Broke into that room with him, in order to better block the door to Evan's room. 😠😡😠
Incidentally, this has been my Supernatural playstyle progression over the years:
Initially: All occults enabled
After every original townie dipshit in Sunset Valley was, through the dark magic of werewolfery and vampiredom, still alive while I was starting the fourth generation of my legacy family: "Fuck werewolves, fuck vampires, let's only have witches and fairies from now on."
After being constantly annoyed by the music obsession of the fairies, that is, currently: "Witches only, bitches."
Anyway, I have got to remember to lock everyone's bedroom doors before inviting these monsters over again... if I ever invite them over again.
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expirisims · 3 years
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Odin and Heather Crosby are a young newlywed couple from Riverview.  According to their bio, they may not be well matched so it will be interesting to see how their marriage weathers the playthrough, there will be plenty of temptation with all of the commitment phobe and romance sims roaming around the city.  They will begin the playthrough with a combined income of 6,679 Simoleons.
Odin: S = 4,520; Vehicle = Extravegator 5000
Heather: S = 2,159; Vehicle = Big Lemmon
*Poses are from @bmit04
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